525 research outputs found

    Engaging people in making history: impact, public engagement and the world beyond the campus

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    By examining the longer history of engagement between academics and those outside the academy and reflecting on recent experiences of collaboration, this paper provides a critical perspective on understandings of engagement and the 'impact' of historical research today. Considering in particular the UK higher education landscape and the recent Research Excellence Framework measurement exercise, we argue that the current approach of universities, and understandings of the relationship between them and those outside higher education, promotes a model of one-way dissemination, entails a potentially paternalistic approach to an apparently passive public, and favours easily measurable change. We suggest that by revisiting the intellectual origins of the public history movement, we can better understand where the value in the relationship between academics and the public lies. Our conclusion is that refocusing on the process of engagement rather than specific and easily evaluated outcomes better reflects and values the most successful, productive and democratic collaborations between researchers and non-academic partners

    Physiotherapy students\u27 perceptions and experiences of clinical prediction rules

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    Objectives: Clinical reasoning can be difficult to teach to pre-professional physiotherapy students due to their lack of clinical experience. It may be that tools such as clinical prediction rules (CPRs) could aid the process, but there has been little investigation into their use in physiotherapy clinical education. This study aimed to determine the perceptions and experiences of physiotherapy students regarding CPRs, and whether they are learning about CPRs on clinical placement. Design: Cross-sectional survey using a paper-based questionnaire. Participants: Final year pre-professional physiotherapy students (n=371, response rate 77%) from five universities across five states of Australia. Results: Sixty percent of respondents had not heard of CPRs, and a further 19% had not clinically used CPRs. Only 21% reported using CPRs, and of these nearly three-quarters were rarely, if ever, learning about CPRs in the clinical setting. However most of those who used CPRs (78%) believed CPRs assisted in the development of clinical reasoning skills and none (0%) was opposed to the teaching of CPRs to students. The CPRs most commonly recognised and used by students were those for determining the need for an X-ray following injuries to the ankle and foot (67%), and for identifying deep venous thrombosis (63%). Conclusions: The large majority of students in this sample knew little, if anything, about CPRs and few had learned about, experienced or practiced them on clinical placement. However, students who were aware of CPRs found them helpful for their clinical reasoning and were in favour of learning more about them

    The effect of end-range cervical rotation on vertebral and internal carotid arterial blood flow and cerebral inflow: a sub analysis of an MRI study

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    Introduction: Cervical spine manual therapy has been associated with a small risk of serious adverse neurovascular events, particularly to the vertebral arteries. Sustained end-range rotation is recommended clinically as a pre-manipulative screening tool; however ultrasound studies have yielded conflicting results about the effect of rotation on blood flow in the vertebral arteries. There has been little research on internal carotid arterial flow or utilising the reference standard of angiography. Objectives: To evaluate the mean effect of cervical rotation on blood flow in the craniocervical arteries and blood supply to the brain, as well as individual variation. Design: This was an observational study. Method: Magnetic resonance angiography was used to measure average blood flow volume in the vertebral arteries, internal carotid arteries, and total cerebral inflow, in three neck positions: neutral, end-range left rotation and end-range right rotation in healthy adults. Results: Twenty participants were evaluated. There was a decrease in average blood flow volume in the vertebral and internal carotid arteries on contralateral rotation, compared to neutral. This was statistically significant on left rotation only. Ipsilateral rotation had no effect on average blood flow volume in any artery. Total cerebral inflow was not significantly affected by rotation in either direction. Conclusions: It appears that in healthy adults the cerebral vasculature can compensate for decreased flow in one or more arteries by increasing flow in other arteries, to maintain cerebral perfusion. Sustained end-range rotation may therefore reflect the compensatory capacity of the system as a whole rather than isolated vertebrobasilar function

    The utility of pharmacy dispensing data for ART programme evaluation and early identification of patient loss to follow-up

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    No abstract Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine Vol. 9 (2) 2008: pp. 44-4

    100 years of chemistry at Rhodes University

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    The history of Grahamstown is well documented and two books deal with the history of Rhodes University.1,2 Although the Chemistry Department was one of the founding departments, coverage in the official histories is minimal and sometimes inaccurate or misleading. The Rhodes University Centenary is an appropriate time to look back on some of the achievements of the department and some of its graduates over the past 100 years

    Highway deicing salt dynamic runoff to surface water and subsequent infiltration to groundwater during severe UK winters

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    Dynamic impact to the water environment of deicing salt application at a major highway (motorway) interchange in the UK is quantitatively evaluated for two recent severe UK winters. The contaminant transport pathway studied allowed controls on dynamic highway runoff and storm-sewer discharge to a receiving stream and its subsequent leakage to an underlying sandstone aquifer, including possible contribution to long-term chloride increases in supply wells, to be evaluated. Logged stream electrical-conductivity (EC) to estimate chloride concentrations, stream flow, climate and motorway salt application data were used to assess salt fate. Stream loading was responsive to salt applications and climate variability influencing salt release. Chloride (via EC) was predicted to exceed the stream Environmental Quality Standard (250 mg/l) for 33% and 18% of the two winters. Maximum stream concentrations (3500 mg/l, 15% sea water salinity) were ascribed to salt-induced melting and drainage of highway snowfall without dilution from, still frozen, catchment water. Salt persistance on the highway under dry-cold conditions was inferred from stream observations of delayed salt removal. Streambed and stream-loss data demonstrated chloride infiltration could occur to the underlying aquifer with mild and severe winter stream leakage estimated to account for 21 to 54% respectively of the 70 t of increased chloride (over baseline) annually abstracted by supply wells. Deicing salt infiltration lateral to the highway alongside other urban/natural sources were inferred to contribute the shortfall. Challenges in quantifying chloride mass/fluxes (flow gauge accuracy at high flows, salt loading from other roads, weaker chloride-EC correlation at low concentrations), may be largely overcome by modest investment in enhanced data acquisition or minor approach modification. The increased understanding of deicing salt dynamic loading to the water environment obtained is relevant to improved groundwater resource management, highway salt application practice, surface-water - ecosystem management, and decision making on highway drainage to ground

