2,812 research outputs found

    Composição florística e estrutura da vegetação arbustivo-arbórea em um cerrado rupestre, Cocalzinho de Goiás, Goiás

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    Foi realizado um levantamento da vegetação arbutivo-arbórea (indivíduos com diâmetro a 30 cm do solo > 5 cm), em 1,0 hectare de cerrado rupestre (dez parcelas de 20 × 50 m), localizado em Cocalzinho de Goiás, Goiás, Brasil (15º48' S e 48º45' W). O objetivo foi avaliar e comparar as relações florísticas e as características estruturais deste cerrado sobre afloramentos rochosos com aquelas encontradas nos estudos já realizados em áreas de cerrado sentido restrito sobre solos profundos, localizados no Brasil Central. A composição florística do cerrado rupestre estudado é formada predominantemente por espécies das fitofisionomias do cerrado sentido restrito e em menor contribuição por espécies das formações florestais do bioma e espécies endêmicas de ambientes rupestres. A riqueza e a diversidade de espécies estão dentro dos limites normalmente encontrados para as áreas de cerrado sentido restrito do Brasil Central. Em termos estruturais, a densidade e área basal se assemelham aos valores registrados na subdivisão fitofisionômica de cerrado ralo. As condições ambientais limitantes, principalmente edáficas, não resultaram em mudanças expressivas na composição florística, riqueza e diversidade de espécies, mas refletiram em redução da densidade e área basal da vegetação arbustivo-arbórea do cerrado rupestre estudado.A vegetation survey of the woody species (at least 5 cm of trunk diameter at 30 cm above the ground) was conducted in a savanna on rocky soil (cerrado rupestre) in Cocalzinho de Goiás municipality, Goiás State, Brazil (15º48' S and 48º45' W). The objective was to compare the structure characteristics and the floristics of cerrado rupestre with those features found in cerrado stricto sensu areas occuring on deep soils in Central Brazil. The sample consisted in 1.0 hectare (ten plots, 20 × 50 m) in cerrado rupestre. The cerrado rupestre studied showed structural similarities with the physiognomy of open cerrado (cerrado ralo). The richness and the species diversity are similar with other brazilian savanna (cerrado stricto sensu areas of Brazil Central). The floristic composition revealed species predominantly from other physiognomies from the cerrado stricto sensu and to a lesser extent, species from forest formations from the bioma and endemics from this rocky environment. The floristic richness and diversity is similar to other savanna areas of Central Brazil. In structural terms, the density and basal area are similar to values found in open cerrado vegetation. The limiting environmental conditions, mainly edaphics, do not result in expressive changes in floristic composition, richness, and species diversity, but promoted reduction in density and basal area of the wood species in the cerrado rupestre studied

    The Ride Metade Sul Do Rio Grande do Sul and the Scales of regional planning

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    A presente nota busca analisar, desde a perspectiva do planejamento territorial, o projeto do legislativo federal de criação da Região Integrada de Desenvolvimento (RIDE) da Metade Sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Abordamos inicialmente a utilização desta ferramenta de regionalização na escala nacional, apontando seu histórico e características, bem como discutindo sua efetividade. Posteriormente nos detemos a problemática das diversas narrativas e estigmas que, há algumas décadas, disputam o sentido da diferenciação entre Metade Norte e Metade Sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Por fim, elencamos os possíveis entraves a implementação da RIDE da Metade Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, questionando suas motivações e possíveis resultados práticos.This note seeks to analyze, from the perspective of territorial planning, the project of the federal legislature to create the Integrated Development Region (RIDE) of the Southern Half of Rio Grande do Sul. We initially approached the use of this regionalization tool on the national scale, pointing out its history and characteristics, as well as discussing its effectiveness. Afterwards we aproach the problematic of the various narratives and instigmas that, for some decades, dispute the sense of differentiation between Half North and Half South of Rio Grande do Sul. Finally, we list the possible obstacles to the implementation of the RIDE of the Southern Half of Rio Grande do Sul, questioning its motivations and possible practical results


