69 research outputs found


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    Kamping turizam je specifični oblik turizma koji se počeo razvijati početkom 20. stoljeća. Kroz godine se znatno razvijao te je od „siromašnog“ oblika postao luksuznim oblikom turizma koji privlači turiste veće platežne moći što pridonosi pozitivnom razvoju gospodarstva cijele zemlje. Republika Hrvatska je postala jednom od najpoželjnijih europskih kamping destinacija zahvaljujući uvođenju suvremenih trendova u turističku ponudu kroz razne inovacije, stvaranje luksuznih smještajnih kapaciteta, poštivanje načela održivog razvoja te pružanje usluga visoke kvalitete. Kampiranje je životni stil pojedinca koji uključuje slobodu, prirodno okruženje i aktivni odmor samog kampista. Ovaj rad koncipiran je na pregledu razvoja kamping turizma u svijetu i Hrvatskoj te analiziranju ponude i potražnje u kamping sektoru s posebnim osvrtom na Lanterna Premium Camping Resort u Istri.Camping tourism is a specific form of tourism that began to develop in the early 20th century. Throughout the years, it has developed considerably from “poor” form to luxury form of tourism that attracts tourist of greater prosperity, which contributes to the positive development of the Croatian economy. The Republic of Croatia has become one of the most wanted European camping destinations thanks to the introduction of modern trends in tourist supply through various innovations, creating luxury accommodation capacities, respecting the principles of sustainable development and providing high quality services. Camping is a lifestyle of the individual that includes freedom, natural environment and recreation of the tourist. This paperp resents an overview of camping tourism development in the world and Croatia as well and analyzes supply and demand in the camping sector with special reference to the Lanterna Premium Camping Resort located in Istria

    The structure of the securities portfolio of Croatian credit institutions

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    Kreditne institucije u Republici Hrvatskoj su banke, štedne banke i stambene štedionice. Navedenim insitucijama odobrenje za rad izdaje krovna institucija, Hrvatska narodna banka. Depozitna i kreditna sredstva banke prikupljaju od pravnih i fizičkih osoba u zemlji i inozemstvu, te ih naknadno ulažu u obliku kreditnih ili nekreditnih plasmana, a kao glavni oblik nekreditnih plasmana javlja se ulaganje u vrijednosne papire. Vrijednosne papire mogu izdavati banke, financijske institucije, poduzeća, lokalna zajednica, državne uprave, kao i druge pravne osobe. Portfelj vrijednosnih papira predstavlja investicijski portfelj klijenta neke banke kojem je cilj stvaranje financijsko-upravljačke usluge koja je prilagođena istomu, a s ciljem ostvarenja pozitivnih rezultata ulaganja uz rizik koji je prihvatljiv klijentu. U radu je analiziran portfelj vrijednosnih papira hrvatskih kreditnih institucija u razdoblju od 2013. do 2015.godine.Credit institutions in the Republic of Croatia are banks, savings banks and housing savings banks. The above-mentioned institution has issued a work permit by the main institution, the Croatian National Bank. issued by the main institution, the Croatian National Bank. Deposit and loan funds are collected from legal entities and individuals in the country and abroad, and subsequently invest in the form of credit or non-credit placements, and as the main form of non-credit placements there is an investment in securites. Securities can be issued by banks, financial institutions, companies, local communities, state administrations, as well as other legal entities. Securities portfolio is an investment portfolio of a client of a bank whose goal is to create a financial-management service that is adapted to it, with the aim of achieving positive investment results with a risk that is acceptable to the client. This paper analyzes the portfolio of Croatian credit institutions in the period from 2013 to 2015

    Dizajn sustava boja za mobilne i WEB aplikacije

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    Cilj mobilnih i web aplikacija je da funkcioniraju i služe svim ljudima te ukloni barijere komunikacije i interakcije iz stvarnog života, bez obzira na hardver, softver, jezik ili lokaciju korisnika. U ovom radu autor prikazuje važnost definiranja dizajn sustava boja u dizajnu mobilnih ili web aplikacija te kako one utječu na osobe koje se koriste web ili mobilne aplikacije i alate, proučavajući razne izvore i recentnu literaturu. Nadalje, koristeći se raznom literaturom i svojim iskustvom autorica će prezentirati neke od smjernica koje mogu pomoći pri izradi palete boja za web ili mobilnu aplikaciju kako bi bio njihovo korištenje bilo prilagođenije za korisnike. Na kraju, A/B testom će se testirati definirana paleta boja postojeće aplikacije i paleta boja koju je autorica definirala kako bi se dokazalo da je upravo ta paleta boja bolja od postojeće

