1,410 research outputs found

    Antecedents educativo-familiars del comportament prosocial en nens de 13/14 anys

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    Entre les dimensions del comportament humà que possibiliten i afavoreixen la convivència social lliure i justa davant de l'escalada de violència, una de les que esta copsant cada vegada més interès és la del comportament pro-social o altruista. Des de la perspectiva de l'educador o del professional de la salut mental una qüestió d'interdès seria la de conèixer quins poden ser els requisits conductuals de l'esmentat comportament i, sobretot, si pot ser après o entrenat i, en aquest cas, els patrons educatius idonis. Per respondre a aquestes qüestions, aquest article presenta un primer treball de camp que tracta de verificar les possibles diferències conductuals i els antecedents educatiu-familiars entre 87 nens molt pro-socials (MPS) i 87 nens poc pro-socials (PPS) extrets d'una mostra total de 519 individus de 8è d'EGB. Les hipòtesis presentades sorgeixen d'anteriors revisions (ROCHE 1982 i 1985) de variables del comportament pro-social. Els resultats permeten, en general, confirmar determinades directrius proposades per a un Perfil Educatiu per a la Pro-socialitat (P. E. P.).The pro-social behavior or altruism is of increasing interest to researchers in social and developmental psychology as one of the aspects of human behavior that facilitates social harmony in coping with the escalation of violence. An interesting aspect from the point of view of the professional in mental healt of education is to know what the prerequisites of pro-social behavior would be and specially the possibility of learning and training such behavior. This paper want to contribute in answering these questions by presenting a fieldwork that tries to verify the possible differences between the behavior and family-educative antecedents of 87 children of high pro-social level and 87 children of low pro-social level. The subjects were extracted from a sample of 519 children aged 13/14 years. The hypotheses arise from the author's former reviews on factors in prosocial behavior. The results allow us to confirm, in general, a set of suggestions for a Pro-social Educative Profile

    Comunicación y salud mental de la pareja humana

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    En el intento de presentar un esquema de relación sana, psicológicamente, en la vida de pareja, se pasa revista a los criterios utilizados tradicionalmente para la valoración de la misma así como a los factores internos y sociales que la condicionan. Se establecen como fundamentales para el ajuste de la pareja los valores aceptados y asumidos por ella de modo crítico, y se detallan las dimensiones intervinientes, a juicio del autor, tanto a nivel individual (conciencia de la propia identidad, auto-estima, auto-realización y autonomía) como a nivel interrelacional (afectividad-cohesión, eficacia-adaptabilidad y comunicación). Por último se proponen siete pautas para una buena comunicación.When approaching a schema of the sound psychological relationship in a couple's life, criteria traditionally used for its valoration are taken into account, so as the interno-social factors which condition it. Those values the couple has accepted and assumed in a critical way are considered as fundamental. The intervinient dimensions are detailed according to the author, at an individual level (conscience of the own identity, self-steem, self-realization and autonomy) and at an interrelational level (afectivity-cohesion, eficacy-adaptability and communication)To finish with, seven rules are proposed for a good comunication

    Fenómenos de poder en la pareja y en la familia

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    Frente a una ambigua utilización de los términos para designar el poder en la psicología del sistema familiar, se haceuna revisión critica de los más utilizados, así' como de las teorías subyacentes, en la-literatura reciente, analizando sus significados y límites. Por ello se identifican variables, se sugieren algunas no estudiadas y se propone una ordenación esquemática que integre todos ellas y pueda ser un instrumento para posteriores investigaciones experimentales.This paper is an attempt to give a critical review of the ambiguous use of terms and their underlying theories in recent literature, used to designate power in the psychology of the family system. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the respective meanings and their limits.The study examines the different variables and proposes a schematic order for their integration for use in future experimental research

    An Essay on Scribal Families, Tradition, and Innovation in Thirteenth Century Ugarit

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    In this speculative essay, the authors attempt to sketch, in outline, a historical scenario that "makes sense" for the development of scribal traditions at Ugarit in the thirteenth century BC.Essai où les auteurs tentent d'élaborer un scénario historique qui " ferait sens " pour l'évolution des traditions scribales à Ougarit au XIIIe siècle avant J.-C

    A long way to go - Estimates of combined water, sanitation and hygiene coverage for 25 sub-Saharan African countries.