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    A presente nota busca analisar, desde a perspectiva do planejamento territorial, o projeto do legislativo federal de criação da Região Integrada de Desenvolvimento (RIDE) da Metade Sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Abordamos inicialmente a utilização desta ferramenta de regionalização na escala nacional, apontando seu histórico e características, bem como discutindo sua efetividade. Posteriormente nos detemos a problemática das diversas narrativas e estigmas que, há algumas décadas, disputam o sentido da diferenciação entre Metade Norte e Metade Sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Por fim, elencamos os possíveis entraves a implementação da RIDE da Metade Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, questionando suas motivações e possíveis resultados práticos

    A new phage endolysin as a powerful tool to detect and kill Paenibacillus larvae

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    American foulbrood (AFB) is an infection caused by Paenibacillus larvae (P. larvae), a Gram-positive spore forming bacteria. This disease occurs in honeybee larvae, when spores germinate and proliferate in their midgut and subsequently penetrate into the hemolymph, causing sepsis and larval death. This work was motivated by the need of finding alternatives to antibiotics, that will leave residues in honey if used to treat this infection. Bacteriophages (phages) and/ or their endolysins might represent valuable tools to use in AFB control as have already proved to be powerful biological antimicrobials. Particularly in this work, endolysins were mainly focused. We have previously isolated and reported the first known P. larvae phage genome and by its in silico analysis we further identified, expressed and characterized the first P. larvae endolysin, PlyPl23. This enzyme has two functional domains: a catalytic domain (Amidase_2) and a totally new cell wall binding domain (CBD). The latter confers specificity to the enzyme, targeting specific bonds of the cell wall surface. The antimicrobial activity of PlyPl23 was tested in vitro against a panel of P. larvae strains and in vivo in bee larvae. PlyPl23 was effective in decreasing P. larvae infection yields in bee larvae experimentally infected with spores and no toxicity effects were encountered. In a complementary study, the cell wall binding domain (CBD) of PlyPl23, fused to a green fluorescence probe was heterologously expressed. The specificity of the PlyPl23 CBD was assessed through flow cytometry and epifluorescence microscopy. Overall the results demonstrate the potential of a phage endolysin for detection and control of P. larvae

    Formação de professores em tempos e espaços alternados: Tempos sincronizadores de aprendizagem

