66 research outputs found


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    Penerapan Manajemen Perubahan dan Inovasi pada Suatu Organisasi (Studi Kasus: Harian Pagi Koran Riau)

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    Application of Change Management and Innovation. This research intends to analyze and study the extent to which the application of change management and innovation was carried out in the Riau Daily Morning Koran to attract the attention of the people. This study uses a qualitative method with a single case study approach. This method is used in order to be able to describe the case in a comprehensive, broad and deep way. Information is combined with first conducting monitoring, then followed by question and answer from various interviewees screened to guide the information obtained also by reviewing bibliography and other sources. The information obtained from direct observation in the field, which is the object of this research is the company and the informants are consumers and citizens. The results of the research show that an important step in implementing change management in improving the organization can be carried out in several stages, namely changes at the individual level, changes at the group level, and changes at the organizational level

    Analysis of Birth Certificate Issuance Services at the Medan City Population and Civil Registration Service

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    A Civil Registry document which explains the child's name, gender, parents' names, and citizenship status recorded as a result of a birth is called a Birth Certificate. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Medan City Population and Civil Registry Office created media to facilitate birth certificate issuance services, which were supported by the increasing development of technology and information. The purpose of this study was to find out the birth certificate issuance services carried out by the Department of Population and Civil Registration in Medan City using descriptive qualitative methods which were made into narrative form with data collection techniques through direct observation and interviews with the community. The results obtained from this study indicate that the process carried out to make a Birth Certificate is sufficient in accordance with the SOP. The online SIBISA service simplifies and speeds up the administrative process for issuing birth certificates during the pandemic.


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    Asam fenil asetat adalah salah satu senyawa organik yang utamanya digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan obat-obatan farmasi atau bahan campuran untuk pembuatan produk kimia atau farmasi lain. Asam fenil asetat sering digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan phenylaceton dan penicillin yang diperlukan untuk produksi amphetamine. Asam fenil asetat juga sering dipakai untuk bahan campuran dalam industri parfum, misal methyl phenylacetic madu dan beraroma mawar, ethyl phenylacetic acid beraroma madu, amylphenylacetic acid beraroma coklat. Pembuatan asam fenil asetat dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa proses, salah satunya adalah dengan proses hidrolisis benzil sianida dan asam sulfat.    Pembuatan asam fenil asetat dengan proses hidrolisis diawali dengan mempersiapkan bahan baku yaitu mengencerkan asam sulfat dengan air memanaskannya  sebelum dimasukkan ke dalam reaktor dengan tekanan operasi 1 atm dan suhu 90°C. Proses hidrolisis terjadi di dalam reaktor, kemudian hasil keluaran reaktor diteruskan ke rdvf untuk memisahkan filtrat dan cake yang terbentuk. Filrat yang dihasilkan akan dimasukkan ke dekanter untuk memisahkan komponen berdasarkan massa jenisnya, sedangkan cake berupa amonium bisulfat dialirkan menuju gudang penyimpanan menggunakan cooling conveyor. Hasil pada atas dekanter akan diteruskan ke menara distilasi untuk memisahkan asam fenil asetat dari reaktan yang tersisa, sedangkan hasil pada bawah dekanter akan di-recycle kembali ke dalam reaktor. Hasil atas menara distilasi didinginkan terlebih dahulu di  heat exchanger lalu di-recycle kembali ke reaktor. Hasil bawah menara distilasi didinginkan di heat exchanger menjadi 100oC, kemudian diumpankan ke prilling tower untuk dikristalkan. Kemudian padatan kristal yang keluar dari prilling tower di perkecil ukurannya di ball mill dan dilakukan pengayakan pada screening untuk mendapatkan produk yang seragam. Asam fenil asetat diproduksi dengan kapasitas 4.500 ton/tahun dengan 330 hari kerja dalam 1 tahun dan dioperasikan mulai tahun 2024. Pendirian pabrik direncanakan berlokasi di Cilincing, Jakarta Utara dengan luas area 32.304  m² dengan tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan sebanyak 135 orang dan bentuk perusahaan Perseroan Terbatas (PT) dengan sistem organisasi garis dan staff. Kebutuhan air di ambil dari Sungai Tiram sedangkan kebutuhan listrik untuk operasional pabrik dipasok dari PLN Babelan. Berdasarkan hasil analisa ekonomi, didapat Returnxon Invesment (ROI) sesudahxpajakxuntukxpabrik ini sebesar 26%, Pay Out Time (POT) sesudah pajak sebesar 2,8 tahun. Sedangkan nilai Break Even Point (BEP) sebesar 44% dan Shut Down Point (SDP) sebesar 23,15%. Nilai-nilaixtersebut menunjukkan bahwa pabrik ini bisa dipertimbangkan pendiriannya dan dapat diteruskan ke tahap perencanaan pabrik. Sehinggaldapatpdinyatakan bahwatpabrik ini ulayak didirikan.  Kata kunci : Asam fenil asetat, hidrolisis, break even point, shut down poin

