2,668 research outputs found

    Political Communication of Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) in The Empowering of the Muslim Community in North Sumatera

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    This study examines political communication, media communication used, how the obstacles and the extent to which the success of Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) to empowerment of Muslim communities in North Sumatera. As it is understood, political communication aims to construct, create and reinforce political messages, so that it succeeds in building a good opinion in the minds of the public towards about the party. And then the community gave support to the PKS.The results of this study reveal, that: First, the form of internal communication using communication down (downward communication)downward communication is a one-way communication that is a command to perform various programs of DPP which is downgraded to DPW to be implemented. While the form of external communication is the community empowerment program that has been successfully implemented is the Smart House, Healthy House, House of Concern, Home Alert and Disaster Response, Indonesian Family Home, Aspirations Home, House of Shariah Consultation, and lectures home. These programs are a form of political communication of PKS in the empowerment of Muslim communities in North Sumatera. Second, the media of PKS political communication in empowering the Muslim community using print and electronic media that are cooperative. Especially, PKS of North Sumatera has not owned its own mass media such as newspapers, magazines, television and radio. Related about it, PKS also uses WhatsApp facilities, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. Third, the internal constraint faced is the commitment of the cadres to provide the best in accordance with the mottos “respect for the community”, while the external barrier is the emergence of new political parties with various identities, still rampant money politics activities making people immature in politics. Fourth, PKS has been able to raise the trust of the people of North Sumatera, especially the Muslim community that PKS is truly a people oriented towards a society that is just, prosperous and dignified


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    Masa anak-anak merupakan masa rasa ingin tahunya tinggi sehingga selalu mencari tahu hal-hal baru yang membuat anak-anak pensaran tanpa memikirkan konsekuensinya. Seringkali, jika kita berada di tempat umum akan menemukan peristiwa dimana anak akan menangis, berteriak, hingga menghentakkan dan menendang kakinya jika sesuatu hal tidak terwujud. Tantrum merupakan salah satu masalah yang terjadi pada spek perkembangan emosional anak, dimana anak tidak bisa mengontrol emosinya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Play Therapy merupakan salah satu proses terapi yang diberikan kepada klien dengan cara bermain sehingga klien atau anak akan lebih senang saat menjalankan terapi tersebut. Adapun tiga tahapan pelaksanaan play therapy yaitu (1) rancangan treatment; (2) pelaksanaan treatment; dan (3) evaluasi treatment. Dalam menunjang pelaksanaan play therapy terdapat beberapa metode yaitu: (1) Permainan boneka; (2) bercerita; (3) kotak pasir; dan (4) menggambar. Play therapy diharapkan menjadi penerapan yang tepat untuk mengatasi sikap tantru

    The Family Communication Culture Based on Religious Values in Preventing the Drug Use among Muslim Families in Pulo Padang Village

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    The family is the place for the most basic moral education received by children,therefore the family has a significant role in guiding the children for not consumingany drugs. Communication based on religious values created by a family is certainlyvery influential on children in avoiding drug use. This study aimed to determine theculture of family communication based on religious values in preventing drug useamong Muslim families. The method in this research was descriptive qualitativemethod. The results showed that the parties who have a very important role inpreventing drug abuse are families, especially parents. Parents and dearest familyare the closest environment that can influence adolescent’s behavior. Therefore, therole of parents is needed in strengthening the mental and personality of adolescents.It will cause the children are not easily persuaded and fall into drug abuse. Theculture of communication based on religious values created for preventing drug useamong Muslim families so that the family can develop positive environment orvalues for their children, for creating effective communication, being a role modelfor children and supporting the healthy and positive children's activities. Theresearchers would like to thank the two families who were willing to be participantsin this study and provide the data for this research

    Implementation of AIK and Arabic Language in Supporting the Realization of Wasathiyyah Islam at PTMA in Indonesia

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    The implementation of wasathiyyah Islam has a vital role in realizing the understanding and mindset of moderate students. This study aims to describe the implementation of AIK and Arabic in Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Colleges (PTMA) in realizing wasathiyyah Islam in Indonesia. This study uses a qualitative approach with the method of literature. Sources of data in the form of scientific articles, scientific reports, books, and relevant documents. Research data were collected, selected, interpreted, and analyzed using descriptive content analysis. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of AIK and Arabic in PTMA has a major influence in realizing wasathiyyah Islam in Indonesia through the material contained in AIK I, AIK II, AIK III, and AIK IV which examines the strengthening of the values of faith, morality, mu'amalah, humanity, Muhammadiyah, as well as the fulfillment of social, spiritual, and intellectual aspects that are adapted according to the progress of the times. The implementation of AIK and the Arabic language forms each PTMA graduate with the following characteristics: having a moderate mindset and personality, not taking extreme, radical, and liberal actions, having a character identity, generous, having a leadership spirit, and caring about the problems of the people and the nation. The researcher recommends further research to examine the effectiveness of the implementation of AIK and Arabic in supporting the realization of wasathiyyah Islam in PTMA with larger variables and research objects

