882 research outputs found

    Análisis del acuerdo de cielos abiertos entre Colombia y Estados Unidos

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    El presente ensayo argumentativo busca explorar el mecanismo de participación económica internacional denominado `acuerdo de Cielos Abiertos, en referencia a la actual incursión que tiene Colombia en dicho acuerdo, suscribiendo en la actualidad su primer convenio en este tema, firmando el pacto con el país de los Estados Unidos el 10 de mayo del 2011. Propendiendo ensayísticamente de esta forma, realizar énfasis en el marco normativo del mismo acuerdo ofrecido por la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI), los alcances jurídicos en nuestro país para el mismo y las posibilidades de participación comercial de Colombia frente al más grande contribuyente del sector aéreo mundial como lo es la nación norteamericana. Diseñando estrategias para un mayor aprovechamiento del acuerdo de Cielos Abiertos por parte de Colombia, garantizando mayores porcentajes de beneficios en los diferentes escenarios referentes, como los son: el sector turístico, económico, aéreo, desarrollo de infraestructura en general

    La participación política de la mujer en los Órganos de Dirección de la Universidad de El Salvador.

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    Historia de la participación política de la mujer – Marco Jurídico Nacional e Internacional que regula la participación política de la mujer – Participación política de la muejer en la Universidad de El Salvador

    Pre-service teachers' (cohort 9) lived experiences related to English native assistant's support in a foreign language teaching education program at UCO

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    The purpose of this paper is to evidence students’ voices through their lived experiences related to native English assistants in a private university in Colombia. research journals, semi-structured interviews and surveys. One of the problems we faced when developing the project was the disposition of students to participate in the interviews and surveys proposed to gather information. During the analysis of the findings, it was evidenced the discontent that students had with the performance of the English native assistants inside the classroom. Although students thought that the strategy of bringing assistants to the classroom is good, it is notorious that those assistants should have previous knowledge about pedagogy in order to be clearer when supporting a class. To conclude, it was necessary to evidence students’ voices as a tool to have an overall view about how the process have been carrying out until this moment. In order to do so, the project was conducted using systematization of experiences, additionally, three data collection methods were used to evidence students’ voices.The purpose of this paper is to evidence students’ voices through their lived experiences related to native English assistants in a private university in Colombia. research journals, semi-structured interviews and surveys. One of the problems we faced when developing the project was the disposition of students to participate in the interviews and surveys proposed to gather information. During the analysis of the findings, it was evidenced the discontent that students had with the performance of the English native assistants inside the classroom. Although students thought that the strategy of bringing assistants to the classroom is good, it is notorious that those assistants should have previous knowledge about pedagogy in order to be clearer when supporting a class. To conclude, it was necessary to evidence students’ voices as a tool to have an overall view about how the process have been carrying out until this moment. In order to do so, the project was conducted using systematization of experiences, additionally, three data collection methods were used to evidence students’ voice

    Pre-service teachers' (cohort 9) lived experiences related to English native assistant's support in a foreign language teaching education program at UCO

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    The purpose of this paper is to evidence students’ voices through their lived experiences related to native English assistants in a private university in Colombia. research journals, semi-structured interviews and surveys. One of the problems we faced when developing the project was the disposition of students to participate in the interviews and surveys proposed to gather information. During the analysis of the findings, it was evidenced the discontent that students had with the performance of the English native assistants inside the classroom. Although students thought that the strategy of bringing assistants to the classroom is good, it is notorious that those assistants should have previous knowledge about pedagogy in order to be clearer when supporting a class. To conclude, it was necessary to evidence students’ voices as a tool to have an overall view about how the process have been carrying out until this moment. In order to do so, the project was conducted using systematization of experiences, additionally, three data collection methods were used to evidence students’ voices.The purpose of this paper is to evidence students’ voices through their lived experiences related to native English assistants in a private university in Colombia. research journals, semi-structured interviews and surveys. One of the problems we faced when developing the project was the disposition of students to participate in the interviews and surveys proposed to gather information. During the analysis of the findings, it was evidenced the discontent that students had with the performance of the English native assistants inside the classroom. Although students thought that the strategy of bringing assistants to the classroom is good, it is notorious that those assistants should have previous knowledge about pedagogy in order to be clearer when supporting a class. To conclude, it was necessary to evidence students’ voices as a tool to have an overall view about how the process have been carrying out until this moment. In order to do so, the project was conducted using systematization of experiences, additionally, three data collection methods were used to evidence students’ voice

