17 research outputs found


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    This research aims to find out how the mechanism of cutting scales in buying and selling chili peppers, and how to analyze the existence of elements of gharar and tadlis in the practice of cutting scales in buying and selling chili peppers. This research uses normative-empirical legal research with descriptive analysis. The data comes from primary data obtained from the field and secondary data obtained from literature research. The results showed that the implementation mechanism for cutting the weight of the scales in the sale and purchase of chili peppers that took place was practiced according to the customs prevailing in the community of Gampong Abo Teubeng. This sale and purchase is carried out with the application of mandatory deductions at the time after weighing. Weighing pieces in this transaction range from 0.5-2kg depending on the size of the sack used by the farmer. If blue line sacks are used, the weight cut ranges from 1-2kg and fertilizer sacks with weight cuts range from 0.5-1kg. The weight cut is also influenced by market prices, if the market price is expensive then the cut will be small, if the price is cheap the cut will be large. Second, according to the review of muamalah fiqh, the existence of elements of gharar and tadlis in the transaction of cutting the weight of the scales in the sale and purchase of chili in Gampong Abo Teubeng shows that there is an element of gharar in the transaction, but the element of gharar is forgiven because it is included in mild gharar. Because the risk of heavy shrinkage is something that cannot be separated from the transaction. The existence of the element of tadlis in the transaction is visibly absent because of the willingness of both parties. However, invisibly it may not be because it is up to the buyer's intention. If they intend to gain more profit from the cut in the scales then it falls into tadlis. And if he does not intend to gain more profit then it is not included because it is in the pleasure of both parties when dealing


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    Industri pupuk menghasilkan limbah cair yang mengandung kadar amonium (NH4+) yang tinggi sehingga akan sangat berbahaya bila limbah ini dibuang secara langsung ke perairan karena akan langsung merusak ekosistem perairan. Untuk mengurangi dampak negatif tersebut, perlu adanya recoveriy atau pengurangan kadar amonium dalam limbah. Struvite (MgNH4PO4.6H2O) memiliki karakteristik yang slow release, artinya pupuk dapat melepas secara lambat senyawa yang diperlukan tanaman. Limbah garam (bittern) adalah pereaksi yang merupakan sumber Mg2+ pada produksi struvite. Untuk menurunkan biaya produksi sedapat mungkin digunakan limbah sebagai pereaksi untuk menghasilkan produk tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menurunkan konsentrasi limbah cair industri pupuk urea dengan pembuatan struvite. Pembentukan kristal struvite  dengan variabel tetap yaitu pH 9 dan variabel bebas yaitu perbandingan reaktan Mg:PO4. Hasil penelitian dari perbandingan molar Mg:NH4+:PO4 1:1:1 penurunan NH4+ maksimum adalah 132.5 mg/L. Penurunan konsentrasi  NH4+ meningkat pada molar reaktan Mg2+ yang lebih besar yaitu pada rasio molar Mg:PO4 1,2:1 mencapai penurunan konsentrasi optimum 75 mg/L. Produk struvite yang dihasilkan juga diperoleh pada molar reaktan pada Mg:PO4 1,2:1 yaitu 11.4 gr. Produk pupuk struvite dianalisa menggunakan XRD


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    Strategi kepala sekolah memiliki peran penting dalam mempertahankan budaya akademik di sekolah. Dalam mempertahankan budaya akademik, kepala sekolah lebih memperhatikan aturan- aturan.  Tujuan  penelitian  ini  untuk  mengetahui  strategi kepala sekolah dalam mempertahankan budaya akademik di SMAS Babul Maghfirah Aceh Besar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif analisis. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, waka kurikulum, dan guru. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa formulasi strategi kepala sekolah dalam mempertahankan budaya akademik di SMAS Babul Maghfirah Aceh Besar formulasi disusun pihak sekolah setelah bermusyawarah bersama komite, guru, dan tenaga kependidikan lainnya. Pengimplementasian strategi kepala sekolah dilakukan dengan menetapkan program harian, program bulanan, dan program tahunan. Evaluasi strategi kepala sekolah dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah dengan mengukur pelaksanaan, menganalisis kinerja budaya akademik dan pertanggung jawaban kepala sekolah terhadap budaya akademik yang sudah berjalan dan dievaluasi pada saat rapat diakhir semester

    Rancang Bangun Kendali Gerbang Rumah Berbasis Short Message Service (SMS) Menggunakan Arduino

