446 research outputs found
Motivasi Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja Dan Disiplin Kerja Dampak Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Kantor Pos Jombang
Abstract The aims of this study are, To find out the description of work motivation, job satisfaction, work discipline and employee performance. To find out and analyze the impact of work motivation, job satisfaction and work discipline on employee. To find out and analyze the impact of work discipline on employee performance.This study uses a saturated sample, namely all 62 Jombang post office employees. The results of this study indicate that, Work motivation, job satisfaction and work discipline have a significant effect on employee performance. Work motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Keywords : Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Work Discipline, Employee Performance.
Instagram social media is one of the most popular social media in the world, in Indonesia Instagram social media itself has many users from various circles, this is caused by the image sharing feature that is owned by social media Instagram, its use is quite easy for everyone, but the media Social Instagram has a negative impact on its users, especially among high school students. This article focuses on, the use of Instagram social media among high school students, the form of degradation in the values of Sundanese characters caused by Instagram social media, and how much influence Instagram social media has on the degradation of Sundanese character values. The values of the Sundanese Character in this study focused on Lima Pinunjul, Sirna Ning Hurip and Sirna Ning Hirup. The values of the Sundanese Character aim to regulate the behavior of the Sundanese people. The method used in this study is descriptive with a quantitative approach, with the technique of collecting data using a closed questionnaire. The population and sample in this study involved 116 students who had Instagram social media accounts spread across four high schools in the city of Bandung. School sampling is done randomly. The results showed that Instagram social media had an influence on student behavior in carrying out their daily activities, and Instagram social media indirectly shifted the values of Sundanese characters among high school students in the city of Bandung.;
Media sosial Instagram adalah salah satu media sosial terpopuler di dunia, di Indonesia sendiri media sosial Instagram memiliki banyak pengguna dari berbagai kalangan, hal ini diakibatkan oleh fitur berbagi gambar yang dimiliki oleh media sosial Instagram, penggunaannya pun tergolong cukup mudah bagi semua orang, tetapi media sosial Instagram memiliki dampak negatif terhadap penggunanya, khususnya di kalangan siswa SMA. Artikel ini berfokus kepada, bentuk penggunaan media sosial Instagram di kalangan siswa SMA, bentuk dari degradasi nilai-nilai karakter Sunda yang diakibatkan oleh media sosial Instagram, dan seberapa besar pengaruh media sosial Instagram terhadap degradasi nilai-nilai karakter Sunda. Nilai-nilai Karakter Sunda dalam penelitian ini berfokus kepada Lima Pinunjul, Sirna Ning Hurip dan Sirna Ning Hirup. Nilai-nilai Karakter Sunda tersebut bertujuan untuk mengatur tingkah laku masyarakat Sunda. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket tertutup. Populasi dan sampel dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 116 siswa yang mempunyai akun media sosial Instagram yang tersebar di empat SMA di Kota Bandung. Pengambilan sampel sekolah dilakukan secara acak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media sosial Instagram memiliki pengaruh terhadap perilaku siswa dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya sehari-hari, dan media sosial Instagram secara tidak langsung menggeser nilai-nilai karakter Sunda di kalangan siswa SMA di Kota Bandung
Pengaruh Shopping Lifestyle, Discount Dan Fashion Involvement Terhadap Impulse Buying Pada Online Shop Lazada.Co.Id ( Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Feb Unisma )
ABSTRACTThis research was conducted to determine the effect of Shopping Lifestyle, Discounts, Fashion Involvement on Impulse Buying at Lazada.co.id Online Shop at the Faculty of Business Economics, Islamic University of Malang. This research uses explanatory research and quantitative approaches. Malhotra's theory is used to take samples, that is the number of items x 5 so that a total sample of 110 people is found.To solve the problem in this study, using the validity test, reliability test, normality test, multiple linear regression test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, classic assumption test. research using multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS 16 The results of this study are the Shopping Lifestyle, Discount, Fashion Involvement variables affect Impulse Buying simultaneously, partially the Shopping Lifestyle, Discount, Fashion Involvement variables affect the Impulse Buying at Lazada.co online shop. en at the Faculty of Business Economics, Islamic University of Malang. Keywords : Shopping Lifestyle, Discount, Fashion Involvement, Impulse Buyin
