38 research outputs found

    Subjective perception of anxiety as PSYCHOSOCIAL effect of COVID-19

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    Introduction: Every day, people are more or less anxious, but during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, this anxiety can be greatly exacerbated. The aim of this study was to analyze the subjective feelings of anxiety associated with being in quarantine due to infection or suspected infection with SARS-CoV-2. Material and methods: The study included 138 people from different backgrounds. It was conducted using a survey (Google Form) consisting of fifteen questions. Results were compiled using chi2, Kendall's tau-b, one-way ANOVA analysis of variance with Bonferroni post hoc tests. Results: The level of experienced anxiety during the quarantine by the subjects was found to be statistically significantly higher compared to its level before and after the quarantine period (p=0.002). An increase in somatic symptoms was also observed during isolation (29.0%). Statistical analysis, however, confirmed the relationship between the sex of the subjects and the level of anxiety during and after quarantine (p<0.05) - women experienced anxiety slightly more strongly. In addition, younger people experienced higher levels of anxiety before quarantine than older people (p=0.001). The study also showed that some subjects felt the need to take sedatives (29.0%) and/or seek psychological/psychotherapeutic help (38.4%) during or after quarantine. Conclusions: Being in forced isolation has an impact on the severity of anxiety and the maintenance of high anxiety levels even after quarantine is over. These results show the importance of monitoring mental health during (and in relation to) a pandemic

    Circulating Total and Active Metalloproteinase-9 and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases-1 in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythomatosus

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    We investigated the serum concentration of total metalloproteinase-9 (tMPP-9), active MMP-9 (aMMP-9), and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) in a group of 41 patients with SLE and 20 healthy controls. Serum levels of tMMP-9 and TIMP-1 were assessed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and aMMP-9 by fluorometric assay. The tMMP-9 level was lower in SLE patients (mean 262 ng/mL) than in healthy volunteers (mean 325 ng/mL) (P = .048). Similarly, aMMP-9 level was lower in SLE patients (mean 121 ng/mL) than in control group (mean 169 ng/mL) (P = .0355) and lower in active SLE (mean 54 ng/mL) than in inactive disease (mean 99 ng/mL) (P = .033). TIMP-1 level was also lower in SLE patients (mean 181 ng/mL) than in control group (mean 233 ng/mL) (P = .004). In SLE patients, a positive correlation was found between tMMP-9 and aMMP-9 (ρ = 0.568; P = .001). We also found a positive correlation of tMMP-9 and TIMP-1 with VEGF concentrations (ρ = 0.450, P = .005 and ρ = 0.387; P = .018, resp). tMMP-9, aMMP-9, and TIMP-1 serum levels are lower in SLE patients than in healthy control group

    Comparison of various diagnostic methods in assessing platelet count in patients with immune thrombocytopenia

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    Introduction: Accurate platelet count (PLTC) in immune thrombocytopenia is important in order to make therapeutic decisions. The basic method of assessing PLTC is peripheral blood morphology with EDTA or with citrate. The older way of assessing PLTC is measurement under the microscope (FONIO), and the newer way is the fluorescent method. The purpose of this study was to compare PLTC methods, and find the most reliable. Material and methods: PLTC was assessed using five methods in adult patients with previously untreated ITP (EDTA, citrate, FONIO, fluorescent, and immunofluorescent methods). Results: 66 patients were enrolled in the study. The median age was 56 and 56% were men. Median PLTC in EDTA was 69 G/L, in citrate 69 G/L, in fluorescence 69 G/L, in FONIO 90 G/L, and in immunofluorescence 83 G/L. A significant difference in PLTC was observed in comparing EDTA to immunofluorescence (53% ±123%), followed by FONIO (51% ±91%). PLTC from immunofluorescence differed from the fluorescent method by 40% ±78%. Conclusions: The most valuable method for obtaining PLTC is the immunofluorescent method. These findings are especially important in helping to make therapeutic decisions during a challenging time for accessing medical care like a pandemic

    Wtórna ostra białaczka szpikowa u chorej po skutecznym leczeniu ostrej białaczki promielocytowej