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    Technological advances in the field of electronics automation are growing rapidly and affecting human life. One example is the control of the gate of the house. Sometimes people forget to close the gates of the house in a hurry and when they realize that the gate is not closed, not a few people are lazy and reluctant to close it. Therefore, it takes an automatic home gate controller that can be controlled in a long distance. So far the development of home door handlers is usually controlled by remote control or, software that can only be reached with a certain distance. So it requires another control device that is not restricted by distance. One of them uses GSM module technology. The GSM module working system gives a message to the Arduino device to instruct Arduino to give motion to the motor that will open and close the gate. The motor used is a stepper motor. So that the gate can be opened and closed with a relatively far distance. This control circuit uses an average voltage of 5 V and a current below 1 A so that if using a 12 V adapter step down regulator required to reduce the voltage to 5V by turning the potensimeter knob. The results of this gate control tool can drive a motor with a fence load, which requires a voltage of 4.8 Volts, a maximum current of 0.2 A and a maximum power of 1 Watt. Keywords: control, automatic gate, Arduino, GSM Module, stepper moto

    Pemberdayaan Anak dan Remaja dalam Pengoptimalan Taman Fontabaca sebagai Upaya Menumbuhkan Minat Literasi Membaca di Fontania Desa Tambun

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    The better the literacy of the people, the better the level of thinking and the achievement of the progress of the community in various aspects of life. However, in reality our current literacy culture is still low.  Currently the partner has a side of the reading garden established in 2021 known as Fontabaca Park. But unfortunately, the establishment of a reading garden was not fully utilized by children and teenagers. This is exacerbated by the lack of reading material available in the reading garden. The lack of interest in reading or borrowing books is partly due to the lack of socialization related to literacy activities to children and adolescents in the Fontania region. The method of implementing activities starts from counseling, training, mentoring and evaluation. The results of each stage of the implementation activity start from the counseling activities carried out by analyzing the problem then continued with mapping the solutions provided for partners. Followed by providing training activities related to reading literacy and the formation of reading garden cadres. Mentoring activities are in the form of procurement of needed reading book materials and involving participants to label and collect reading books. Evaluation activities obtained an average percentage of 98% of the impact of activities carried out by the implementation team as an effort to optimize the existing Fontabaca park.The better the literacy of the people, the better the level of thinking and the achievement of the progress of the community in various aspects of life. However, in reality our current literacy culture is still low.  Currently the partner has a side of the reading garden established in 2021 known as Fontabaca Park. But unfortunately, the establishment of a reading garden was not fully utilized by children and teenagers. This is exacerbated by the lack of reading material available in the reading garden. The lack of interest in reading or borrowing books is partly due to the lack of socialization related to literacy activities to children and adolescents in the Fontania region. The method of implementing activities starts from counseling, training, mentoring and evaluation. The results of each stage of the implementation activity start from the counseling activities carried out by analyzing the problem then continued with mapping the solutions provided for partners. Followed by providing training activities related to reading literacy and the formation of reading garden cadres. Mentoring activities are in the form of procurement of needed reading book materials and involving participants to label and collect reading books. Evaluation activities obtained an average percentage of 98% of the impact of activities carried out by the implementation team as an effort to optimize the existing Fontabaca park.   Keywords: Children and Youth, Fontabaca, Cadres, Literacy, Reading, Reading Garde

    Analisis Variabilitas Emisi Karbon Monoksida Selama Penyelenggaraan MotoGP di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah

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    Event MotoGP merupakan salah satu event olahraga yang populer di dunia. Namun, event ini juga dapat mengeluarkan emisi karbon monoksida (CO) yang dapat mempengaruhi kualitas udara di wilayah sekitar. Pada event MotoGP, emisi karbon monoksida merupakan salah satu jenis emisi yang dapat dihasilkan oleh mesin motor yang digunakan. Emisi karbon monoksida ini dapat mempengaruhi kualitas udara di sekitarnya dan dapat berdampak pada kesehatan manusia. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mengetahui tingkat emisi karbon monoksida yang disumbangkan dari event MotoGP di berbagai lokasi dan bagaimana emisi tersebut mempengaruhi kualitas udara di sekitarnya. Untuk pertama kalinya, event MotoGP diadakan di Indonesia, tepatnya di daerah Lombok Tengah.  Event ini berlangsung pada tanggal 11 s.d. 20 Maret 2022 dimana hal ini memungkinkan untuk terjadinya peningkatan kadar karbon monoksida. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui variabilitas sebaran kadar karbon monoksida (CO) mulai dari sebelum hingga setelah event MotoGP dilakukan. Dalam penelitian ini data diperoleh dari data citra satelit Sentinel 5P / TROPOMI dan diolah menggunakan Google Earth Engine. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa emisi karbon monoksida tertinggi di daerah Lombok Tengah terjadi pada puncak pelaksanaan event motoGP (20 Maret 2022). Emisi karbon cenderung mengalami peningkatan tiap perubahan periode. Berdasarkan data emisi CO tiap kecamatan di Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, kecamatan dengan emisi tertinggi adalah kecamatan Praya Timur dan Pujut dan kecamatan dengan emisi terendah adalah kecamatan Batukliang

