3,822 research outputs found

    Agronomic, economic and ecological aspects of the papaya (Carica papaya) production in Tabasco, Mexico

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    The cultivation of papaya is important in the tropic because it provides source of income to the farmer within a short time. Statistical data were obtained from farmers located in the Chontalpa, Rios and Centro-Sierra regions; the size of the survey was 67 farmers. The study shows the results of the farmers’ problem in a drastic reduction of their productivity because of the virosis and low prices in commercialization. The farmers were classified into three levels of technology, “low”, “middle” and “high”. The first one covers 88% of the farmers in seasonal conditions in contrast with the high technology that concentrates 4.5% in irrigation conditions. According to the technology used, the fertilizer shows more yields. Economically, the high technology had an internal tax return of 0.43 in comparison with the low technology of 0.25, which means that the investment is recovered with different yields. However, the use of high technology makes the system more competitive. Key words

    Traumatic rupture of the tricuspid valve

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    Traumatic rupture of the tricuspid valve is a rare and difficult entity to diagnose as it usually courses asymptomatic; therefore, clinical suspicion is key to identify it. We report the case of a 48-year-old male patient who was admitted due to closed thoracic trauma after falling from 4 meters high. The echocardioscopy performed in the Emergency Room was normal. The patient was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit due to pulmonary contusion and multiple rib fractures. Lab tests revealed elevation of myocardial necrosis markers, and ECG showed RBBB. A new echocardiography, performed 48 hours later to rule out complications secondary to myocardial contusion, targeted the tricuspid valve with papillary muscle rupture and eversion of the anterior leaflet causing massive tricuspid regurgitation (TR) (opacifying the right atrium; Doppler triangular flow did not allow pulmonary pressure measurement; there was systolic inversion in suprahepatic vein flow, paradoxical septal motion associated with volume overload), slightly enlarged right chambers with preserved right ventricular systolic function, and mild pericardial effusion. ... La rotura traumática de la válvula tricúspide es una entidad infrecuente y difícil de diagnosticar, ya que habitualmente cursa de forma asintomática, lo que hace fundamental la sospecha clínica para poder identificarla. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 48 años que ingresa por traumatismo torácico cerrado tras precipitarse desde 4 metros de altura. Se realizó ecocardioscopia en urgencias que fue normal. El paciente ingresó en la unidad de cuidados intensivos por contusión pulmonar y múltiples fracturas costales. En la analítica presentó elevación de marcadores de necrosis miocárdica y en ECG BRDHH, por lo que a las 48 h se realizó un nuevo ecocardiograma para descartar complicaciones secundarias a la contusión miocárdica; en este se observó la válvula tricúspide con rotura del músculo papilar y eversión del velo anterior, lo que produce insuficiencia tricuspídea (IT) masiva (opacifica toda la aurícula derecha; el flujo Doppler triangular no permite estimar la presión pulmonar; inversión sistólica del flujo en las venas suprahepáticas, movimiento paradójico del septo en relación con sobrecarga de volumen), cavidades derechas ligeramente dilatadas con función sistólica VD conservada y derrame pericárdico ligero. El paciente presentó una evolución tórpida con volet costal complicado con fracaso multiorgánico, por lo que, dada la ausencia de signos de insuficiencia cardíaca derecha, se decidió demorar la cirugía cardíaca. A los 6 meses, se realizó la reparación de la válvula tricúspide mediante anuloplastia, neocuerda a velo anterior y plicatura al nivel de la comisura entre el velo septal y el anterior. Posteriormente, el paciente presentó buena evolución clínica y ecocardiográfica con IT grado II/IV y normalización de la dilatación de cavidades derechas

    A Quantitative Characterization of Nucleoplasmin/Histone Complexes Reveals Chaperone Versatility.

