744 research outputs found

    Analise comparativa dos tratamentos cirúrgicos do queratocisto odontogênico: uma revisão sistemática

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    Introdução: O queratocisto odontogênico (QO) é considerado, atualmente, um cisto pela classificação da OMS de 2017. Apresenta crescimento agressivo e tem como principal característica o alto risco de recorrência. No tratamento destes cistos, é citado na literatura mundial várias modalidades terapêuticas que podem ser divididos de acordo com sua abordagem em: conservadoras (incluem enucleação simples com ou sem curetagem ou marsupialização/ descompressão, com ou sem medidas terapêuticas secundárias) ou agressivas (ostectomia periférica, curetagem química com solução de Carnoy (SC), crioterapia, eletrocautério e ressecção em bloco ou marginal). Objetivo: Avaliar através de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, o melhor método de tratamento para o queratocisto odontogênico. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura com base na busca nas bases de dados PubMed, Scielo e Cochrane databases, que teve como norte a busca para a questão norteadora: “Quais os tratamentos mais eficazes sobre o queratocisto odontogênico?”. Foram utilizadas as seguintes palavras-chave em inglês combinadas entre si: “keratocystic odontogenic tumor”, “carnoy's solution, “treatment”, “Cyst, Odontogenic”.  Resultados: Foram encontrados 57 artigos sendo: 56 na base de dados PubMed, Scielo: 0, Cochrane databases: 1. Sendo que 9 preencheram todos os critérios de inclusão. Foram selecionados um total de 9 artigos, onde apenas 1 artigo não apresentou como melhor tratamento a enucleação seguida do uso de Solução de Carnoy. A taxa de sucesso está intimamente relacionada com a menor porcentagem de recidiva do cisto. Conclusão: A enucleação simples seguida do uso da Solução de Carnoy, e a marsupialização para lesões císticas maiores, pois representaram as melhores opções de tratamento

    Antigenotoxicity of Depsidones Isolated from Brazilian Lichens

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    Although phenolic compounds produced by lichens have been widely investigated in antitumor assays, only a small number have been evaluated for mutagenicity and genotoxicity. This study evaluated protocetraric, hypostictic, psoromic, and salazinic acids for their potential genotoxic or antigenotoxic activity against somatic cells of Drosophila melanogaster. These compounds were isolated from the lichens Parmotrema dilatatum, Pseudoparmelia sphaerosphora, Usnea jamaicensis, and Parmotrema cetratum, respectively, collected from the Brazilian Cerrado biome. The compounds were evaluated at 0.75, 1.5, 3.0, and 6.0 mmol L–1 using the SMART test, employing standard and high-bioactivation crosses of Drosophila melanogaster. Doxorubicin (DXR) was the positive control. Psoromic and salazinic acids proved toxic at 6.0 mM. None of the compounds evaluated exhibited mutagenicity, but each of them significantly reduced genetic damage caused by DXR, proving antigenotoxic when tested on somatic cells of D. melanogaster. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v9i1.89

    Phytochemical study and antiulcerogenic activity of Syngonanthus bisulcatus (Eriocaulaceae)

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    Do extrato etanólico dos capítulos e dos escapos de Syngonanthus bisulcatus (Koern) Ruhland foram isolados os flavonóides: 5-hidroxi-7,4'-dimetoxi-6-C-beta-D-glicopiranosilflavona, isovitexina (5,7,4'-triidróxi-6-C-beta-D-glicopiranosilflavona, luteolina (5,7,3',4'- tetraidroxiflavona), lutonarina (5,3',4'-triidroxi-6-C-7-O-beta-D-glicopiranosilflavona) e 5,6,3',4'-tetraidroxi-7-O-beta-D-glicopiranosilflavona. As estruturas dos compostos foram caracterizadas por espectroscopia (RMN mono e bi-dimensionais) e por espectrometria de massas Electrospray. Adicionalmente foram examinados os efeitos dos extratos etanólicos dos capítulos e dos escapos pelo modelo de úlcera induzida por etanol/HClFrom the ethanol extract of the capitula and scapes of Syngonanthus bisulcatus (Koern) Ruhland the flavonoids 5-hydroxy-7,4'-dimethoxy-6-C-beta-D-glucopyranosylflavone, isovitexin (5,7,4'-trihydroxy-6-C-beta-D-glucopyranosylflavone), luteolin (5,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyflavone), lutonarin (5,3',4'-trihydroxy-6-C-7-O-beta-D-glucopyranosylflavone) and 5,6,3',4'-tetrahydroxy-7-O-beta-D-glucopyrade were isolated. The structure of the compounds were characterized by spectroscopic methods, mainly 1D and 2D NMR experiments, as well as ESMS spectrometry. In addition we examined the effect of the ethanol extract of capitulae and scapes in the ulcer model ethanol/HCl-induced gastric mucosal lesions

    Screening of Lichen Extracts Using Tyrosinase Inhibition and Toxicity Against Artemia salina