    Mandailing And Angkola Semarga Marriage; Comparative Study Of Polemic Custom Law And Positive Law In Indonesia

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    Marriage is part of realizing maqashid sharia, namely maintaining the continuity of offspring Traditional marriages in the Mandailing and Angkola communities have special values and rules. Customary violations can result in sanctions and fines from customary leaders. This article examines the polemic of semarga marriage among the Mandailing and Angkola tribes in the review of customary law and positive law in Indonesia. This research is qualitative research with a type of field research. Primary data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, secondary data is collected by tracing many references from books, articles, and other scientific works that are related to the research theme. Furthermore, the data were analyzed descriptively with a legal or normative approach. The results of the study explain that the same clan marriage in the Mandailing and Angkola ethnic communities has significant differences. Semarga marriages in the Angkola community are not subject to customary sanctions and fines. Meanwhile, semarga marriages in the Angkola community are subject to customary sanctions and fines. Meanwhile, the review of the Compilation of Islamic Law or positive law states that marriages are prohibited if marriages are carried out with mahrams or people who are prohibited from marrying

    Social Media: Millenial Generation Alternative Solutions in Learning Religion During Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The use of social media as a communication medium is not limited. In the era of technological development with the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, social media is also used to access information about spiritual issues. This study aims to explore the use of social media as a religious learning solution for the millennial generation in the era of the spread of Covid-19. This study adopts a qualitative approach with a phenomenological method to the millennial generation's tendency to use social media. Data collection uses observation, interviews, and analysis studies of da’wah accounts on social media. The data analysis technique uses the theory of Miles and Huberman, namely collecting data, reducing, and presenting. Data validation uses data triangulation and data sources. This study shows that the millennial generation filters da’wah accounts on social media based on their understanding (manhaj). This research needs to be followed up by mapping the concept of da’wah through social media which is relevant for the millennial generation in Indonesia

    Pengaruh Dewan Komisaris Dan Komite Audit Terhadap Kualitas Laporan Keuangan

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menguji pengaruh dewan komisaris yang diukur dengan ukuran dewan komisaris dan komisaris independen serta komite audit yang diukur dengan ukuran komite audit, rapat komite audit, dan keahlian komite audit terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan secara parsial. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif, menggunakan data sekunder yaitu perusahaan manufaktur yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2017-2021. sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 22 perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode purposive sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi liniear berganda dengan tingkat signifikan 5%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ukuran dewan komisaris tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan, komisaris independen tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan, ukuran komite audit berpengaruh positif terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan, rapat komite audit tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan, dan keahlian komite audit tidak berpengaruh terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan


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    Wasiat wajibah is an ijtihad’s concept about someone’s wealth changing to another who has no right to get the inheritance. However, together with the appearance of conception and implementation, so there is the contradiction of the application and realization. This research is library research and designed descriptive qualitative. The result of the research describes that wasiat wajibah is given to furu’ heir (generation) from inherit. As for the calculation concept of wasiat wajibah, a child who passed away is reputed alive and becomes heir. By the boy’s line, wasiat wajibah is given only to the grandchild and great grandchild’s level. While from the woman’s line, wasiat wajibah is only by the grandchild’s level. The implementation of wasiat wajibah is done if a grandfather is never given a gift to his passed away children when they are alive. The digit of 1/3 becomes the maximum limit which will accept by grandchild and great-grandchild. So, if the acceptance digit by children is more than 1/3, then their generation only gets 1/3 and the rest is given to another heir


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    Educational institutions must be supported jointly by all parties, both families, schools, and communities. This third component must work together in harmony so that it can produce quality educational outcomes. Until, the school is expected to improve relations with the family or guardians of students, and the community, in general, to work together in realizing the management of school relationships with good community management. This study aims to describe how to manage school relations with the community, also to find out what is in SDN Manggarai 05, South Jakarta. This type of research is qualitative research, while the form is field research, by taking location at SDN Manggarai 05 South Jakarta. Data collection methods used are, observation, interview and documentation. Whereas the process of data analysis used Miles and Huberman model analysis, namely interactive model analysis with steps: data collection, data reduction, data display, data verification and data interpretation. The results of this study are in accordance with the Public Relations indicators show; first, related to educational relationships formed by the formation of schools. However, meetings or meetings are conducted at the time of report cards, so it is not yet at an intensive stage. This results in the absence of effective planning, implementation and evaluation. Second, the cooperative relationship between SDN Manggarai 05 and institutions such as Puskesmas, Kelurahan, Kecamatan, Polsek, BNN and Universities has been established. However, it has not been fully done. Third, what is the challenges in public relations management are known by two factors, namely internal factors, and external factors. The first is internal factors, which are known to have no special personnel given regarding the relationship between SDN Manggarai 05 and the community. While the external factor is known as the guardian, the students give up the children's education process at school
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