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    Clonal aberrations, leading to development of therapy-related myelodysplastic syndromes and secondary acute myeloid leukemias (s-AML), are present in 10% of patients treated previously for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Most of them, especially monosomy 7, are associated with extremely poor prognosis. We present a case of 22-years-old female patient with APL diagnosed in 2008 who achieved complete cytogenetic and molecular remission after treatment according to PETHEMA protocol. Two years after the treatment was completed, s-AML with complex monosomal karyotype including monosomy 7 and t(3;21)(q26.2;q22) was diagnosed. Complete cytogenetic remission was achieved after 2 induction cycles and finally the allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from HLA-matched related donor was performed. In the posttransplant period moderate chronic graft versus host disease was observed. Now, 15 months after transplantation, the patient is still in complete cytogenetic remission with 100% of donor chimerism. Presented case demonstrates diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma of s-AML in a patient with complete remission of APL.Klonalne aberracje chromosomalne, prowadzące do powstawania zespołów mielodysplastycznych rozwijających się po leczeniu lub wtórnych ostrych białaczek szpikowych (s-AML), występują u około 10% chorych leczonych w przeszłości z powodu ostrej białaczki promielocytowej (APL). Większość z nich, a w szczególności monosomia chromosomu 7, wiąże się z wybitnie niekorzystnym rokowaniem. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 22-letniej chorej na APL rozpoznaną w 2008 roku, w całkowitej remisji cytogenetycznej i molekularnej po terapii według protokołu PETHEMA, u której 2 lata po zakończeniu leczenia APL rozpoznano s-AML ze złożonym kariotypem monoso­malnym, z obecnością między innymi monosomii chromosomu 7 i translokacji t(3;21)(q26.2;q22). Po 2 cyklach leczenia indukującego uzyskano całkowitą remisję cytogenetyczną i zakwalifikowano chorą do allogenicznego przeszczepienia krwiotwórczych komórek macierzystych od zgodnego dawcy rodzinnego. Okres okołoprzeszczepowy był powikłany przewlekłą chorobą przeszczep przeciw gospo­darzowi w stopniu umiarkowanym. Obecnie, 15 miesięcy po transplantacji, chora nadal pozostaje w całkowitej remisji cytogenetycznej ze 100-procentowym chimeryzmem donorowym. Opisany przypadek ilustruje złożony problem diagnostyczny i terapeutyczny s-APL u chorej w remisji po leczeniu APL

    Depression During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Among HIV-Infected Women on Antiretroviral Therapy in Uganda

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    Background: Among HIV-infected women, perinatal depression compromises clinical, maternal, and child health outcomes. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is associated with lower depression symptom severity but the uniformity of effect through pregnancy and postpartum periods is unknown. Methods: We analyzed prospective data from 447 HIV-infected women (18–49 years) initiating ART in rural Uganda (2005–2012). Participants completed blood work and comprehensive questionnaires quarterly. Pregnancy status was assessed by self-report. Analysis time periods were defined as currently pregnant, postpartum (0–12 months post-pregnancy outcome), or non–pregnancy-related. Depression symptom severity was measured using a modified Hopkins Symptom Checklist 15, with scores ranging from 1 to 4. Probable depression was defined as >1.75. Linear regression with generalized estimating equations was used to compare mean depression scores over the 3 periods. Results: At enrollment, median age was 32 years (interquartile range: 27–37), median CD4 count was 160 cells per cubic millimeter (interquartile range: 95–245), and mean depression score was 1.75 (s = 0.58) (39% with probable depression). Over 4.1 median years of follow-up, 104 women experienced 151 pregnancies. Mean depression scores did not differ across the time periods (P = 0.75). Multivariable models yielded similar findings. Increasing time on ART, viral suppression, better physical health, and “never married” were independently associated with lower mean depression scores. Findings were consistent when assessing probable depression. Conclusions: Although the lack of association between depression and perinatal periods is reassuring, high depression prevalence at treatment initiation and continued incidence across pregnancy and non–pregnancy-related periods of follow-up highlight the critical need for mental health services for HIV-infected women to optimize both maternal and perinatal health

    The role of neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP) in acute myeloid leukemia patients

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a heterogeneous, highly malignant neoplasm. Apoptosis is a complex process executed by caspases and suppressed by the inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) family. Neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP), IAP’s member, may play an exceptional role in the mechanisms of tumors’ resistance to chemotherapy. The aims of the study were to assess the expression of NAIP in leukemic blasts of AML patients using flow cytometry and to evaluate its influence on disease outcome. NAIP expression was found in 106 out of 108 patients. A higher complete response rate was associated with a low expression of NAIP, age < 60 yo, and white blood cell count < 20 G/L ( = 0.009, = 0.033, and = 0.076, respectively) in univariate analyses and a low NAIP expression and age < 60 yo ( = 0.025 and = 0.013, respectively) in multivariate analyses. Longer overall survival (OS) in the univariate analysis was influenced by a low NAIP expression, age < 60 yo, and intensive chemotherapy ( = 0.033, < 0.001, and < 0.001, respectively). In the intensively treated group, better OS was observed in patients with age < 60 yo, AML, and a low NAIP expression ( = 0.03, = 0.024, and = 0.07, respectively). In multivariate analysis, longer OS was associated with age < 60 yo ( = 0.009) and AML ( = 0.007). In conclusion, we suggest that NAIP might play an adverse role in response to chemotherapy