    Effect of reduced-impact logging on seedling recruitment in a neotropical forest

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    Seedling growth and survival are critical for tropical rainforest regeneration. Alterations to natural disturbance regimes, such as those brought about by logging, have the potential to shift relative species abundances and the community composition of forests, resulting in population declines for commercially valuable species. Timber operations therefore need to minimise such changes if long-term sustainability is to be achieved within the industry. Reduced-impact logging (RIL) has been promoted widely as an alternative management strategy to conventional selective logging, as it employs practices that decrease the negative impacts of logging within forests. However, the long-term sustainability of RIL, including the influence it has on the regeneration of species targeted for timber extraction, is still uncertain. Here we undertake a comparative study in Iwokrama forest, Guyana, examining seedling densities of four commercially valuable and two pioneer tree species in unlogged, 1.5 years and 4.5 years postharvest forest plots to ascertain how seedling regeneration is effected by RIL. We find that RIL had either a neutral or positive impact on the density of seedlings of timber species when compared to unlogged forest, with pioneer species densities remaining unaffected. We conclude that the forestry practices associated with RIL have little effect on the natural regeneration rates of key commercially valuable tree species in logged neotropical forests

    Bacterial dominance is due to effective utilisation of secondary metabolites produced by competitors.

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    Interactions between bacteria govern the progression of respiratory infections; however, the mechanisms underpinning these interactions are still unclear. Understanding how a bacterial species comes to dominate infectious communities associated with respiratory infections has direct relevance to treatment. In this study, Burkholderia, Pseudomonas, and Staphylococcus species were isolated from the sputum of an individual with Cystic Fibrosis and assembled in a fully factorial design to create simple microcosms. Measurements of growth and habitat modification were recorded over time, the later using proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectra. The results showed interactions between the bacteria became increasingly neutral over time. Concurrently, the bacteria significantly altered their ability to modify the environment, with Pseudomonas able to utilise secondary metabolites produced by the other two isolates, whereas the reverse was not observed. This study indicates the importance of including data about the habitat modification of a community, to better elucidate the mechanisms of bacterial interactions

    Environmental Baseline Monitoring Project. Phase II, final report

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    This report is submitted in compliance with the conditions set out in the grant awarded to the British Geological Survey (BGS), for the period April 2016 – March 2017, to support the jointly-funded project "Science-based environmental baseline monitoring". It presents the results of monitoring and/or measurement and preliminary interpretation of these data to characterise the baseline environmental conditions in the Vale of Pickering, North Yorkshire and for air quality, the Fylde in Lancashire ahead of any shale gas development. The two areas where the monitoring is taking place have seen, during the project, planning applications approved for the exploration for shale gas and hydraulic fracturing. It is widely recognised that there is a need for good environmental baseline data and establishment of effective monitoring protocols ahead of any shale gas/oil development. This monitoring will enable future changes that may occur as a result of industrial activity to be identified and differentiated from other natural and man-made changes that are influencing the baseline. Continued monitoring will then enable any deviations from the baseline, should they occur, to be identified and investigated independently to determine the possible causes, sources and significance to the environment and public health. The absence of such data in the United States has undermined public confidence, led to major controversy and inability to identify and effectively deal with impact/contamination where it has occurred. A key aim of this work is to avoid a similar situation and the independent monitoring being carried out as part of this project provides an opportunity to develop robust environmental baseline for the two study areas and monitoring procedures, and share experience that is applicable to the wider UK situation. This work is internationally unique and comprises an inter-disciplinary researcher-led programme that is developing, testing and implementing monitoring methodologies to enable future environmental changes to be detected at a local scale (individual site) as well as across a wider area, e.g. ‘shale gas play’ where cumulative impacts may be significant. The monitoring includes: water quality (groundwater and surface water), seismicity, ground motion, soil gas, atmospheric composition (greenhouse gases and air quality) and radon in air. Recent scientific and other commissioned studies have highlighted that credible and transparent monitoring is key to gaining public acceptance and providing the evidence base to demonstrate the industry’s impact on the environment and importantly on public health. As a result, BGS and its partners initiated in early 2015, a co-ordinated programme of environmental monitoring in Lancashire that was then extended to the Vale of Pickering in North Yorkshire after the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (BEIS) awarded a grant to the British Geological Survey (BGS). The current duration of the grant award is to 31st March 2018. It has so far enabled baseline environmental monitoring for a period of more than 12 months. With hydraulic fracturing of shale gas likely to take place during late 2017/early 2018, the current funding will allow the environmental monitoring to continue during the transition from baseline to monitoring during shale gas operations. This report presents the monitoring results to April 2017 and a preliminary interpretation. A full interpretation is not presented in this report as monitoring is continuing and it is expected that there will be at least six months of additional baseline data before hydraulic fracturing takes place. This represents up to 50% more data for some components of the montoring, and when included in the analysis will significantly improve the characterisation and interpretation of the baseline. In addition to this report, the BGS web site contains further information on the project, near real-time data for some components of the monitoring and links to other projects outputs, e.g. reports and videos (www.bgs.ac.uk/research/groundwater/shaleGas/monitoring/home.html)
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