Pengaruh Kompensasi Finansial, Gaya Kepemimpinan, Motivasi Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada Pt. Pei Hai Internasional Wiratama Indonesia
AbstractThis study was conducted to describe financial compensation, leadership style, work motivation, job satisfaction, and the employees performance Pt Pei hai International Wiratama Indonesia know financial compensation influence, leadership style, work motivation, job satisfaction and the employees performance of PT pei hai international wiratama Indonesia. The tool used to know the financial by 78 samples of respondents.As for the data analysis technique using multiple linear regression analysis the results of descriptive analysis show that the employees of PT Pei Hai International Wiratama Indonesia agree on all research variables namely financial compensation, leadership style, work motivation, job satisfaction. The results showed that financial compensation, leadership style, work motivation and job satisfaction simultaneously affect employee performance. Financial compensation variables, leadership style, work motivation, job satisfaction partially affect employe
In this study, the researchers wanted to discuss how sustainable improvements were made by guardians in the development of the nursery. Researchers use a qualitative method that aims to explain the truth of a phenomenon that has the aim of obtaining objective data. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that in carrying out continuous improvement with the guardian in the development of the foster care there are several steps that have been applied among them: (a) to know closer with the centurion, to engage in close proximity with the clergyman as a guardian requires challenges that must be overcome on its own. Understanding the unique personality of each centri is pleasant when we are able to communicate with the heart. (b) Loving the mother-in-law, the guardian must provide emotional support as a key aspect. Listening attentively to their stories, their excitement, or their concerns is a first step in building a strong bond. One of the things to pay attention to is the fulfilment of basic needs, such as food, shelter, and clothing. The guardian should also ensure that the guardian has adequate access to educational facilities and learning facilities. (d) the prayer of the clergyman, the guardian is not only limited to the physical and educational aspects, but also includes attention to the spiritual dimension of the centurion
Analisis Dinamik Model Koinfeksi Penyakit Difteri dan Covid-19
Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk menganalisis dinamik model koinfeksi penyakit Difteri dan Covid-19. Kedua penyakit ini memiliki kemiripan tidak hanya pada pola penyebaran dan gejala yang ditimbulkan tetapi juga karakteristik terjadinya re-infeksi. Data yang diperoleh dari laman resmi WHO menyatakan bahwa dalam semester awal sejak kemunculannya di Kota Wuhan China, penyakit Covid-19 sudah menyebar ke 100-250 negara termasuk Indonesia. Sementara, penyakit lain yang juga memiliki tingkat penyebaran tinggi di Indonesia adalah Difteri. Analisis dinamik dari model koinfeksi penyakit Covid-19 dan Difteri dilakukan secara runtun sebagai berikut: pembuatan model matematika, penentuan titik kesetimbangan dan analisisnya, penentuan bilangan reproduksi dasar dan analisisnya, serta simulasi numerik. Dari model yang dibangun, terdapat 4 titik kritis yaitu titik kritis bebas penyakit, titik kritis Difteri, titik kritis Covid-19, serta titik kritis Difteri dan Covid-19. Penentuan bilangan reproduksi dasar menggunakan Next Generation Matrix untuk kasus titik kritis bebas penyakit menghasilkan 2 bilangan reproduksi dasar yaitu dan . Pada saat dan maka titk kritis bebas penyakit akan stabil, artinya untuk periode waktu tertentu kedua penyakit akan hilang dari populasi. Pada saat dan maka titik kritis bebas penyakit tidak stabil dan ini berarti bahwa penyakit difteri akan ada di dalam populasi, sementara ketika dan maka penyakit Covid-19 akan ada di dalam populasi. Hasil ini didukung oleh simulasi numerik yang dilakukan menggunakan software MATLAB untuk mengetahui perilaku model pada saat t (waktu) menuju tak hingga
The Urgention of Use of Technology as A Minute Protection of Notary Assets That are Lost or Damaged Due to Natural Disasters