    Pengujian pada Aplikasi Penggajian Pegawai dengan menggunakan Metode Blackbox

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    In this employee payroll application, if there is an error program there will be a loss for employees and the company. Losses for employees, if this application program error occurs then the salary reduction will experience delays due to the difficulty in the process of calculating employee salaries and employees will be late in receiving salaries. Losses for the company, if there is an error program in this application, the company will suffer losses if the employee wants a salary reduction quickly but the company cannot calculate quickly and accurately. In solving this problem, the authors use the black box testing method. Black box testing method is a test that sees the results of execution through test data and ensures the function of the software. Black box testing method has several testing techniques, namely Sample Testing, Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Partitions and others. From the testing techniques that have been mentioned, we use the Equivalence Partitions testing technique. Equivalence Partitions are tests that refer to data entry on the employee payroll application form, input will be tested and then put together based on the test function, both valid and invalid values. The expected results of this test are a payroll system for employees who are computerized, have standard rules in the process of developing the program so that it is easy to develop and maintain, and can minimize errors in processing salary calculations for employees.Pada aplikasi penggajian pegawai ini, jika terdapat program error maka akan terjadi kerugian bagi pegawai dan perusahaan. Kerugian bagi pegawai, jika aplikasi ini terjadi program error maka penurunan gaji akan mengalami keterlambatan dikarenakan sulit dalam proses perhitungan gaji pegawai dan pegawai pun akan telat dalam menerima gaji. Kerugian bagi perusahaan, jika terjadi program error pada aplikasi ini, perusahaan akan mengalami kerugian jika pegawai menginginkan penuruan gaji dengan cepat tapi perusahaan tidak bisa menghitung dengan cepat dan tepat. Dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini, maka penulis menggunakan metode black box testing. Metode black box testing adalah pengujian yang melihat hasil eksekusi melalui data uji dan memastikan fungsi dari software. Metode black box testing mempunyai beberapa teknik pengujian, yaitu Sample Testing, Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Partitions dan lain-lain. Dari teknik pengujian yang sudah disebutkan, kami menggunakan teknik pengujian Equivalence Partitions. Equivalence Partitions merupakan pengujian yang mengacu kepada masukkan data pada form aplikasi penggajian pegawai, masukan akan dilakukan pengujian lalu disatukan berdasarkan fungsi pengujian, baik bernilai valid atau tidak valid. Hasil yang diharapkan dari pengujian ini yaitu sistem penggajian bagi para pegawai yang sudah terkomputerisasi, mempunyai standar aturan dalam proses penggembangan program sehingga mudah untuk dikembangkan dan dipelihara, serta dapat meminimalisir kesalahan dalam memproses perhitungan gaji bagi para pegawai

    PKM-Perancangan Automatic Temperatur Control Menggunakan Pd Pada Mesin Pengering Gabah Tipe Rotary

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    During the Community Service (PKM) activities carried out by students and lecturers in Opo-opo Village, Krejengan District, Probolinggo Regency, to assist farmers in the grain drying process. Where the simple drying process generally takes 3 days. To overcome the problem of manual drying, the PKM will design an automatic temperature control using pd on a rotary type grain drying machine. The test results were carried out 3 times, including the first test with 8 kg of grain with a fire setting, a temperature of 57 ℃ was obtained, and the required drying time was 50 minutes, so that the final weight was obtained lower than the initial weight due to a decrease in water content with the result the final grain weight was 7.23 kg and there was a decrease in grain weight of 1.37 kg. For the two grain tests of 7 kg with the fire setting, a temperature of 57 ℃ was obtained, and the drying time required was 30 minutes, so that the final weight was obtained which was lower than the initial weight due to a decrease in water content with the final grain weight being 6.73 kg and there was a decrease in grain weight of 1.87 kg. And for the three grains of 6.15 kg with the fire setting, a temperature of 69 ℃ was obtained, and the required drying time was 20 minutes, so that the final weight was obtained which was lower than the initial weight due to a decrease in water content with the final grain weight being 6. 40 Kg and there was a decrease in grain weight of 1.75 Kg