62 research outputs found


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    MOCHAMMAD RIYANSYAH2015ABSTRAKKEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN ACEH BESAR DALAM MENYELESAIKAN KONFLIK CAGAR BUDAYA LAMURIFakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Syiah Kuala (xii, 61), pp., bibl., app. (Dr. Mujibusallim, SH., MH danRadhi Darmansyah, M.Sc)Sejak tahun 2012, Konflik yang terjadi antara masyarakat dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Besar akibat pemberian izin pembangunan lapangan golf di atas cagar budaya Lamuri terus bergulir dan mendapat kecaman dari berbagai Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM). Pemerintah tengah berusaha menyelesaikan konflik yang terjadi akibat kesalahan kebijakan, tidak komunikatifnya pemerintah terhadap masyarakat, serta terpolarisasinya masyarakat dalam pro dan kontra terkait masalah ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor konflik dan untuk mengetahui faktor terjadinya konflik cagar budaya Lamuri serta peran apa saja yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Aceh Besar dalam penyelesain konflik Lamuri. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan observasi lapangan untuk data primewr dan tinjauan kepustakaan untuk data sekunder. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya izin yang diberikan oleh pemerintah serta tidak dirawatnya cagar budaya Lamuri sebagai faktor konflik di Aceh Besar. Upaya dari pemerintah dengan pihak BPCB untuk mengadakan pertemuan dengan masyarakat sudah dilakukan sebagai jalan penyeelasaian konflik namun, usaha ini masih belum cukup untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Oleh karenanya pemerintah kabupaten Aceh Besar diharapkan untuk dapat melibatkan masyarakat dalam pembuatan dan revisi kebijakn masalah terkait.Kata Kunci: kebijakan, konflik, cagar budaya Lamuri.MOCHAMMAD RIYANSYAH2015ABSTRACTTHE GOVERNMENT POLICY OF ACEH BESAR REGENCY IN RESOLVING THE CONFLICT OF LAMURI CULTURAL HERITAGE CONSERVATION Faculty of Social and Political Science of Syiah Kuala University (xii, 63), pp., bibl., app. (Dr. Mujibusallim, SH., MH danRadhi Darmansyah, M.Sc)Since 2012, the conflict between the community and government of Aceh Besar Regency because of the contruction permit of golf course at Lamuri cultural heritage conservation has been occured and has been received criticism from various non-government organizations. The goverment is trying to resolve the conflict, which was actually occured due to the policy mistakes, incommunicattiveness of the government to the cummunity, and polarization of the comunity toward the issue. This study aimed to find out the causing factors of the conflict of Lamuri cultural herirage conservation and the roles of the government of Aceh Besar Regency in resolving the conflict. Data were collected by using quetionaire and field observation for primary data and by using library research for secondary data. The results of this study showed that the permit given by the government and the negligence of the cultural heritage conservation werw the causing factors of the conflict. The effort of the government together with the cultural Heritage Preservation Center (BPCB) by holding a meeting with the community was nout enough to resolve the conflict. Therefore, the government of Aceh Besar Regency is expected to involve the community in making and revising the policies related to this problem.Keywords : policy, conflict, Lamuri cultural heritage conservatio


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    Laporan tugas akhir Perancangan dan penerapan sistem informasi penggajian ini dibuat dengan tujuan memecahkan masalah yang berhubungan tentang proses pengolahan data penggajian dan menghasilkan suatu rancangan sistem informasi berbasis web yang tepat sesuai kebutuhan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam peracangan ini adalah melakukan pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka. Proses perancangan sistem informasi penggajian dimulai dengan menganalisis sistem-sistem yang sudah di jalankan oleh owner, kemudian mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang ada. Setelah diidentifikasi penulis merancang sistem informasi dengan model pengembangan sistem seperti Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), Normalisasi hingga Desain Input dan Output. Setelah keseluruhan sistem selasai dibuat, dapat diketahui bahwa dengan rancangan sistem informasi penggajian karyawan yang baru dapat menghasilkan informasi yang cepat, akurat dan releva


