2,616 research outputs found

    Optical multiple access techniques for on-board routing

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    The purpose of this research contract was to design and analyze an optical multiple access system, based on Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) techniques, for on board routing applications on a future communication satellite. The optical multiple access system was to effect the functions of a circuit switch under the control of an autonomous network controller and to serve eight (8) concurrent users at a point to point (port to port) data rate of 180 Mb/s. (At the start of this program, the bit error rate requirement (BER) was undefined, so it was treated as a design variable during the contract effort.) CDMA was selected over other multiple access techniques because it lends itself to bursty, asynchronous, concurrent communication and potentially can be implemented with off the shelf, reliable optical transceivers compatible with long term unattended operations. Temporal, temporal/spatial hybrids and single pulse per row (SPR, sometimes termed 'sonar matrices') matrix types of CDMA designs were considered. The design, analysis, and trade offs required by the statement of work selected a temporal/spatial CDMA scheme which has SPR properties as the preferred solution. This selected design can be implemented for feasibility demonstration with off the shelf components (which are identified in the bill of materials of the contract Final Report). The photonic network architecture of the selected design is based on M(8,4,4) matrix codes. The network requires eight multimode laser transmitters with laser pulses of 0.93 ns operating at 180 Mb/s and 9-13 dBm peak power, and 8 PIN diode receivers with sensitivity of -27 dBm for the 0.93 ns pulses. The wavelength is not critical, but 830 nm technology readily meets the requirements. The passive optical components of the photonic network are all multimode and off the shelf. Bit error rate (BER) computations, based on both electronic noise and intercode crosstalk, predict a raw BER of (10 exp -3) when all eight users are communicating concurrently. If better BER performance is required, then error correction codes (ECC) using near term electronic technology can be used. For example, the M(8,4,4) optical code together with Reed-Solomon (54,38,8) encoding provides a BER of better than (10 exp -11). The optical transceiver must then operate at 256 Mb/s with pulses of 0.65 ns because the 'bits' are now channel symbols

    Shrub-depth: Capturing Height of Dense Graphs

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    The recent increase of interest in the graph invariant called tree-depth and in its applications in algorithms and logic on graphs led to a natural question: is there an analogously useful "depth" notion also for dense graphs (say; one which is stable under graph complementation)? To this end, in a 2012 conference paper, a new notion of shrub-depth has been introduced, such that it is related to the established notion of clique-width in a similar way as tree-depth is related to tree-width. Since then shrub-depth has been successfully used in several research papers. Here we provide an in-depth review of the definition and basic properties of shrub-depth, and we focus on its logical aspects which turned out to be most useful. In particular, we use shrub-depth to give a characterization of the lower ω{\omega} levels of the MSO1 transduction hierarchy of simple graphs

    Outcomes of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery for severely obese patients with type 1 diabetes: a case series report

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    Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB) reverses type 2 diabetes (DM2) in approximately 83% of patients with morbid or severe obesity. This procedure has been performed in small numbers of severely obese patients with type 1 diabetes (DM1), but the impact on glycemic control and insulin requirement in this population has not been widely described. We report three patients with DM1 and severe obesity that underwent RYGB. Weight, glycemic control, and insulin requirements before and one year after the procedure were compared. Significant weight loss was achieved by all three patients but insulin requirements decreased in only 2 patients. In contrast, glycemic control (A1C) remained suboptimal in all three patients up to one year after the surgery. These findings suggest that RYGB leads to important weight loss and positively affects insulin sensitivity. However, reaching optimal glycemic control in patients with DM1 diabetes remains challenging due to persisting insulin deficiency

    Emulating 802.11B And I/O Automata

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    The distributed systems solution to the World Wide Web is defined not only by the improvement of telephony, but also by the key need for replication. In our research, we validate the emulation of redundancy, which embodies the confusing principles of electrical engineering. In this paper we probe how 802.11b can be applied to the development of replication

