89 research outputs found

    Role of Rapid Antigen Testing in Population-Based SARS-CoV-2 Screening

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    Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ 4.0/).[EN] This study evaluates a population‐based screening of asymptomatic people, using a rapid antigen diagnostic test (RADT), in areas of high transmission. To detect sources of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection, nasopharyngeal samples were taken and were tested using RADT. Confirmatory RT-qPCR tests were performed in both positive and negative cases. The internal validity of the RADT, the prevalence of infection, and the positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV) were estimated, based on the percentages of confirmed cases with 95% confidence interval.. Of the 157,920 people registered, 50,492 participated in the screening; 50,052 were negative, and 440 were positive on the RADT (0.87%). A total of 221 positive RADT samples were reanalysed using RT-qPCR and 214 were confirmed as positive (96.8%; 95% CI: 93.5–98.7%), while 657 out of 660 negative RADT samples were confirmed as RT‐qPCR negative (99.5%; 95% CI 98.7–99.9%). The sensitivity obtained was 65.1% (38.4–90.2%) and the specificity was 99.97% (99.94–99.99%). The prevalence of infection was 1.30% (0.95–2.13%). The PPVs were 95.4% (85.9–98.9%) and 97.9% (93.3–99.5%), respectively, while the NPVs were 99.7% (99.4–100%) and 99.2% (98.7–100%), respectively. The high specificity found allow us to report a high screening performance in asymptomatic patients, even in areas where the prevalence of infection was less than 2%.SIThis research received no external funding.Authors are grateful the collaboration of the Primary Care Management and all workers and volunteers who participated in the screenings

    Misión actual de la arquitectura. Semillas para un proyecto de innovación docente

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    Existen gran cantidad de inmuebles residenciales obsoletos que requieren una profunda actualización. Entre los principales retos a afrontar para llevar a cabo esta misión, detectamos la necesidad de enunciar adecuadamente los problemas a solucionar desde el proyecto arquitectónico, para motivar la innovación en el diseño y el desarrollo de sistemas técnicos adecuados que den respuesta al problema en toda su dimensión y diversidad: edificios obsoletos con o sin valor patrimonial, de uso individual o colectivo, de propiedad pública o privada, sea cual sea el cuadro patológico a solucionar. Además de experimentar modelos de intervención elemental, hay que ensayar procesos de gestión participativos que incorporen al usuario en la transformación y personalización de su vivienda y su ciudad, en lo íntimo y en lo colectivo. A primera vista nada nuevo, sin embargo el drástico cambio de paradigma, demanda nuevos modos de actuación que implican la revisión y ajuste de los conocimientos establecidos al actual contexto, así como una evolución de la formación universitaria.There is a large amount of obsolete residential properties that require a complete update. The first challenge for these architectural projects is to inventory the challenges and problems. This then allows for an overarching creative and innovative approach to be adopted in order to develop and design adequate technical systems. In turn these systems can then address the dimension and diversity of the challenges which include some of the following (regardless of the pathological picture to be solved): obsolete buildings with or without patrimonial value; buildings for individual or collective use; public or private property. In addition to experiencing models of elementary intervention, it is necessary to test participative management processes that incorporate the user in the transformation and personalization of his home and his city, in the intimate and the collective. At first glance nothing new, however the drastic change of paradigm, demands new modes of action that involve the revision and adjustment of the knowledge established to the current context, as well as an evolution of the university formation

    La educación y comunicación patrimonial en el Castillo de San Severino. Museo de la esclavitud

