930 research outputs found

    Convergence of the Many-Body Expansion of Interaction Potentials: From van der Waals to Covalent and Metallic Systems

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    The many-body expansion of the interaction potential between atoms and molecules is analyzed in detail for different types of interactions involving up to seven atoms. Elementary clusters of Ar, Na, Si, and, in particular, Au are studied, using first-principles wave-function- and density-functional-based methods to obtain the individual n-body contributions to the interaction energies. With increasing atom number the many-body expansion converges rapidly only for long-range weak interactions. Large oscillatory behavior is observed for other types of interactions. This is consistent with the fact that Au clusters up to a certain size prefer planar structures over the more compact three-dimensional Lennard-Jones-type structures. Several Au model potentials and semi-empirical PM6 theory are investigated for their ability to reproduce the quantum results. We further investigate small water clusters as prototypes of hydrogen-bonded systems. Here, the many-body expansion converges rapidly, reflecting the localized nature of the hydrogen bond and justifying the use of two-body potentials to describe water-water interactions. The question of whether electron correlation contributions can be successfully modeled by a many-body interaction potential is also addressed

    Primary crystal orientation of the thin-walled area of single-crystalline turbine blade airfoils

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    The thin-walled airfoil areas of as-cast single-crystalline turbine blades made of CMSX-4 superalloy were studied. The blades were produced by the industrial Bridgman technique at withdrawal rates of 2, 3 and 4 mm/min. The angle between the [001] crystallographic direction and blade axis, related to the primary orientation, was defined by the Ω-scan X-ray diffraction method at points on the camber line located near the tip of an airfoil and at points of a line located in parallel and near the trailing edge. Additionally, primary crystal orientation was determined by Laue diffraction at the selected points of an airfoil. The influence of mould wall inclination on the primary crystal orientation of the thin-walled areas is discussed. The effect of change in the [001] crystallographic direction, named as "force directing", was considered with regard to the arrangement of primary dendrite arms in relation to the trailing edge and the camber line. It was stated that when the distance between the mould walls is less than the critical value of about 1.5 mm the "force directing" increases as the distance between the walls of the mould decreases. The effect may be controlled by selecting an appropriate secondary orientation using a seed crystal in the blade production process. The model of dendrite interaction with the mould walls, including bending and "deflection", was proposed


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    Previous research indicates that high results in speed climbing are determined by a high level of explosive strength and muscle power in the lower limbs. However, a literature review shows that no studies have analysed women practicing this climbing discipline. Therefore, the main goal of the study was to assess the level of development of physique and the level of explosive strength and muscle power of the lower limbs of female speed climbers at a representative level. Furthermore, an attempt was made to analyse the relationships between the variables studied and race time in female speed climbers.The study included 5 female players (speed climbers) who were members of the national team in 2016. The measurements were made during the Polish National Team Camp.  The analysis was based on the results of the fastest races expressed in seconds. The measurements and indices computed in the study included body height, body weight, lean body mass, BMI and ponderal index. The assessment of the power of the lower limbs was carried out using two jump tests: CMJ with arm swing and CMJ. Power was expressed relative to body weight and to lean body mass.The highest relationships with race time were recorded for body height (r = 0.94, p 0.05), body weight (r = 0.96, p 0.01) and lean body mass (LBM) ( r = 0.98, p 0.01). Strong but statistically insignificant relationships were recorded between race time and power indicators of the lower limbs (correlations above r = -0.66).In female speed climbing, race time can be determined by the level of physique. Smaller body size can allow female climbers to perform faster and achieve better times in speed climbing. It can be suggested that in female speed climbing, a high level of maximum alactic anaerobic capacity of the lower limbs is an important factor that affects race time. The results of our own research suggest that in female speed climbing, specific body characteristics may to a greater extent determine the race time compared to anaerobic maximum power of the lower limbs

    Dendrite growth in selector-root area of single crystal CMSX-4 turbine blades

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    The single crystal turbine blades made of CMSX-4 nickel-based superalloy were studied. The turbine blades were obtained by the Bridgman technique with withdrawal rate of 5 mm/min. The samples, cut-off from root part of blades and containing the fragment of the selector, were studied. The effect of selector geometry on the dendrites growth and defects formation in the selector-root area of the blade were analyzed. The Laue diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction topography were applied. It was found that, during crystallization of the selector, the dendrite cores, after reaching the surface of mould, may bend, if the angle between dendrite cores and the mould surface was equal to 12 . When the angle was equal to 24 the growth of dendrites has been stopped. It can be stated that the defects, which appeared in the selector were inherited by the root part

    A brand new medical condition - 6 years old patient with neurological symptoms diagnosed with PIMS-TS (Paediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome – Temporally Associated with SARS-CoV-2) - case report

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    Children's multi-system inflammatory syndrome PIMS-TS is a completely new challenge for pediatricians, which has established a separate branch of the fight against the still active COVID-19 pandemic. It turns out that even a pediatric patient who has not suffered symptomatic infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as a result of contact with this pathogen, can develop a severe systemic inflammatory reaction rich in symptoms originating in almost every system of the human body. The first reports of the inflammatory syndrome that is the subject of this work come from May 2020. It is known that the symptoms of PIMS are caused by a multi-system inflammatory response in the body, potentially related to the immune system. The course of this disease may bring to mind other inflammatory diseases in children, such as Kawasaki disease, toxic shock syndrome and MAS macrophage activation syndrome

    Defect Creation in the Root of Single-Crystalline Turbine Blades Made of Ni-Based Superalloy

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    An analysis of the defects in the vicinity of the selector–root connection plane occurring during the creation of single-crystalline turbine blades made of CMSX-6 Ni-based superalloy was performed. X-ray diffraction topography, scanning electron microscopy, and positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy were used. Comparing the area of undisturbed axial growth of dendrites to the area of lateral growth concluded that the low-angle boundaries-like (LAB-like) defects were created in the root as a result of unsteady-state lateral growth of some secondary dendrite arms in layers of the root located directly at the selector–root connection plane. Additional macroscopic low-angle boundaries (LABs) with higher misorientation angles were created as a result of concave curvatures of liquidus isotherm in platform-like regions near selector–root connections. Two kinds of vacancy-type defects, mono-vacancies and vacancy clusters, were determined in relation to the LABs and LAB-like defects. Only mono-vacancies appeared in the areas of undisturbed axial growth. Reasons for the creation of macroscopic LABs and LAB-like defects, and their relationships with vacancy-type defects were discussed

    Učinci različitih aspekata koordinacije na način borenja i razinu sportske vještine kadetskih judo natjecatelja

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    The primary aim of this study was to determine the relationship between certain aspects of coordination, the time course of a bout and sport-related skill levels in cadet judoists. The study evaluated eight judokas with high sport skill levels. Based on the analysis of tournament matches (N=66), the authors determined the activity, effectiveness of actions and the level of achievement. Ten aspects of coordination were assessed by 28 indices. It was found that a high level of adaptive ability was a prerequisite for high levels of activity during the phase I of a bout. Shorter durations of complex reaction time were correlated with higher effectiveness in both the phase I and throughout a bout. High level of visual-motor coordination was correlated with high effectiveness and its increase during the phase II of a bout. Certain aspects of coordination seem to be necessary components of the technical and tactical coaching of cadets. However, they do not correlate directly with the level of achievement.Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost između pojedinih aspekata koordinacije, tijeka borbe i razine specifičnih motoričkih znanja u judaša kadetskog uzrasta. U istraživanju je testirano osam tehnički visokokvalitetnih judaša. Na temelju analize turnirskih borbi (N=66), autori su utvrdili aktivnost, učinkovitost akcija te razinu uspjeha sportaša. Deset aspekata koordinacije bilo je procijenjeno pomoću 28 pokazatelja. Utvrđeno je da je visoka razina sposobnosti adaptacije preduvjet za visoku razinu aktivnosti tijekom prve polovice judo borbe. Kraće vrijeme kompleksne reakcije bilo je u korelaciji s višom razinom učinkovitosti u prvom dijelu borbe, ali i tijekom cijele borbe. Visoka razina vizualno-motoričke koordinacije predstavlja preduvjet za visoku razinu učinkovitosti u borbi, a razina koordinacije povećavala se tijekom drugog dijela borbe. Čini se da su određeni aspekti koordinacije komponente potrebne za tehničko-taktičko usavršavanje kadeta. Ipak, aspekti koordinacije nisu izravno povezani s razinom uspjeha na natjecanju

    Aniołowie biznesu w Polsce

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    Business angels are important players in the ecosystem of financing innovative ventures. They support startups with their capital, but their knowledge, experience and network of contacts are more valuable. There are no studies in the scientific literature showing what the market in Poland looks like or what features do business angels have. We present the first study of this type in Poland. The aim of this article is to define the characteristics of business angels, their investment preferences and the manner of making investment decisions. This goal was achieved through a questionnaire survey of 40 of the most active business angels operating on the Polish market. The research confirms the assumptions that the Polish market of business angels is young, as evidenced by the experience of investors and a small number of exits.Aniołowie biznesu są ważnymi uczestnikami ekosystemu finansowania innowacyjnych przedsięwzięć. Wspierają start-upy swoim kapitałem, ale cenniejsza jest ich wiedza, doświadczenie czy sieć kontaktów. W literaturze naukowej brakuje pozycji przybliżających ten rynek w Polsce lub cechy aniołów biznesu. Prezentujemy pierwsze opracowanie w Polsce, którego celem jest określenie cech aniołów biznesu, ich preferencji inwestycyjnych oraz sposobu podejmowania decyzji tym zakresie. Cel ten został zrealizowany za pomocą badania ankietowego przeprowadzonego pośród 40 najaktywniejszych aniołów biznesu działających na rynku w Polsce. Badanie potwierdza przypuszczenia, że polski rynek aniołów biznesu jest młody – świadczą o tym doświadczenie inwestorów czy niewielka liczba wyjść z inwestycji