    Utjecaj CagA antigena bakterije Helicobacter pylori u razvoju aterosklerotske karotidne bolesti [Influence of CagA-positive Helicobacter pylori strains on atherosclerotic carotid disease]

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    Citotoxin-associated gene-A (CagA)-positive Helicobacter pylori strains have been associated with occurrence and destabilization of coronary atherosclerotic plaques. However, data on the relationship between CagA positive H. pylori infection and carotid artery instability are lacking. Thus, the role of CagA antigen in patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic carotid atherosclerotic plaques was investigated. A total of 64 patients with advanced carotid artery stenosis, including 33 patients with symptomatic and 31 patients with asymptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis, verified by duplex ultrasound, all undergoing carotid endarterectomy, were studied. The control group consisted of 65 subjects without a history or presence of vascular diseases. Serology for H. pylori and CagA antigen was assessed in all participants. Specimens of atherosclerotic plaques obtained from all patients during carotid endarterectomy were analyzed immunohistochemically using anti-CagA monoclonal antibodies. The ultrasonographic plaque characteristics were also estimated. CagA antibody titers were significantly higher in symptomatic patients (8.8; range, 5.8–32.7) compared to asymptomatic patients (4.7; range, 2.1–8.8; P = 0.005) and the control group (5.0; range 2.2–7.9; P<0.001). There was significant difference in echolucency (≥25% soft material) between the symptomatic and asymptomatic groups (P = 0.034) by ultrasonographic evaluation. Positive immunoreactivity between monoclonal CagA antibodies and antigens within atherosclerotic specimens was significantly higher among symptomatic patients compared to asymptomatic patients (97.0 vs. 74.2%; P = 0.009). The results of this study indicate that H. pylori may play a role in the pathogenesis of the atherosclerotic process due to autoimmune mechanisms and even contribute to destabilization of carotid atherosclerotic plaques

    Analysis of provision of urban functions in the City of Velika Gorica

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    Velika Gorica je satelitsko naselje Zagreba čiji je razvoj bio pod snažnim utjecajem procesa koji su kretali iz glavnog grada od 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća kao što je suburbanizacija i decentralizacija Zagreba koja se više odnosila na funkciju stanovanja, a manje na funkciju rada. Zbog blizine i utjecaja velikog Zagreba, Velika Gorica ima slabo razvijenu radnu funkciju i prema tome slabije razvijene i neke druge gradske funkcije kao što je zdravstvena funkcija. U ovom radu analizirale su se gradske funkcije Grada Velike Gorice kao jedinice lokalne samouprave, to jest njihova brojnost, kvaliteta i dostupnost, podacima dobivenim kartiranjem. Provedenim anketnim istraživanjem htjelo se kvantificirati zadovoljstvo lokalnog stanovništva gradskim funkcijama koje svakodnevno koriste. Simbiozom ovih dvaju istraživačkih metoda pokušalo se, kao što riječ "opremljenost" u naslovu sugerira, dati odgovor na pitanje koliko je Grad Velika Gorica opremljen pojedinim gradskim funkcijama, to jest koliko one zadovoljavaju potrebe lokalnog stanovništva. Zato su se analizirale one gradske funkcije koje su važne za kvalitetu života i potrebe lokalnog stanovništva kao što su radna, uslužna, trgovačka, obrazovna i zdravstvena funkcija, a ne sve gradske djelatnosti koje bi uključivale, na primjer, i stambenu ili industrijsku funkciju.Velika Gorica is a satellite settlement of Zagreb and its development has been strongly influenced by processes that have radiated from the capital since the 1970s, such as the suburbanization and decentralization of Zagreb which had more to do with the function of housing and less with the function of work. Due to the proximity and influence of the Zagreb urban agglomeration, Velika Gorica has poorly-developed work functions and is therefore less well-developed in terms of other city functions such as health care. This paper analyzes the city functions of the City of Velika Gorica as a unit of local self-government, i.e. their abundance, quality, and accessibility, by data obtained from mapping. The survey was intended to quantify the satisfaction of the local population with the everyday functions that they use. The symbiosis of these two research methods sought, as the word "equipment" suggests, to answer the question of how well the City of Velika Gorica is equipped with certain city functions, i.e. to what extent they meet the needs of the local population. Therefore, the city functions that are important for the quality of life and needs of the local population such as work, service, trade, education, and health care were analyzed. Some other functions, i.e. urban functions such as housing or industry, were not included

