36 research outputs found


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    On December 10, 2014, a national seminar discussing the theme "Philosophy of Divinity: Rethinking Theology in the Context of Scientific Discourse, Higher Education and Society" took place in Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta. At the seminar, the author presented his ideas regarding the mention of theology as "philosophy of divinity". The author argues that theology that we know as the systematic reflection on faith can be referred as "philosophy of divinity". By tracing the development of theology in history, the author find that the term "divinity" (indonesian translation for keilahian) designates the content of what is now understood as theology. The mention of theology as philosophy of divinity does not eliminate its meaning, let alone the essence. In history of its development, theology always interacted with philosophy. After accountable argument with the historical perspective, the author draws some practical implications of "changing" theology into philosophy of divinity. This article is a further development of the ideas the author presented in the seminar


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    Dalam disiplin ilmu filsafat sejak Yunani Awali, manusiadimengerti sebagai terdiri dari badan dan jiwa. BagiSokrates manusia adalah jiwa-nya. Sebab, badan tidakmenampilkan kodrat kemanusiawian yang sesungguhnya.Plato melanjutkan Sokrates dengan “menyangkal”kepentingan keberadaan badan. Problem filosofis klasikitu berlanjut pada pemikiran René Descartes yangmenyatakan bahwa badan adalah res extensa (itu yangmemiliki keluasan), sementara jiwa res cogitans (itu yangberpikir). Karena itu, dalam Descartes istilah yang lebihtepat untuk jiwa adalah “mind” daripada “soul”. Tetapisoal paling krusial dari definisi ini ialah bagaimanamungkin yang material bersatu sedemikian rupa denganres cogitans sehingga menyusun sebuah kesatuan tunggaleksistensi manusia yang begitu memesona? Pertanyaaninilah yang menjadi status questionis dari artikel ini

    Ecotheological Dimensions of Roko Molas Poco in the Tradition of Making Traditional Houses of the Manggarai Community - NTT

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    This article aims to show and introduce ecotheological values of “roko molas poco” ritual in the tradition of making traditional houses of Manggarai people – west Flores – East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The approach used in collecting information about these rituals is qualitative, using ethnographic method. The result of this research is that the “roko molas poco” ritual ini the tradition of making traditional houses of Manggarai people has very rich messages and ecothelogical values. These values can be used as important themes for inculturation of environmental theology in Manggarai people who are mostly Catholics and generally still adhere to their ancestors’ traditions and culture. These values can be used as important themes for inculturation of environmental theology in Manggarai people who are mostly Catholics and generally still adhere to the traditions and culture of their ancestors. It is believed that by strengthening ecotheological inculturation, ecological pastoral efforts in preventing a massive influx of ecological destruction can be easily carried out


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    Pastoral work requires certain techniques or strategies. The success of such work depends on how accurately the techniques or strategies the pastoral agent selects and uses. One of the pastoral theologians who introduced pastoral strategies was Father Paulus Hendrikus Janssen, CM. This research focuses attention on the implementation of Paulus Hendikus Janssen's pastoral strategy in the pastoral work of STP IPI alumni who work in the Malang Diocese. In an effort to obtain data related to this theme, the approach used was qualitative, using an interview method with several alumni involved in pastoral work in the Malang Diocese. The research results show that there is implementation of Paul Janssen's pastoral strategy by alumni of the Indonesian Pastoral Institute Pastoral College in the Diocese of Malang. This is practiced, because there are many benefits to be gained, namely they know the context of the mission better, understand the problems of the people in depth, there is a lot of local wisdom and religious wealth that is discovered and is useful for developing the faith of the people, there is a mission framework that is structured by following a pattern. -pattern developed by Paul Janssen. Apart from the benefits, there are also challenges and difficulties that must be overcome by pastoral agents. This research is expected to contribute to the development of pastoral patterns in the Malang diocese in particular and in Indonesia in general. At a theoretical level, Paul Janssen's pastoral strategy enriches the knowledge of pastoral theology.


