600 research outputs found

    Sweetening abroad: internationalization strategy of a tarte

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    This project aims to plan the internationalization strategy of the Portuguese small firm A Tarte, producer of a gourmet pie, to a European country in order to enlarge its sales. Therefore, a thorough analysis of the company and of the bakery market is performed to understand the complete environment. It is followed by a quantitative analysis of fourteen countries to select the most attractive market, whose results indicated United Kingdom as the best option. After, the direct exporting entry mode was analysed and costs estimated. Lastly, the expansion to London is recommended to be pursued with a UK local agent/distributor suppor

    The impact of sustainable packaging in the purchase intent of consumers

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    Nowadays the Sustainable Packaging theme is very trendy. The impact of the pollution, global warming and other circumstances led people to get more concerned about their habits and their effect on the planet. Regulations have increased and companies need to stay tuned and meet consumers’ expectations and wants. The aim of this dissertation is to understand the impact of the Packaging Stimulus (Sustainable vs Normal packaging) on the Purchase Intent of the consumers. The conceptual model includes two mediators – Perceived Value and WTP - that may affect the dependent variable. In depth interviews and an online survey were run, which allowed collecting both qualitative and quantitative data. 182 valid responses were gathered in the online survey. The results showed that the Packaging Stimulus does not have a direct significant impact on the Purchase Intent of consumers. The same happened that the overall model, with two mediators. However, if the model would be using only one mediator - WTP – there is a significant impact on the dependent variable. Moreover, Sustainable Packaging was defined as a package that can be reused and recycled. These conclusions have managerial impact, as the Sustainable Packaging theme is very relevant nowadays, and companies could use this information to make strategic decisions, such as whether to offer the consumer the option to buy a Sustainable option.Hoje em dia o tema das embalagens sustentáveis é relevante. O impacto na poluição, no aquecimento global e noutros acontecimentos levou as pessoas a ficarem alerta em relação aos seus hábitos e os respectivos efeitos no planeta. A legislação das embalagens tem aumentado e as organizações precisam de prestar atenção e respeitar os desejos dos consumidores. O objectivo desta tese é perceber o impacto das embalagens sustentáveis na intenção de compra dos consumidores. O modelo conceptual inclui dois mediadores – valor atribuído e predisposição para pagar – que podem afectar a variável dependente. Foram feitas entrevistas e um questionário online, que levaram a tirar conclusões qualitativas e quantitativas. 182 respostas foram alcançadas no questionário. Os resultados mostram que o estímulo da embalagem (e a embalagem sustentável) não tem um efeito directo na intenção de compra. O mesmo acontece com o modelo geral, com dois mediadores. No entanto, se o modelo usar um mediador – predisposição de compra – há um impacto significativo na variável dependente. A embalagem sustentável foi definida como embalagens que podem ser reutilizadas e recicladas. Estas conclusões têm impacto na gestão das empresas dado que as embalagens sustentáveis são um tema muito relevante hoje em dia. Assim, as empresas poderiam usar esta informação para tomarem decisões estratégicas, como por exemplo se devem dar a opção das embalagens sustentáveis aos consumidores

    A green integrated process for biodiesel production

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    Dissertation presented at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia from Universidade Nova de Lisboa to obtain the degree of Master in Chemical and Biochemical EngineeringNeste trabalho experimental desenvolveu-se um processo contínuo de produção de biodiesel, a partir de óleo virgem e óleo usado, usando dióxido de carbono supercrítico como solvente e utilizando catálise enzimática. A produção de biodiesel através da reacção de transesterificação de óleo de girassol com metanol, utilizando a Lipozyme TL IM® demonstrou tratar-se de um processo com um elevado potencial nas seguintes condições p = 20 MPa; T = 313,15 K; tempo de residência: 20 segundos e razão molar óleo: metanol: 1:24. O processo integra, igualmente, uma fase de fraccionamento. A separação a p=12 MPa e 333,15 K permite um elevado enriquecimento da fase gasosa em biodiesel. Usando apenas a Lipozyme TL IM® a conversão do óleo usado em biodiesel revelou-se inferior à obtida com óleo virgem, no entanto, a combinação de duas enzimas, Lipozyme TL IM® e Novozyme 435®, revelou ser uma opção viável, atingindo-se um rendimento de 98,9% nas seguintes condições: p=20 MPa; T = 313,15 K; tempo de residência: 30 segundos e razão molar óleo: metanol: 1:24. Uma vez que este rendimento é muito elevado, foi descrito um processo simples de fraccionamento para a recuperação do glicerol e metanol. Foi desenvolvido um estudo de engenharia para o processo de produção contínua de biodiesel utilizando óleo usado com a elaboração de balanços de massa e de energia. Através do aproveitamento do calor libertado durante a compressão de CO2, conclui-se ser necessário fornecer ao sistema 89,75 MJ / h. Um estudo de viabilidade económica foi desenvolvido através do qual se determinou um valor de investimento total de 21.728.718 € e um lucro anual de 3.359.731 €

    Um caso de brucelose proveniente do cemitério de S. Miguel de Odrinhas (Sintra, sécs. X-XI) ?

