567 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial Activity Does Not Predict Cytokine Response to Adrenomedullin or Its Shortened Derivatives

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    The aim of this study was to investigate cytokine release from oral keratinocytes and fibroblasts in response to AM and shortened derivatives previously characterised in terms of their antimicrobial activities. Cells were incubated with AM or its fragments (residues 1-12, 1-21, 13-52, 16-21, 16-52, 22-52, 26-52, and 34-52), and culture supernatants collected after 1, 2, 4, 8, and 24 hours. A time-dependant increase in production of interleukin1-α and interleukin 1-β from keratinocytes in response to all peptides was demonstrated. However, exposure to fragments compared to whole AM resulted in reduced production of these cytokines (60% mean reduction at 24 hours, P<.001). No consistent differences were shown between the cytokine response elicited by antimicrobial and nonantimicrobial fragments. The production of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 did not change significantly with time or peptide used. Fibroblast cells were relatively unresponsive to all treatments. This study demonstrates that antimicrobial activity does not predict cytokine response to adrenomedullin or its shortened derivatives

    Assessment of Risk to Mink Exposed to PCBs in the Lower Illinois River Watershed

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    Staff of the Cooperative Wildlife Research Laboratory recently used environmental contaminant concentrations in mink (Mustela vison) to monitor environmental health using Illinois watersheds as a geographical framework. Our results indicated elevated PCBs in mink collected from 6 watersheds with concentrations in those collected from the 'Lower Illinois River Watershed being the greatest (mean= 3.14 mg/kg, range non-detect - 12.30 mg/kg). Although we have no data to indicate that the mink from this watershed are adversely affected by PCBs, the concentrations measured in their tissues indicate potential environmental concentrations of concern and warrants additional study. The goal of the current study was to better define the sources and distribution of PCBs and to evaluate the potential for adverse effects in biota living in streams in the Lower Illinois River Watershed, with the emphasis being risk to mink reproduction. Sediment, crayfish (Cambarus sp.), and fish were collected from Hill, Palmer, Carr, and Fountain creeks where mink with elevated liver PCB concentrations have previously been collected. PCBs were quantified in only 2 of 3 red shiner fish composite samples (57 and 66 ppb) collected at the confluence of Hill and Palmer Creeks. concentrations in all other samples (sediment, crayfish, and fish) were below our analytical detect limits (50 ppb). The current study did not provide information to indicate that PCBs in sediment or major aquatic food items are possible sources for PCB accumulation in mink collected from the Lower Illinois River Watershed. Quite the contrary, our results indicate that the creeks in our study do not appear to be a significant source of PCBs for mink. Because mink have a fairly large home range ( 1 - 5 km of stream length, EPA 1993) and their diet consist of terrestrial as well as aquatic food items, it would be necessary to evaluate habitats in other locations in order to determine the source of PCBs in the mink previously collected from the Lower Illinois River Watershed.Ope

    The magnetic storms of 3_4 August 2010 and 5_6 August 2011: 1. Ground- and space-based observations

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    We have used total electron content (TEC) values from low, middle, and high latitudes recorded over the American continent and density and ion temperature measured in situ by the DMSP-F15 and F17 satellites during the geomagnetic storms of 3_4 August 2010 and 5_6 August 2011 to study the formation and dynamics of plasma density enhancements that developed during these two storms. Common to both storms are the timing of the main phase that extends between 20 and 24 UT and their seasonality with both storms occurring near the end of the Northern Hemisphere summer solstice. During both storms, TEC data show incipient equatorial anomalies lacking a poleward expansion beyond 20Á magnetic latitude. Two large-scale TEC enhancements were observed at middle latitudes showing a complicated pattern of structuring and merging. The first TEC enhancement corresponds to a storm-enhanced density (SED) seen between 21 and 01 UT on the following day. The second TEC enhancement was observed over Central America, located equatorward of the SED and apparently moving northward. However, careful analysis of the TEC values indicates that this second TEC enhancement is not transported from lower latitudes through a superfountain effect. Instead, the enhanced plasma has a local origin and is driven by a southward directed meridional wind that moves plasma up the tilted magnetic field lines. DMSP flights passing over the second TEC enhancement show a reduction of the ion temperature, confirming an adiabatic expansion of the plasma as it moves up the field lines. It is concluded that the midlatitude TEC enhancements do not arise from a low-latitude ionospheric fountain effect. ©2017. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Selection on Coding and Regulatory Variation Maintains Individuality in Major Urinary Protein Scent Marks in Wild Mice

