1,066 research outputs found

    Direito da favela e política de exceção em territórios favelados

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    Esta pesquisa objetivou discutir situações em que grupos armados atuam como reguladores de relações sociais entre moradoras e moradores do Complexo da Maré. A partir de uma análise documental no banco de dados do Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Ações para Cidadania (Programa de Extensão da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro), constatamos tal prática nos enunciados de usuários atendidos pelo programa. Usamos os relatos com a proposta de complexificar essa realidade em que grupos civis armados, majoritariamente ligados ao comércio de psicoativos no território, assumem o papel de promotores de justiça, garantindo direitos por vezes não acessados pela população pelas vias formais, quase sempre “classistas”, sexistas e racistas. Colocamos em questão a produção da favela como território de exceção, uma das forças que sustentam a criminalização desta lógica resolutiva informal, contribuindo na manutenção da desigualdade social brasileira

    Macrophages in the Pathogenesis of Leprosy

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    Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by the intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium leprae. The disease may present different clinical forms depending on the immunological status of the host. M. leprae may infect macrophages and Schwann cells, and recent studies have demonstrated that macrophages are fundamental cells for determining the outcome of the disease. Skin lesions from patients with the paucibacillary form of the disease present a predominance of macrophages with a pro-inflammatory phenotype (M1), whereas skin lesions of multibacillary patients present a predominance of anti-inflammatory macrophages (M2). More recently, it was shown that autophagy is responsible for the control of bacillary load in paucibacillary macrophages and that the blockade of autophagy is involved in the onset of acute inflammatory reactional episodes in multibacillary cells. So, strategies that aim to induce autophagy in infected macrophages are promising not only to improve the efficacy of multidrug therapy (MDT) but also to avoid the occurrence of reactional episodes that are responsible for the disabilities observed in leprosy patients

    Tradução e adaptação transcultural para o Brasil do Pediatric Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit para detecção de delirium em unidades de terapia intensiva pediátrica

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    Objective: To undertake the translation and cross-cultural adaption into Brazilian Portuguese of the Pediatric Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit for the detection of delirium in pediatric intensive care units, including the algorithm and instructions. Methods: A universalist approach for the translation and cross-cultural adaptation of health measurement instruments was used. A group of pediatric critical care specialists assessed conceptual and item equivalences. Semantic equivalence was evaluated by means of a translation from English to Portuguese by two independent translators; reconciliation into a single version; back-translation by a native English speaker; and consensus among six experts with respect to language and content understanding by means of Likert scale responses and the Content Validity Index. Finally, operational equivalence was assessed by applying a pre-test to 30 patients. Results: The back-translation was approved by the original authors. The medians of the expert consensus responses varied between good and excellent, except for the feature “acute onset” of the instructions. Items with a low Content Validity Index for the features “acute onset” and “disorganized thinking” were adapted. In the pre-test, the expression “signal with your head” was modified into “nod your head” for better understanding. No further adjustments were necessary, resulting in the final version for Brazilian Portuguese. Conclusion: The Brazilian version of the Pediatric Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit was generated in agreement with the international recommendations and can be used in Brazil for the diagnosis of delirium in critically ill children 5 years of age or above and with no developmental cognitive disabilities

    Levantamentos florísticos e sua importância para a produção de mel no Oeste Paranaense

