226 research outputs found

    An Economic Analysis of Sports Performance in Africa

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    The purpose of this study is to develop insight into the socio-economic determinants of African sports performance. Previous studies have argued that a country’s success in sports is directly related to the economic resources that are available for those sports. However, factors that are used to determine the levels of success for developed countries are not necessarily the same, or bear the same weight, as for developing countries. The premise of this study is to identify specific factors that increase success in sports in developing countries by means of several econometric specifications, using cross-sectional data for African countries. This study finds evidence that suggests that Africa’s performance in sports is dependent on a range of socioeconomic factors, which in some respects confirms worldwide studies, but also adds significant nuance.Sports performance, economic determinants, Africa

    Analyzing the performance variation between competitive and non-competitive examinations among grade 5 students

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    The main objective of this research study is to test whether there is any performance variation exists in between the grade 5 students' performances in competitive and non-competitive examination. The grade S scholarship examination is a competitive conducted by the government and school term examinations (2n d and 3r d terms) are non-competitive. Most importantly, this is to examine the impact of the grade 5 scholarship examination in the development of child education which is an analysis about how far the stress makes poor performance among grade 5 students. Two types of data were collected to test this object; firstly the grade 5 scholarship examination marks of the students for the past consequent 10 years (2000-2009). Secondly the same students' 2 n d and 3 r d terms school examination marks for the same 10 years. To analyze these data ANOVA statistical procedure was used to. test the association between the students performance between competitive and non-competitive examinations. Turkey's student zed range method was used for multiple comparison of means between scholarship and school terms examination. Since the competitive examination takes place in between 2n d and 3r d term examinations. Further another comparison test was made to analyze the association in between 2n d and 3r d term examinations. These comparisons were used in order to check whether there is any improvement in the students' performance after the scholarship examination. The results showed that students' performances are significantly poor in the scholarship examination comparing with school terms examination in all 10 years and there is no significant difference between the students' performances in 2D d and 3r d terms examination

    Unique Fixed Point Theorem for Weakly Inward Contractions and Fixed Point Curve in 2-Banach Space

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    In this paper, we prove unique fixed point theorem for weakly inward contractions on 2-Banach space and introduce the concept of fixed point curve in 2-Banach space.2010 AMS Classification: 41A65, 46B20,47H10, 54H25

    A Study on the Clinical Profile,Blood Profile and Blood Culture Sensitivity Pattern of Salmonella Typhi in Paediatric Patients of PSGIMS & R

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    INTRODUCTION: Typhoid fever is a global public health problem,epidemics of typhoid fever and high endemic disease rates have been reported in India and countries in South Asia,however many cases remain undiagnosed and thus the real situation remains unknown.Typhoid fever accounts for an estimated 21 million and 200,000 deaths world wide annually1 .In 2000 an estimated 5.4 million cases of paratyphoid fever occurred globally.These values are from studies conducted in high incidence areas and therefore not totally unbiased. In India an estimate of annual typhoid incidence rate of 493.5 cases per 100,000 person years was reported in one study 2 Typhoid fever has a high social and economic impact as a result of hospitalization of the patients with acute disease or its complications and therefore the loss of income attributable to the duration of the clinical illness.3 In areas of endemicity and in large outbreaks,maximum patients were aged between 3 and 19 years.However bacteremic Salmonella typhi infection has been reported in children less than 3 years in India,Bangladesh,Nigeria etc.4,5In Indonesia, 900,000 cases per year and over 20,000 deaths are reported to occur.In South America, maximum cases occurred in school going children of 5-19 years and also in adults over 35 years of age. AIM OF THE STUDY: 1. PRIMARY AIM: To determine the blood profile and blood culture sensitivity of Salmonella typhi and comparison of Widal with blood culture in Paediatric patients of PSG IMS & R 2.SECONDARY AIM: To assess the microbiological profile of Salmonella typhi especially with reference to Nalidixic acid. DISCUSSION: This study was conducted as a retrospective observational study among the inpatients and outpatients of the department of Paediatrics of PSG IMSR with confirmed diagnosis of Salmonella typhi including locales in and around Coimbatore and also including referred cases.The study spanned over a period of 18 months from June 2011 to November 2012. Of the 50 cases included in the study,26 cases (52%) fell in the age group of 11-15 years.26% ie 13 cases were of the 6-10 years age group and 22% or 11 cases were of the 0-5 years age group.There was only a single infant case.Walia et al56 reported that 21.7% were children aged under 5 years and 6.1% were under 2 years.Yaramis et al54 reported that 17% of patients were children under 5 years and that school children were most affected. Sinha A et al4 and Leon Ochiai et al2 reported that the incidence in preschool children and school going children were similar. In our study, 36 out of the 50 cases were males and amounted to 72% and only 14 cases were females and amounted to only 28% .Males were predominant in the studies by Yaramis et al54,Garg K et al19 and Raghuram et al. Out of the 50 cases included in the study, majority of the cases were of the age group 11-15 years and of them 19 were male and only 7 were female.In all 3 selected age groups,males were the majority. 34 of the 50 cases ie 68% had fever of 1-7 days prior to admission.Only 10% had fever of more than 2 weeks duration. CONCLUSION: 50 cases were included in our study.Of them 52% were of the age group 11-15 years. Males were predominant in all 3 age groups. All the cases included presented with fever,majority of whom had fever of less than or equal to a week at presentation. Other common symptoms were chills,headache,vomiting, diarrhoea and cough. Pyrexia was noted in all patients and other common signs were toxic look,hepatomegaly and splenomegaly. Majority had normal leucocyte counts with relative lymphocytosis. Widal test is a simple,fast,cheap and easily available test though its reliability is not recommendable as not all patients with blood culture positive for Salmonella showed a positive Widal. However there is a significant association between blood culture and Widal test. Majority of the cases were resistant to Nalidixic acid and is thus not recommended at present.Nalidixic acid resistance also implies that a higher dose of Ciprofloxacin is required.All the cases were sensitive to Ceftriaxone.Most were responsive to Ampicillin,Chloramphenicol,Cotrimoxazole and Ciprofloxacin. Majority of cases responded to antibiotic therapy within days 3 to 5 of initiation