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    Does Constitutive Expression of Defense-Related Genes and Salicylic Acid Concentrations Correlate with Field Resistance of Potato to Black Scurf Disease?

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    Black scurf disease on potato caused by Rhizoctonia solani AG3 occurs worldwide and is difficult to control. The use of potato cultivars resistant to black scurf disease could be part of an integrated control strategy. Currently, the degree of resistance is based on symptom assessment in the field, but molecular measures could provide a more efficient screening method. We hypothesized that the degree of field resistance to black scurf disease in potato cultivars is associated with defense-related gene expression levels and salicylic acid (SA) concentration. Cultivars with a moderate and severe appearance of disease symptoms on tubers were selected and cultivated in the same field. In addition, experiments were conducted under controlled conditions in an axenic in vitro culture and in a sand culture to analyze the constitutive expression of defense-related genes and SA concentration. The more resistant cultivars did not show significantly higher constitutive expression levels of defense-related genes. Moreover, the level of free SA was increased in the more resistant cultivars only in the roots of the plantlets grown in the sand culture. These results indicate that neither expression levels of defense-related genes nor the amount of SA in potato plants can be used as reliable predictors of the field resistance of potato genotypes to black scurf disease

    Lignocellulosic residues valorization using a combined approach of sub-supercritical fluids and biotechnology

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    An integrated processed combined sub-, supercritical fluids and biotechnology was proposed to create a valorization chain for the lignocellulosic residues. Hot compressed water was evaluated as an alternative medium to perform the simultaneous extraction of added value compounds directly available in the lignocellulosic residues such as phenolic compounds as well as the hydrolysis of the main structural components, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Different lignocellulosic residues such as recycled paper mill sludge, grape pomace and apple pomace were studied. The main goal of the hydrolysis was to obtained aqueous solutions rich in sugars which can be further used as alternative carbon source to oleaginous yeasts growth which are capable of accumulating lipids and carotenoids. As final stage of this proposed process, the use of alternative oil sources was evaluated by using an integrated continuous process, which combined supercritical carbon dioxide and enzymes. Therefore, this valorization chain will be able to generate form lignocellulosic residue, three added value compounds: lipids, carotenoids and biodiesel by combining for the first time several alternative solvents, bioengineering and biotechnology. Recycled paper mill sludge (RPS) was used as lignocellulosic residue model to evaluate the potential of using HCW to perform the hydrolysis of the three main components, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Two different operational modes were tested: batch and semi-continuous flow reactors. From a detailed process analysis including the evaluation of different operational parameters, target products recovery and the devolvement of detailed mass balances, the semi-continuous model proved to be the most fitted process design, with a higher recovery of water soluble compounds, mainly monosaccharides, avoiding at the same time the formation of degradation compounds. Grape pomace was used to evaluate the potential of using a HCW treatment, which simultaneous extracts the phenolic compounds directly available in the residue as well as the hydrolysis of its main structures in order to obtain a solution rich in sugars. HCW proved to have the potential to be used as a solvent for the extraction of added-value compounds as well as a reactant for the hydrolysis. The extraction of antioxidants using HCW presented yields which are 10 times higher than those using conventional solvents. Additionally, HCW hydrolysis allows fast recovery of up to 60% of structural carbohydrates of grape pomace mainly in the form of oligosaccharides, which can be further digested by enzymes or used directly by microorganisms such as Rhodotorula babjevae yeast. This yeast exhibited an OD 2 to 5 fold higher than obtained with model mixtures, demonstrating, for the first time, that HCW-treated agricultural residues affords suitable carbon source for the growth of non-Saccharomyces yeast. Five different oleaginous yeasts strains were tested to demonstrate the suitability of apple pomace hydrolysates material as carbon source not only for growth but also for lipids and carotenoids production. Good performances in terms of growth, lipids and carotenoids accumulation were observed without performing any growth operational conditions optimization. Alternative oil sources, such as waste cooking oil, was used as raw material to produce an alternative biofuel- biodiesel applying a combined integrated continuous process using SC-CO2 and a continuous enzymatic flow reactor. It was made the proof of concept by achieving a product with >96 % of FAME using a ScCO2-based process as described, whether the starting material is virgin or waste cooking sunflower oil

    Processos de coordenação de equipa e engagement individual : uma relação multinível

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    Tese de mestrado, Psicologia (Psicologia dos Recursos Humanos, do Trabalho e das Organizações), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2012Este estudo teve como principal objetivo a análise da relação entre os processos de coordenação das equipas e o engagement individual. Participaram 249 agentes da Unidade Especial de Polícia da Polícia de Segurança Pública Portuguesa, num total de 67 equipas, que responderam a questionários de papel-e-lápis. Os resultados sugerem um modelo multinível de composição da coordenação geral, com uma influência direta e transnível, positiva e significativa no engagement individual. Finalmente, são analisadas as respetivas implicações e limitações da investigação.The main purpose of this research was to analyze the relationship between team coordination processes and work engagement. 249 agents, comprising 67 teams, from Police’s Special Unit of the Portuguese Public Force, answered paper-and-pencil questionnaires. The results suggest a multilevel composition model of general coordination, with a direct and crosslevel, positive and significant effect on individual engagement. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study are discussed