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    Floristic surveys make it possible for the beekeeper to determine the time of permanence of hives in a given location by determining the flowering. The objective was to carry out the floristic survey of remnants of a native forest in the region and areas of forest recovery for the purposes of conservation and production, in order to assist local beekeepers to define strategies for rational exploration and conservation of forest remnants and reforestation areas from western Paraná state. The plant surveys were carried out at the Experimental Stations (EE) of Entre Rios do Oeste (ERO) and Marechal Cândido Rondon (MCR), both linked to the State University of Western Paraná (Unioeste) and at the Biological Refuge of Santa Helena (RB-SH), which is an Area of Relevant Ecological Interest (ARIE). At the EE of Unioeste, MCR and ERO, an area of 20 meters x 5 meters was delimited for each point, by the method of plots of fixed rectangular areas, and the collection of each species in the reproductive phase was carried out. To map plant collection areas, four points were georeferenced in each season. The collections were biweekly and monthly from December 2017 to November 2019. At RB-SH the method used was to walk the pre-existing ecological trails at the site and the survey was carried out by means of biweekly collections of botanical samples in the reproductive phase, between August 2017 and June 2018. One hundred and seventy-three (173) plants were collected, 121 of which were identified, 103 at the species level, nine at the genus level and nine at the family level, belonging to 41 botanical families. The general Shannon-Wiener index (H’) was 3.15 nats individual-1, with the values ​​found being 2.30 nats individual-1 in MCR; 2.94 nats individual-1 in ERO and 4.22 nats individual-1 in RB-SH. Regarding similarity indices, the lowest value was observed between the sampled areas of RB-SH and MCR and the highest between ERO and RB-SH. It is concluded that the botanical families Poaceae and Myrtaceae, were representative in the analyzed honeys, being identified in the honey samples of Apis mellifera the pollen types Myrceugenia euosma, Urochloa arrecta, Triticum aestivum, Albizia niopoides, Avena sativa and Eugenia uniflora.Os levantamentos florísticos possibilitam ao apicultor determinar a época de permanência de colmeias em determinado local por meio da determinação das floradas. Objetivou-se realizar o levantamento florístico de remanescentes de mata nativa da região e de áreas de recuperação florestal para fins de conservação e produção, com o intuito de auxiliar os apicultores locais a definirem estratégias de exploração racional e de conservação dos remanescentes florestais e áreas de reflorestamento do Oeste paranaense. O levantamento das plantas foi realizado nas Estações Experimentais (EE) de Entre Rios do Oeste (ERO) e de Marechal Cândido Rondon (MCR), ambas vinculadas à Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Unioeste) e no Refúgio Biológico de Santa Helena (RB-SH), que é uma Área de Relevante Interesse Ecológico (ARIE). Nas EE da Unioeste, MCR e ERO, foi delimitada, para cada ponto, uma área de 20 metros x 5 metros, pelo método de parcelas de áreas fixas retangulares e realizada a coleta de cada espécie em fase reprodutiva. Para mapeamento das áreas de coleta de plantas, foram georreferenciados quatro pontos em cada estação. As coletas foram quinzenais e mensais de dezembro de 2017 a novembro de 2019. No RB-SH, o método utilizado foi o de caminhamento nas trilhas ecológicas pré-existentes no local e o levantamento foi realizado por meio de coletas quinzenais de amostras botânicas em fase reprodutiva entre os meses de agosto de 2017 a junho de 2018. Foram coletadas 173 plantas, das quais 121 foram identificadas, sendo 103 em nível de espécie, nove em nível de gênero e nove em nível de família, pertencentes a 41 famílias botânicas. O índice de Shannon-Wiener (H’) geral foi de 3,15 nats indivíduo-1, sendo os valores encontrados de 2,30 nats indivíduo-1 em MCR; 2,94 nats indivíduo-1 em ERO e 4,22 nats indivíduo-1 no RB-SH. Com relação aos índices de similaridade, o menor valor foi observado entre as áreas amostradas de RB-SH e MCR e o maior entre ERO e RB-SH. Conclui-se que as famílias botânicas Poaceae e Myrtaceae foram representativas nos méis analisados, sendo identificados nas amostras de mel de Apis mellifera os tipos polínicos Myrceugenia euosma, Urochloa arrecta, Triticum aestivum, Albizia niopoides, Avena sativa e Eugenia uniflora

    Conhecimentos e percepção de professores sobre maus-tratos em crianças e adolescentes