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    Recognition of individuals by scent is widespread across animal taxa. Though animals can often discriminate chemical blends based on many compounds, recent work shows that specific protein pheromones are necessary and sufficient for individual recognition via scent marks in mice. The genetic nature of individuality in scent marks (e.g. coding versus regulatory variation) and the evolutionary processes that maintain diversity are poorly understood. The individual signatures in scent marks of house mice are the protein products of a group of highly similar paralogs in the major urinary protein (Mup) gene family. Using the offspring of wild-caught mice, we examine individuality in the major urinary protein (MUP) scent marks at the DNA, RNA and protein levels. We show that individuality arises through a combination of variation at amino acid coding sites and differential transcription of central Mup genes across individuals, and we identify eSNPs in promoters. There is no evidence of post-transcriptional processes influencing phenotypic diversity as transcripts accurately predict the relative abundance of proteins in urine samples. The match between transcripts and urine samples taken six months earlier also emphasizes that the proportional relationships across central MUP isoforms in urine is stable. Balancing selection maintains coding variants at moderate frequencies, though pheromone diversity appears limited by interactions with vomeronasal receptors. We find that differential transcription of the central Mup paralogs within and between individuals significantly increases the individuality of pheromone blends. Balancing selection on gene regulation allows for increased individuality via combinatorial diversity in a limited number of pheromones

    VectorBase: improvements to a bioinformatics resource for invertebrate vector genomics.

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    VectorBase (http://www.vectorbase.org) is a NIAID-supported bioinformatics resource for invertebrate vectors of human pathogens. It hosts data for nine genomes: mosquitoes (three Anopheles gambiae genomes, Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus), tick (Ixodes scapularis), body louse (Pediculus humanus), kissing bug (Rhodnius prolixus) and tsetse fly (Glossina morsitans). Hosted data range from genomic features and expression data to population genetics and ontologies. We describe improvements and integration of new data that expand our taxonomic coverage. Releases are bi-monthly and include the delivery of preliminary data for emerging genomes. Frequent updates of the genome browser provide VectorBase users with increasing options for visualizing their own high-throughput data. One major development is a new population biology resource for storing genomic variations, insecticide resistance data and their associated metadata. It takes advantage of improved ontologies and controlled vocabularies. Combined, these new features ensure timely release of multiple types of data in the public domain while helping overcome the bottlenecks of bioinformatics and annotation by engaging with our user community

    Accuracy and Precision of Age Estimates for Pallid Sturgeon from Pectoral Fin Rays

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    Accurate age information is critical to the biological understanding and management of most fish species, but particularly for species of concern, such as the pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus. The accuracy and precision of pallid sturgeon age estimates from pectoral fin ray sections has never been established, yet all accumulated age information for the species was collected using this technique. To examine the accuracy and precision of age estimates, 16 pectoral fin ray samples from age-6 pallid sturgeon were obtained from Gavins Point National Fish Hatchery, South Dakota. The fin rays were sectioned, mounted, and independently examined twice by each of two readers. Only 28.1% of the age estimates accurately reflected the known age of the fish. Multiple readings of the same sample by the same reader (within-reader precision) only agreed 25% of the time, differences being as great as 5 years between the two estimates. Between-reader agreement was 46.9%, the two readers\u27 estimates of the same fish differing by as much as 2 years. Because of low accuracy and precision, estimated ages from pallid sturgeon pectoral fin rays should be viewed with caution

    Durability of Therapeutic Response to Milnacipran Treatment for Fibromyalgia. Results of a Randomized, Double-Blind, Monotherapy 6-Month Extension Study