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    ABSTRACT. The debate about teacher formation in alternate times and spaces requires understanding the Alternation Pedagogy as a modality that values ​​students' experiences and that, rooted in the culture and identity of the countryside, presents in its processes of formation values ​​and conceptions of life and work in the peasant communities. In this context, the guiding question is: In the degree in Rural Education what is the meaning of the alternation? The objective is to present the results of an experiment conducted with degree students in Rural Education, using the field notebook records - instrument of alternation - made in 2017. These records point to three moments: Who am I? Who are we? What is the aim of graduating to work in a field school? The analyzes follow the foundations of authors such as Silva (2010, 2018); Gimonet (2007); Caldart (2009); Arroyo (2009); Molina (2012) Queiroz (2004), among others interlocutions that combine with the theme. It is considered that the records are expressions the possibility of the subjects to realize their formation regarding the right to access to the university, but also the guarantee of permanence in alternate and educational times and spaces.ABSTRACT. The debate about teacher formation in alternate times and spaces requires understanding the Alternation Pedagogy as a modality that values ​​students' experiences and that, rooted in the culture and identity of the countryside, presents in its processes of formation values ​​and conceptions of life and work in the peasant communities. In this context, the guiding question is: In the degree in Rural Education what is the meaning of the alternation? The objective is to present the results of an experiment conducted with degree students in Rural Education, using the field notebook records - instrument of alternation - made in 2017. These records point to three moments: Who am I? Who are we? What is the aim of graduating to work in a field school? The analyzes follow the foundations of authors such as Silva (2010, 2018); Gimonet (2007); Caldart (2009); Arroyo (2009); Molina (2012) Queiroz (2004), among others interlocutions that combine with the theme. It is considered that the records are expressions the possibility of the subjects to realize their formation regarding the right to access to the university, but also the guarantee of permanence in alternate and educational times and spaces.ABSTRACT. The debate about teacher formation in alternate times and spaces requires understanding the Alternation Pedagogy as a modality that values ​​students' experiences and that, rooted in the culture and identity of the countryside, presents in its processes of formation values ​​and conceptions of life and work in the peasant communities. In this context, the guiding question is: In the degree in Rural Education what is the meaning of the alternation? The objective is to present the results of an experiment conducted with degree students in Rural Education, using the field notebook records - instrument of alternation - made in 2017. These records point to three moments: Who am I? Who are we? What is the aim of graduating to work in a field school? The analyzes follow the foundations of authors such as Silva (2010, 2018); Gimonet (2007); Caldart (2009); Arroyo (2009); Molina (2012) Queiroz (2004), among others interlocutions that combine with the theme. It is considered that the records are expressions the possibility of the subjects to realize their formation regarding the right to access to the university, but also the guarantee of permanence in alternate and educational times and spaces.O debate acerca da formação de professores em tempos e espaços alternados exige compreender a Pedagogia da Alternância como uma modalidade que valoriza as experiências de estudantes e que, arraigada à cultura e identidade do campo, apresenta em seus processos de formação valores e concepções de vida e trabalho nas comunidades campesinas. Nesse contexto, a questão norteadora é: Na licenciatura em Educação do Campo qual é o significado e o sentido da alternância? O objetivo é apresentar os resultados de uma experiência realizada com acadêmicos de uma licenciatura em Educação do Campo, utilizando os registros do caderno de campo – instrumento de alternância – realizados no ano de 2017. Tais registros apontam três momentos: Quem sou eu? Quem somos nós? Qual é o sentido de formar-se para atuar em uma escola do campo? As análises seguem fundamentos de autores como Silva (2010, 2018); Gimonet (2007); Caldart (2009); Arroyo (2009); Molina (2012) Queiroz (2004), entre outras interlocuções que se aliam à temática em pauta. Considera-se que os registros são expressões da possibilidade de os sujeitos concretizarem sua formação no que se refere ao direito ao acesso à universidade, mas também à garantia de permanência em tempos e espaços alternados e educativos. Palavras-chave: Alternância, Formação, Licenciatura.   Teacher formation in alternate times and spaces: synchronizing learning times ABSTRACT. The debate about teacher formation in alternate times and spaces requires understanding the Alternation Pedagogy as a modality that values ​​students' experiences and that, rooted in the culture and identity of the countryside, presents in its processes of formation values ​​and conceptions of life and work in the peasant communities. In this context, the guiding question is: In the degree in Rural Education what is the meaning of the alternation? The objective is to present the results of an experiment conducted with degree students in Rural Education, using the field notebook records - instrument of alternation - made in 2017. These records point to three moments: Who am I? Who are we? What is the aim of graduating to work in a field school? The analyzes follow the foundations of authors such as Silva (2010, 2018); Gimonet (2007); Caldart (2009); Arroyo (2009); Molina (2012) Queiroz (2004), among others interlocutions that combine with the theme. It is considered that the records are expressions the possibility of the subjects to realize their formation regarding the right to access to the university, but also the guarantee of permanence in alternate and educational times and spaces. Keywords: Alternation, Formation, Graduation.   Formación de profesores en tiempos y espacios alternos: Tiempos sincronizadores de aprendizaje RESUMEN. El debate acerca de la formación de profesores en tiempos y espacios alternos exige comprender la Pedagogía de la Alternancia como una modalidad que valora las experiencias de estudiantes y que, arraigada en la cultura e identidad del campo, presenta, en sus procesos de formación, valores y concepciones de vida y trabajo en las comunidades campesinas. En ese contexto, la cuestión clave de esta investigación es: En la licenciatura en Educación del Campo, ¿cuál es el significado y el sentido de la alternancia? El objetivo es presentar los resultados de una experiencia realizada con académicos de una licenciatura en Educación del Campo, al analizar los registros del cuaderno de campo – instrumento de alternancia – realizados en el año de 2017. Esos registros señalan tres momentos: ¿Quién soy yo? ¿Quiénes somos nosotros? ¿Cuál es el sentido de formarse para actuar en una escuela del campo? Los análisis siguen fundamentos de autores como Silva (2010, 2018); Gimonet (2007); Caldart (2009); Arroyo (2009); Molina (2012) Queiroz (2004), entre otras interlocuciones que se alían a la temática en agenda. Se considera que los registros son expresiones de la posibilidad no solo de que los sujetos concreticen su formación con relación al derecho al acceso a la universidad, sino también a la garantía de permanencia en tiempos y espacios alternos y educativos. Palabras clave: Alternancia, Formación, Licenciatura