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    Nucleoplasmin (NP) is an abundant histone chaperone in vertebrate oocytes and embryos involved in storing and releasing maternal histones to establish and maintain the zygotic epigenome. NP has been considered a H2A-H2B histone chaperone, and recently it has been shown that it can also interact with H3-H4. However, its interaction with different types of histones has not been quantitatively studied so far. We show here that NP binds H2A-H2B, H3-H4 and linker histones with Kd values in the subnanomolar range, forming different complexes. Post-translational modifications of NP regulate exposure of the polyGlu tract at the disordered distal face of the protein and induce an increase in chaperone affinity for all histones. The relative affinity of NP for H2A-H2B and linker histones and the fact that they interact with the distal face of the chaperone could explain their competition for chaperone binding, a relevant process in NP-mediated sperm chromatin remodelling during fertilization. Our data show that NP binds H3-H4 tetramers in a nucleosomal conformation and dimers, transferring them to DNA to form disomes and tetrasomes. This finding might be relevant to elucidate the role of NP in chromatin disassembly and assembly during replication and transcription

    Gestational hypothyroxinemia affects its offspring with a reduced suppressive capacity impairing the outcome of the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    Indexación: Scopus.Hypothyroxinemia (Hpx) is a thyroid hormone deficiency (THD) condition highly frequent during pregnancy, which although asymptomatic for the mother, it can impair the cognitive function of the offspring. Previous studies have shown that maternal hypothyroidism increases the severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an autoimmune disease model for multiple sclerosis (MS). Here, we analyzed the immune response after EAE induction in the adult offspring gestated in Hpx. Mice gestated in Hpx showed an early appearance of EAE symptoms and the increase of all parameters of the disease such as: the pathological score, spinal cord demyelination, and immune cell infiltration in comparison to the adult offspring gestated in euthyroidism. Isolated CD4+CD25+ T cells from spleen of the offspring gestated in Hpx that suffer EAE showed reduced capacity to suppress proliferation of effector T cells (TEff) after being stimulated with anti-CD3 and anti-CD28 antibodies. Moreover, adoptive transfer experiments of CD4+CD25+ T cells from the offspring gestated in Hpx suffering EAE to mice that were induced with EAE showed that the receptor mice suffer more intense EAE pathological score. Even though, no significant differences were detected in the frequency of Treg cells and IL-10 content in the blood, spleen, and brain between mice gestated in Hpx or euthyroidism, T cells CD4+CD25+ from spleen have reduced capacity to differentiate in vitro to Treg and to produce IL-10. Thus, our data support the notion that maternal Hpx can imprint the immune response of the offspring suffering EAE probably due to a reduced capacity to trigger suppression. Such "imprints" on the immune system could contribute to explaining as to why adult offspring gestated in Hpx suffer earlier and more intense EAE. © 2018 Haensgen, Albornoz, Opazo, Bugueño, Jara Fernández, Binzberger, Rivero-Castillo, Venegas Salas, Simon, Cabello-Verrugio, Elorza, Kalergis, Bueno and Riedel.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2018.01257/ful

    Synthesis and Characterization of LnAg(WO4)(MoO4)

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    Polycrystalline LnAg(WO4)(MoO4) powders, with Ln = La to Lu and Y, have been obtained by ceramic method. Rietveld refinement for all compounds reveals that they present tetragonal symmetry, space group I41/a (No. 88), where the Ln3+/Ag+ ions are located in the 4a atomic positions, since the W/Mo are randomly distributed into 4b crystal sites. In these compounds, a and b lattice parameters take values between those corresponding to tungstate and molybdate compounds. A progressive decrease in the lattice parameters is observed in going from La to Lu derivatives as a consequence of the well-known lanthanide contraction

    Comparisons of Production Costs and Profit of Three Different Technology Levels of Papaya Production in Tabasco, Mexico

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    The survey was carried out from September 2006 to January 2007 in three papaya production sites located in main papaya production zones in Tabasco; SE Mexico. There are differences in size of the cultivated area, in the yield of the papaya as well as in production costs and profit, according to the different technology levels in the farming systems: low, medium and high technology cultivation level. The financial evaluations were carried out in three sites with different productive technologies. The comparison of the agronomic and economic traits results for low technology level in: V AN of 2359.00 USD, BCR in 1.9 and an equilibrium point of 3750.00 USD, TIR of 0.25. In order to avoid loses, a quantity of 10714 kg papaya should be sold. In medium technology VAN is 1605.10 USD, BCR is 1.7, TIR 0.20 and the equilibrium point is 12800.00 USD. 36571 kg of papaya should be yearly sold. In high technology level VAN is 11749.40, BCR is 2.73, TIR 0.43 and the equilibrium point is 12187.50 USD, 34821 kg papaya should be sold yearly. The indicators showed that all three levels are profitable and economically viable

