1,676 research outputs found

    Spatial Sorting: Why New York, Los Angeles and DetroitAttract the Greatest Minds as well as the Unskilled

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    We propose a theory of skill mobility across cities. It predicts the well documented city size-wage premium: the wage distribution in large cities first-order stochastically dominates that in small cities. Yet, because this premium is reflected in higher house prices, this does not necessarily imply that this stochastic dominance relation also exists in the distribution of skills. Instead, we find there is second-order stochastic dominance in the skill distribution. The demand for skills is non-monotonic as our model predicts a “Sinatra” as well as an “Eminem” effect: both the very high and the very low skilled disproportionately sort into the biggest cities, while those with medium skill levels sort into small cities. The pattern of spatial sorting is explained by a technology with a varying elasticity of substitution that is decreasing in skill density. Using CPS data on wages and Census data on house prices, we find that this technology is consistent with the observed patterns of skills.matching theory, sorting, general equilibrium, population dynamics, cities, wage distribution


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    Este artigo propõe uma leitura intertextual entre a obra do poeta brasileiro Augusto dos Anjos e alguns textos selecionados da filosofia existencialista do século XX. O tema da dor como instância ontológica de manifestação do indivíduo e sua repercussão na praxis vital decorrente da perspectiva fenomenológica-existencialista aproxima o poeta brasileiro da obra de Jean-Paul Sartre. A noção do absurdo em Dos Anjos consubstancia a ideia da miséria da condição humano frente ao outro e corrobora com a percepção sartreana do nada como auto-reflexividade da consciência

    Augusto dos Anjos : poetry, pain and heightened awareness of being

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    This article attempts at an intertextual reading of Brazilian poet Augusto dos Anjos together with selected texts of twentieth-century existential philosophy. The theme of pain as an ontological ground of individual manifestation and its conformity with the vital praxis described in existential phenomenology corroborates the possibilities of intertextuality among the works of Jean-Paul Sartre and dos Anjos. The notion of the misery of human condition face to face with the other brings both writers together under the concept of nothingness as the self-reflexivity of consciousness.este artigo propõe uma leitura intertextual entre a obra do poeta brasileiro Augusto dos Anjos e alguns textos selecionados da filosofia existencialista do século XX. O tema da dor como instância ontológica de manifestação do indivíduo e sua repercussão na praxis vital decorrente da perspectiva fenomenológica-existencialista aproxima o poeta brasileiro da obra de Jean-Paul Sartre. A noção do absurdo em Dos Anjos consubstancia a ideia da miséria da condição humano frente ao outro e corrobora com a percepção sartreana do nada como auto-reflexividade da consciência

    Hagiwara Sakutarô, Buddhist realism, and the establishment of japanese modern poetry

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    This article approaches the works of poet Hagiwara Sakutarô (1886-1942) from a comparative perspective that engages philosophy and literature. The philosophical dimension of Sakutarô’s poetry is analyzed by means of inter-textual readings that draw on the tradition of Buddhist epistemology and on the texts of logicians Dignāga and Dharmakīrti (5th century). The comparative analysis is considered under the perspective of the influence of Naturalism and the use of description in the emergence of Japanese modern poetry. Pointing to the possibility of a Buddhist realism that shares some common characteristics with Naturalism, the article emphasizes the Buddhist dimension of Sakutarô’s poetry, which appears in spite of the poet’s turn to Western philosophy (notably to Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and Kant), as well as to his overt rejection of Buddhism as a necessary step to the modernization of the Japanese letters.Este artigo aborda a obra do poeta Hagiwara Sakutarô (1886-1942) a partir de uma perspectiva comparativa que engaja filosofia e literatura. A dimensão filosófica da poesia de Sakutarô é analisada por meio de uma leitura intertextual entre a obra do poeta japonês e a epistemologia budista presente nos textos em sânscrito dos filósofos Dignāga and Dharmakīrti (século V). Essa análise comparativa é efetuada sob a perspectiva da influência do naturalismo europeu no surgimento da poesia japonesa moderna. Demonstrando a possibilidade de um realismo budista que compartilha importantes características estéticas com o naturalismo, o artigo enfatiza a dimensão budista da poesia de Sakutarô, a qual se desvela apesar da rejeição ao budismo operada pelo próprio poeta como passo necessário para o estabelecimento da modernidade nas letras japonesas

    Estudo de um sistema de distribuição e análise de mercado e fluxos de rede: o caso SIAM