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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the comparison of conventional accounting and Islamic accounting derived from the thoughts of Sofyan Syafri Harahap. Currently, the implementation of Islamic accounting is not widely practiced even neglected by companies due to the lack of introduction and concentration of Islamic accounting knowledge. This is because there are still few researchers who study and formulate the practice of Islamic accounting. The form of this research is qualitative through a descriptive approach. The method of the data collection is carried out through various sources including literature review of several related books, articles and related dissertations. Based on the analysis results, it is found that in comparison Sofyan Syafri Harahap argues that conventional accounting has many drawbacks. This is evident from the content of the verses in the Al-Qur'an and also the opinion of several previous Islamic scholars such as Lucas Pacioli. Islamic accounting must be able to guarantee that the information compiled or presented must be correct and free from elements of fraud or injustice, free from partiality to certain interests. The information provided must be transparent, tested, and can be accounted for in the afterlife. Knowledge of Islam is absolutely necessary to view accounting from an Islamic perspective


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    This study designed a Fiber to the home (FTTH) network using gigabit passive optical network (GPON) technology. The network design is carried out in the Uma Cape area, the Tanjung Tritip area with parameter values ​​in accordance with the Proxynet standard as a company that will build a FTTH network at the research location. This study aims to design the FTTH network and calculate the link power budget, rise time, power receive and required traffic capacity. The design in Tanjung Triptin consists of 1 OLT, I ODC, 10 ODP in each area designed. There are 55 customers consisting of 52 houses, 1 school, 1 shop house and 1 mosque with a total traffic of 290.2 Mbps which can be covered by 1 OLT. The link power budget is used to obtain the amount of attenuation. The standard amount of attenuation from the Proxynet is 28 dBm. The results of the calculation of the Link Power Budget for each customer still meet the damping standards set by Proxynet, which is 28 dB. In this study, the greatest attenuation value was obtained in the uplink path of 26.21 dB, and on the downlink line of 26.01 dB. The power recieve (Pr) value obtained on the uplink path is -10.53 while the downlink path is -10.51. Based on the calculation of Rise time system, the highest value is 0.250 ns. This value is in accordance with the expectations below 0.583 ns

    The Education of Tidal Flood Disaster Mitigation and Environmental Awareness Through Simulation Video Assisted-Problem Based Learning Model

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the tidal flood disasters mitigation understanding and environmental awareness, as well as to measure the achievement of learning outcomes through the implementation of simulation video assisted problem-based learning. This research used pre-experimental design with one-group pretest-posttest, with the sample is seventh-grade students at Barunawati Junior High School Semarang. The instruments used are multiple-choice questions and Likert scale questionnaire. Rasch model was used to measure the instrument validity and to investigate the attitude scale of environmental awareness due to the learning model implementation, while N-gain test and t-test was used for cognitive analysis of climate change and tidal flood disaster mitigation materials. The knowledge of climate change and tidal flood disaster mitigation increased with N-gain of 0.40 and 0.37, respectively, while the results of t-test for learning outcomes in climate change and tidal flood disaster mitigation showed a significant increase in cognitive learning outcomes, since the video simulation-learning encouraged students to be more active and responsive. Furthermore, the analysis of the attitude scale questionnaire showed an improvement with person measure value from 0.04 (pretest) to 0.84 (posttest). It can be concluded the simulation video assisted problem-based learning model can increase climate change and tidal flood disaster mitigation knowledge, and environmental awareness of student


