2,931 research outputs found

    Graptolites from the Benton area of west-central New Brunswick and their regional significance

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    Graptolites In black slate underlying volcanics along Eel River near Benton, 20 km south of Woodstock, New Brunswick belong to the Clonograptus tenellus Zone of the upper Tremadoc Series. They are essentially the same age as graptolites from the Cookson Formation of southern New Brunswick. The Belle Lake Slate overlies the same volcanics, and on Belle Brook, 12 km southwest of Benton, contains graptolites referred to the Nemagraptus gracilis Zone of the Caradoc Series. The Belle Lake Slate correlates with an unnamed sequence of greywacke and slate in the Hayesville area of central New Brunswick. The Ordovician volcanics and overlying sedimentary rocks are the sane general age as a limestone facies found to the east and northeast of Woodstock. The limestones were deposited in shallow-water at varying distances from volcanically active areas. The presence of lithologlcally similar Lower Ordovician and older rocks in the Benton area of west-central New Brunswick and in the Cookson Formation of southern New Brunswick allows both areas to be included in the same suspect terrane. RÉSUMÉ A 20 km au sud de Woodstock (Nouveau-Brunswick) on trouve, dans une ardoise noire recouverte de roches volcaniques, des graptolites qui appartiennent à la zone Clonograptus tenellus de la série du Trémadocien supérieur. Ces graptolites datent essentiellement de la même période que les graptolites de la formation de Cookson du sud du Nouveau-Brunswick. À 12 km au sud-ouest de Benton, le long du ruisseau Belle, les roches volcanlques mentionnées ci-haut sont recouvertes par l 1 ardoise Belle Lake qui contient des graptolites de la zone à Nemagraptus gracilis de la serle du Caradocien. L‘ardoise Belle Lake est correlée avec une séquence de grauwacke et d'ardoise que l'on retrouve dans la région de Hayesville au centre du Nouveau-Brunswick. Les roches volcaniques ordoviciennes et les roches sédimentaires qui les recouvrent ont environ le même âge qu'un faciès de calcaire situe à l'est et au nord-est de Woodstock. Les calcaires ont été déposés en eau peu profonde à des distances variables d'une région volcaniquement active. La présence de roches lithologiquement semblables, certaines datant de l'Ordovicien inférieur, d'autres plus anciennes, dans la région de Benton au centre-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick et dans la formation de Cookson au sud du Nouveau-Brunswick presuppose une pa renté entre les deux régions. [Tradult par le Journal

    Extracorporeal bullet trajectory determination from scanned phantoms with bullet defects

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    Shots with two different calibres (0.32 Auto and 9 mm Luger) were fired through phantoms that simulated human torsos, mounted on undercarriages with witness panels. The perforated phantoms were scanned with computed tomography (Siemens) using 80 kV and 140 kV and a slice thickness of 1 mm. The intracorporeal trajectories in the phantoms were compared to the known extracorporeal trajectories, derived from the perforations in witness panels. The discrepancy between the intracorporeal and extracorporeal trajectories, denoted as the absolute angle, was calculated for the trajectories before (front) and after (rear) the phantoms. Mean absolute angles at the front were lower than at the rear (2.27° vs. 4.54°) and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.001). The results of the study imply that the line between the entrance and the exit wound in a scanned victim can be extended to the extracorporeal bullet trajectory leading towards the entrance wound. The absolute angles presented in this study give an impression of the expected errors with the two calibres. This can be helpful in shooting investigations to assess the position of the shooter from entrance and exit wounds in a scanned victim

    Penurunan Kadar Cod Dan Tss Pada Limbah Industri Pembuatan Tempe Dengan Teknologi Biofilm Menggunakan Media Biofilter Kombinasi Bioball Dan Limbah Kulit Kerang

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    Along with the increasing population growth also resulted in an increasing in the amount of waste generated. One of the pollutants contained in tempe industry wastewater are COD and TSS. This paper describes the pilot plan study of tempe industry wastewater treatment using anaerobic and aerobic submerged biofilter using bioball and clamshell waste media. In this study, anaerob-aerob reactors were used with the continuous system and varying the time detention in the reactor. The detention time used were 8, 13,5 and 27 hours. From the results of research conducted, showed that the reduction in COD and TSS concentrations reach 52% and 46% for COD and TSS. With values for COD reduction from 10.730,97 mg / l to 5182,58 mg / l and for TSS, from 880 mg / l to 472 mg / l

    Excitons and charged excitons in semiconductor quantum wells

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    A variational calculation of the ground-state energy of neutral excitons and of positively and negatively charged excitons (trions) confined in a single-quantum well is presented. We study the dependence of the correlation energy and of the binding energy on the well width and on the hole mass. The conditional probability distribution for positively and negatively charged excitons is obtained, providing information on the correlation and the charge distribution in the system. A comparison is made with available experimental data on trion binding energies in GaAs-, ZnSe-, and CdTe-based quantum well structures, which indicates that trions become localized with decreasing quantum well width.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure

    Sharia Compliance Implementation In Saving With Rewards

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    The background of this study is based on the phenomenon of the problem that there are still differences of views among scholars regarding of saving with reward by Islamic financial institutions, one of which is the tabungan berhadiah product at Bank Syariah X. This study aims to measure customer perceptions of sharia compliance with tabungan berhadiah product at Bank Syariah X. The data from this study were obtained from the tabungan berhadiah customers at Bank Syariah X, which totaled 50 respondents. The research method used in this study is descriptive quantitative with data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics. While the dimensions used in this study are DSN MUI No.2 year 2000 concerning the saving, DSN MUI No.86 year 2012 concerning rewards in Islamic financial institutions. The results of this study show that the sharia compliance of rewards in Islamic financial institutions is in accordance with the fatwa of the MUI DSN. The dimensions of the DSN MUI No.2 year 2000 concerning the saving, DSN MUI No.86 year 2012 concerning rewards in Islamic financial institutions, including in very good criteria. The impact of discussion about this product on icreasing literacy about sharia compliance on product in Islamic financial institutions especially tabungan berhadiah in bank syariah X. &nbsp

    Error estimation on extracorporeal trajectory determination from body scans.

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    This study explores the magnitude of two sources of error that are introduced when extracorporeal bullet trajectories are based on post-mortem computed tomography (PMCT) and/or surface scanning of a body. The first source of error is caused by an altered gravitational pull on soft tissue, which is introduced when a body is scanned in another position than it had when hit. The second source of error is introduced when scanned images are translated into a virtual representation of the victim's body. To study the combined magnitude of these errors, virtual shooting trajectories with known vertical angles through five "victims" (live test persons) were simulated. The positions of the simulated wounds on the bodies were marked, with the victims in upright positions. Next, the victims were scanned in supine position, using 3D surface scanning, similar to a body's position when scanned during a PMCT. Seven experts, used to working with 3D data, were asked to determine the bullet trajectories based on the virtual representations of the bodies. The errors between the known and determined trajectories were analysed and discussed. The results of this study give a feel for the magnitude of the introduced errors and can be used to reconstruct actual shooting incidents using PMCT data

    Comparison and interpretation of impressed marks left by a firearm on cartridge cases - Towards an operational implementation of a likelihood ratio based technique.

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    Firearm examination is subject to increased scrutiny regarding its foundational validity and inherent subjective nature. The increased use of automatic comparison systems may help to reduce subjectivity. In this paper, we present the performance and limits of an automatic comparison system that assigns a weight to the forensic findings for the comparisons between firing pin marks, breechface marks, or a combination of the two. This weight is expressed by a likelihood ratio (LR) based on 3D topographical measurements coupled with a bi-dimensional statistical model. As the performance of such systems may depend on the reference databases used to inform the model, we investigated the impact of the brand of ammunition and the number of samples. We show that reference databases used to calculate LRs should ideally consist of the same type of ammunition as is seen in the case under investigation and that 7 specimens fired by the same firearm are enough to obtain rates of misleading evidence of a similar magnitude compared to those obtained when far more specimens (60) are used. Additionally, the automatic system was used to assess the outcomes of 7 cases with known same-source or different-source ground truths. These cases were also examined by 8 qualified firearm examiners. In all cases, the experts' appraisals were in line with the ground truth. The automatic system showed some limitations in cases were the data were not sufficient to calculate a robust LR, but also that it can assist and enhance the examiners in their decision process

    Compartmental pharmacokinetics of nefopam during mild hypothermia

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    Background Nefopam is a non-opioid, non-steroidal, centrally acting analgesic which has an opioid-sparing effect. It also reduces the threshold (triggering core temperature) for shivering without causing sedation or respiratory depression. The drug is therefore useful as both an analgesic and to facilitate induction of therapeutic hypothermia. However, compartmental pharmacokinetics during hypothermia are lacking for nefopam. Methods We conducted a prospective, randomized, blinded study in eight volunteers. On two different occasions, one of two nefopam concentrations was administered and more than 30 arterial blood samples were gathered during 12 h. Plasma concentrations were determined using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry to investigate the pharmacokinetics of nefopam with non-linear mixed-effect modelling. Results A two-compartment mammillary model with moderate inter-individual variability and inter-occasional variability independent of covariates was found to best describe the data [mean (se): V1=24.13 (2.8) litre; V2=183.34 (13.5) litre; Clel=0.54 (0.07) litre min−1; Cldist=2.84 (0.42) litre min−1]. Conclusions The compartmental data set describing a two-compartment model was determined and could be implemented to drive automated pumps. Thus, work load could be distributed to a pump establishing and maintaining any desired plasma concentration deemed necessary for a treatment with therapeutical hypothermi