    Approaches of Teaching Writing; How It Facilitates Students’ Writing

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    As known that the approach is important particularly in teaching writing. Therefore, this study is aimed to uncover the writing approaches used by teachers in teaching writing. The subject of this study is a tenth grade teacher at SMA IT Ar Rahman Banjarbaru. This study used a descriptive qualitative method. The data were taken from the teaching writing processes. There were three methods in collecting data: observation, interview, and documentation. The teacher stated that each of the students could have the collaboration of four skills, and it was showed in the lesson plan, students have collaboration in the discussion, collect the information, representing, and sharing information. The result showed that the teacher used approaches when teaching writing. The approaches are product approach, process approach, strategic approach, cognitive approach, genre approach, pragmatic approach, process genre approach, concept model approach. Furthermore the teacher used the integrated approaches. All in all, the teacher applied the approaches; it could help the teacher to get easier in teaching writing. Moreover, when the teacher use the approaches whether it will be integrated or not; hopefully it could be support the teaching writing proces

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjualan Barang Toserba Menggunakan Metode OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis Design) Berbasis Mobile Platform Pada CV FCH Kema Pole Indonesia

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    Pemakai smartphone menjadi hal umum bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini terbukti dengan persentase penggunaan mencapai 66.36% dari total keseluruhan masyarakat Indonesia berdasarkan survey yang dilakukan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika. Dengan terjadinya COVID-19 banyak usaha yang mengalami penurunan sejak saat diberlakukan social distancing khususnya UMKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah). CV FCH Kema Pole merupakan UMKM (Usaha Kecil dan Menengah) yang berlokasi di Surabaya dengan menjalankan usaha penjualan TOSERBA (Toko Serba Ada).  Mempertimbangkan pemakaian smartphone yang cukup besar di Indonesia menjadi kesempatan untuk menggunakan smartphone sebagai dasar transaksi sehingga memudahkan konsumen untuk memesan barang atau produk tanpa harus ke toko. Berhubung untuk pengembangan membutuhkan waktu dalam pembuatan aplikasi yang dapat berjalan di smartphone. sedangkan CV FCH Kema Pole membutuhkan solusi cepat untuk meningkatkan pemasukannya. Maka diperlukan perencanaan yang matang dimana pengerjaan dapat berjalan secara efektif agar CV FCH Kema Pole dapat segera menjalankan transaksi penjualan melalui smartphone. Penulis memiliki dua solusi untuk mempercepat realisasi tersebut. Pertama menerapkan teknologi  mengadopsi teknologi yang dapat mensupport multi-platform mengingat smartphone memiliki beberapa jenis operating system seperti Android dan IOS. Pengembagan menggunakan Flutter dapat menjadi alternatif untuk permasalah tersebut. Pasalnya, aplikasi yang dibuat dengan Flutter dapat berjalan secara multi-platform. Kedua menerapkan metode OOAD (Object-Oriented Analysis and Design) sebagai dasar arsitektur aplikasi.  Dengan OOAD dapat mengatur arsitektur sistem agar dapat dikembangkan ke dalam OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) sehingga memudah programmer dalam mengimplementasikan sesuai dengan arsitektur rancangan sehingga dapat mengurangi waktu dalam pengerjaan serta meningkatkan produktivitas programmer

    Unconfined Compressive Strength Of Sedimentary Soil Stabilized With Portland Cement With Varying Curing Time