    The structure of the securities portfolio of Croatian credit institutions

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    Kreditne institucije u Republici Hrvatskoj su banke, štedne banke i stambene štedionice. Navedenim insitucijama odobrenje za rad izdaje krovna institucija, Hrvatska narodna banka. Depozitna i kreditna sredstva banke prikupljaju od pravnih i fizičkih osoba u zemlji i inozemstvu, te ih naknadno ulažu u obliku kreditnih ili nekreditnih plasmana, a kao glavni oblik nekreditnih plasmana javlja se ulaganje u vrijednosne papire. Vrijednosne papire mogu izdavati banke, financijske institucije, poduzeća, lokalna zajednica, državne uprave, kao i druge pravne osobe. Portfelj vrijednosnih papira predstavlja investicijski portfelj klijenta neke banke kojem je cilj stvaranje financijsko-upravljačke usluge koja je prilagođena istomu, a s ciljem ostvarenja pozitivnih rezultata ulaganja uz rizik koji je prihvatljiv klijentu. U radu je analiziran portfelj vrijednosnih papira hrvatskih kreditnih institucija u razdoblju od 2013. do 2015.godine.Credit institutions in the Republic of Croatia are banks, savings banks and housing savings banks. The above-mentioned institution has issued a work permit by the main institution, the Croatian National Bank. issued by the main institution, the Croatian National Bank. Deposit and loan funds are collected from legal entities and individuals in the country and abroad, and subsequently invest in the form of credit or non-credit placements, and as the main form of non-credit placements there is an investment in securites. Securities can be issued by banks, financial institutions, companies, local communities, state administrations, as well as other legal entities. Securities portfolio is an investment portfolio of a client of a bank whose goal is to create a financial-management service that is adapted to it, with the aim of achieving positive investment results with a risk that is acceptable to the client. This paper analyzes the portfolio of Croatian credit institutions in the period from 2013 to 2015

    Analysis of provision of urban functions in the City of Velika Gorica

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    Velika Gorica je satelitsko naselje Zagreba čiji je razvoj bio pod snažnim utjecajem procesa koji su kretali iz glavnog grada od 70-ih godina prošlog stoljeća kao što je suburbanizacija i decentralizacija Zagreba koja se više odnosila na funkciju stanovanja, a manje na funkciju rada. Zbog blizine i utjecaja velikog Zagreba, Velika Gorica ima slabo razvijenu radnu funkciju i prema tome slabije razvijene i neke druge gradske funkcije kao što je zdravstvena funkcija. U ovom radu analizirale su se gradske funkcije Grada Velike Gorice kao jedinice lokalne samouprave, to jest njihova brojnost, kvaliteta i dostupnost, podacima dobivenim kartiranjem. Provedenim anketnim istraživanjem htjelo se kvantificirati zadovoljstvo lokalnog stanovništva gradskim funkcijama koje svakodnevno koriste. Simbiozom ovih dvaju istraživačkih metoda pokušalo se, kao što riječ "opremljenost" u naslovu sugerira, dati odgovor na pitanje koliko je Grad Velika Gorica opremljen pojedinim gradskim funkcijama, to jest koliko one zadovoljavaju potrebe lokalnog stanovništva. Zato su se analizirale one gradske funkcije koje su važne za kvalitetu života i potrebe lokalnog stanovništva kao što su radna, uslužna, trgovačka, obrazovna i zdravstvena funkcija, a ne sve gradske djelatnosti koje bi uključivale, na primjer, i stambenu ili industrijsku funkciju.Velika Gorica is a satellite settlement of Zagreb and its development has been strongly influenced by processes that have radiated from the capital since the 1970s, such as the suburbanization and decentralization of Zagreb which had more to do with the function of housing and less with the function of work. Due to the proximity and influence of the Zagreb urban agglomeration, Velika Gorica has poorly-developed work functions and is therefore less well-developed in terms of other city functions such as health care. This paper analyzes the city functions of the City of Velika Gorica as a unit of local self-government, i.e. their abundance, quality, and accessibility, by data obtained from mapping. The survey was intended to quantify the satisfaction of the local population with the everyday functions that they use. The symbiosis of these two research methods sought, as the word "equipment" suggests, to answer the question of how well the City of Velika Gorica is equipped with certain city functions, i.e. to what extent they meet the needs of the local population. Therefore, the city functions that are important for the quality of life and needs of the local population such as work, service, trade, education, and health care were analyzed. Some other functions, i.e. urban functions such as housing or industry, were not included