3,849 research outputs found

    Romantic rejection sensitivity and negative adolescent romantic relationship experience

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    The current study used a longitudinal design to examine if romantic rejection sensitivity leads to negative romantic relationship experiences such as dating aggression perpetration, conflict and hostility and relationship dissatisfaction in an adolescent population. This study also examined whether this relationship was mediated by relationship seriousness, how oriented they are towards their romantic partner, relationship insecurity, and experiencing a partner initiated break-up or not. The sample consisted of 434 adolescents (248 girls, mean age= 15.32) enrolled in grades 9-11 who were followed for one year. Results indicated that romantic rejection sensitivity was only associated with relationship dissatisfaction at Time 1 and Time 2. Multiple regression analyses revealed that the relationship between romantic rejection sensitivity and relationship dissatisfaction was mediated by relationship insecurity and relationship seriousness. This result was only found within time and not longitudinally. These results highlight how romantic rejection sensitivity can influence adolescent romantic relationships

    SARS-CoV-2 induced myocarditis: Current knowledge about its molecular and pathophysiological mechanisms

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    The existence of an inflammatory process in the heart muscle, related to a progressive worsening of myocardial function, different etiopathogenetic mechanisms concur and often overlap, thus making the diagnosis and the therapeutic approach complex. As the COVID-19 pandemic progresses, the effects of the disease on the organ systems and in particular on the cardiovascular system are becoming more and more profound. Cardiac involvement is a well-known event with a high percentage of findings in the heart’s magnetic field, even in asymptomatic areas. There are numerous uncertainties regarding their evolution, in the long and short term, due not only to a difficult to determine the varied clinical expression and the rarely performed intramyocardial biopsy which additionally presents diagnostic problems but also in part to different clinical prognosis. Today, the new SARS-CoV-2 virus that uses the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) which is present at high levels in myocardial cells as its entrance it can create even severe heart injury. The pathophysiology in all of these cases can involve multiple immune and non-immune mechanisms within organs and vessels and can be occur in the clinical phases. Possible mechanisms of direct and indirect myocardial infarction in patients with COVID-19 include additional lesion and oxygen-rich and generalized inflammation response with myocardial immune hyperactivity (myocarditis). Therefore, these can occur through the excessive release of cytokines, the presence of thrombocytopenia, endocrine damage, heart failure, arrhythmias and more. Patients can show average signs of myocardial damage, and some develop spontaneous cardiac complications, such as heart failure, arrhythmias and, rarely, rare cardiogenic disorders. Pathophysiology in all of these may involve multiple mechanisms within the cytokine cephalic membrane, endocrine damage and thrombogenicity. The diagnosis of this myocardial injuri is mainly based on the myocardial enzyme troponin. This viewpoint paper explains today’s knowledge on viral myocarditis, in particular that from SARS-CoV-2 infection, if there is a connection with other possible biomolecular pathogenetic factors that can influence its natural course. In fact, it is for this reason that the pathogenetic mechanisms are analyzed and described. At the same time, its possible interaction with other parameters that are documented risk factors for cardiovascular disease was examined. Although these biomolecular findings were mainly related to necrotic parts of the myocardium, it is important to recognize that myocardial damage early for a better approach and prognosis

    Structural and biochemical insights of CypA and AIF interaction

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    The Cyclophilin A (CypA)/Apoptosis Inducing Factor (AIF) complex is implicated in the DNA degradation in response to various cellular stress conditions, such as oxidative stress, cerebral hypoxia-ischemia and traumatic brain injury. The pro-apoptotic form of AIF (AIF(Δ1-121)) mainly interacts with CypA through the amino acid region 370-394. The AIF(370-394) synthetic peptide inhibits complex formation in vitro by binding to CypA and exerts neuroprotection in a model of glutamate-mediated oxidative stress. Here, the binding site of AIF(Δ1-121) and AIF(370-394) on CypA has been mapped by NMR spectroscopy and biochemical studies, and a molecular model of the complex has been proposed. We show that AIF(370-394) interacts with CypA on the same surface recognized by AIF(Δ1-121) protein and that the region is very close to the CypA catalytic pocket. Such region partially overlaps with the binding site of cyclosporin A (CsA), the strongest catalytic inhibitor of CypA. Our data point toward distinct CypA structural determinants governing the inhibitor selectivity and the differential biological effects of AIF and CsA, and provide new structural insights for designing CypA/AIF selective inhibitors with therapeutic relevance in neurodegenerative diseases

    Parotid Gland Edema After Chlorhexidine Mouthrinse: Case Report and Literature Review

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    Introduction: Parotid gland swelling, caused by many pathological conditions, has also been reported to be a possible side effect of the use of chlorhexidine mouthwash. This adverse reaction to chlorhexidine mouthwash is, however, extremely rare and very few cases of parotid gland swelling due to chlorhexidine mouthwash have been reported in the literature. Case Description: This report describes the clinical management of unilateral parotid swelling caused by chlorhexidine mouthwash. Methods: A patient presented with left parotid gland swelling after using chlorhexidine mouthwash for three days following sinus augmentation on the contralateral side of the maxilla. Diagnosis of parotid gland swelling due to rinsing with chlorhexidine was formulated after anamnesis, clinical examination, radiographs and ultrasound of the gland excluded other pathological conditions. The patient was subsequently advised to stop rinsing. However, on the evening of the same day, swelling increased and the patient presented to an emergency department where a single intravenous dose of methylprednisolone was administered. Results: After seven days, parotid swelling decreased significantly and after three weeks had completely disappeared. Conclusion: Although unilateral or bilateral parotid gland swelling related to the use of chlorhexidine mouthwash is an uncommon adverse event, it must be suspected after other organic or infective conditions have been excluded. The precise pathogenic mechanism has not yet been determined and further studies should be carried out to better understand the pathophysiology of this uncommon phenomenon

    Reliability of a Novel CBCT-Based 3D Classification System for Maxillary Canine Impactions in Orthodontics: The KPG Index

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate both intra- and interoperator reliability of a radiological three-dimensional classification system (KPG index) for the assessment of degree of difficulty for orthodontic treatment of maxillary canine impactions. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of fifty impacted canines, obtained using three different scanners (NewTom, Kodak, and Planmeca), were classified using the KPG index by three independent orthodontists. Measurements were repeated one month later. Based on these two sessions, several recommendations on KPG Index scoring were elaborated. After a joint calibration session, these recommendations were explained to nine orthodontists and the two measurement sessions were repeated. There was a moderate intrarater agreement in the precalibration measurement sessions. After the calibration session, both intra- and interrater agreement were almost perfect. Indexes assessed with Kodak Dental Imaging 3D module software showed a better reliability in z-axis values, whereas indexes assessed with Planmeca Romexis software showed a better reliability in x- and y-axis values. No differences were found between the CBCT scanners used. Taken together, these findings indicate that the application of the instructions elaborated during this study improved KPG index reliability, which was nevertheless variously influenced by the use of different software for images evaluation

    Análise metodológica da produção científica de contabilidade ambiental nos periódicos internacionais de contabilidade

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    O objetivo do artigo é identificar o perfil metodológico da produção científica de contabilidade ambiental em periódicos internacionais de contabilidade. Utilizou-se pesquisa descritiva, documental e de cunho quantitativo. Foram analisados 35 artigos que envolvessem o tema contabilidade ambiental no período de 2000 a 2010, de 17 periódicos internacionais de contabilidade com maior fator de impacto. O estudo conclui que a maioria das publicações internacionais são estudos de casos, descritivos e quantitativos. Dennis M. Patten, com cinco publicações, duas individuais e as demais em coautoria, destacou-se como o autor com mais publicações. Palavras-chave: Contabilidade ambiental. Estudos bibliográficos. Produção científica

    The Intestinal Microbiota May Be a Potential Theranostic Tool for Personalized Medicine

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    he human intestine is colonized by a huge number of microorganisms from the moment of birth. This set of microorganisms found throughout the human body, is called the microbiota; the microbiome indicates the totality of genes that the microbiota can express, i.e., its genetic heritage. Thus, microbiota participates in and influences the proper functioning of the organism. The microbiota is unique for each person; it differs in the types of microorganisms it contains, the number of each microorganism, and the ratio between them, but mainly it changes over time and under the influence of many factors. Therefore, the correct functioning of the human body depends not only on the expression of its genes but also on the expression of the genes of the microorganisms it coexists with. This fact makes clear the enormous interest of community science in studying the relationship of the human microbiota with human health and the incidence of disease. The microbiota is like a unique personalized “mold” for each person; it differs quantitatively and qualitatively for the microorganisms it contains together with the relationship between them, and it changes over time and under the influence of many factors. We are attempting to modulate the microbial components in the human intestinal microbiota over time to provide positive feedback on the health of the host, from intestinal diseases to cancer. These interventions to modulate the intestinal microbiota as well as to identify the relative microbiome (genetic analysis) can range from dietary (with adjuvant prebiotics or probiotics) to fecal transplantation. This article researches the recent advances in these strategies by exploring their advantages and limitations. Furthermore, we aim to understand the relationship between intestinal dysbiosis and pathologies, through the research of resident microbiota, that would allow the personalization of the therapeutic antibiotic strategy

    The winning shares in the major football leagues

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    The top football Leagues of the major national teams of Italy, England and Germany have a different attack feature for the homogeneity of each championship. The aim of the study is to analyse the common elements of the goals during a match, during the mid-season and the total number of the scored goals. The method is based on the correlation of data analysis obtained by InSTAT database, using as sample the first round of championship. The results show a great disparity and significant differences in the three different categories of data. This result is useful to understand the differences resulting by the specific features of each individual, independently of the first position in the League. Consequently, it would be useful a different training planning in the same sport season

    Predictive Value ofMeasures of Vascular Calcification Burden and Progression for Risk of Death in Incident to Dialysis Patients

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    Abstract: Background: Vascular calcification (VC) is a marker of cardiovascular (CV) disease and various methods allow for presence and extension assessment in different arterial districts. Nevertheless, it is currently unclear which one of these methods for VC evaluation best predict outcome and if this piece of information adds to the predictive value of traditional CV risk factors in patients receiving hemodialysis (HD). Methods: data of 184 of the 466 patients followed in the Independent study (NCT00710788) were post hoc examined to assess the association three concurrent measures of vascular calcification and all-cause survival. Specifically, coronary artery calcification (CAC) was determined by the Agatston and the volume score while abdominal aorta calcification was determined by plain X-ray of the lumbar spine (Kauppila score (KS)). Survival and regression models as well as metrics of risk recalculation were used to test the association of VC and outcome beyond the Framingham risk score. Results: Middle-age (62.6(15.8) years) men (51%) and women (49%) starting HD were analyzed. Over 36 (median 36; interquartile range: 8–36) months of follow-up 69 patients expired. Each measure of VC (CAC or KS) predicted all-cause mortality independently factors commonly associated with all-cause survival (p < 0.001). Far more importantly, each measurement of VC significantly improved risk prediction and patient reclassification (p < 0.001) beyond traditional cardiovascular risk factors. Conclusions: Overall, presence and extension of VC, irrespective of the arterial site, predict risk of all-cause of death in patients starting hemodialysis. Of note, both CAC and KS increase risk stratification beyond traditional CV risk factors. However, future efforts are needed to assess whether a risk-based approach encompassing VC screening to guide HD patient management improves survival
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