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    This article attempts to answer the following question: how to elaborate an Indonesian social mariology that is based on the experience of the faithful? In answering this question, this article uses the critical reading method on four main themes, namely: (1) social mariology according to Clodovis M. Boff; (2) Contextual theology according to the FABC (Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences); (3) The methods of contextual theology according to Stephen B. Bevans; (4) Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics. The results of this critical reading have been synthesized in the following 3 subjects: (1) social mariology, (2) social mariology within the context of the FABC’s contextual theology; (3) a plan of Indonesian social mariology based on the experience of the faithful. An authentic contribution of this article is found in number 3: it offers a way to be applied in heeding the context, namely by processing the experience of the faithful. This approach is based on the way of Asian contextual theologizing according to the FABC and Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics. Besides to social mariology, this method can be applied to other themes of contextual theological studies

    Dialektika Konsep Ketuhanan dalam Ritual Lea sose pada Masyarakat Manggarai dan Gereja Katolik

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    This article aims to dialogue the concept of divinity in Manggarai, Indonesia, with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The concept of God in the Manggarai community has some similarities with the doctrine of God in the Catholic Church, that is, concerning the acknowledgment of God’s existence, involvement, and care. However, there are also matters that are quite different and that are not found in each respective context. On the one hand, the similarities can help those involved in catechesis with fresh understandings. On the other hand, the differences may enrich the outlook into knowledge about the concept of divinity, both in the context of living the Church’s teachings as well as in the context of being member of the cultural community. The results of the dialogue as explored in this article open the possibilities to help decrease the practices of syncretism on matters of faith in the Manggarai Catholic community. The approaches used by the authors to trace the concept of divinity in the two contexts are mainly qualitative with ethnographic and documentation methods. The findings are a mainstay for pastoral agents in determining certain themes for catechesis, especially those related to the concept of Godhead

    Implications of the Drama of Jesus' Passion Story in the Gospel of John for the Ethics of the Political Elite in the Public Sphere

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    The Church believed that her faith had social relevance. God, who is believed in, is responded to in concrete cultural and political situations. Therefore, the Church is no longer an isolated religious institution but integral to people's life experiences. Currently, the Indonesian nation is not only in a political crisis but also a crisis of political behavior. This crisis is exacerbated because the political elite has no shame in politics. Empirically, it is effortless to find examples of how there is no sense of shame because they have been guilty in society, and most prominently in the attitudes of political elites. It is no secret that many leaders and political elites are guilty of causing various crises, but when appearing in public, they do not show that they are guilty. Thus, this study aims to find the ethical values of the passion story of Jesus based on the Gospel of John. John presents the story of Jesus' passion for showing Jesus' empire as King through His "exaltation" on the Cross. Through this reading, leaders and public officials know and behave as leaders in front of the people. This research is a critical reading of the story of the passion of Jesus so that ethical points are found on how the political elite should act in the public sphere

    The Problem Of Undertaking Of Education Fighters In The Education System In Indonesia

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    Teachers or education fighters, especially honorary teachers in Indonesia do not yet have regulations. This causes honorary teachers to experience a sense of injustice in terms of income or income. As many as 48% of the total teacher population are non-civil servant teachers, most of whom earn below the regional minimum wage. The focus of this research is how to use existing resources to fight for the problem of a sense of injustice for honorary teachers to their income based on the philosophy of relationality. The aim is to explore or explore in more detail the opportunities and challenges of using resources to achieve a sense of justice for honorary teachers in their income. This research is a literature study, with qualitative methods and a relational philosophy approach. The result of this research is that the President is central to solving the problem of honorary teachers because the Indonesian government system is presidential so that the president becomes the head of state as well as the government. The Indonesian government should have drawn up a grand design for the field of education, specifically for human resources, by removing the status of civil servant and non-civil servant teachers and their derivatives so that there is only one term for teachers of the Republic of Indonesia who have the same regulations, welfare and guarantee of work wherever they carry out their duties. in both public and private schools

    Politik, sejarah, identitas, postmodernitas

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