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    Abstrak. Dalam kurikulum 2013, guru dituntut untuk kreatif dalam melakukan proses pembelajaran yakni dengan cara menggunakan model pembelajaran. Salah satu model pembelajaran tersebut adalah Problem Based Learning. Sejauh ini proses pembelajaran di sekolah masih bergantung pada pernyataan bahwa sebuah pengetahuan merupakan perangkan yang wajib dihafal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Perencanaan Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning oleh guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia (2) Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning oleh guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 03 Simpenan Kabupaten Sukabumi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan cara wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek utama dalam penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa guru Bahasa Indonesia di SMP Negeri 03 Simpenan selalu membuat perencanaan pembelajaran di awal semester. Proses pembelajaran berjalan dengan baik dan guru sudah memahami pelaksanaan model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning.Kata Kunci: Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan. Abstract. In the 2013 curriculum, teachers are required to be creative in conducting the learning process by using a learning model. One such learning model is Problem Based Learning. So far the learning process in schools still requires knowledge that is a device that must be memorized. This study aims to study: (1) Planning of Problem Based Learning by Indonesian subject teachers (2) Implementation of Problem Based Learning by Indonesian subject teachers.The research method used in this study is qualitative. This research was conducted at 03 Simpenan State Junior High School, Sukabumi Regency. Data analysis techniques in this research is by interview and documentation. The main subject in this research is the Indonesian subject teacher.The results showed that Indonesian language teachers at SMP Negeri 03 Simpenan always made learning plans at the beginning of the semester. The learning process is going well and the teacher has applied the learning model of Problem Based Learning.Keywords: Planning, Implementatio

    “Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Wortel (Daucus carota L.) terhadap Karakteristik Nugget Ikan Kembung (Rastrelliger sp.)”

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan tepung wortel terhadap karakteristik kimia, fisik dan organoleptik nugget ikan kembung. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu penambahan tepung wortel A (kontrol), B (8%), C (9%), D (10%), E (11%), dan F (12%). Analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dan apabila berbeda nyata dilanjutkan dengan Duncan’s News Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) pada taraf 5% dan 1%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan tepung wortel terhadap karakteristik nugget ikan kembung berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap kadar air, kadar abu, kadar protein, kadar lemak, kadar karbohidrat, total karotenoid, kekerasan, dan organoleptik kenampakan, bau, rasa, dan tekstur. Akan tetapi berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap susut masak nugget. Sedangkan berdasarkan uji mikrobiologi terdapat perbedaan nilai ALT yang didapatkan. Perlakuan terbaik dalam penelitian ini adalah perlakuan C berdasarkan karakteristik kimia, fisik, dan penerimaan organoleptik dengan nilai rata-rata sebagai berikut : kadar air (55,56%), kadar abu (1,92%), kadar protein (11,14%), kadar lemak (3,07%), kadar karbohidrat (28,32%), total karotenoid (11,65 μg/g), susut masak (3,89%), kekerasan (74,07 N/cm2), ALT (2,4x104 CFU/g), kenampakan (8,6), bau (8,3), rasa (8,4), dan tekstur (8,3). Kata kunci : karakteristik, ikan kembung, nugget, tepung worte


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    BUMDes Karya Mulur merupakan badan usaha desa yang menyelenggarakan koperasi simpan pinjam di desa Plosogenuk, Perak, Kabupaten Jombang. Namun pada pengelolaan koperasi simpan pinjam di BUMDes Karya mulur masih bersifat konvensional dimana proses pengajuan pinjaman mengisi Formulir yang diberikan petugas, kemudian pada pelaporan penginputan data pada buku dan Microsoft Excel yang mana proses ini kurang efesien dan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut peneliti membangun Sistem Informasi KSP Karya Mulur yang diharapkan dapat mempermudah pengelolaan data dan dapat mengurangi waktu saat proses simpan pinjam. Peneliti membangun sistem ini berbasis website dengan menggunakan framework CSS Bootstrap. Dengan hasil pengujian UAT(User Acceptance Testing) yang memperoleh nilai 88,5% maka sistem informasi KSP Karya Mulur sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan dapat mengatasi permasalahan. Kata Kunci: BUMDes, Koperasi, Simpan , Pinjam, User Acceptance Testing
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