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    Nine lichen extracts were evaluated for tyrosinase inhibition and toxicity against Artemia salina larvae. Extract compositions were investigated by TLC and NMR analysis. The activity of constituents against tyrosinase was evaluated by bioautography, and the percent of inhibition was calculated based on the dopachrome produced during a set time interval. Cladia aggregata, Cladonia dimorphoclada, Stereocaulon ramulosum and Stereocaulon microcarpum extracts were active for tyrosinase inhibition. Barbatic, usnic, anziaic acids and an unidentified compound present in the extracts, are possibly responsible for tyrosinase inhibition. Cladia aggregata, Cladonia crispatula, Cladonia furcata, Lobaria erosa, Punctelia canaliculata and S. microcarpum proved to be less toxic to A. salina (LC50 > 500 mg/mL) than Cladonia confusa and S. ramulosum (LC50 45.0 and 100.3 mg/mL, respectively), while the extract of C. dimorphoclada was highly toxic (LC50 < 10 mg/mL). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v8i3.842 &nbsp

    Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumor in a Bitch

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    Background: The diagnostic of neoplasia in dogs has risen significantly in the last years and this fact is mostly attributed to the longer life expectancy of these animals, which contributes to a greater chance of exposure to carcinogenic agents. In between the diverse tumors that could compromise skin, the mastocytoma is the third most commonly diagnosed neoplasia. It is characterized by being a form of neoplasia with round cells, these being the mast cells. The objective of the present study consisted in relating a case of cutaneous mastocytoma in a 7-year-old bitch mixed-breed treated at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the University of Uberaba (UNIUBE) - Uberaba, MG, Brazil.Case: The bitch initially presented a localized nodule external to the right ear pinna with cytology test suggesting a mastocytoma. The nodule was surgically removed and, posteriorly, an histopatholgy was not requested. After 5 months since the emergence of the nodule and a month after its surgical resection, the tutor noticed the presence of a new growth in the ipsilateral cervical region to the previous nodule. At this moment, the responsible veterinarian decided to refer the animal to an oncologist. During the appointment with the oncologist, alterations such as hyporexia and anemia were related, and the presence of a nodule in the right cervical region measuring 4.5 to 4 cm of diameter was verified. Material for cytologic evaluation of the neoplasia was collected and again the result suggested a mastocytoma. The new tumor was also surgically removed but was then referred to histopathological evaluation for diagnostic confirmation, grading and evaluation of surgical margins. The tumor was classified as an infiltrative subcutaneous mastocytoma presenting, additionally, compromised surgical margins. After its excision, the association with a chemotherapy treatment using a protocol of Vimblastina 2 mg/m², i.v. in unique dosage per section, associated with Predinisona 1 mg/kg, v.o, SID was indicated. Each section was realized with an interval of 7 days in between. Only 2 chemotherapy sessions took place. Because of the worsening of the clinical condition associated with a very weakened animal the veterinarian opted for the euthanasia of the animal.Discussion: The diagnostic of mastocytoma must be realized through the association of cytology and histopathology, in case histopathological evaluation is needed to confirm the obtained cytology result, to grade the tumor and to evaluate the compromising of surgical margins. In this sense, it was observed that the bitch was submitted only to cytology diagnostic when it presented the nodule in the ear pavilion. Yet, at the second approach realized by the oncologist, it was possible to realize adequate diagnose methods. However, the animal was not submitted to clinical staging of the mastocytoma due to the non-authorization of the exam by the tutor. Such measure is very important, as it reflects directly in the treatment and prognostic of the animal. Thus, image exams such as abdominal ultrasonography and chest X-ray should have been realized, as well as cytological and histopathological evaluation of the regional lymph nodes, in order to search for metastasis points in these places. As the data suggests, the importance of clinical staging of animals affected by this neoplasia and the importance of cytological evaluation associated with histopathology for a correct diagnosis, prognosis and mastocytoma treatment is noted. It is emphasized that many times veterinarians face impediment related to requesting all necessary exams coming from tutors, which compromises treatment success.Keywords: canine, mast cell, cytology, histopathology, neoplasia, tumor, chemotherapy. Título: Mastocitoma Cutâneo em uma cadela Descritores: canino, mastócito, citologia, histopatologia, neoplasia, tumor, quimioterapia

    Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of essential oil of Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.) O. Berg (Guavira)