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    La comunicación del patrimonio cultural como vía para la socialización del recurso patrimonial que atesoran las instituciones museísticas, se constituye en elemento clave que garantiza la apropiación colectiva y la protección del legado cultural. Como proceso creativo, es capaz de desarrollar vínculos afectivos con el visitante y promover actitudes positivas hacia el patrimonio. En tal sentido, la investigación tiene como objetivo valorar el proceso comunicativo con finalidad educativa en el Castillo de San Severino. Museo de la esclavitud. Deriva del estudio sobre la acción educativa en los museos de la ciudad yumurina y los instrumentos de análisis utilizados derivan del Proyecto Evaluación cualitativa de programas educativos en museos españoles. La investigación se desarrolla a través del estudio de caso y como técnicas se recurre a la entrevista en profundidad y la observación participante. Los resultados demuestran fortalezas derivadas de la profesionalidad del personal de la institución y las debilidades se vinculan a los recursos económicos y tecnológicos. La investigación se considera pionera en el contexto cubano y los resultados contribuyen a mejorar la labor educativa y de socialización de este centro y además, el resultado se constituye en referente para otros museos en el ámbito cubano. The communication of cultural heritage as a way to socialize the heritage resource treasured by museum institutions is a key element that guarantees the collective appropriation and protection of the cultural legacy. As a creative process, it is capable of developing affective bonds with the visitor and promoting positive attitudes towards heritage. In this sense, the research aims to assess the communicative process with an educational purpose in the San Severino Castle. Slavery Museum. It derives from the study on the educational action in the museums of the city of Yumurina and the instruments of analysis used derive from the Project Qualitative evaluation of educational programs in Spanish museums. The research is developed through a case study and the techniques used are in depth interviews and participant observation. The results show strengths derived from the professionalism of the institution’s staff and the weaknesses are linked to economic and technological resources. The research is considered pioneer in the Cuban context and the results contribute to improve the educational and socialization work of this center and also, the result constitutes a reference for other museums in Cuba

    Supplementation with the Symbiotic Formulation Prodefen® Increases Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase and Decreases Oxidative Stress in Superior Mesenteric Artery from Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

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    In recent years, gut dysbiosis has been related to some peripheral vascular alterations linked to hypertension. In this work, we explore whether gut dysbiosis is related to vascular innervation dysfunction and altered nitric oxide (NO) production in the superior mesenteric artery, one of the main vascular beds involved in peripheral vascular resistance. For this purpose, we used spontaneously hypertensive rats, either treated or not with the commercial synbiotic formulation Prodefen® (108 colony forming units/day, 4 weeks). Prodefen® diminished systolic blood pressure and serum endotoxin, as well as the vasoconstriction elicited by electrical field stimulation (EFS), and enhanced acetic and butyric acid in fecal samples, and the vasodilation induced by the exogenous NO donor DEA-NO. Unspecific nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor L-NAME increased EFS-induced vasoconstriction more markedly in rats supplemented with Prodefen®. Both neuronal NO release and neuronal NOS activity were enhanced by Prodefen®, through a hyperactivation of protein kinase (PK)A, PKC and phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase-AKT signaling pathways. The superoxide anion scavenger tempol increased both NO release and DEA-NO vasodilation only in control animals. Prodefen® caused an increase in both nuclear erythroid related factor 2 and superoxide dismutase activities, consequently reducing both superoxide anion and peroxynitrite releases. In summary, Prodefen® could be an interesting non-pharmacological approach to ameliorate hypertensionThis research was funded by CiberCV (Grant number: CB16/11/00286), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PID2020-116498RB-I00, and CDTI -Center for Industrial Technological Development-project PID 2020-FEDER Funds), and R+D projects for young researchers, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Comunidad de Madrid (SI1-PJI-2019-00321

    El modelo 1 a 1 en las Escuelas Secundarias. Un estudio a partir de la experiencia de las provincias de Entre Ríos, Formosa y Misiones. 16H362

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    En el Marco del Convenio de Cooperación, N° 375/12, suscripto entre la Universidad Nacional de Misiones, el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación y la Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI), el presente proyecto pretende conocer y analizar los cambios y/o continuidades que se estarían produciendo en las aulas, instituciones, sujetos y comunidades de las provincias de Entre Ríos, Formosa y Misiones, a partir de la implementación del Programa Conectar Igualdad. Programa que resulta ser uno de los principales pilares y referentes significativos de un nuevo perfil de política educativa, por parte de un estado nacional que asume su centralidad y responsabilidad como garante del derecho a la educación y la inclusión social, educativa y digital. Cuyo fin, en última instancia, es la revalorización de la escuela pública, a partir de la promoción de la inclusión digital y el mejoramiento de la calidad de la educación, garantizando el acceso y uso de las TIC’s en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Food Safety

