6,715 research outputs found

    Redesign of Schneider electric rack layout into a centralized warehouse layout

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    This capstone design project sponsored by Schneider Electric was to create a centralized warehouse layout based on provided part usages, forklift practices, ergonomics, and warehouse procedures. Previously, storage areas were separated based on assembly lines, resulting in long times to pick parts for orders. The objective was to optimize current part placement in a centralized storage area and develop a tool to determine where to place new parts after the layout was set. Through task analyses, employee interviews, and time studies, customer needs and product specifications were determined. A root cause analysis was done to determine the main causes to be addressed in the concept generation phase. Tools including VBA, FLAP, and ergonomic standards were considered in concept generation. Moving forward, each concept will go through several iterations of testing and refining before the most beneficial solution will be chosen and implemented at the plant

    Intermittency in two-dimensional Ekman-Navier-Stokes turbulence

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    We study the statistics of the vorticity field in two-dimensional Navier-Stokes turbulence with a linear Ekman friction. We show that the small-scale vorticity fluctuations are intermittent, as conjectured by Nam et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. vol.84 (2000) 5134]. The small-scale statistics of vorticity fluctuations coincides with the one of a passive scalar with finite lifetime transported by the velocity field itself.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure


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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la prevalencia del virus de la diarrea viral bovina (VDVB) en bovinos productores de leche bajo crianza intensiva en el valle de Lima. Se colectaronmuestras de sangre de bovinos hembrasmayores a 6meses (n = 311) procedentes de 12 hatos sin antecedentes de vacunación contra la enfermedad de la diarrea viral bovina, para la detección de anticuerposmediante la prueba de neutralización viral. El 56.0 ± 5.5% (174/311) de las muestras presentaron anticuerpos contra el VDVBcon títulos entre 2 a >256. Cinco de los 12 hatosmuestreados no tuvieron animales serorreactores. Los resultados indicaron que el VDVB estaba difundido en el valle de Lima, aunque se encuentran hatos libres de la infección viral o con una prevalencia viral muy baja.The prevalence of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) was determined in 12 dairy herds of the Lima valley. Blood samples were taken in 311 female cattle older than 6 months of age for the detection of antibodies against BVDV by viral neutralization test. The herds did not have history of vaccination against bovine viral diarrhea disease. The prevalence of BVDVwas 56.0 ± 5.5%(174/311) and the titers of antibodies againstBVDV ranged from 2 to >256. Five out of the 12 herds did not have seropositive animals. The results indicated that the BVDV was widely distributed in dairy herds of Lima valley; although viral prevalence is low and some herds are free of the disease

    Ergodicity criteria for non-expanding transformations of 2-adic spheres

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    In the paper, we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for ergodicity (with respect to the normalized Haar measure) of discrete dynamical systems on 2-adic spheres S2r(a)\mathbf S_{2^{-r}}(a) of radius 2r2^{-r}, r1r\ge 1, centered at some point aa from the ultrametric space of 2-adic integers Z2\mathbb Z_2. The map f ⁣:Z2Z2f\colon\mathbb Z_2\to\mathbb Z_2 is assumed to be non-expanding and measure-preserving; that is, ff satisfies a Lipschitz condition with a constant 1 with respect to the 2-adic metric, and ff preserves a natural probability measure on Z2\mathbb Z_2, the Haar measure μ2\mu_2 on Z2\mathbb Z_2 which is normalized so that μ2(Z2)=1\mu_2(\mathbb Z_2)=1

    The 2013 M_w 7.7 Balochistan Earthquake: Seismic Potential of an Accretionary Wedge

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    Great earthquakes rarely occur within active accretionary prisms, despite the intense long‐term deformation associated with the formation of these geologic structures. This paucity of earthquakes is often attributed to partitioning of deformation across multiple structures as well as aseismic deformation within and at the base of the prism (Davis et al., 1983). We use teleseismic data and satellite optical and radar imaging of the 2013 M_w 7.7 earthquake that occurred on the southeastern edge of the Makran plate boundary zone to study this unexpected earthquake. We first compute a multiple point‐source solution from W‐phase waveforms to estimate fault geometry and rupture duration and timing. We then derive the distribution of subsurface fault slip from geodetic coseismic offsets. We sample for the slip posterior probability density function using a Bayesian approach, including a full description of the data covariance and accounting for errors in the elastic structure of the crust. The rupture nucleated on a subvertical segment, branching out of the Chaman fault system, and grew into a major earthquake along a 50° north‐dipping thrust fault with significant along‐strike curvature. Fault slip propagated at an average speed of 3.0  km/s for about 180 km and is concentrated in the top 10 km with no displacement on the underlying décollement. This earthquake does not exhibit significant slip deficit near the surface, nor is there significant segmentation of the rupture. We propose that complex interaction between the subduction accommodating the Arabia–Eurasia convergence to the south and the Ornach Nal fault plate boundary between India and Eurasia resulted in the significant strain gradient observed prior to this earthquake. Convergence in this region is accommodated both along the subduction megathrust and as internal deformation of the accretionary wedge

