376 research outputs found

    Research of the New Hampshire Experiment Station in animal breeding and nutrition, Bulletin, no. 331

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    The Bulletin is a publication of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire

    GenomslÀpplig belÀggning

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    Problematik kring hantering av dagvatten har inom VA- och landskapsbranschen under Ă„rtionden varit ett centralt Ă€mne. ÖvervĂ€gande fokus har tidigare legat pĂ„ att lösa problem med stora mĂ€ngder dagvatten genom att hastigt transportera bort vattnet i underjordiska ledningssystem. PĂ„ senare tid har man insett vĂ€rdet och vikten av att hindra uppkomst av dagvatten, att bromsa upp avrinningsprocesser och att se vattnets naturliga kretslopp som förebild för dagvattenhantering. TĂ€ta markbelĂ€ggningar Ă€r direkta kĂ€llor till uppkomst av dagvatten. Genom att skĂ€rma av möjligheter för infiltration finns risk att negativa följder uppstĂ„r, exempelvis i form av översvĂ€mningar, sĂ€nkning av grundvattennivĂ„ och överbelastning hos reningsverk. I detta kandidatarbete undersöks genom litteraturstudie olika versioner av den öppna dagvattenlösningen genomslĂ€pplig belĂ€ggning. MĂ„let var att ta fram ett konkret underlag till yrkesverksamma och privatpersoner som stĂ„r inför val av genomslĂ€pplig belĂ€ggningstyp. Ett underlag dĂ€r man kan utlĂ€sa vilka alternativ som finns, vilka egenskaper de har och vilka faktorer som Ă€r relevanta att ha i Ă„tanke inför valet. Under resan till fĂ€rdigt kandidatarbete ville jag ocksĂ„ utveckla mina kunskaper inom hydrologi och dagvattenhantering. Arbetet ger en inblick i Sveriges historia kring hantering av dagvatten, hur vattnets naturliga kretslopp fungerar och vad urbanisering och tĂ€tning av mark kan ge för effekter pĂ„ vattnets naturliga processer och pĂ„ vĂ„r omgivning. Vidare beskrivs genomslĂ€pplig belĂ€ggning först översiktligt, dĂ€r fokus ligger pĂ„ att redogöra för vad genomslĂ€pplig belĂ€ggning Ă€r, dess primĂ€ra syfte och att beskriva de allmĂ€nna egenskaper som de olika belĂ€ggningstyperna delar med varandra. NĂ€sta del i detta arbete zoomar in och redogör för Ă„tta specifika belĂ€ggningstyper, nĂ€rmare bestĂ€mt grĂ€sytor, grovkornigt material, förstĂ€rkningsnĂ€t av plast, Cast Iron GrĂŠsarmering, belĂ€ggning med genomslĂ€ppliga fogar, belĂ€ggning av hĂ„lsten, genomslĂ€pplig betong och genomslĂ€pplig asfalt. Resultatet visar att det finns flera anledningar att arbeta för att minska uppkomst av dagvatten och att samtidigt arbeta med problematik kring det vatten som inte gĂ„r att reducera. Studien visar att det bĂ„de finns situationer dĂ„ genomslĂ€ppliga belĂ€ggningar Ă€r lĂ€mpliga att anvĂ€nda och situationer dĂ„ de inte Ă€r lĂ€mpliga att anvĂ€nda. Vidare konstateras att dagvattenlösningen besitter flertalet egenskaper intressanta för fortsatt arbete mot hĂ„llbar dagvattenhantering. Dessutom skiljer sig egenskaperna flera gĂ„nger mellan de undersökta belĂ€ggningstyperna, vilket delas in och sammanstĂ€lls under 13 stycken karaktĂ€rsgrupper. Slutligen analyseras ur resultatet 17 stycken faktorer relevanta att ta hĂ€nsyn till vid val av genomslĂ€pplig belĂ€ggningstyp

    Tornadic Behavior Related to Land-Falling Tropical Cyclones in the United States

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    The 2004 and 2005 North Atlantic hurricane seasons were among the most active and economically devastating for the United States, during which 18 tropical cyclones (TCs) made landfall. These TCs were analyzed using the International Best Tracks Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) and Local Storm Reports (LSR) datasets to determine whether they produced tornadoes within a preferred quadrant and distance from the center of circulation of the TC. The land-falling TCs were tracked and analyzed through their weakening stages with tornado reports being classified based on the strength of the TC at the time of occurrence. Tornado reports were not included after the TC was classified as extratropical in the IBTrACS dataset. Over half of all tornado reports occurred when the TCs were rated at or below tropical storm strength. As expected, the northeast quadrant was the most dominate area where tornadic activity occurred. In addition, there were three distinct peaks in tornadic activity at distances of 75-100nm, 175-200nm, and 325-375nm from the center of the circulation. Another emphasis of this work used NEXRAD data to determine the best method of identifying potential tornadic storms within land-falling TCS. The most reliable radar product for the three TCs investigated was velocity couplets