    El Pleno Jurisdiccional Civil 2008 sobre mejor derecho de propiedad y tutela jurisdiccional efectiva, en Juzgados Civil De Huancayo, 2021-2022

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    La Tesis presentada trato la problemática planteada es ¿De qué manera, la conclusión del pleno jurisdiccional nacional civil 2008, sobre reivindicación y mejor derecho de propiedad incidió en falta de tutela jurisdiccional efectiva en los procesos de reivindicación, en los Juzgados Civiles de Huancayo, 2021-2022? Cuyo objetivo general fue determinar de qué manera, la conclusión del pleno jurisdiccional nacional civil 2008, sobre reivindicación y mejor derecho de propiedad incidió en falta de tutela jurisdiccional efectiva en los procesos de reivindicación, en los Juzgados Civiles de Huancayo, 2021-2022. La metodología se empleó el método análisis - síntesis y el tipo de investigación fue básica teórica con un nivel explicativo, con un diseño no experimental transeccional, en la población se optó 100 abogados procesalistas especialistas en lo civil de la Provincia de Huancayo, siendo la muestra 30 abogados procesalistas especialistas en lo civil de la Provincia de Huancayo, debido a lo cual se aplicó como técnica de recolección de información la encuesta, mediante el instrumento el cuestionario el cual fue corroborado por versados en la materia. Como resultados de análisis y procesamiento de datos de empleo el programa SPSS última versión la cual posee fiabilidad, por la cual se mostraron por medio de gráficos y tablas. La conclusión arribada conforme a los resultados conseguidos en el trabajo investigativo se pudo reconocer “Que la conclusión del Pleno Jurisdiccional Nacional Civil 2008, sobre reivindicación y mejor derecho de propiedad vulnera la tutela jurisdiccional efectiva, porque al no señalar la etapa procesal para oponer su derecho genera, no solo violación al principio de preclusión, sino además falta de firmeza de resoluciones judiciales, Asimismo, se ha llegado a la conclusión que, dicho Pleno Nacional Civil, desnaturaliza el proceso de reivindicación, además que genera inseguridad jurídica, y falta de predictibilidad judicial, pues al no saber que etapa procesal se puede oponer y discutir en la sentencia el derecho de propiedad permitido, está abierto la posibilidad para posibles dilaciones, inclusive mala fe procesal para retardar un proceso de reivindicación”. Y como recomendación Se recomienda “Que el Poder Judicial mediante un Pleno Casatorio debe, modificar, el Pleno Jurisdiccional Nacional Civil del 2008; en el sentido, que si se opone un derecho de propiedad en un proceso de reivindicación el cual se va fijar como punto controvertido deba efectuarse solo en la etapa postulatoria, específicamente en el contradictorio”

    More Continuity than Change? Re-evaluating the Contemporary Socio-economic and Housing Characteristics of Suburbs

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    Suburbs that developed in metropolitan Canada post-World War II have historically been depicted as homogeneous landscapes of gendered domesticity, detached housing, White middle-class nuclear families, and heavy automobile use. We find that key features of this historical popular image do in fact persist across the nation’s contemporary metropolitan landscape, particularly at the expanding fringes and in mid-sized cities near the largest metropolitan areas. Th e findings reflect suburbanization into new areas, point to enduring social exclusion, and recall the negative environmental consequences arising from suburban ways of living such as widespread automobile use and continuing sprawl. However, the analysis also points to the internal diversity thatmarks suburbanization today and to the growing presence of suburban ways of living in central areas. Our results suggest that planning policies promoting intensification and targeting social equity objectives are likely to remain ineff ective if society fails to challenge directly the political, economic and socio-cultural drivers behind the kind of suburban ways of living that fit popular imaginings of post-World War II suburbs in central areas. Our results suggest that planning policies promoting intensification and targeting social equity objectives are likely to remain ineffective if society fails to challenge directly the political, economic and socio-cultural drivers behind the kind of suburban ways of living that fit popular imaginings of post-World War II suburbs