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    24 Páginas.-- 2 FigurasEmerging and re-emerging food safety risks are driven by climate change and other factors like globalization, water scarcity, population aging, and migration, among others. These factors affect the persistence and occurrence of conventional and emerging primary risks. Successful initiatives to manage emerging risks need to identify, evaluate, and prioritize potential risks as well as to respond with sustainable strategies able to reduce the threatsPeer reviewe

    Effectiveness and Safety of the Sequential Use of a Second and Third Anti-TNF Agent in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Results From the Eneida Registry

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    Background: The effectiveness of the switch to another anti-tumor necrosis factor (anti-TNF) agent is not known. The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness and safety of treatment with a second and third anti-TNF drug after intolerance to or failure of a previous anti-TNF agent in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. Methods: We included patients diagnosed with IBD from the ENEIDA registry who received another anti-TNF after intolerance to or failure of a prior anti-TNF agent. Results: A total of 1122 patients were included. In the short term, remission was achieved in 55% of the patients with the second anti-TNF. The incidence of loss of response was 19% per patient-year with the second anti-TNF. Combination therapy (hazard ratio [HR], 2.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.8-3; P < 0.0001) and ulcerative colitis vs Crohn's disease (HR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.1-2.1; P = 0.005) were associated with a higher probability of loss of response. Fifteen percent of the patients had adverse events, and 10% had to discontinue the second anti-TNF. Of the 71 patients who received a third anti-TNF, 55% achieved remission. The incidence of loss of response was 22% per patient-year with a third anti-TNF. Adverse events occurred in 7 patients (11%), but only 1 stopped the drug. Conclusions: Approximately half of the patients who received a second anti-TNF achieved remission; nevertheless, a significant proportion of them subsequently lost response. Combination therapy and type of IBD were associated with loss of response. Remission was achieved in almost 50% of patients who received a third anti-TNF; nevertheless, a significant proportion of them subsequently lost response

    AG5 is a potent non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and immune regulator that preserves innate immunity

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    12 pages, 5 figures.-- This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND licenseAn archetypal anti-inflammatory compound against cytokine storm would inhibit it without suppressing the innate immune response. AG5, an anti-inflammatory compound, has been developed as synthetic derivative of andrographolide, which is highly absorbable and presents low toxicity. We found that the mechanism of action of AG5 is through the inhibition of caspase-1. Interestingly, we show with in vitro generated human monocyte derived dendritic cells that AG5 preserves innate immune response. AG5 minimizes inflammatory response in a mouse model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced lung injury and exhibits in vivo anti-inflammatory efficacy in the SARS-CoV-2-infected mouse model. AG5 opens up a new class of anti-inflammatories, since contrary to NSAIDs, AG5 is able to inhibit the cytokine storm, like dexamethasone, but, unlike corticosteroids, preserves adequately the innate immunity. This is critical at the early stages of any naïve infection, but particularly in SARS-CoV-2 infections. Furthermore, AG5 showed interesting antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 in humanized miceThis work has been supported by NextGenerationEU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) through the PTI+ Global Health Platform of Spanish National Research Council, grants SGL2103023 (PBA), SGL2103053 (MMA) and SGL2103015 (MM); by Spanish National Research Council through the program “Ayudas extraodinarias a proyectos de investigacion en el marco de las medidas urgentes extraodinarias para hacer frente al impacto económico y social del COVID-19”, grants CSIC-COV19-093 (PBA) and CSIC-COV19-117 (MM); by Generalitat Valenciana through the program “Ayudas urgentes para proyectos de investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación (I+D+i) por la COVID-19”, grant GVA-COVID19/2021/059 (PBA); by the Conference of Rectors of the Spanish Universities, Spanish National Research Council and Banco Santander through the FONDO SUPERA COVID-19, grant CAPriCORn (JSM, JMB); by Severo Ochoa center of excellence program (grant CEX2021-001230-S) (PBA)Peer reviewe