    Cost of raising beef cattle in New Hampshire, Bulletin, no. 182

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    The Bulletin is a publication of the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire

    Evaluating Product-Centric Continuous Improvements: Impact on Competitive Capabilities and Business Performance

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    Product-centric continuous improvements (CIs) are actions via which firms modify the design of a product after the start of its production and release into the market. Product-centric CIs are initiated to help build competitive capabilities and sustain competitive advantage throughout the product life cycle. This study complements the perspective pervasive in the extant literature that actions related to product-centric CIs can be disruptive to firms and be associated with negative performance consequences. It investigates a topic that is relatively much less researched, namely the upside potential of product-centric CIs. The empirical analysis is based on data collected from 144 plants in the United States representing process and discrete part manufacturing industries. Specifically, the study analyzes the impact of product-centric CIs on competitive capabilities and business performance. The results of the empirical analysis indicate the following: First, there exist two categories of product-centric CIs: (1) actions for quality improvement and (2) actions for cost reduction. Second, while there is a positive association between each type of CI and the intended competitive capability, there also is a trade-off—i.e., actions for quality improvement increase quality capability but reduce cost capability, and vice versa. Third, there is a strong linkage between business performance and quality capability, but not cost capability. All in all, the study presents empirical evidence that product-centric CIs have a significant impact on competitive capabilities related to quality and cost, and, in turn, have an impact on business performance. From the standpoint of practice, the study suggests that product-centric CIs should be managed to develop competitive capabilities and improve business performance

    Opinions of Female Juvenile Delinquents on Language-Based Literacy Activities

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    A mixed methods study was conducted to examine female juvenile delinquents\u27 opinions and reactions on nine language-based literacy activities. Forty-one participants ranging in age from 13 to 18 years responded to a survey consisting of nine multiple-choice items and one open-ended question concerning the use- fulness of activities. Quantitative and qualitative findings revealed the majority of participants found the activities to be very useful. From 410 comments, five key themes emerged on positive opinions about usefulness, personal examples of use, negative opinions about usefulness, metacognitive and self regulation skills, and predictions of usefulness with future students. Examples of all activi- ties that could be implemented through a Response to Intervention model are available on www.unl.edulbarkley/presentlsanger/documents/ resources.shtml under the language-based literacy activities link

    Tornadic Behavior Related to Land-Falling Tropical Cyclones in the United States

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    The 2004 and 2005 North Atlantic hurricane seasons were among the most active and economically devastating for the United States, during which 18 tropical cyclones (TCs) made landfall. These TCs were analyzed using the International Best Tracks Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) and Local Storm Reports (LSR) datasets to determine whether they produced tornadoes within a preferred quadrant and distance from the center of circulation of the TC. The land-falling TCs were tracked and analyzed through their weakening stages with tornado reports being classified based on the strength of the TC at the time of occurrence. Tornado reports were not included after the TC was classified as extratropical in the IBTrACS dataset. Over half of all tornado reports occurred when the TCs were rated at or below tropical storm strength. As expected, the northeast quadrant was the most dominate area where tornadic activity occurred. In addition, there were three distinct peaks in tornadic activity at distances of 75-100nm, 175-200nm, and 325-375nm from the center of the circulation. Another emphasis of this work used NEXRAD data to determine the best method of identifying potential tornadic storms within land-falling TCS. The most reliable radar product for the three TCs investigated was velocity couplets

    Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains -9/E.

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    OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT PROCESSES AND SUPPLY CHAINS This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to studens outside the United States. The editorial taem at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the globe to include: ‱ NEW! Supply Chain Orientation: This text uniquely builds the concept of a supply chain from the ground up allowing students to see how effective internal processes lead the best supply chairs. ‱ NEW! Streamlined Design: Fewer chapters, less pages, and enhanced clarity allows students to engage each topic efficiently and effectively. Figures and photos have been added to improve the presentation of key concepts and techniques. ‱ NEW! Global Examples and Cases: Examples from Europe, Asia, Middle East and Australia are presented throughout the text for students in these regions to better appreciate the concepts presented

    Seismic Retrofit of Crane Valley Dam

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    Crane Valley Dam is located on the North Fork of Willow Creek in Madera County, California, and is owned by Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E). The results of seismic stability analyses performed in 2005 and 2006 showed that the dam’s hydraulic fill embankments would experience large deformations during and after the earthquake shaking postulated for the site. To improve the seismic stability and performance of the dam, PG&E initiated the Crane Valley Dam Seismic Retrofit Project (Project), which includes placing new rockfill buttresses on the upstream and downstream slopes of the dam, constructing internal drainage improvements, reinforcing portions of the dam’s concrete core wall, and raising the dam crest. Project components were designed to meet seepage control and seismic stability criteria and to accommodate existing facilities, limited site access, seasonal reservoir operations, and environmentally sensitive areas within and adjacent to the Project site. Engineering analyses included static, seepage, and dynamic finite element analyses to evaluate the potential for liquefaction of hydraulic fill materials and post-earthquake stability of the retrofitted dam embankment. Construction of the Project began in Octobe