    How to perform oracle database 11g version update to oracle database 19C

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    Due to the discontinuity of support for one of the database versions most used by organizations, Oracle Database 11g, it is important that companies that still use this version, pay attention to the next upgrade from Oracle. This work was elaborated by means of exploratory research, using as methods and research techniques the documentary and bibliographic analysis, with the purpose of providing steps with techniques and methods of how to proceed with two oracle projects, one of migration from the Linux operating system Red Hat 4.4.7-3 for Oracle Linux 7.7, and a version upgrade from Oracle Database 11g to Oracle Database 19c, presenting strategies using tools and following Oracle\u27s recommendations. This study was built based on real demands that companies have been facing with this great dilemma, the discontinuity of support for the Oracle database 11g version. The observed results were, official support from Oracle, architectural change in order to be prepared for a supposed intervention with updating and migration of services to the cloud

    Interaction of phage and gentamicin combinations in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus polymicrobial biofilms

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    Bacteria-associated polymicrobial biofilms are sessile microbial aggregates of different species adhered to surfaces and encased in a self-produced extracellular polymeric matrix, which shows a high degree of tolerance/resistance to disinfection by chemicals, antibiotics, and to the human immune system. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus are versatile bacterial pathogens and common etiological agents of several chronic infections, namely otitis media, oral infections, surgical-side infections, diabetic foot ulcers, and cystic fibrosis. In this study we aimed at assessing the efficacy of phages (vB_PaM_EPA1) to control P. aeruginosa and S. aureus polymicrobial biofilms, alone and combined with Gentamicin (GEN). The phage and the antibiotic were simultaneously or sequentially combined and added to 48 hours-old biofilms. After 24 hours treatment the number of viable cells were enumerated by CFU counting and observed under confocal laser microscopy with fluorescence probes. Probes were designed to specifically target the bacterial species and consists of a recombinant tail fibre protein P. aeruginosa-specific fused to mCherry (mCherry+TFP) and a cell wall binding domain of a phage endolysin, S. aureus specific, fused to GFP (GFP+CBD). Results showed that phage-drug combinations greatly reduced the number of P. aeruginosa viable cells, ranging from 4.06 to 6.32 orders-of-magnitude. The best treatment outcome was observed with sequential treatment by combing first EPA1 and then GEN. Overall, our results support the phenomenon that combination of phages and antibiotics are very effective against P. aeruginosa in dual-species biofilms when applied sequentially, and this constitutes a good strategy to control biofilm-associated infections.This study was supported by FCT under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684) and the Project PTDC/BBB-BSS/6471/2014 (FEDER: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016643) and also supported by BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte. EA acknowledge FCT for the funding through grant PD/BD/135254/2017.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O trabalho investiga a situação sanitária das prisões brasileiras, procurando estabelecer uma relação entre o que acontece dentro e fora dos muros e a transmissão da Covid-19, no período 2020-2022. As prisões foram consideradas um espelho social que reflete a coordenação das políticas públicas. A metodologia do estudo se baseia no trabalho de Michel Foucault e no conceito de populismo jurídico desenvolvido por Luigi Ferrajoli aplicados aos discursos enunciados pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça, a artigos da mídia e papers , como os Relatórios da Pastoral Carcerária e da Anistia Internacional . Para apontar equívocos das políticas públicas, ao negar as prisões como possível fonte de disseminação de doença e geração de variantes, tomamos o conto A Máscara da Morte Vermelha , de Edgar Allan Poe. Palavras-Chave: Covid-19; Direito à Saúde; Direitos Humanos; Prisões