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção.A distribuição e o armazenamento formam o bloco mais visível do setor de Logística. No estudo da distribuição de produtos, dentro de um mercado cada vez mais competitivo, torna-se vital buscar o apoio da técnica para eliminar-se o empirismo e os desperdícios decorrentes de uma operação fortemente influenciada por paradigmas e por sentimentos subjetivos. O segmento da indústria que faz a distribuição de combustíveis no Brasil desenvolveu junto à universidade um sistema de apoio à decisão utilizando técnicas de fluxos em rede e técnicas de economia de mercados. O objetivo deste trabalho é a análise da funcionalidade deste sistema e a avaliação dos resultados gerados através de diversas simulações. Na revisão bibliográfica são apresentados os principais modelos de distribuição e os principais modelos econômicos. Estes modelos são comentados e analisados comparando-se resultados obtidos a partir de exemplos numéricos. Foi feita uma descrição simplificada do mencionado sistema, chamado SIAM, citando suas principais funções e particularidades, as entradas de informações e saída de resultados. Utilizando-se o sistema, foram processados diversos casos e analisados os resultados avaliando-se sua eficácia não só como ferramenta de apoio à decisão, mas também como ferramenta de gestão operacional. Após as conclusões sobre o sistema e algumas recomendações, foi acrescentado um apêndice com algumas sugestões de melhorias para as telas do SIAM

    Reactivation history of the Carajas and Cinzento strike-slip systems, Amazon, Brazil.

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    The Carajás-Cinzento fault system is centred within the Itacaiunas Shear Zone, the northern tectonic margin of the Archaean Sul do Pará Granite Greenstone Terrain of the Amazonian Craton, Brazil. The regional tectonostratigraphy can be subdivided based on the geological relationship of units to the main phase of ductile movements along the Itacaiúnas Shear Zone. A Basement Assemblage includes an older group of orthogneisses, migmatites, and granitic to dioritic plutons (Xingu Complex) and a later volcano-sedimentary sequence of ironstones, quartzites. amphibolites and schists (Igarapé Salobo Group). Intense ductile shearing and high grade metamorphism along the Itacaiúnas Shear Zone has led to widespread tectonic interleaving of the gneisses and volcano-sedimentary rocks and has obliterated all traces of the original unconformity between these units. A Cover Assemblage is represented by very low-grade volcanic and sedimentary rocks that are inferred to rest unconformably on the Basement Assemblage rocks deformed within the Itacaiúnas Shear Zone. Older clastic, volcanic and ironstone sequences (Igarapé Pojuca & Grao Pará Groups; ca.2.7 Ga) are overlain by a sequence of shallow-water marine to fluvial clastic deposits (Águas Claras Formation). Both Cover and Basement assemblages are intruded by ca.1.8 Ga A-type granitic plutons and basic dykes. All units are unconformably overlain by a thin, localised sequence of polymictic conglomerates (? Gorotire Formation).During the formation of the upper amphibolite facies within the Itacaiúnas Shear Zone, sub-vertical mylonitic fabrics, generally E-W-trending, were variably developed in the Basement Assemblage rocks. They preserve widespread sinistrally transpressional kinematic indicators. Radiometric dating suggests that the metamorphism and deformation in the shear zones occurred toward the end of the Archaean (ca.2.8 Ga). At least three cycles of brittle-ductile strike-slip reactivation at low metamorphic grades appear to post-date the development of the Itacaiúnas Shear Zone, leading to the formation of the Carajás and Cinzento faults. There is no stratigraphic, structural or sedimentological evidence to suggest that these faults were active during the deposition of the Cover Assemblage sequences. However, as most outcrops of Cover Assemblage rocks are presently localised within bends, branches and offsets of these fault systems it appears that, following their deposition, they were faulted down into dilational jogs formed during an initial phase of brittle dextral movements. The effects of a later episode of brittle-ductile sinistral transpression are widely preserved in both Basement and Cover assemblages, with intense deformation localised in the region of the major fault strands. The 1.8 Ga granites and dykes appear to relate to a regional extensional or dextral transtensional episode recognised in the Middle Proterozoic throughout the Amazon region. There is some circumstantial evidence for further minor fault reactivation during the Phanerozoic, and the region appears to be tectonically active in the present day, as illustrated by the occurrence of recent small-scale earthquakes and hot springs centred along the major fault traces. The influence of the basement architecture and the intensity of later reactivations appears to wane after a time of ca.1.0 Ga following the existence of a weakening effect on a lithospheric-scale with a finite life span, possibly originating in the underlying lower crust and mantle. There is widespread evidence that the mylonitic fabrics of the Itacaiúnas Shear Zone have controlled the orientation of later structures, including the Carajás and Cinzento fault systems. Long-term fault zone weakening mechanisms are recognised in the region. Brittle fracturing processes have caused increases in fault zone permeabilties allowing extensive ingress of fluids, some of which have caused e.g. gold and copper mineralisation

    Municipalities secession and uncertainty on public goods provision

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    This paper investigates the causes of municipalities secession in Brazil. The theoretical modelproposes that the median voter is not fully informed about the efficiency effect of secession on publicgood provision and uses the break up decision undertaken by neighbor’s municipalities within thestate to account for his voting. Our empirical results confirms that prediction

    Manual de direito tributário e custeio previdenciário

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 336.2:351.84(81) P654