    Methodological guidelines for the development of a free software that generates learning objects according to the characterization of the rural educational community served by the Patio Bonito Educational Institution in the municipality of El Espinal, department of Tolima - Colombia

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    En el marco del programa de Maestría de software libre, el proyecto de investigación desarrollado aplica estándares metodológicos existentes relacionados con la caracterización, descripción técnica de requerimientos y valoración de algunas aplicaciones existentes para comprobar que es necesario el planteamiento de lineamientos metodológicos para el desarrollo de software pertinente a las necesidades de la educación rural y de su entorno representados por el caso de estudio de la Institución Educativa Patio Bonito del municipio de El Espinal departamento del Tolima. Estos lineamientos comprenden aspectos de desarrollo de aplicaciones educativas y aspectos legales / empresariales relacionados con el ciclo de vida del software, las metodologías de desarrollo ágil y las limitaciones de los clientes (recursos educativos y económicos insuficientes, sistemas informáticos anticuados y escasa habilidad de los usuarios en el manejo de estos equipos). Mediante las pruebas propuestas fue posible comprobar la necesidad de desarrollar las actividades de caracterización y posterior descripción de requerimientos para ofrecer una alternativa de solución válida a la necesidad de materiales educativos pertinentes al entorno educativo rural de la institución donde se llevó a cabo el caso de estudio. Prueba de la pertinencia de los lineamientos metodológicos planteados, es el desarrollo de un prototipo de software que demostró varias de las premisas propuestas en el desarrollo del documento además de probar la necesidad de producir herramientas pertinentes al entorno rural. En la consulta realizada a los usuarios, mediante la aplicación de una encuesta de satisfacción, y a un experto en desarrollo de software en el entorno educativo universitario, mediante la aplicación de una métrica de calidad, se pudieron observar resultados satisfactorios en materia de cumplimiento de requerimientos, lo que demuestra la pertinencia de la herramienta desarrollada.Universitat Oberta de Catalunya UOCINTRODUCCIÓN 17 1. REVISIÓN BIBLIOGRÁFICA 23 1.1 MARCO TEÓRICO 23 1.1.1 Software Libre En La Educación. 23 1.1.2 Apropiación De Tic En La Educación. 24 1.1.3 La Educación Rural. 26 1.1.4 Objetos De Aprendizaje. 28 Teorías de la Instrucción. 28 Definición de Objeto de Aprendizaje. 31 Taxonomía de un Objeto de Aprendizaje. 32 Definición Acordada por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. 34 Estándares Aplicados a Objetos de Aprendizaje. 35 1.1.5 Exploración De Factores Que Inciden En El Aprendizaje. 41 Intrapersonales. 41 Interpersonales. 43 Ambientales y Contextuales. 44 1.2 ESTADO DEL ARTE 46 1.2.1 Resumen Referencia De Trabajos De Investigación 51 1.2.2 Objetos De Aprendizaje Orientados A Población Rural 54 2. MÉTODO DE INVESTIGACIÓN 56 2.1 CARACTERIZACIÓN DE LA POBLACIÓN 56 2.1.1 Paso 1. Identificación De Objetivos Y Alcance 57 Objetivo General 57 Objetivos Específicos 57 2.1.2 Paso 2. Líder De Ejercicio De Caracterización 58 2.1.3 Paso 3. Establecimiento De Variables 58 Variables Geográficas. 58 Variables Demográficas. 59 Variables Intrínsecas. 60 Variables de Comportamiento. 60 2.1.4 Paso 4. Priorización De Variables. 61 Relevantes. 61 Uso de TIC. 62 Medible. 62 Asociativas. 62 Consistentes. 63 Selección de Variables. 63 2.1.5 Paso 5. Identificación De Mecanismos De Recolección De Información. 64 2.1.6 Paso 6. Tabular La Información, Establecer Segmentos De Personas Con Características Similares. 66 2.1.7 Paso 7. Divulgar Y Publicar La Información. 70 2.2 DEFINICIÓN DE REQUERIMIENTOS DE SOFTWARE 70 2.2.1 Introducción. 70 Propósito. 71 Ámbito del Sistema. 71 Referencias. 72 Referencias. 72 2.2.2 Descripción General. 72 Perspectiva del Producto. 73 Funciones del Producto. 73 Características de los Usuarios. 73 Restricciones. 74 Suposiciones y Dependencias. 75 Requisitos Futuros. 75 2.2.3 Requisitos Específicos. 75 Interfaces Externas. 75 Funciones. 75 Requisitos de Rendimiento. 76 Restricciones de Diseño. 78 Atributos del Sistemas. 78 Otros Requisitos. 79 2.2.4. Apéndices. 79 2.3 VALORACIÓN DE SOFTWARE LIBRE EDUCATIVO 80 2.3.1 Establecimiento de la Evaluación. 80 Objetivo de la Evaluación. 80 Tipo de Evaluación. 81 Tipo de Producto. 81 2.3.2 Planificación de la Evaluación. 81 Responsables y Roles. 82 Contrato o Acuerdo de Evaluación. 82 2.3.3 Modelo de Calidad. 82 2.3.4 Efectuar Medición. 83 2.3.5 Informe. 83 Observaciones. 86 2.4 PROPUESTA DE LINEAMIENTOS METODOLÓGICOS PARA LA PRODUCCIÓN DE SOFTWARE ENFOCADO AL ENTORNO RURAL 87 2.4.1 Plan de Trabajo Propuesto. 90 Acuerdo de Compromiso y Acta Constitutiva. 90 Acuerdo de Iteraciones. 90 Prototipos según Requerimientos. 92 Implementación. 93 Cierre de Proyecto. 93 3. RESULTADOS 95 3.1 ESTADO DEL ARTE 95 3.1.1 Pertinencia. 96 3.1.2 Problema de Investigación. 97 3.1.3 Población atendida. 97 3.1.4 Metodología Abordada. 98 3.1.5 Tecnología Aplicada. 99 3.2 CARACTERIZACIÓN DE LA POBLACIÓN 100 3.3 IDENTIFICACIÓN Y DESCRIPCIÓN DE REQUERIMIENTOS 109 3.4 VALORACIÓN DE HERRAMIENTAS DE SOFTWARE LIBRE / CÓDIGO ABIERTO EXISTENTES 110 3.5 LINEAMIENTOS METODOLÓGICOS PROPUESTOS 110 3.6 COMPROBACIÓN DE LINEAMIENTOS – DESARROLLO DE PROTOTIPO … 115 4. CONCLUSIONES 123 5. RECOMENDACIONES 129 6. REFERENCIAS 130 7. BIBLIOGRAFÍA 136MaestríaIn the field of Master in Software Libre academic program, the research project developed applies existing methodological standards related to the characterization, requirements specification and valuation of some existing applications to verify that is necessary to propose methodological guidelines for the software development pertinent to the rural education needs and its environment represented by the case study of the Educational Institution Patio Bonito of the municipality of El Espinal state of Tolima. These guidelines include aspects of educational application development and legal / business aspects related to the software lifecycle, agile development methodologies, and consumer constraints (insufficient educational and economic resources, available computer systems, and Users). Through the proposed tests it was possible to verify the need to develop characterization activities and subsequent description of requirements to offer a valid solution alternative to the need for educational materials relevant to the rural educational environment of the institution where the case study was carried out. Proof of the relevance of the proposed methodological guidelines is the development of a software prototype that demonstrate several of premises in the development of document as well as proving the need to produce tools relevant to the rural environment. In the user consultation, through the application of a satisfaction survey, and to an expert in software development of a university educational environment, through the application of a quality metric, satisfactory results could be observed in terms of compliance requirements, which demonstrates the relevance of the developed tool