    Strongly anisotropic spin relaxation in graphene/transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures at room temperature

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    Graphene has emerged as the foremost material for future two-dimensional spintronics due to its tuneable electronic properties. In graphene, spin information can be transported over long distances and, in principle, be manipulated by using magnetic correlations or large spin-orbit coupling (SOC) induced by proximity effects. In particular, a dramatic SOC enhancement has been predicted when interfacing graphene with a semiconducting transition metal dechalcogenide, such as tungsten disulphide (WS2_2). Signatures of such an enhancement have recently been reported but the nature of the spin relaxation in these systems remains unknown. Here, we unambiguously demonstrate anisotropic spin dynamics in bilayer heterostructures comprising graphene and WS2_2. By using out-of-plane spin precession, we show that the spin lifetime is largest when the spins point out of the graphene plane. Moreover, we observe that the spin lifetime varies over one order of magnitude depending on the spin orientation, indicating that the strong spin-valley coupling in WS2_2 is imprinted in the bilayer and felt by the propagating spins. These findings provide a rich platform to explore coupled spin-valley phenomena and offer novel spin manipulation strategies based on spin relaxation anisotropy in two-dimensional materials


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    The prevalence of infectious agents associated with reproductive failures in Zebu and crossbred cattle (n=268), older than six months of age, from the IVITA Research Center herd in Pucallpa, Peru, was determined. Serum samples were collected for the detection of antibodies against Brucella sp., Leptospira serovares: canicola, icterohemorrhagiae, pomona and hardjo, Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV), Bovine Herpes Virus Type 1 (BHV-1) and Neospora caninum by a commercial indirect ELISA, microglutination, viral neutralization and indirect immunofluorescence tests, respectively. No antibodies were detected against Brucella sp., L. pomona and BVDV. The 46.3 ± 6.0% of the animals had antibodies against BHV-1. The highest seroprevalence of BHV-1 (63.2%) was found in cows older than 18 months. Antibody titres against BHV-1 varied from 2 till >256. The 52.2% of the animals had antibodies against Leptospira. The higher prevalence (35%) corresponded to L. hardjo followed by L. canicola and L. icterohemorrhagiae (14.9%). The titers of antibodies ranged from 1:100 to 1:400. Antibodies against N. caninum was found in 1.5% of the samples. These results indicate that Brucella sp. and BVDV are not prevalent in the herd. The eradication of N. caninum is feasible due to its low prevalence, but BHV-1 and Leptospira could be considered of sanitary risk for this herd.El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de agentes infecciosos con impacto reproductivo en bovinos de la Estación Experimental del Trópico del Centro de Investigaciones IVITA, en Pucallpa, Perú. Con este fin, se obtuvieron muestras de suero (n=268) de bovinos cruzados y cebú, mayores de 6 meses de edad, para la detección de anticuerpos contra los virus de la diarrea viral bovina (VDVB) y herpes bovino- 1 (VHB-1), las bacterias Brucella sp. y Leptospira serovares: hardjo, pomona, canicola e icterohemorrhagiae y el protozoo Neospora caninum, mediante técnicas de neutraliza-ción viral, ELISA indirecta, microaglutinación e inmunofluorescencia indirecta, respectivamente. No se detectaron anticuerpos contra el VDVB ni Brucella sp. en los animales muestreados. El 46.3 ± 6.0% de los animales presentaron anticuerpos contra el VHB-1, correspondiendo el 63.2% a animales adultos. Los títulos de anticuerpos contra el VHB- 1 variaron entre 2 a >256. El 52.2% de los animales tuvieron anticuerpos contra Leptospira. La L. hardjo tuvo mayor prevalencia (35%) seguido por la L. canicola y L. icterohemorrhagiae (14.9%). No se detectaron seroreactores contra la L. pomona. Los títulos de anticuerpos leptospirales estuvieron en el rango de 100 a 400. El 1.5% de los animales fueron reactores a N. caninum. Estos resultados indican que la Brucella sp. y el VDVB no son prevalentes en el hato en estudio. La baja prevalencia de N. caninum en los animales hace posible su erradicación del hato, mientras que el VHB-1 y la Leptospira constituyen agentes infecciosos de riesgos sanitarios