    Studi Historis Sejarah Berdiri Madrasah Tsanawiyah Muhammadiyah 6 Karanganyar dan Dampaknya terhadap Sosial Pendidikan Agama Islam

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    Pendidikan memiliki peran penting membentuk manusia yang cerdas, unggul dan mampu berpikir kritis, sebagaimana halnya tujuan berdirinya Muhammadiyah satu abad silam. Penelitian ini mengkaji sejarah pendirian Madrasah Tsanawiyah Muhammadiyah (MTs) 6 Karanganyar dan dampaknya pada pendidikan agama dan sosial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi, kemudian data akan dianalisis menggunakan reduksi penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Subyek yang terlibat yaitu kepala madrasah, wakil kepala madrasah, guru dan tokoh- tokoh masyarakat Hasil studi menunjukan bahwa MTs Muhammadiyah 6 Karanganyar. didirikan pada tahun 2003 oleh para tokoh Muhammadiyah dengan membaca kultur desa Karangturi yang masih kurang kesadaran akan pentingnya pendidikan agama, didirikan bekerja sama dengan Bank Dunia, madrasah ini bukanlah sebuah warisan yang sudah jadi dan tinggal menikmati.

    Triggering Interest in Learning through Environmentally Based Space Management

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    Interest in learning is still a classic problem teachers face in the learning process. The learning environment is one of the school resources that has the potential to arouse students' interest in learning. This research aims to explore and investigate how the design of the physical environment of classrooms or study rooms at the Alam Nurul Islamic School (SANI) Jember can influence students' interests. The research focus was analyzed using the theories of Tomkins, Renninger, Hidi, and several other relevant theories. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, where data collection is carried out through observation, interviews, documentation, and photography. Data analysis uses the theories of Milles, Huberman, and Saldana with three steps, namely data condensation, data presentation, and verification. The SANI learning environment is managed with the nature-based school concept by utilizing and optimizing the characteristics of the school environment, such as context, content, and learning processes. In this research, strategies, and interventions in the planning and substance of natural environment-based space management by creating a natural learning environment infrastructure can increase students' motivation, attention, and learning experience and potentially increase student interest and engagement

    Identification of bioactive compounds from the ethnomedicinal plant Senna alata (L.) Roxb. (fabaceae) through in vitro and molecular docking analysis against ?-glucosidase enzyme: a diabetic drug target

