434 research outputs found

    The Effect of Silver Nanofibers on the Deformation Properties of Blood Vessels: Towards the Development of New Nanotechnologies to Prevent Rupture of Aneurysms

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    An aneurysm is the result of a widening or ballooning of a portion of a blood vessel. The rupture of an aneurysm occurs when the mechanical stress acting on the inner wall exceeds the failure strength of the blood vessel. We propose an innovative approach to prevent the rupture of an aneurysm based on the use of nanotechnology to improve the strength of the blood vessel. We present results on the effect of silver nanofibers on the resistance toward deformation of blood vessels. The silver nanofibers are grown on the surface of the blood vessels. The nanofibers are 120±30 nm in diameter and 2.7±0.8 μm in length. The deformation per applied force of blood vessels was found to decrease from 0.15 m/N in control blood vessels to 0.003 m/N in blood vessels treated with the nanofibers. This represents an increase in the resistance towards deformation of a factor of 50. The increase in the resistance towards deformation is clinically significant since blood pressure increases by factors slightly larger than one in the human body. Treatment of blood vessels with silver nanofibers is a potential translational clinical tool for preventing rupture of aneurysms in a clinical setting

    Tracking mood states and on-going attentional focus in triathletes

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    La toma de conciencia y la auto-regulación de la atención se pueden emplear como estrategias cognitivas y pueden ayudar a superar factores que amenazan un rendimiento óptimo, tales como el estado de ánimo negativo. Debido a su relación con la percepción del esfuerzo, la fatiga o la auto-confianza, el estado de ánimo se considera un factor decisivo en el rendimiento en triatlón. Asimismo, las técnicas de ejercicio mente-cuerpo han demostrado su eficacia en la modulación de los estados de ánimo. Un total de 18 triatletas españoles fueron asignados al azar a una de las tres condiciones experimentales (bicicleta estática, cinta de correr y step) donde realizaban un ejercicio de 20 minutos de duración y una intensidad del 60% de su frecuencia cardíaca máxima, mientras focalizaban la atención en su propia respiración. El estado de ánimo fue evaluado (prepost sesión) mediante la Escala del Perfil de los Estados de Ánimo (POMS) y la Escala Bidimensional del Estado de Ánimo (TMS). Los análisis estadísticos mostraron una reducción significativa pre-post sesión en dos de las subescalas medidas por el POMS: tensión y cólera. Los resultados obtenidos con el TMS determinaron puntuaciones reducidas en desagrado y elevadas en vitalidad, estabilidad y placer. Los datos preliminares de este estudio sugieren que el rendimiento en disciplinas deportivas de carácter cíclico, centrando la atención en su propia respiración, pueden mejorar el estado de ánimo

    A simple current control strategy for a four-leg indirect matrix converter

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    In this paper the experimental validation of a predictive current control strategy for a four-leg indirect matrix converter is presented. The four-leg indirect matrix converter can supply energy to an unbalanced three-phase load whilst providing a path for the zero sequence load. The predictive current control technique is based on the optimal selection among the valid switching states of the converter by evaluating a cost function, resulting in a simple approach without the necessity for modulators. Furthermore, zero dc-link current commutation is achieved by synchronizing the state changes in the input stage with the application of a zero voltage space vector in the inverter stage. Simulation results are presented and the strategy is experimentally validated using a laboratory prototype

    Relación entre estados de ánimo y rendimiento en voleibol masculino de alto nivel

