296 research outputs found

    On maximum-sum matchings of bichromatic points

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    Huemer et al. (Discrete Math, 2019) proved that for any two finite point sets RR and BB in the plane with ∣R∣=∣B∣|R| = |B|, the perfect matching that matches points of RR with points of BB, and maximizes the total squared Euclidean distance of the matched pairs, has the property that all the disks induced by the matching have a nonempty common intersection. A pair of matched points induces the disk that has the segment connecting the points as diameter. In this note, we characterize these maximum-sum matchings for any continuous (semi)metric, focusing on both the Euclidean distance and squared Euclidean distance. Using this characterization, we give a different but simpler proof for the common intersection property proved by Huemer et al.

    Borderline weighted estimates for commutators of singular integrals

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    In this paper we establish the following estimate w({x∈Rn:|[b,T]f(x)|>λ})≀cTΔ2∫RnΊ(∄b∄BMO|f(x)|λ)ML(logL)1+Δw(x)dx where w≄0,0<Δ<1 and Ί(t)=t(t+log+(t)). This inequality relies upon the following sharp Lp estimate ∄[b,T]f∄Lp(w)≀cT(pâ€Č)2p2(p−1ÎŽ)1pâ€Č∄b∄BMO∄f∄Lp(ML(logL)2p−1+ÎŽw) where 1<p<∞,w≄0 and 0<ÎŽ<1. As a consequence we recover the following estimate w({x∈Rn:|[b,T]f(x)|>λ})≀cT[w]A∞(1+log+[w]A∞)2∫RnΊ(∄b∄BMO|f(x)|λ)Mw(x)dx We also obtain the analogue estimates for symbol-multilinear commutators for a wider class of symbols.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitivida

    European Union poverty policies. The case of the statistical policy

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    A long-lasting difficulty in dealing with the subject of poverty, both in the scientific and political realms, has been the lack of analytical and methodological instruments that facilitate defining, observing and measuring accurately the social dimensions of the phenomenon. Henceforth, it is crucial to develop further indicators in order to design and implement a consistent statistical policy. After examining these issues, this paper analyses the European Union policy on poverty and, especially, the efforts done in the field of statistical policy.Uma dificuldade de longa data nos estudos sobre a pobreza, quer a nível académico quer a nível político, reside na escasez de instrumentos analíticos e metodológicos para definir, observar e medir as dimensÔes sociais da pobreza. Portanto, é importante desenvolver ferramentas e indicadores que permitam formular e implementar uma política de estatísticas consistente. Após examinar estas questÔes, este artigo analisa a política da União Europeia relativamente à pobreza, com destaque para a årea das políticas de estatísticas

    Application of Spectrometry for Determining the Solar Radiation of Deciduous Trees Shade: A Passive Energy Conservation Approach for Mediterranean Climates

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    [EN] Deciduous trees are well known for controlling solar gains in buildings, contributing to energy savings in a sector that consumes 35% of global energy. However, there is still a lack of information about the real thermal impact that deciduous trees have. This work proposes a new method that is cheap and easy to implement to quantify the shading efficiency of different types of deciduous trees in hot seasons. The results can be applied in energy evaluations of buildings. The trees selected belong to the central valley of Chile, which is characterized by hot summers and cold winters. The trees selected can also be found in other parts of the world. A spectrometer is used for measuring the amount of solar radiation (irradiance) that is present in the shadow of trees, measuring wavelengths between 339 nm and 750 nm (mostly within the visible light range). The full referential irradiance spectrum of the site is obtained by calibrating the standard ASTM G-173-03. At the site, the spectrometer is used to obtain the visible light range, while the infrared radiation (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) radiation ranges are obtained from the literature. Our results indicate that the analyzed deciduous trees reduce an average of 82% of the solar radiation. This information will help project designers during the building energy efficiency design phase by representative modeling of the solar radiation gains allowed by deciduous trees.This research was funded by FIC-R Maule Project BIP N°40.047.270-0; ANID/ATE220023 Project; FONDECYT Regular Research Project 1220556; CLIMAT AMSUD 21001 and FONDAP SERC Chile 15110019.Del Campo-Hitschfeld, ML.; Arenas, N.; Rivera, M.; Ballesteros-Pérez, P. (2023). Application of Spectrometry for Determining the Solar Radiation of Deciduous Trees Shade: A Passive Energy Conservation Approach for Mediterranean Climates. Buildings. 13(5). https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings1305113013

    Applying undersampling to the nuclear magnetic resonance signal

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    Proceedings of: 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Amsterdam, 31 Oct. - 03 Nov. 1996.This paper presents the use of undersampling in an NMR prototype equipment. The results show that undersampling is a convenient tool to be used in the processing of these signals. It allows to easily transform bandpass Free Induction Decay (FID) signals, centered at high frequencies, into lowpass signals or bandpass signals at much lower frequencies. Main advantages of using this technique are improved signal to noise ratio and analog electronic stages suppression.Publicad

    Actitudes y motivaciĂłn del estudiantado universitario con algĂșn tipo de discapacidad para la prĂĄctica fĂ­sico –deportivo en el departamento de San Salvador, durante el año 2018

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    El presente documento tiene como finalidad, conocer la influencia de la discapacidad que poseen personas con diferentes limitantes fĂ­sicas, sensoriales y/o intelectuales, fue realizada con el objetivo de conocer sus niveles de actitud y motivaciĂłn para la prĂĄctica fĂ­sico- deportivo en las universidades pĂșblicas y privadas de la zona metropolitana de san salvador año 2018

    Estudio de Factibilidad de un taller de alineaciĂłn y balanceo de ruedas.

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    En este proyecto analizaremos la creaciĂłn de un taller de alineaciĂłn y balanceo de ruedas en el cantĂłn Naranjito, ya que en dicho cantĂłn cuenta con un taller dedicado a esto, pero no brinda este servicio de manera eficiente, dando lugar a que los clientes que acuden a este local gasten mĂĄs de lo necesario y no cuenten con la seguridad del buen mantenimiento de su vehĂ­culo. Por tal motivo nos Hemos propuestos montar un taller es significativo pesar de esto su tasa de retorno serĂĄ aceptable, por tal motivo este proyecto si es factible

    Quantitative nanoscale electrostatics of viruses

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    Electrostatics is one of the fundamental driving forces of the interaction between biomolecules in solution. In particular, the recognition events between viruses and host cells are dominated by both specific and non-specific interactions and the electric charge of viral particles determines the electrostatic force component of the latter. Here we probe the charge of individual viruses in liquid milieu by measuring the electrostatic force between a viral particle and the Atomic Force Microscope tip. The force spectroscopy data of co-adsorbed 29 bacteriophage proheads and mature virions, adenovirus and minute virus of mice capsids is utilized for obtaining the corresponding density of charge for each virus. The systematic differences of the density of charge between the viral particles are consistent with the theoretical predictions obtained from X-ray structural data. Our results show that the density of charge is a distinguishing characteristic of each virus, depending crucially on the nature of the viral capsid and the presence/absence of the genetic material.MINECO of Spain through project FIS2011-29493, FIS2014-59562-R, and the Spanish Interdisciplinary Network on the Biophysics of Viruses (Biofivinet, FIS2011-16090-E). CSM acknowledges funding from BFU2013- 41249-P, and Biofivinet. MGM acknowledges funding from the Spanish Government (BIO2012-37649), Comunidad de Madrid (S-505/MAT-0303), and by an institutional grant from FundaciĂłn Areces to the Centro de BiologĂ­a MolecularPeer Reviewe