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    Senna alata (L.) Roxb. belongs to the family Fabaceae, is reported to have traditional use to treat diabetics and is selected for the study. Preliminary phytochemical analysis was carried out in the selected plant, indicating comparatively higher amounts of phenol, flavonoid, tannin and alkaloids in quantification. The antidiabetic activity of the plant was analyzed and the result indicated that the acetone and methanolic extract showed the lowest IC50 values in a-amylase and a-glucosidase assays respectively. The methanolic extract, which showed an IC50 (39.977 ug/ml) value similar to the standard (35.151 ug/ml), was selected for HR-LCMS analysis. HR-LCMS analysis indicated compounds that exhibit antidiabetic properties, including rutin, kaempferol, rhein and luteolin in the extract. Molecular docking analysis revealed 5 compounds showing better binding affinity namely 5-methoxyhydnocarpin-D, quercetin 3-rhamnoside-7-glucoside, marimetin, kaempferol and luteolin, than the standard drugs voglibose and acarbose. The present in vitro antidiabetic study against 5NN8 target protein was supported by molecular docking analysis. Therefore, further study of bioactive compounds identified through HR-LC MS can help develop future drug leads. Using such medicinal plants can support the improvement of the healthcare system as they do not have many side effects. S. alata is an important medicinal plant, but at the same time, it has become a weed in different parts of Kerala. Validation of medicinal properties and identification of bioactive molecules can help the sustainable utilization of the plant

    Pelatihan Mencipta Lagu Sederhana untuk Mengembangkan Kreatifitas Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan guru PAUD dalam membaca notasi  musik dan menciptakan lagu sederhana di Kecamatan Kaliwates Kabupaten Jember.  Pelatihan ini dilaksanakan mengingat lagu merupakan komponen utama  dalam pendidikan anak usia dini, (AUD).   Namun fakta di lapangan, menunjukkan bahwa kebanyakan para  guru AUD masih minim dalam penguasaan notasi.  Minimnya pengetahuan tentang notasi musik ini berimplikasi pada kesulitaan pengembangan khasanah lagu-lagu bagi anak didik., sehingga lagu-lagu  yang diberikan, cenderung plagiasi dari lagu yang sudah ada.  Pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan  dengan metode Participatory Action Research dalam bentuk pelatihan   membaca notasi musik dan menciptakan lagu sederhana yang terbagi dalam tahap perencanaan, pelaksanaan , dan evaluasi.  Hasil dari pengabdian masyarakat ini  menunjukkan  adanya peningkatan pemahaman  para  guru AUD terhadap teori-teori notasi musik dan menciptakan lagu sederhana untuk AUD. Antusiasme para guru PAUD dalam mengikuti pelatihan terlihat  melalui serangkaian praktik dan latihan berulang pada peserta. Pemahaman mulai meningkat terhadap teori musik dan tanda ritme.  Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelatihan ini berpotensi untuk memperluas kreativitas guru-guru

    Membentuk Jiwa Entrepreneur Mandiri Kreatif Produktif Di Masa Pandemi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Membentuk Jiwa Entrepreneur Mandiri Kreatif Produktif di Masa Pandemi. Metode pendekatan ini untuk pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat dalam  skema KKN-PPM yang meliputi metode ceramah dan diskusi. Metode ceramah dan diskusi dilaksanakan pada kegiatan seminar peningkatan produktifitas di masa pandemi. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini adalah menggunakan metode ceramah melalui bentuk sosialisasi dan diadakan seminar bagaimana caranya agar tetap produktif di masa pandemi seperti ini. Melalui kegiatan seminar ini diharapkan dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pihak mitra dan metode ceramah dan diskusi yang digunakan akan dilaksanakan selama kurang lebih 3 jam. Kegiatan selanjutnya adanya kegiatan diskusi dan Tanya jawab dengan peserta sosialisasi yang dikemas melalui Focus Grup Discusion (FGD). Hasil dari kegiatan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa beberapa peserta 10 seminar mengalami kebingungan dalam pengolahan produk. Salah satu contoh kebingungan peserta adalah petani jeruk nipis yang kesulitan mengolah hasil panennya sendiri menjadi produk yang memiliki nilai jual yang lebih tinggi

    A Behavioural Study of Free Ranging Ceylon Spotted Deer (Axis axis ceylonensis) in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka

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    Axis axis ceylonensis (Ceylon spotted deer) is a sub species endemic to Sri Lanka. Ecological observations in wild populations of this subspecies have been reported but there is no published research on its behaviour. We report here a behavioural study on a free ranging population of A. a. ceylonensis inhabiting a temple surroundings in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. Behaviour was quantified by focal sampling on sex age groups in three time zones: 6:30 to 7:30, 12:30-13:30, and 17:00 to 18:00 hours. The deer were more active in the hour after dawn and an hour before dusk. The main activities were feeding and play, the latter common in juveniles. There was a preference to graze on grasses and browse on Ficus sp. leaves. Resting was highest in the afternoon across all groups. This bimodal activity pattern is similar to that of both wild Ceylon and Indian A. axis subspecies despite the absence of predators in the study area. The bimodal activity may be related to thermoregulatory functions while grazing in open grass areas