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    This paper presents an ex post facto study. The aim was to analyse the relationship between pre-competition mood states and sports performance in a team of twelve male players from the under 20 category during the Brazil 2011 World Volleyball Championship. The Profile of Mood States (POMS) was used to measure mood, while sports performance was measured using two instruments: on the one hand, a scale for the coach's perception of his players' sports performance and, on the other, Data Volley System software. The data was analysed using descriptive and non-parametric inferential statistics. The participants showed a high drive, moderate stress, and low anger, with minimal fatigue and depression. The paper outlines significant relationships among the variables under analysis. It is noted that when the team lost a match, thus losing out on the chance to win a medal, the players' moods changed: they felt less stressed and their drive fell, while their sense of depression and fatigue rose.El presente estudio, valiéndose de un diseño ex post facto retrospectivo, analizó la relación entre los estados de ánimo precompetitivos y el rendimiento deportivo de un equipo de doce jugadores de voleibol durante el campeonato del mundo de Brasil-2011, categoría masculina sub-20. Para la medición de los estados de ánimo se utilizó el instrumento Profile of Moods States (POMS). La medición del rendimiento deportivo se llevó a cabo a partir de dos instrumentos: por una parte, una escala de valoración o percepción de los entrenadores a propósito del rendimiento de sus jugadores y, por otra, el software Data Voley System. Se procedió con estadística descriptiva y estadística inferencial no paramétrica. Los participantes mostraron un perfil anímico de alto vigor, moderada tensión, baja cólera, y mínima fatiga y depresión. Se detalla la relación entre las variables estudiadas y se discute cómo el hecho de perder un partido que tuvo como consecuencia la exclusión del equipo a la opción de ganar medalla, influyó hacia una menor tensión y vigor de los jugadores, a la vez que aumentó la depresión y la fatiga.O presente estudo, utilizando um delineamento ex post facto retrospectivo, analisou a relação entre os estados de humor pré-competitivos e o rendimento desportivo de uma equipa de doze jogadores de voleibol durante o Campeonato do Mundo Brasil 2011, escalão sub-20 masculino. Para avaliação dos estados de humor foi utilizado o Profile of Moods States (POMS). A avaliação do rendimento desportivo foi levado a cabo através de dois instrumentos: um primeiro, uma escala de avaliação ou percepção dos treinadores a propósito do rendimento dos seus jogadores, e outro, o software Data Voley System. Procedeu-se a uma análise estatística descritiva e inferencial não paramétrica. Os participantes revelaram um perfil de alto vigor, moderada tensão, baixa cólera, fadiga e depressão mínimas. Explana-se a relação entre as variáveis estudadas e discute-se como o facto da derrota num jogo que teve como consequência a exclusão da equipa da luta pela medalha, influenciou uma menor tensão e vigor dos jogadores, aumentando por sua vez a depressão e fadiga nos mesmos

    Neonatal exposure to xenoestrogens impairs the ovarian response to gonadotropin treatment in lambs

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) and diethylstilbestrol (DES) are xenoestrogens which have been associated with altered effects on reproduction. We hypothesized that neonatal xenoestrogen exposure affects the ovarian functionality in lambs. Thus, we evaluated the ovarian response to exogenous ovine Follicle Stimulating Hormone (oFSH) administered from postnatal day 30 (PND30) to PND32 in female lambs previously exposed to low doses of DES or BPA (BPA50: 50 μg/kg.day, BPA0.5: 0.5 μg/kg.day) from PND1 to PND14. We determined: a) follicular growth, b) circulating levels of E2, c) steroid receptors (ERA, ERB, AR) and atresia, d) mRNA expression levels of the ovarian bone morphogenetic protein (BMPs) system (BMP6, BMP15, BMP receptor type 1B, GDF9) and FSH receptor (FSHR). Lambs neonatally exposed to DES or BPA showed an impaired ovarian response to oFSH with a lower number of follicles ≥2 mm together with a lower number of atretic follicles and no increase in E2 serum levels in response to oFSH treatment. In addition, AR induction by oFSH was disrupted in granulosa and theca cells of lambs exposed to DES or BPA. An increase in GDF9 mRNA expression levels was observed in oFSH-primed lambs previously treated with DES or BPA50. In contrast, a decrease in BMPR1B was observed in BPA0.5-postnatally exposed lambs. The modifications in AR, GDF9 and BMPR1B may be associated with the altered ovarian function due to neonatal xenoestrogen exposure in response to an exogenous gonadotropin stimulus. These alterations may be the pathophysiological basis of subfertility syndrome in adulthood.Fil: Rivera, Oscar E.. Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Varayoud, Jorgelina Guadalupe. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Horacio Adolfo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Santamaría, Clarisa Guillermina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Bosquiazzo, Veronica Lis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Osti, Mario. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Belmonte, Norberto Miguel. Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Muñoz de Toro, Monica Milagros. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Luque, Enrique Hugo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Salud y Ambiente del Litoral; Argentin