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    Soil improvement is commonly carried out in construction work with the aim of increasing the bearing capacity / strength of the soil so that it can carry the construction load that will stand on it. The method that is often used is soil stabilization with the addition of stabilization materials. In this study, soil stabilization was carried out with the addition of Portland Cement. This research begins with soil sampling and laboratory testing to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the soil, followed by making soil samples for Unconfined compressive strength testing with 3 variations of cement, namely 5%, 10%, and 20%. From the results of this study, it is known that the soil sample has a moisture content of 97.13%, specific gravity of 2.51, liquid limit of 33.80% and plasticity limit of 22.52% with plastic index value = 11.28%. Based on the soil classification system with the USCS (Unified Soil Classification System) method, sedimentary soil types include CL (Clay-Low) soil types, clays with low plasticity values. Unconfined compressive strength testing on sedimentary soil samples without portland cement obtained a compressive strength value of 0.352 kg/cm2. And the soil stabilized with various variations of Portland Cement obtained the highest compressive strength value of 14.45 kg/cm2, namely in the soil sample + 20% cement with 28 days curing time. The results showed that the value of Unconfined compressive strength for sedimentary soil dredging dam bili-bili stabilized with Portland cement tends to increase its bearing capacity / strength with the addition of the percentage of Portland cement and curing time, with this value the category of hard soil consistency obtained can be used for building structures and road base soils

    Evolusi Perundang-Undangan di Era Konstitusi Hukum: Tantangan dan Peluang

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    The life of the legal constitution has undergone significant developments since the past to the current modern era. The legal constitution era marked a paradigm shift from absolute authority to government based on the rule of law and recognition of human rights. These changes have influenced the formation and interpretation of legislation governing the social, political and economic order in various countries. This article examines the evolution of legislation in the legal constitutional era by highlighting the challenges and opportunities faced. The main challenges stem from the complexity of the problems faced by modern society, including globalization, technology, environment and social dynamics. Rapid social change often requires a comparable legislative response to maintain justice and balance in society. In addition to challenges, the era of legal constitutions also brings opportunities for more inclusive and progressive legal innovations. By giving power to constitutional institutions such as the Constitutional Court, legislation can accommodate the aspirations and needs of diverse communities. Increasing public participation in the legislative process is also one of the great potentials for creating more representative and responsive laws. This study uses a descriptive analysis method by reviewing the latest literature on changes to the legal constitution and their impact on legislation. The main findings show that the evolution of legislation in the era of legal constitutions provides complex consequences and challenges, but at the same time presents opportunities to create a legal system that is more just and relevant to the time


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    Pemahaman masyarakat terhadap informasi spasial di desa Cisempur masih sangat kurang. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh tingkat penggunaan dan pemanfaatan peta yang cukup rendah ditambah lagi dengan tidak tersedianya peta desa yang memberikan informasi spasial di desanya secara lengkap. Peta desa menjadi sangat penting karena dapat mendukung pembangunan desa yang tepat dan merata. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah membuat peta Desa Cisempur Kecamatan Jatinangor Kabupaten Sumedang. Peta yang dibuat terdiri dari informasi batas administrasi, toponimi, elevasi dan tutupan lahan terbaru yang diinterpretasi dari citra satelit. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dikelompokkan ke dalam dua tahap. Pertama adalah pembuatan peta. Kegiatan ini terdiri dari perizinan, analisis situasi, pembuatan peta kerja, pengumpulan data citra, pengolahan data, survei lapang dan membuat layout peta. Layout peta dibuat dengan mengacu pada pedoman teknis pembuatan peta desa yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Informasi Geospasial. Tahap berikutnya adalah proses validasi berupa pengecekan peta bersama aparat desa dan melakukan sosialisasi. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah tersedianya peta desa Cisempur skala 1:2500. Peta yang berhasil dibuat ini telah disosialisasikan kepada masyarkat desa Cisempur. Dengan peta ini, masyarakat dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan spasialnya, khususnya mengeai jarak dan lokasi objek penting yang ada di desa Cisempur

    The Way Black Women Face Racial Problems In Maya Angelou's Selected Poems

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    This thesis discuss the way Black women face the racial problem in three selected poems written by Maya Angelou. The researcher employs feminism theory spesifically Black feminism and new criticism limited to imagery and figurative language in analysing the poems. The research is conducted in descriptive qualitative method. The result of the study shows that in Maya Angelou’s three selected poems, Black woman faces different problem in each poem. In the poem “Still I Rise”, black woman faces the problem about discriminated, injustice and hatred because of her different colour and gender during the slavery era and she can deal with the problems through the self-confidence and strong personality. In “Phenomenal Woman”, Black woman faces the problem about the standard of beauty that the society made and it does not belong to the speaker physical appearance but she can deals with the problems by showing her pride and inner strength. And in the last poem “Weekend Glory”, Black woman faces the prejudice from the whites who always underestimated her and she can deal with the problems on how she lives life gratefull
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