This study aims to: to determine how important the application of technology is to protect the minuta notary deeds that are lost or damaged by natural disasters. The approach method in this research is sociological empirical research which is a qualitative research based on primary data. Primary data is data that is obtained directly by the object. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the use of technology as an effort to protect notary deeds that are lost or damaged due to natural disasters has not obtained a clear legal basis because the Notary Position Law or other legal provisions do not clearly regulate the procedure for keeping the minimum deed, so that notaries do not have standard rules regarding procedures. How to keep the minuta deed, which results in not providing legal certainty and legal protection for the parties concerned. Along with the development of technology, technology should be used in order to support work, including notaries, storing minuta deeds in the form of soft files to make backup files that can be used if one day a natural disaster occurs which results in the loss or damage of a minimum certificate. The absence of a clear legal basis that regulates the use of technology as a means of storing minimum deeds is one of the obstacles to the use of technology, even though this is done to improve the performance of notaries who are an extension of the government in the field of civil law in terms of services to the public. The potential for disasters or things beyond human capacity that can cause the loss or damage of the deed as part of the notary protocol is very large, so it is necessary to make preventive efforts by the notary in carrying out one of its obligations as mandated in the UUJN. Notaries must take the initiative in keeping the minimum deeds so that their storage is completely safe and not stuck with the old habit of storing notary protocols in a cupboard or vault that is still lost or damaged due to natural disasters or other things beyond human ability. So that efforts to utilize technology should become an internal habit in the notary office while waiting for a clear legal basis
Pentingnya memperhatikan kondisi lingkungan dari pengaruh buruk sampah wajib dilakukan oleh setiap lapisan masyarakat, termasuk masyarakat pesisir dan kepulauan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh sifat kepulauan yang membuat sebagian besar wilayah di Kecamatan Sapeken, Kabupaten Sumenep, Madura, Jawa Timur terhubung langsung dengan laut. Jika sampah tidak dikelola dengan baik, maka tidak hanya akan berdampak pada manusia tetapi juga pada biota laut. Kepulauan Sapeken memiliki laut yang indah dan potensi kelautan yang luar biasa besar, hal tersebut disayangkan bila rusak karena sampah yang berserakan atau bahkan menggunung. Program bersih pantai (beach clean-up) yang dilakukan diharapkan menjadi kegiatan yang mampu memberi pengertian tentang bahaya membuang sampah sembarangan, sekaligus menjadi inspirasi untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Dengan partisipasi aktif dari masyarakat, diharapkan mampu memberikan kesadaran kepada masyarakat tentang indahnya pantai jika bersih dan rapi. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah metode partisipasi aktif, yang dilakukan bekerja sama dengan Aliansi Masyarakat (AMAN) Kepulauan Sapeken di Desa Sapeken. Kesadaran untuk sadar bahaya sampah dan kepedulian untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup bagi warga Kepulauan Madura masih tetap harus ditingkatkan. Masyarakat yang terlibat dalam kegiatan masih terbilang minim
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah Faktor-Faktor Persela Lamongan Konsisten Bertahan Di Level Tertinggi Kompetisi Sepakbola Indonesia sejak promosi ke Divisi Utama Tahun 2003 dan pada saat ini persaingan tim semakin ketat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian melalui observasi dan wawancara yang diperoleh dari manajemen, pelatih, pemain, dan supporter kemudian data dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Manajemen adalah hal non tekhnis yang merupakan kunci utama dalam pengelolaan tim sepakbola. Karena yang mengatur seluruh aspek dalam suatu tim. Mulai dari pendanaan, kerjasama, rekruitmen pemain dan pelatih, penyediaan sarana dan prasarana, hingga kesejahteraan pemain dan pelatih. Sehingga dari hal tersebut terjadi saling berkaitan dalam tercapainya prestasi dalam suatu tim sepakbola profesional. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas faktor-faktor utama yang mendukung tercapainya prestasi sepakbola profesional di tim Persela Lamongan. Dari hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwasanya faktor yang paling dominan adalah manajemen yang solid serta dukungan supporter yang sangat fanatik. Dari manajemen yang solid akan berdampak pada seluruh aspek yang lainnya mulai dari pengelolaan dana, keharmonisan tim, perekrutan pemain dan pelatih yang tepat, serta kerjasama dengan pihak luar. Kata kunci : Pencapaian Tim, Manajemen, Persela Lamongan
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