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    This study intends to emphasize the importance of the archetypes and their contributions to the analysis of the culture of the organizations. The archetype is a model that shapes the thoughts and attitudes of individuals, societies and systems. The organization, understood as a system, is structured on archetypes. Through the use of the seven-point Likert scale, it was possible to quantify and measure the intensity levels of the selected archetypes for the sample (child, shadow, hero, and sage) in OAS managers. From the analysis obtained through the cross-checking of quantitative and qualitative data, the research revealed that the organizational culture of OAS Construction Company is influenced by two predominant archetypes at its deepest level: the hero and the sage resulting in the image of an ingenious hero, profile of the manager.Este estudio pretende resaltar la importancia de los arquetipos y sus contribuciones para el análisis de la cultura de las organizaciones. El arquetipo es un modelo que moldea pensamientos y actitudes propias de los individuos,sociedades y sistemas. La organización, entendida como sistema, está estructurada sobre arquetipos. La cultura de la Constructora OAS (Salvador- Brasil) fue analizada a través de la percepción de dos grupos distintos de empleados de la empresa utilizándose de la metodología cualitativa/cuantitativa. Con la mensuración de la escala Likert de siete puntos fue posible cuantificar y evaluar los grados de intensidad de los arquetipos seleccionados para la muestra (niño, sombra, héroe e sabio) en los gestores de OAS. A partir de los análisis obtenidos a través del cruce de los datos cuantitativos y cualitativos, la investigación ha revelado que la cultura organizacional de la Constructora OAS está bajo influencia de dos arquetipos predominantes en su nivel más profundo: el héroe y el sabio resultando en la imagen de un héroe ingenioso, perfil del gestor de la organización.Este estudo pretende ressaltar a importância dos arquétipos e suas contribuições para a análise da cultura das organizações. O arquétipo é um modelo que molda pensamentos e atitudes próprias dos indivíduos, sociedades e sistemas. A organização, entendida como sistema, está estruturada sobre arquétipos. A cultura da Construtora OAS (Salvador- Bahia) foi analisada levando-se em conta a percepção de dois grupos distintos dentro da empresa através da metodologia quali-quantitativa. Através do uso da escala Likert de sete pontos foi possível quantificar e mensurar os graus de intensidade dos arquétipos selecionados para a amostra (criança, sombra, herói e sábio) nos gestores da OAS. A partir das análises obtidas através do cruzamento dos dados quantitativos e qualitativos, a pesquisa revelou que a cultura organizacional da Construtora OAS sofre influência de dois arquétipos predominantes no seu nível mais profundo: o herói e o sábio resultando na imagem de um herói-engenhoso, perfil do gestor.DOI: 10.21714/2178-8030gep.v.20.581

    LH-21, a CB1 antagonist, reduces hepatotoxic damage produced by paracetamol overdose in a mice model.

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    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is one of the main causes of hepatic acute failure. Paracetamol can cause it when is ingested in excessive doses, leading to the depletion of the antioxidant mechanisms of the hepatocytes and a series of processes that conclude with cell death. One of the altered metabolic pathways is the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which has become a very interesting target to alleviate these events due to its involvement in inflammatory processes. For this reason, the triazole-derived compound LH-21, a cannabinoid receptor Cb1 antagonist, was used for the treatment of DILI in 8-week-old male C57BL/6 mice. In the present study, fasting mice were subjected to an oral overdose of paracetamol (300 mg/kg) and treated 2 hours later with 3 mg/kg of LH-21. After 24 hours, the animals were sacrificed and the livers were collected to determine the hepatic levels of metabolites related to antioxidant mechanisms, the expression of proteins involved in the generation of cellular damage and the transcription grade of the different components of the ECS. The observed results showed that LH-21 treatment raises GSH levels and total antioxidant capacity, in addition to reducing malondialdehyde values. Furthermore, the phosphorylation degree of Jnk and Stat3, as well as the activation status of Casp3, diminished. Regarding the ECS, the expression of Ppara, Cnr1, Cnr2 and Gpr55 did return to normal levels. This suggests that LH-21 effectively blocks the Cb1 activity, allowing the correct function of Ppar-α that promotes a cellular anti-inflammatory state and the relief of the symptoms produced by DILI. These results exhibit a promising perspective for the prevention or treatment of some toxic effects of paracetamol overdose with LH-21. Nevertheless, these findings are a first step to continue studying the involvement of the ECS in this type of liver disease and investigating the effectiveness of this Cb1 antagonist against the pathophysiology of DILI.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Optimal Decision Making in Electrical Systems Using an Asset Risk Management Framework

