1,227 research outputs found

    An analysis of occupational information in three selected American history textbooks.

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Freeze-out volume in multifragmentation - dynamical simulations

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    Stochastic mean-field simulations for multifragmenting sources at the same excitation energy per nucleon have been performed. The freeze-out volume, a concept which needs to be precisely defined in this dynamical approach, was shown to increase as a function of three parameters: freeze-out instant, fragment multiplicity and system size.Comment: Submitted to Eur. Phys. J. A - march 200

    Use of Bimodal Coherence to Resolve Spectral Indeterminacy in Convolutive BSS

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    Recent studies show that visual information contained in visual speech can be helpful for the performance enhancement of audio-only blind source separation (BSS) algorithms. Such information is exploited through the statistical characterisation of the coherence between the audio and visual speech using, e.g. a Gaussian mixture model (GMM). In this paper, we present two new contributions. An adapted expectation maximization (AEM) algorithm is proposed in the training process to model the audio-visual coherence upon the extracted features. The coherence is exploited to solve the permutation problem in the frequency domain using a new sorting scheme. We test our algorithm on the XM2VTS multimodal database. The experimental results show that our proposed algorithm outperforms traditional audio-only BSS

    On-sky observations with an achromatic hybrid phase knife coronagraph in the visible

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    CONTEXT: The four-quadrant phase mask stellar coronagraph, introduced by D. Rouan et al., is capable of achieving very high dynamical range imaging and was studied in the context of the direct detection of extra-solar planets. Achromatic four-quadrant phase mask is currently being developed for broadband IR applications. AIMS: We report on laboratory and on-sky tests of a prototype coronagraph in the visible. This prototype, the achromatic hybrid phase knife coronagraph, was derived from the four-quadrant phase mask principle. METHODS: The instrumental setup implementing the coronagraph itself was designed to record the pre- and post-coronagraphic images simultaneously so that an efficient real-time image selection procedure can be performed. We describe the coronagraph and the associated tools that enable robust and repeatable observations. We present an algorithm of image selection that has been tested against the real on-sky data of the binary star HD80081 (* 38 Lyn). RESULTS Although the observing conditions were poor, the efficiency of the proposed method is proven. From this experiment, we derive procedures that can apply to future focal instruments associating adaptive optics and coronagraphy, targeting high dynamic range imaging in astronomy, such as detecting extra-solar planets

    Photometric quality of Dome C for the winter 2008 from ASTEP South

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    ASTEP South is an Antarctic Search for Transiting Exo- Planets in the South pole field, from the Concordia station, Dome C, Antarctica. The instrument consists of a thermalized 10 cm refractor observing a fixed 3.88\degree x 3.88\degree field of view to perform photometry of several thousand stars at visible wavelengths (700-900 nm). The first winter campaign in 2008 led to the retrieval of nearly 1600 hours of data. We derive the fraction of photometric nights by measuring the number of detectable stars in the field. The method is sensitive to the presence of small cirrus clouds which are invisible to the naked eye. The fraction of night-time for which at least 50% of the stars are detected is 74% from June to September 2008. Most of the lost time (18.5% out of 26%) is due to periods of bad weather conditions lasting for a few days ("white outs"). Extended periods of clear weather exist. For example, between July 10 and August 10, 2008, the total fraction of time (day+night) for which photometric observations were possible was 60%. This confirms the very high quality of Dome C for nearly continuous photometric observations during the Antarctic winter