87 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of asymmetric rate-dependent critical systems to initial conditions: Insights into cellular decision making

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    The work reported here aims to address the effects of time-dependent parameters and stochasticity on decision making in biological systems. We achieve this by extending previous studies that resorted to simple bifurcation normal forms, although in the present case we focus primarily on the issue of the system's sensitivity to initial conditions in the presence of two different noise distributions, Gaussian and LĂ©vy. In addition, we also assess the impact of two-way sweeping at different rates through the critical region of a canonical Pitchfork bifurcation with a constant external asymmetry. The parallel with decision making in biocircuits is performed on this simple system since it is equivalent in its available states and dynamics to more complex genetic circuits published previously. Overall we verify that rate-dependent effects, previously reported as being important features of bifurcating systems, are specific to particular initial conditions. Processing of each starting state, which for the normal form underlying this study is akin to a classification task, is affected by the balance between sweeping speed through critical regions and the type of fluctuations added. For the heavy-tailed noise, two-way dynamic bifurcations are more efficient in processing the external signals, here understood to be jointly represented by the critical parameter profile and the external asymmetry amplitude, when compared to the system relying on escape dynamics. This is particular to the case when the system starts at an attractor not favored by the asymmetry and, in conjunction, when the sweeping amplitude is large

    ``Agro-meteorological indices and climate model uncertainty over the UK''

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    Five stakeholder-relevant indices of agro-meteorological change were analysed for the UK, over past (1961--1990) and future (2061--2090) periods. Accumulated Frosts, Dry Days, Growing Season Length, Plant Heat Stress and Start of Field Operations were calculated from the E-Obs (European Observational) and HadRM3 (Hadley Regional Climate Model) PPE (perturbed physics ensemble) data sets. Indices were compared directly and examined for current and future uncertainty. Biases are quantified in terms of ensemble member climate sensitivity and regional aggregation. Maps of spatial change then provide an appropriate metric for end-users both in terms of their requirements and statistical robustness. A future UK is described with fewer frosts, fewer years with a large number of frosts, an earlier start to field operations (e.g., tillage), fewer occurrences of sporadic rainfall, more instances of high temperatures (in both the mean and upper range), and a much longer growing season

    Analysing urban heat island patterns and simulating potential future changes

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    Climate change is interpreted as one of the most serious environmental problems for the 21st century. Changes in climate are now generally accepted. However, the rate of change has spatial characteristics and is highly uncertain. The Himalaya is experiencing abrupt change; so vulnerability and adaptation studies have become crucial. This pilot study presents initial findings of the research project entitled ‘Human Ecological Implications of Climate Change in the Himalaya.’ A study of climate change perceptions, vulnerability, and adaptation strategies of farming communities of the cool-wet temperate (Lumle) and the hot-wet sub-tropical (Meghauli) villages in Central Nepal was conducted. The findings are derived from the analysis of temperature and precipitation data of last 40 years, and primary data collected in September 2012. Focus Group Discussions, Key Informant Interviews, and Historical Timeline Calender were applied. The changes perceived by the communities are fairly consistent with the meteorological observations and are challenging the sustainability of social-ecological systems and communities’ livelihoods. Farming communities have adopted some strategies to minimize the vulnerability. But the adopted strategies have produced both negative and positive results. Strategies like flood control, shifting crop calendars, occupational changes and labour migrations have produced positive results in livelihood security. Occupational changes and labour migration have negatively impacted local agro-ecology and agricultural economies. Early-harvesting strategies to reduce losses from hailstorm have reduced the food and fodder security. Lack of irrigation for rice-seedlings is severely affecting the efficacy of shifting the rice-transplantation calendar. Conclusions suggest that while farmers have practiced strategies to better management of farms, livelihood sustainabilities are reaching thresholds due to the changing conditions.Rishikesh Pandey, Douglas K Bardsle

    Measuring the vulnerability of Scottish soils to a changing climate

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    The second Scottish Climate Change Adaptation Programme (SCCAP) identifies soil health as a priority research area to support sustainable soil management and ecosystem services. This follows concerns over a perceived lack of data or gaps in understanding that have been raised in both independent assessments of the first SCCAP by the Committee on Climate Change. The aim of this study is to summarise previous work on Scottish soils, explore existing datasets, and identify those metrics which could support the monitoring of Scotland’s soil health and measure the vulnerability of Scottish soils to climate change in future

    Treatment of organic resources before soil incorporation in semi-arid regions improves resilience to El Niño, and increases crop production and economic returns

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    We are grateful for support from the DFID-NERC El Niño programme in project NE P004830, “Building Resilience in Ethiopia’s Awassa region to Drought (BREAD)”, the ESRC NEXUS programme in project IEAS/POO2501/1, “Improving organic resource use in rural Ethiopia (IPORE)”, and the NERC ESPA programme in project NEK0104251 “Alternative carbon investments in ecosystems for poverty alleviation (ALTER)”. We are also grateful to Anke Fischer (James Hutton Insitute) for her comments on the paper.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Predicting Impacts of Climate Change on Fasciola hepatica Risk