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    In this paper, a methodology for optimal decision making for electrical systems is addressed. This methodology seeks to identify and to prioritize the replacement and maintenance of a power asset fleet optimizing the return of investment. It fulfills this objective by considering the risk index, the replacement and maintenance costs, and the company revenue. The risk index is estimated and predicted for each asset using both its condition records and by evaluating the consequence of its failure. The condition is quantified as the probability of failure of the asset, and the consequence is determined by the impact of the asset failure on the whole system. Failure probability is estimated using the health index as scoring of asset condition. The consequence is evaluated considering a failure impact on the objectives of reliability (energy not supplied -ENS), environment, legality, and finance using Monte Carlo simulations for an assumed period of planning. Finally, the methodology was implemented in an open-source library called PywerAPM for assessing optimal decisions, where the proposed mathematical optimization problem is solved. As a benchmark, the power transformer fleet of the New England IEEE 39 Bus System was used. Condition records were provided by a local utility to compute the health index of each transformer. Subsequently, a Monte Carlo contingency simulation was performed to estimate the energy not supplied for a period of analysis of 10 years. As a result, the fleet is ranked according to risk index, and the optimal replacement and maintenance are estimated for the entire fleet

    Metaheuristic Optimization Methods for Optimal Power Flow Analysis in DC Distribution Networks

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    In this paper is addressed the optimal power flow problem in direct current grids, by using solution methods based on metaheuristics techniques and numerical methods. For which was proposed a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem, that describes the optimal power flow problem in direct current grids. As solution methodology was proposed a master–slave strategy, which used in master stage three continuous solution methods for solving the optimal power flow problem: a particle swarm optimization algorithm, a continuous version of the genetic algorithm and the black hole optimization method. In the slave stages was used a methods based on successive approximations for solving the power flow problem, entrusted for calculates the objective function associated to each solution proposed by the master stage. As objective function was used the reduction of power loss on the electrical grid, associated to the energy transport. To validate the solution methodologies proposed were used the test systems of 21 and 69 buses, by implementing three levels of maximum distributed power penetration: 20%, 40% and 60% of the power supplied by the slack bus, without considering distributed generators installed on the electrical grid. The simulations were carried out in the software Matlab, by demonstrating that the methods with the best performance was the BH/SA, due to that show the best trade-off between the reduction of the power loss and processing time, for solving the optimal power flow problem in direct current networks

    Developing models for future real-time platforms: Virtual simulation and design of new components and systems for aircraft and remotely piloted aircraft systems

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    In the development of electrified and other vehicle systems, the modelling and simulation of the vehicle is very important. With these tools the preliminary design, as well as later detailed studies of the systems developed, allow engineers to spend less time on each phase of their projects or address them with an integrated approach. In addition, this integrated approach provides the possibility of building hardware-in-the loop models with all the components required. This vehicle modelling and simulation has gained more interest with the increasing use of a wide variety of RPAS, ranging from light weight micro aircraft to large vehicles of various tons. For this reason, the previously-described building tools are the final objective of the developing models to be used in real-time platform projects. The first step presented in this paper is to build a simulator that reproduces the behaviour of a selected aircraft and validate it. This paper presents the study of the performances and behaviour of an OPV used to validate the simulator developed later. At the end, some preliminary tests and estimations of the performances for the selected OPV with an electric motor are presented