563 research outputs found

    Properties of D-mesons in nuclear matter within a self-consistent coupled-channel approach

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    The spectral density of the DD-meson in the nuclear environment is studied within a self-consistent coupled-channel approach assuming a separable potential for the bare meson-baryon interaction. The DNDN interaction, described through a G-matrix, generates dynamically the Λc\Lambda_c (2593) resonance. This resonance is the charm counterpart of the Λ\Lambda (1405) resonance generated from the s-wave KˉN\bar{K}N interaction in the I=0 channel. The medium modification of the D-meson spectral density due to the Pauli blocking of intermediate states as well as due to the dressing of the D-mesons, nucleons and pions is investigated. We observe that the inclusion of coupled-channel effects and the self-consistent dressing of the DD-meson results in an overall reduction of the in-medium DD-meson changes compared to previous work which neglect those effects.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Strangeness Production at SIS measured with HADES

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    n this paper we review the recent results on strangeness production measured by HADES in the Ar+KCl system at a beam energy of 1.756 AGeV. A detailed comparison of the measured hadron yields with the statistical model is also discussed.Comment: submitted to Nucl. Phys. A, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collision, Beijing China 200

    D-mesons in dense nuclear matter

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    The D-meson properties in dense nuclear matter are studied. The D-meson spectral density is obtained within the framework of a coupled-channel self-consistent calculation assuming, as bare meson-baryon interaction, a separable potential. The Λc(2593)\Lambda_c(2593) resonance is generated dynamically in our coupled-channel model. The medium modifications of the D-meson properties due to Pauli blocking and the dressing of D-mesons, nucleons and pions are also studied. We conclude that the self-consistent coupled-channel process reduces the in-medium effects on the D-meson compared to previous literature which do not considered the coupled-channel structureComment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of Hard Probes 2004, Ericeira, Portugal, November 4-10, 2004 (European Physical Journal C

    Kaon production at subthreshold and threshold energies

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    We summarize what we have learnt about the kaon production in nucleus-nucleus collisions in the last decade. We will address three questions: a) Is the K+K^+ production sensitive to the nuclear equation of state? b) How can it happen that at the same excess energy the same number of K+K^+ and KK^- are produced in heavy ion collisions although the elementary cross section in pp collisions differs by orders of magnitudes? and c) Why kaons don't flow?Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, contribution to Strange Quark Matter 200

    Pluto: A Monte Carlo Simulation Tool for Hadronic Physics

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    Pluto is a Monte-Carlo event generator designed for hadronic interactions from Pion production threshold to intermediate energies of a few GeV per nucleon, as well as for studies of heavy ion reactions. This report gives an overview of the design of the package, the included models and the user interface.Comment: XI International Workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in Physics Research, April 23-27 2007, Amsterdam, the Netherland

    Search for the 3He-eta bound state at COSY-11

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    We have measured excitation function for dp -> ppp_pi- reaction near the eta production threshold. We observe an enhancement of the counting rate above the threshold which can originate from the production of the eta meson in the reaction dp -> 3He eta and its subsequent absorption on neutron in the 3He nucleus leading to creation of the p_pi- pair.Comment: Presented at 10th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction (MESON 2008), Cracow, Poland, 6 - 10 June 2008, 4 pages, 4 figures,references adde

    COSY-11: an experimental facility for studying meson production in free and quasi-free nucleon-nucleon collisions

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    The COSY-11 experimental setup is an internal facility installed at the COoler SYnchrotron COSY in Juelich. It allows to investigate meson production in free and quasi-free nucleon-nucleon collisions, eg. pp --> pp meson and pd --> p_sp np meson reactions. Drift chambers and scintillators permit to measure outgoing protons, separated in magnetic field of COSY-11 dipole. Neutrons are registered in the neutron modular detector installed downstream the beam. Recently, the experimental setup has been extended with spectator detector, deuteron drift chamber and polarization monitoring system, and since then meson production can be investigated also as a function of spin and isospin of colliding nucleons.Comment: Presented at LEAP05: International conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics, Bonn - Juelich, Germany, May 16-22, 200

    Isospin dependence of the eta' meson production in nucleon--nucleon collisions

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    According to the quark model, the masses of eta and eta' mesons should be almost equal. However, the empirical values of these masses differ by more than the factor of two. Similarly, though the almost the same quark-antiquark content, the total cross section for the creation of these mesons close to the kinematical thresholds in the pp --> ppX reaction differs significantly. Using the COSY-11 detection setup we intend to determine whether this difference will also be so significant in the case of the production of these mesons in the proton-neutron scattering. Additionally, the comparison of the pp --> pp eta' and pn --> pn eta' total cross sections will allow to learn about the production of the eta' meson in the channels of isospin I = 0 and I = 1 and to investigate aspects of the gluonium component of the eta' meson.Comment: Presented at LEAP05: International conference on Low Energy Antiproton Physics, Bonn - Juelich, Germany, May 16-22, 200

    Directed flow of neutral strange particles at AGS

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    Directed flow of neutral strange particles in heavy ion collisions at AGS is studied in the ART transport model. Using a lambda mean-field potential which is 2/3 of that for a nucleon as predicted by the constituent quark model, lambdas are found to flow with protons but with a smaller flow parameter as observed in experiments. For kaons, their repulsive potential, which is calculated from the impulse approximation using the measured kaon-nucleon scattering length, leads to a smaller anti-flow than that shown in the preliminary E895 data. Implications of this discrepancy are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Nonlinear Enhancement of the Multiphonon Coulomb Excitation in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

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    We propose a soluble model to incorporate the nonlinear effects in the transition probabilities of the multiphonon Giant Dipole Resonances based on the SU(1,1) algebra. Analytical expressions for the multi-phonon transition probabilities are derived. Enhancement of the Double Giant Resonance excitation probabilities in relativistic ion collisions scales as (2k+1)(2k)1(2 k +1)(2k)^{-1} for the degree of nonlinearity (2k)1(2k)^{-1} and is able to reach values 1.521.5-2 compatible with experimental data. The enhancement factor is found to decrease with increasing bombarding energy. [KEYWORDS: Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions,Double Giant Resonance]Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure