8,998 research outputs found

    Sociología de la salud en México

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    In this paper the field of medical sociology in México during the last 30 years is analyzed. First, a description is made of the three founding schools in this country: a) the tradition of medical anthropology, based on the National School of Anthropology and History, the Institute of Anthropological Research (National Autonomous University of Mexico), and the Center of Research and Graduate Studies in Social Anthropology; b) the tradition of social medicine, prompted by the Metropolitan Autonomous University (Xochimilco) since the creation of the Masters in Social Medicine in 1975; and c) the sociology of public health, prompted by the National Institute of Public Health since its foundation in 1987. Then, the article presents a brief review of the main contributions of each school, as well as of the main academic debates between each other (which, in turn, helped to define the area of influence of each one of them). Afterwards, the main achievements of the “second generation” of Mexican medical sociologists are described. A distinction is made between theoretical, methodological and empirical contributions. Among the later, this article focuses on reproductive health, violence against women, subjectivity and health, and health policy, medical practice and health services utilization.En este trabajo se realiza un análisis del campo de la sociología médica en México en los últimos 30 años. Se inicia con una descripción de las tres escuelas que fundaron el campo en este país: a) la antropología médica, de larga tradición en este país, anclada en la Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia, el Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas (UNAM), y el Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social;b) la medicina social, impulsada principalmente desde la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco, y que tuvo como punto de partida la creación de la Maestría en Medicina Social en 1975; y c) la sociología de la salud pública, impulsada desde el Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública a partir de su fundación en 1987. Tras revisar los principales aportes de cada corriente, así como los debates más importantes que tuvieron lugar entre ellas –y que sirvieron para delimitar el espacio de acción e influencia de cada una– se describen los desarrollos más trascendentes en este campo, mismos que contribuyeron a desarrollar la “segunda generación” de la sociología médica mexicana. Dentro de esta segunda generación, se señalan las principales contribuciones de orden teórico, metodológico y sustantivo. Éstas últimas, a su vez, se dividen en áreas específicas: salud reproductiva, violencia contra las mujeres, subjetividad y salud, y políticas, práctica médica y utilización de servicios de salud

    La crisis económica capitalista actual y su impacto en América Latina

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    En este trabajo se abordan los fundamentos básicos del neoliberalismo económico como doctrina ideológica capitalista. A su vez, se hace alución al crecimiento del PIB en América Latina, condición necesaria, mas no suficiente para la reducción de la pobreza; y se tratan temas relacionados con la justicia y equidad social, derecho al saber y a una vida sana sin distinciones para todos

    La sustitución de cultivos tradicionales en La Libertad 2015-2016

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    El presente trabajo es elaborado con la finalidad de determinar la sustitución de los cultivos tradicionales en el departamento de la Libertad en el periodo 2015 -2016, permitiendo fortalecer las capacidades y conocimientos adquiridos durante el proceso de sustitución. Es así como el estudio resalto las ventajas competitivas del valle para productos con naturaleza exportable. De los resultados obtenidos se pudo determinar que los agricultores están tomando la iniciativa en prepararse y asociándose para sembrar productos con alta rentabilidad y poco consumo del recurso hídrico, usando nuevas tecnologías en el manejo de sus siembras, como el control biológico de plagas. Teniendo en consideración lo mencionado anteriormente, este trabajo demostró que la sustitución de los cultivos tradicionales se convierte en una alternativa de exportación sostenible y viable para los agricultores del valle departamento de la Libertad, se pudo identificar los beneficios que se les otorga a los agricultores ; La presente investigación es de tipo descriptiva pura y aplicada , el estudio es no experimental y transversal se consideró como población el total de agricultores y la muestra es censal ya que son la totalidad de agricultores que cuenta y así se pudo recoger y procesar los datos ; se utilizó encuestas e información estadística de la región para tener información concreta

    Managing Access to Service Providers in Federated Identity Environments: A Case Study in a Cloud Storage Service

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    © 2015 IEEE. Currently the diversity of services, which are adhering to Identity Federation, has raised new challenges in the area. Increasingly, service providers need to control the access to their resources by users from the federation as, even though the user is authenticated by the federation, its access to resources cannot be taken for granted. Each Service Provider (SP) of a federation implements their own access control mechanism. Moreover, SPs might need to allow different access control granularity. For instance, all users from a particular Identity Provider (IdP) may access the resources due to some financial agreement. On the other hand, it might be the case that only specific users, or groups of users, have access to the resources. This paper proposes a solution to this problem through a hierarchical authorization system. Our approach, which can be customized to different SPs, allows the SP administrator to manage which IdPs, or users, have access to the provided resources. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach, we present a case study in the context of a cloud storage solution

    Using Artificial Vision Techniques for Individual Player Tracking in Sport Events

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    [Abstract] We introduce a hybrid approach that can track an individual football player in a video sequence. This solution achieves a good balance between speed and accuracy, combining traditional object tracking techniques with Deep Neural Networks (DNN). While traditional techniques lack accuracy, the main shortcoming of DNN is performance. Both types of techniques complement to each other to provide an accurate and fast object tracking approach that does not require human intervention. The accuracy of our solution has been validated using the SoccerNet Dataset against hand annotated video sequences. For the tracking of 4 different players of 2 different teams our approach has achieved an Area Under Curve (AUC) of 0.66, in terms of accuracy, and a frame rate of 91.75 FPS, in terms of performance, running on a Nvidia GTX 1080Ti GPU

    Um framework para computação aproximada sensível ao contexto

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    Orientador: Lucas Francisco WannerDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Computação aproximada pode melhorar consideravelmente a eficiência energética em aplicações onde um resultado aproximado é suficiente. Neste trabalho, construímos bibliotecas de funções padrão que incluem uma série de funções com diferentes implementações, onde cada implementação tem um resultado de precisão diferente. Desenvolvemos ainda um serviço de sistema que monitora o contexto do computador, incluindo o consumo de energia e, de acordo com esse contexto (usando regras especificadas), altera as implementações de biblioteca usadas pelos aplicativos em tempo real. Dessa forma, o aplicativo produz resultados aproximados, mas aceitáveis, ao mesmo tempo que limita o consumo de energia. O sistema desenvolvido foi testado com aplicativos que são adequados para aproximações. Para cada uma das aplicações, medimos o consumo de energia do computador quando elas são executadas usando as implementações de maior precisão da biblioteca (as implementações mais consumidoras de energia). Conhecendo esse valor, conseguimos fixar um valor de consumo de energia de meta (uma porcentagem do valor calculado anteriormente) e desenvolvemos regras em torno desse valor, aumentando ou diminuindo a precisão das implementações usadas por um aplicativo. Os resultados mostram que, em nossos estudos de caso, podemos limitar a degradação máxima de 4% na qualidade de resultados das aplicações para obter até 62% de economia no consumo de energia. Além disso, fixamos uma meta de consumo de energia para cada aplicativo, e os aplicativos foram capazes de se adaptar em tempo de execução a essa metaAbstract: Approximate computing can considerably improve energy efficiency in applications where an approximate result is enough or by relaxing the need for fully precise operations. However, approximate computing applications typically aren't able to take advantage of the computer context dynamically. By improving the computer's access to context in real-time, approximate applications can get information about the current computer power consumption, take decisions according to previously fixed rules, and use this information to produce a more suitable approximation for the current context. We built a library that includes a series of functions with different implementations wherein each implementation has a different precision result, and a system service that monitors the computer context, including energy consumption, and according to this context (using specified rules), changes the library implementations used by applications in real-time. Applications using the library can therefore save energy when necessary, without compromising quality of results. We evaluate our context-aware approximate computing library with applications that are suitable for approximations. For each of these applications, we measured the energy consumption of the computer when they are run using the highest precision implementations of the library (that most energy intensive implementations). Knowing this value, we were able to fix an goal energy consumption value (a percentage of the value previously calculated), and using rules around this value, increase or decrease the precision of the implementations used by an application. Our results show that in our case studies we are able to trade-off at most of 4% degradation in application quality for up to 62% savings in energy consumption. Furthermore, we fix an energy consumption goal for each application, and the applications were able to adapt at run-time to this goal very closelyMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Deep Modeling of Latent Representations for Twitter Profiles on Hate Speech Spreaders Identification Task

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    [EN] In this paper, we describe the system proposed by UO-UPV team for addressing the task Profiling Hate Speech Spreaders on Twitter shared at PAN 2021. The system relies on a modular architecture, combining Deep Learning models with an introduced variant of the Impostor Method (IM). It receives a single profile composed of a fixed quantity of tweets. These posts are encoded as dense feature vectors using a fine-tuned transformer model and later combined to represent the whole profile. For classifying a new profile as hate speech spreader or not, it is compared by a similarity function with the Impostor Method with respect to random sampled prototypical profiles. In the final evaluation phase, our model achieved 74% and 82% of accuracy for English and Spanish languages respectively, ranking our team at 2¿¿ position and giving a starting point for further improvements.The work of the third author was in the framework of the research project MISMIS-FAKEnHATE on MISinformation and MIScommunication in social media: FAKE news and HATE speech (PGC2018-096212-B-C31), funded by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, and DeepPattern (PROMETEO/2019/121), funded by the Generalitat Valenciana.Labadie Tamayo, R.; Castro Castro, D.; Ortega-Bueno, R. (2021). Deep Modeling of Latent Representations for Twitter Profiles on Hate Speech Spreaders Identification Task. CEUR. 2035-2046. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1906692035204