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    Violence against children and adolescents affects our society, being present in all social groups. Education professionals play an important role in the identification and notification of child abuse in the school environment. Therefore, this research study had the objective of verifying the knowledge and perception of the teachers of municipal schools of Caruaru (state of Pernambuco, Brazil) concerning child abuse. The sample was non-probabilistic, in which 73 professionals were interviewed. The research technique used in the study was the extensive direct observation, and a specific structured form was employed. The studied variables were: frequency of child abuse, signs of violence, sex and age of the victim, adopted attitude, teachers' knowledge of protection institutions, information received on the subject and its importance. According to the teachers, the frequency of child abuse is low (16.4%), and hematoma (44.8%) and marks of objects and hands (20%) are the most frequent signs. The most mentioned age and sex were school-age (64.4%) and male (56.2%). In 87.3% of the cases the teachers mentioned the Child Guardianship Council as the protection institution for the child. A high percentage of teachers did not have contact with the subject during their education (60.3%). Most of them had some basic knowledge on the subject and all of them stated that it was important to have knowledge about it and would like to receive training.A violência praticada contra a criança e o adolescente permeia a nossa sociedade, fazendo-se presente em todas as camadas sociais. Os profissionais da educação desempenham importante papel na identificação e notificações de maus-tratos no ambiente escolar. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar o conhecimento e a percepção dos professores de escolas públicas municipais de Caruaru (PE) sobre maus-tratos infantis. A amostra foi do tipo não-probabilística, sendo composta de 73 educadores. A técnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a observação direta extensiva e o instrumento consistiu um formulário específico. As variáveis estudadas foram: frequência de maus-tratos, sinais de violência, sexo e idade da vítima, atitude adotada, conhecimento dos professores sobre os órgãos de proteção, recebimento de informações sobre o tema e sua importância. De acordo com os educadores, a frequência de maus-tratos é baixa (16,4%), e o hematoma (44,8%), seguido das marcas de objetos e mãos (20%) são os sinais mais frequentes. A idade e o sexo mais citados foram, respectivamente, a escolar (64,4%) e o masculino (56,2%). Em 87,3% dos casos, os educadores citaram o Conselho Tutelar como órgão de proteção. Um elevado percentual de professores não tiveram contato com o assunto em pauta durante sua formação (60,3%). A maioria dos educadores demonstraram ter noção do assunto e todos afirmaram ser importante o conhecimento sobre o tema e gostariam de receber capacitação

    Revisiting the metallothionein genes polymorphisms and the risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma in a Brazilian population

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    Metallothioneins (MTs) gene polymorphisms have been associated with the ability of free radical scavenging and detoxification of heavy metals leading to cancer development. Our aim was to revisit, in a Brazilian population, single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the MT gene family previously associated with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). A case-control investigation with 28 OSCC patients and 45 controls was conducted, using conventional risk factors (tobacco use and alcohol consumption) as covariates. SNPs genotyping for rs8052334 (MT1B), rs964372 (MT1B), and rs1610216 (MT2A) was performed by PCR-RFLP, and SNPs for rs11076161 (MT1A) were analyzed by TaqMan assay. The only SNP associated with increased risk for OSCC was the MT-1A AA genotype (OR = 4.7; p = 0.01). We have also evidenced for the first time a significant linkage disequilibrium between the SNPs of MT-2A and MT-1A in this population with the highest frequency (30%) of the unfavorable haplotype G/A/C/T (rs1610216 / rs11076161 / rs964372 / rs8052334) of MT gene polymorphisms (OR = 6.2; p = 0.04). Interestingly, after removing the effects of conventional risk factors, we have uncovered the significance of the AA genotype of the rs11076161 with increased odds of 19-fold higher towards OSCC development. This is the first demonstration that a significant linkage disequilibrium among gene polymorphisms of the MT family may affect susceptibility to oral cancer, which is conditioned by the G/A/C/T haplotype (rs1610216/rs11076161/rs964372/ rs8052334) and the MT-1A gene polymorphism has a potential clinical utility for the OSCC risk assessment

    Health-related quality of life in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the different geographical regions of Brazil : data from the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group

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    Background: In type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) management, enhancing health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is as important as good metabolic control and prevention of secondary complications. This study aims to evaluate possible regional differences in HRQoL, demographic features and clinical characteristics of patients with T1DM in Brazil, a country of continental proportions, as well as investigate which variables could influence the HRQoL of these individuals and contribute to these regional disparities. Methods: This was a retrospective, cross-sectional, multicenter study performed by the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group (BrazDiab1SG), by analyzing EuroQol scores from 3005 participants with T1DM, in 28 public clinics, among all geographical regions of Brazil. Data on demography, economic status, chronic complications, glycemic control and lipid profile were also collected. Results: We have found that the North-Northeast region presents a higher index in the assessment of the overall health status (EQ-VAS) compared to the Southeast (74.6 ± 30 and 70.4 ± 19, respectively; p < 0.05). In addition, North- Northeast presented a lower frequency of self-reported anxiety-depression compared to all regions of the country (North-Northeast: 1.53 ± 0.6; Southeast: 1.65 ± 0.7; South: 1.72 ± 0.7; Midwest: 1.67 ± 0.7; p < 0.05). These findings could not be entirely explained by the HbA1c levels or the other variables examined. Conclusions: Our study points to the existence of additional factors not yet evaluated that could be determinant in the HRQoL of people with T1DM and contribute to these regional disparities