    Outcome of Second Primary Malignancies Developing in Multiple Myeloma Patients

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    Background: There is an increased risk of second primary malignancies (SMPs) in patients with multiple myeloma (MM). This multinational 'real-world' retrospective study analyzed the characteristics and outcomes of MM patients that developed SPMs.Results: 165 patients were analyzed: 62.4% males; 8.5% with a prior cancer; 113 with solid SPMs, mainly =stage 2; and 52 with hematological SPM (hemato-SPM), mainly MDS/AML. Patients with hemato-SPM were younger (p = 0.05) and more frequently had a prior AutoHCT (p = 0.012). The time to SPM was shorter in the older (&gt;65 years) and more heavily pretreated patients. One hundred patients were actively treated at the time of SPM detection. Treatment was discontinued in 52, substituted with another anti-MM therapy in 15, and continued in 33 patients. Treatment discontinuation was predominant in the patients diagnosed with hemato-SPM (76%). The median OS following SPM detection was 8.5 months, and the main cause of death was SPM. A poor ECOG status predicted a shorter OS (PS 3 vs. 0, HR = 5.74, 2.32-14.21, p &lt; 0.001), whereas a normal hemoglobin level (HR = 0.43, 0.19-0.95, p = 0.037) predicted longer OS.Conclusions: With the continuing improvement in OS, a higher proportion of MM patients might develop SPM. The OS following SPM diagnosis is poor; hence, frequent surveillance and early detection are imperative to improve outcomes

    Analysis of ibrutinib efficacy in a subgroup of chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients with 17p deletion: observational study of the Polish Adult Leukemia Group (PALG)

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    BackgroundThe 17p deletion is regarded as the strongest poor prognostic factor in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Results of recently performed clinical trials have suggested that ibrutinib significantly improves the outcome in this patient group.AimThe study aimed at analyzing the efficacy and adverse events profile of ibrutinib monotherapy in CLL patients with 17p deletion treated in routine clinical practice outside clinical trials.Materials and MethodsClinical response and adverse events profile of ibrutinib monotherapy were assessed in thirty-five CLL patients with 17p deletion treated within the ibrutinib named patients program in Poland.ResultsOverall response rate was 80% (28/35 patients) with median observation time of 24.2 months (range 0,1 – 30,9). Complete remission was observed in 5 patients (14.3%), partial remission in 11 (31.4%), partial remission with lymphocytosis in 13 (37.1%), whereas stable disease and progression was noted in 4 (11.4%) and 1 (2.9%) respectively. Response was not assessed in 1 patient. Median progression-free survival was 29.5 months, whereas median overall survival was not reached. Eleven patients died (7 because of infection, 1 of CLL progression, 1 of sudden cardiac death, 1 of disseminated breast cancer and 1 of unknown causes). In 13 patients (37.1%) at least one 3 or 4 grade adverse event occurred. In 11 patients (31.4%) the treatment was temporary withheld or the dose reduced due to adverse events.ConclusionIbrutinib is characterized by high clinical efficacy and acceptable toxicity in CLL patients with 17p deletion in daily clinical practice

    „Gazeta Łódzka” and its place in the social and cultural life in Łódź The beginnings and the present time

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    Article covers the topic of “Gazeta Łódzka” (“Gazeta Wyborcza Łódź”), local supplement added to national newspaper “Gazeta Wyborcza”. In the article criteria of local media and their functions were analysed. Their influence on local societies is also considered. Two periods of newspaper’s activity are concerned – beginning of the nineties of twentieth century and the beginning of the twentieth-first century. Information were gathered by author from analysis of the newspaper and interviews with Piotr Wesołowski the deputy of chief redactor and workers of Advertising Department. History and activity of “Gazeta Łódzka” is presented from perspective of fulfilling the determinants of local press and methods of readers elicitation. Examples of involvement in problems of Łódź inhabitants and achievements of newspaper’s journalists are shown. There were taken into consideration non-standard activities such as charitable actions and ones that promote culture also, not only materials published in the newspaper. Results of deliberations allow to think that “Gazeta Łódzka” is one of the factors that influences identity of the city and is helping to develop positive image of Łódź in the united Europe