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    Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke) is a physically and economically devastating parasitic trematode whose rise in recent years has been attributed to climate change. Climate has an impact on the free-living stages of the parasite and its intermediate host Lymnaea truncatula, with the interactions between rainfall and temperature having the greatest influence on transmission efficacy. There have been a number of short term climate driven forecasts developed to predict the following season's infection risk, with the Ollerenshaw index being the most widely used. Through the synthesis of a modified Ollerenshaw index with the UKCP09 fine scale climate projection data we have developed long term seasonal risk forecasts up to 2070 at a 25 km square resolution. Additionally UKCIP gridded datasets at 5 km square resolution from 1970-2006 were used to highlight the climate-driven increase to date. The maps show unprecedented levels of future fasciolosis risk in parts of the UK, with risk of serious epidemics in Wales by 2050. The seasonal risk maps demonstrate the possible change in the timing of disease outbreaks due to increased risk from overwintering larvae. Despite an overall long term increase in all regions of the UK, spatio-temporal variation in risk levels is expected. Infection risk will reduce in some areas and fluctuate greatly in others with a predicted decrease in summer infection for parts of the UK due to restricted water availability. This forecast is the first approximation of the potential impacts of climate change on fasciolosis risk in the UK. It can be used as a basis for indicating where active disease surveillance should be targeted and where the development of improved mitigation or adaptation measures is likely to bring the greatest benefits

    Validation of the present day annual cycle in heavy precipitation over the British Islands simulated by 14 RCMs

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    The representation of the annual cycle of heavy daily precipitation events across the United Kingdom within 14 regional climate models (RCMs) and the European observation data set (E-OBS) over the 1961-2000 period is investigated. We model extreme precipitation as an inhomogeneous Poisson process with a non-stationary threshold and use a sinusoidal model for the location and scale parameter of the corresponding generalized extreme value distribution and a constant shape parameter. First we fit the statistical model to the UK Met Office 5 km gridded precipitation data set (UKMO). Second the statistical model is fitted to 14 reanalysis driven 25 km resolution RCMs from the ENSEMBLES project and to E-OBS. The resulting characteristics from the RCMs and from E-OBS are compared with those from UKMO. We study the peak time of the annual cycle of the monthly return levels, the relative amplitude of their annual cycle and the relative bias of their absolute values. We show that the performance of the RCMs depends strongly on the region. The RCMs show deficits in modeling the characteristics of the annual cycle, especially in modeling its relative amplitude and mainly in Eastern England. However the peak time of the annual cycle is adequately simulated by most RCMs. E-OBS exhibits considerable biases in the absolute values of all monthly return levels, but the relative amplitude and the phase of the annual cycle of heavy precipitation are well represented. Our results imply that studies which rely on the explicit annual cycle of simulated heavy precipitation should be carefully considered

    Assessing uncertainty and complexity in regional-scale crop model simulations

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    Crop models are imperfect approximations to real world interactions between biotic and abiotic factors. In some situations, the uncertainties associated with choices in model structure, model inputs and parameters can exceed the spatiotemporal variability of simulated yields, thus limiting predictability. For Indian groundnut, we used the General Large Area Model for annual crops (GLAM) with an existing framework to decompose uncertainty, to first understand how skill changes with added model complexity, and then to determine the relevant uncertainty sources in yield and other prognostic variables (total biomass, leaf area index and harvest index). We developed an ensemble of simulations by perturbing GLAM parameters using two different input meteorology datasets, and two model versions that differ in the complexity with which they account for assimilation. We found that added complexity improved model skill, as measured by changes in the root mean squared error (RMSE), by 5-10% in specific pockets of western, central and southern India, but that 85% of the groundnut growing area either did not show improved skill or showed decreased skill from such added complexity. Thus, adding complexity or using overly complex models at regional or global scales should be exercised with caution. Uncertainty analysis indicated that, in situations where soil and air moisture dynamics are the major determinants of productivity, predictability in yield is high. Where uncertainty for yield is high, the choice of weather input data was found critical for reducing uncertainty. However, for other prognostic variables (including leaf area index, total biomass and the harvest index) parametric uncertainty was generally the most important source, with a contribution of up to 90% in some cases, suggesting that regional-scale data additional to yield to constrain model parameters is needed. Our study provides further evidence that regional-scale studies should explicitly quantify multiple uncertainty sources

    Crop modelling: towards locally relevant and climate-informed adaptation

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    A gap between the potential and practical realisation of adaptation exists: adaptation strategies need to be both climate-informed and locally relevant to be viable. Place-based approaches study local and contemporary dynamics of the agricultural system, whereas climate impact modelling simulates climate-crop interactions across temporal and spatial scales. Crop-climate modelling and place-based research on adaptation were strategically reviewed and analysed to identify areas of commonality, differences, and potential learning opportunities to enhance the relevance of both disciplines through interdisciplinary approaches. Crop-modelling studies have projected a 7–15% mean yield change with adaptation compared to a non-adaptation baseline (Nature Climate Change 4:1–5, 2014). Of the 17 types of adaptation strategy identified in this study as place-based adaptations occurring within Central America, only five were represented in crop-climate modelling literature, and these were as follows: fertiliser, irrigation, change in planting date, change in cultivar and area cultivated. The breath and agency of real-life adaptation compared to its representation in modelling studies is a source of error in climate impact simulations. Conversely, adaptation research that omits assessment of future climate variability and impact does not enable to provide sustainable adaptation strategies to local communities so risk maladaptation. Integrated and participatory methods can identify and reduce these sources of uncertainty, for example, stakeholder’s engagement can identify locally relevant adaptation pathways. We propose a research agenda that uses methodological approaches from both the modelling and place-based approaches to work towards climate-informed locally relevant adaptation