    Results for Greenland halibut, American plaice and Atlantic cod of the Spanish survey in NAFO Div. 3NO for the period 1997-2019

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    Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) indices from the bottom trawl survey that Spain carries out in Spring since 1995 in Div. 3NO of the NAFO Regulatory Area are presented. Biomass, stratified mean catches and mean number per tow for the three species are presented since 1997, year in which the survey extended the depth strata. Mean catch per tow, length distribution and age distribution (this last except for American plaice) are presented for the last five years (2015-2019). Greenland halibut biomass and abundance estimates presented a decreasing trend since 1999, cut in 2007- 2009 with a high increase. In 2011 the biomass drops under the 2008 value, being stable since then until 2014 with a slight increase in 2015-2019 comprising a big increase in 2017, reaching the maximum of the series. In last years it can be seen a presence of juveniles, mainly in 2004, but the greatest lengths have failed, although in 2009 there is a quite good presence of individuals of ages 6-7 and in 2010 between 5-7. In 2011-2019 the presence of all ages is poor. In 2018 the mode was at 1-2 years, and 2-3 years in 2019, suggesting a fairly strong 2017 cohort. For American plaice we can see a slightly increasing trend from 1999 to 2015, reaching a maximum of mean catch and number in 2006, and a severe decline since 2016, being the 2019 the lowest value of the entire series. The greatest recruitment in the presented series occurred in 2004 and we can follow their mode along the years. No good recruitments were seen since then. In last years the level of all the ages is low. No 2019 age indices are available at this moment. For Atlantic cod, it can be seen a low biomass until 2008, being higher and variable since then, reaching a historical maximum in 2014. From 2015, biomass decreased reaching in 2019 poor values at the level of the 2005 biomass. In 2007-2008 the youngest length classes were much over the rest of the length classes. With the 2006 cohort the series reaches the maximum number of its historical values at five years in 2011. There have been no good recruitments since 2009, although in 2015 and 2016 a discrete presence of individuals of age 1 can be seen

    Spanish Research Report for 2017

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    Spanish catch and effort information used in this Report is based on the logbook data contributed by the Spanish Administration. The logbooks information for 2017 was available haul by haul. Table 1 presents the Spanish catches by species and Division in 2017 in NAFO Regulatory Area. Total effort of the Spanish fleet in 2017 was 1,037 fishing days. In 2017, IEO scientific observers were on board 329 fishing days that it means 32 % of the Spanish total effort. All length, age and biological information presented in this paper is based on sampling carried out by IEO scientific observers. In 2017, 483 samples were taken with 57,988 individuals of different species examined (Table 2)

    Solar photovoltaic technology in isolated rural communities in Latin America and the Caribbean

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    The main characteristics of photovoltaic (PV) energy and its current development in Latin American and Caribbean countries (LAC); its impact on the electrification of homes, health institutions, and schools in isolated or difficult-to-access communities; and, the advantages thereof are presented and discussed by replacing the use of traditional fuels such as firewood and kerosene in order to improve inhabitants ’health as well as reducing CO2 emissions. Countries like Nicaragua, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile stand out for their growing PV energy development in the region. A case study of the electrification process by PV systems shows very positive changes are manifested in terms of improving the quality of life of the inhabitants, and especially their physical and mental health state. In addition, CO2 emission reductions from electrifying 216 houses in the nine communities reach an annual amount of 2,164.19 t/yr, reducing firewood consumption by 2,123.39 t/yr and kerosene consumption by 40.80 t/yr However, LAC countries must adopt laws and regulations that regulate the use of PV energy, with an emphasis on recycling systems at the end of their life cycle