    Sociometric Study of Intragroup Relations in a Work Group

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    The aim of this study is to explore intragroup relations in retail. The article conduct a sociometric analysis that takes into account labor and affective criteria, using the probability theory method and the UCINET program. In so doing the paper observe that the group, despite having been formally established for more than five years, does not display any solid indicators of high cohesion. The article observe that formal authority and informal leadership do not coincide and that there are two group factions in both criteria, which supports the finding of low cohesion. But despite these deficiencies in terms of cohesion, paper do not find any completely ignored or solitary individuals; as such, the group has established relations that can be improved. To this end, group cohesion should be promoted through a work design that facilitates interaction between individuals and rewards group results, all of which will serve to enhance the performance of this group.The aim of this study is to explore intragroup relations in retail. The article conduct a sociometric analysis that takes into account labor and affective criteria, using the probability theory method and the UCINET program. In so doing the paper observe that the group, despite having been formally established for more than five years, does not display any solid indicators of high cohesion. The article observe that formal authority and informal leadership do not coincide and that there are two group factions in both criteria, which supports the finding of low cohesion. But despite these deficiencies in terms of cohesion, paper do not find any completely ignored or solitary individuals; as such, the group has established relations that can be improved. To this end, group cohesion should be promoted through a work design that facilitates interaction between individuals and rewards group results, all of which will serve to enhance the performance of this group