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    To evaluate the durability of improvement and long-term efficacy of milnacipran treatment in fibromyalgia, to assess efficacy in patients re-randomized from placebo to milnacipran, and to collect additional information on the tolerability and efficacy of long-term treatment with milnacipran.A total of 449 patients who successfully completed a 6-month lead-in study enrolled in this 6-month extension study (87.7% of eligible subjects). Patients initially receiving milnacipran 200 mg/day during the lead-in study were maintained at 200 mg/day (n = 209); patients initially assigned to placebo or milnacipran 100 mg/day were re-randomized (1:4) to either 100 mg/day (n = 48) or 200 mg/day (n = 192) of milnacipran for an additional 6 months of treatment. Efficacy assessments included visual analog scale pain ratings, Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) total score, and Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC).Patients continuing on milnacipran demonstrated a sustained reduction in pain over the full 12-month period. Additional beneficial effects were also maintained, as indicated by the PGIC and FIQ. Patients initially assigned to either placebo or milnacipran 100 mg/day in the lead-in study and subsequently re-randomized to milnacipran 200 mg/day in the extension study experienced further improvements in their mean pain scores, FIQ total scores, and PGIC ratings at 1 year. Milnacipran treatment was generally well tolerated. The most commonly reported newly emergent adverse event was nausea.In addition to confirming that milnacipran safely and effectively improves the multiple symptoms of fibromyalgia, these data indicate that milnacipran provides 1-year durable efficacy in this patient population.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78636/1/j.1526-4637.2009.00755.x.pd

    Adoptive Immunotherapy with Cytokine-Induced Killer Cells for Patients with Relapsed Hematologic Malignancies after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation

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    Donor leukocyte infusions induce remissions in some patients with hematologic malignancies who relapse after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT); however, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) remains the major complication of this strategy. Cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells are a unique population of cytotoxic T lymphocytes that express the CD3+CD56+ phenotype and show marked up-regulation of the natural killer cell receptor NKG2D (CD314). CIK cells are non–major histocompatibility complex–restricted and NKG2D-dependent in target recognition and cytotoxicity. We explored the feasibility of ex vivo expansion of allogeneic CIK cells in patients with relapsed hematologic malignancies after allogeneic HCT. Eighteen patients (median age, 53 years; range, 20-69 years) received CIK cell infusions at escalating doses of 1 × 107 CD3+ cells/kg (n = 4), 5 × 107 CD3+ cells/kg (n = 6), and 1 × 108 CD3+ cells/kg (n = 8). The median expansion of CD3+ cells was 12-fold (range, 4- to 91-fold). CD3+CD56+ cells represented a median of 11% (range, 4%-44%) of the harvested cells, with a median 31-fold (range, 7- to 515-fold) expansion. Median CD3+CD314+ cell expression was 53% (range, 32%-78%) of harvested cells. Significant cytotoxicity was demonstrated in vitro against a panel of human tumor cell lines. Acute GVHD grade I-II was seen in 2 patients, and 1 patient had limited chronic GVHD. After a median follow-up of 20 months (range, 1-69 months) from CIK infusion, the median overall survival was 28 months, and the median event-free survival was 4 months. All deaths were due to relapsed disease; however, 5 patients had longer remissions after infusion of CIK cells than from allogeneic HCT to relapse. Our findings indicate that this form of adoptive immunotherapy is well tolerated and induces a low incidence of GVHD, supporting further investigation as an upfront modality to enhance graft-versus-tumor responses in high-risk patient populations

    Home-site advantage for host species–specific gut microbiota

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    Mammalian species harbor compositionally distinct gut microbial communities, but the mechanisms that maintain specificity of symbionts to host species remain unclear. Here, we show that natural selection within house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) drives deterministic assembly of the house-mouse gut microbiota from mixtures of native and non-native microbiotas. Competing microbiotas from wild-derived lines of house mice and other mouse species (Mus and Peromyscus spp.) within germ-free wild-type (WT) and Rag1-knockout (Rag1−/−) house mice revealed widespread fitness advantages for native gut bacteria. Native bacterial lineages significantly outcompeted non-native lineages in both WT and Rag1−/− mice, indicating home-site advantage for native microbiota independent of host adaptive immunity. However, a minority of native Bacteriodetes and Firmicutes favored by selection in WT hosts were not favored or disfavored in Rag1−/− hosts, indicating that Rag1 mediates fitness advantages of these strains. This study demonstrates home-site advantage for native gut bacteria, consistent with local adaptation of gut microbiota to their mammalian species