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    The essential oils from Campomanesia adamantium (Cambess.) O. Berg leaves, collected in the reproductive (flowering and fruit-bearing) and vegetative stages, were characterized by GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry). A total of 95 compounds of the essential oils were identified. In the reproductive stage (flowering) the major constituents were monoterpenes (limonene, α-pinene and β-pinene) while during the vegetative stage the major constituents were the sesquiterpenes (bicyclogermacrene and globulol). The essential oil of the reproductive stage shows high antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans, and all show moderate activity against Escherichia coli. The essential oils were also evaluated for their radical-scavenging activity by DPPH. The chemogeographical variations of the oil composition from the four distinct localities studied all contained α-pinene, β-pinene, limonene, linalool, β-caryophyllene, germacrene D and bicyclogermacrene, however the samples from Jardim city contained neither limonene nor linalool.Os óleos essenciais obtidos das folhas de Campomanesia adamantium foram caracterizados através da combinação de CG-EM e índice de retenção, sendo identificado um total de 95 compostos. Na floração as substâncias majoritárias foram monoterpenos (limoneno, α-pineno e β-pineno) e durante o estágio vegetativo as substâncias majoritárias foram sesquiterpenos (biciclogermacreno e globulol). Os óleos essenciais obtidos da floração e frutificação mostraram alta atividade contra Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Candida albicans e moderada contra Escherichia coli em todos os estágios. Foi avaliada a atividade antioxidante dos óleos essenciais usando o método do DPPH. O óleo essencial das 4 cidades mostrou a presença de α-pineno, β-pineno, limoneno, linalol, β-cariofileno, germacreno D e biciclogermacreno, mas a amostra da cidade de Jardim não apresentou limoneno e linalol

    Significado de ser cuidador de pessoa com oxigenoterapia domiciliar: Grounded Theory

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    Objetivo: compreender o significado de ser cuidador familiar de pessoa com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) dependente de oxigenoterapia domiciliar. Método: pesquisa qualitativa fundamentada nos conceitos e pressupostos do Interacionismo Simbólico e da Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados, desenvolvida em domicílio de 20 cuidadores familiares de um município ao Sul de Minas Gerais, por meio de entrevista, observação participante e elaboração de memorando. Resultados: foram construídas as categorias “Se descobrindo como cuidador” e “Mudando a situação de vida em função do papel de cuidador” que resultou deste processo o modelo teórico Ressignificando a vida e o papel de cuidador. Dadas as modificações na vida do cuidador e as atribuições inerentes a essa função, a pessoa busca por novos significados que lhe permitem dar um novo sentido à sua existência. Conclusões: o modelo teórico construído representa o significado de ser cuidador familiar de pessoa com DPOC dependente de oxigenoterapia domiciliar sob categoria central que integrou todas as outras categorias. Este modelo permitiu um entendimento amplo do fenômeno estudado, com base nas perspectivas do próprio cuidador e no contexto no qual ele se insere

    Significado de ser cuidador de pessoa com oxigenoterapia domiciliar: Grounded Theory

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    Objetivo: compreender o significado de ser cuidador familiar de pessoa com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC) dependente de oxigenoterapia domiciliar. Método: pesquisa qualitativa fundamentada nos conceitos e pressupostos do Interacionismo Simbólico e da Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados, desenvolvida em domicílio de 20 cuidadores familiares de um município ao Sul de Minas Gerais, por meio de entrevista, observação participante e elaboração de memorando. Resultados: foram construídas as categorias “Se descobrindo como cuidador” e “Mudando a situação de vida em função do papel de cuidador” que resultou deste processo o modelo teórico Ressignificando a vida e o papel de cuidador. Dadas as modificações na vida do cuidador e as atribuições inerentes a essa função, a pessoa busca por novos significados que lhe permitem dar um novo sentido à sua existência. Conclusões: o modelo teórico construído representa o significado de ser cuidador familiar de pessoa com DPOC dependente de oxigenoterapia domiciliar sob categoria central que integrou todas as outras categorias. Este modelo permitiu um entendimento amplo do fenômeno estudado, com base nas perspectivas do próprio cuidador e no contexto no qual ele se insere

    Radical-scavenging Potential of Phenolic Compounds from Brazilian Lichens

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    Lichens produce a wide range of phenolic substances, mostly depsides and depsidones. As part of our ongoing study of lichens from the Cerrado biome in Mato Grosso do Sul state, the present article reports novel findings on the radical-scavenging activity of two depsides, five depsidones, usnic acid, and lichexanthone that were evaluated against 0.1 and 0.3 mM 2,2’-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical concentrations. These substances were isolated from the lichens Parmotrema tinctorum (Nyl.) Hale, Parmotrema dilatatum (Vain.) Hale, Pseudoparmelia sphaerospora (Nyl.) Hale, Parmotrema lichexanthonicum Eliasaro & Adler, Ramalina anceps Nyl. Usnea subcomosa Vain. and Usnea jamaicensis Ach. Usnic acid (EC50 = 3.34 ± 1.44 and 5.97 ± 1.91 mM, respectively) and atranorin (2.48 ± 1.18 and 10.10 ± 1.18 mM, respectively) proved the most active unmodified compounds. Lecanoric and protocetraric acids exhibited significant EC50 differences between DPPH concentrations. Besides these, nine 9’-O-alkyl protocetraric acid derivatives were also evaluated. 9’-O-methyl protocetraric and 9’-O-iso-propyl protocetraric acids (with respective EC50 values of 1.74 ± 0.83 and 1.03 ± 1.0 mM, both against 0.1 mM DPPH) were the most active compounds evaluated. Except for 9’-O-methyl protocetraric acid, chain elongation correlated with increased scavenging activity in the linear series from 9’-O-ethyl to 9’-O-n-hexyl protocetraric acid. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v7i2.72