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    BACKGROUND: Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are essential for a healthy and dignified life. International targets to reduce inadequate WASH coverage were set under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs, 1990-2015) and now the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, 2016-2030). The MDGs called for halving the proportion of the population without access to adequate water and sanitation, whereas the SDGs call for universal access, require the progressive reduction of inequalities, and include hygiene in addition to water and sanitation. Estimating access to complete WASH coverage provides a baseline for monitoring during the SDG period. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has among the lowest rates of WASH coverage globally. METHODS: The most recent available Demographic Household Survey (DHS) or Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) data for 25 countries in SSA were analysed to estimate national and regional coverage for combined water and sanitation (a combined MDG indicator for 'improved' access) and combined water with collection time within 30 minutes plus sanitation and hygiene (a combined SDG indicator for 'basic' access). Coverage rates were estimated separately for urban and rural populations and for wealth quintiles. Frequency ratios and percentage point differences for urban and rural coverage were calculated to give both relative and absolute measures of urban-rural inequality. Wealth inequalities were assessed by visual examination of coverage across wealth quintiles in urban and rural populations and by calculating concentration indices as standard measures of relative wealth related inequality that give an indication of how unevenly a health indicator is distributed across the wealth distribution. RESULTS: Combined MDG coverage in SSA was 20%, and combined basic SDG coverage was 4%; an estimated 921 million people lacked basic SDG coverage. Relative measures of inequality were higher for combined basic SDG coverage than combined MDG coverage, but absolute inequality was lower. Rural combined basic SDG coverage was close to zero in many countries. CONCLUSIONS: Our estimates help to quantify the scale of progress required to achieve universal WASH access in low-income countries, as envisaged under the water and sanitation SDG. Monitoring and reporting changes in the proportion of the national population with access to water, sanitation and hygiene may be useful in focusing WASH policy and investments towards the areas of greatest need

    Prosociality Inspired by the Charism of the Unity of Chiara Lubich. An Application in the School of Childhood

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    This article presents two distinct parts. The first tries to answer the questions: How do spiritual or religious intuitions apply in life? Or, better, how do certain evangelical passages come to pass when they pass through a structuring of a system of thought? What application characteristics can a certain charism have when analysed and experimentally applied from a scientific perspective and methodology? In this first part, we present a biographical and professional journey of an academic group that started from a concern and experience of a person, the first author, for about 38 years. This group was trying to develop a theoretical-application model initially originated in the educational field and currently active in various areas of human activity, responding to the spiritual charism of a contemporary woman recognised by an institution as universal by the church. The second part shows one of the last experiences of these applications in the educational field. This experience occurs specifically in the infantile age, which is a crucial stage to mark positive tracks in the development of the personality, as well as positive patterns for the later interpersonal and social relations that employ prosociality and cooperation with a very experimental methodology.Prospołeczność inspirowana charyzmatem jedności Chiary Lubich. Przykład zastosowania w przedszkoluArtykuł składa się z dwóch części. W pierwszej podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytania: w jaki sposób duchowe lub religijne intuicje znajdują zastosowanie w życiu? Lub bardziej: co staje się z konkretnymi fragmentami ewangelicznymi, gdy przechodzą przez strukturę systemu myślenia? Jakie charakterystyczne cechy może uzyskać określony charyzmat, gdy analizuje się go i eksperymentalnie wprowadza w życie z naukowej perspektywy i metodologii? W pierwszej części przedstawiamy biograficzną i zawodową podróż grupy akademickiej, która rozpoczęła się od troski i doświadczenia osoby, pierwszego autora, około 38 lat wcześniej. Grupa ta starała się opracować model teoretyczno-aplikacyjny, początkowo osadzony w dziedzinie edukacji, a obecnie wprowadzany w różnych obszarach ludzkiej aktywności, odpowiadając na duchowy charyzmat współczesnej kobiety uznany za uniwersalny przez Kościół. Druga część prezentuje jedno z ostatnich doświadczeń owych aplikacji w dziedzinę edukacji. To doświadczenie odnosi się do wieku niemowlęcego, który jest kluczowym momentem w kształtowaniu pozytywnych rysów w rozwoju osobowości, jak również w budowaniu pozytywnych wzorców dla późniejszych relacji interpersonalnych i społecznych, łącząc prospołeczność i współpracę z bardzo eksperymentalną metodologią

    Public attitudes on the ethics of deceptively planting false memories to motivate healthy behavior

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    Researchers have proposed that planting false memories could have positive behavioral consequences. The idea of deceptively planting “beneficial” false memories outside of the laboratory raises important ethical questions, but how might the general public appraise this moral dilemma? In two studies, participants from the USA and UK read about a fictional “false-memory therapy” that led people to adopt healthy behaviors. Participants then reported their attitudes toward the acceptability of this therapy, via scale-rating (both studies) and open-text (Study 2) responses. The data revealed highly divergent responses to this contentious issue, ranging from abject horror to unqualified enthusiasm. Moreover, the responses shed light on conditions that participants believed would make the therapy less or more ethical. Whether or not deceptively planting memories outside the lab could ever be justifiable, these studies add valuable evidence to scientific and societal debates on neuroethics, whose relevance to memory science is increasingly acute

    A verbális szövegek szövegtana és a nyelvészet II. rész

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    <p>Rural population coverage of combined SDG indicator by country and wealth quintile, ordered by country mean.</p