    Dinâmica num sector distal do Estuário do Tejo com base em dados oceanográficos, sedimentológicos e de nanoplâncton calcário

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    Tese de mestrado em Ciências do Mar, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2017A presente dissertação foi realizada com base em dados obtidos por métodos diretos e indiretos durante um ciclo de maré numa estação fixa no estuário do Tejo perto da desembocadura da ribeira do Jamor, no dia 12 de novembro de 2015, a bordo do navio NRP Andrómeda, no âmbito do projeto SEDEX 2015 do Instituto Hidrográfico. Este estudo teve por base dados oceanográficos, sedimentológicos e de nanoplâncton calcário permitindo a análise da coluna de água e dos sedimentos de fundo (nível 0-2 cm e nível 2-4 cm) que por sua vez possibilitou caraterizar a dinâmica do mesmo. Analisaram-se vários parâmetros físicos para caraterizar a coluna de água obtidos por diferentes equipamentos: (i) velocidade da corrente, turbidez, salinidade e temperatura junto ao fundo obtidos pelo RCM9; (ii) magnitude da corrente, altura da maré adquiridos pelo ADCP; (iii) temperatura, concentração de partículas, D50 e granulometria das partículas foi obtida pelo LISST a meio da coluna de água e junto ao fundo. Analisou-se também o conteúdo em nanoplâncton calcário existente nos filtros colhidos e nos sedimentos de fundo durante a campanha. Na coluna de água constatou-se que os valores mais elevados dos parâmetros físicos acima enumerados coincidiam com a fase de vazante da maré. Por sua vez, a fase de vazante era persistentemente mais curta do que a fase de enchente levando ao incremento dos valores máximos na vazante. As partículas que se encontravam em suspensão eram maioritariamente filossilicatos não tendo sido detetado se existia ou não floculação. Quanto ao conteúdo em nanoplâncton calcário confirmou-se a existência de duas associações distintas, uma pertencente ao subdomínio oceânico e outra ao subdomínio nerítico. Existia uma discrepância entre o máximo de concentração de cocólitos dos dois subdomínios, nomeadamente as espécies de subdomínio oceânico que foram detetadas primeiramente quando na realidade se encontravam mais afastadas da linha de costa. Para tal, propôs-se uma hipótese que se baseou em dados da circulação estuarina do modelo MOHID (MARETEC) que permitiu explicar a discrepância descrita. Aplicou-se ainda o modelo (coco)litos vs. (cocos)esferas que reforçou o caráter dinâmico do estuário e os diferentes comportamentos das espécies identificadas. Nos sedimentos de fundo nos níveis 0-2 cm e 2-4 cm detetou-se espécies atuais e espécies fósseis de nanoplâncton calcário, sendo as espécies fósseis provenientes de unidades miocénicas e cretácicas. Aproximadamente 70% das espécies de nanoplâncton calcário observadas eram espécies atuais. Do ponto de vista textural observou-se que o local era constituído maioritariamente por areias e silte pouco/mal calibradas. Aparentemente houve uma variação espacial relacionada com a variação de 150 m entre dois grupos de amostras colhidos, pois existiam amostras que apresentavam evidências de bioturbação e outras que tinham estratificação. Porém, nas amostras estaremos perante uma variação temporal de acordo com as taxas de sedimentação consideradas, entre 0,7 cm/ano e 2,2 cm/ano. Assim sendo, estes 4 cm das amostras iram corresponder a 2 ou 6 anos de sedimentação que estará a ser subentendida pela bioturbação em determinadas amostras. A correlação entre os dados de nanoplâncton calcário/sedimentologia da coluna de água e os dados dos sedimentos de fundo permitiu constatar que apenas um ciclo de maré não tem influência direta sobre o que fica retido. Mostrou que a espécie de nanoplâncton calcário mais abundante quer na coluna de água quer nos sedimentos é a espécie G. oceanica. Por fim analisou-se a moda granulométrica das partículas junto ao fundo e das partículas constituintes do nível 0-2 cm evidenciando a existência de uma ressuspensão local de areias finas mais acentuada na fase de vazante. Durante o estofo da maré os dados sugeriram que tenha sido depositado algum deste material, que na fase de vazante foi novamente sujeito a ressuspensão. É necessário referir que na fase de vazante o sinal das partículas em suspensão evidenciava um transporte das mesmas de um local a montante, reforçando o facto de este ser um local complexo e dinâmico.The present dissertation was based on data collected during SEDEX project of Instituto Hidrográfico on 2015 (November 12) in Tejo estuary on board the ship NRP Andrómeda. The data was obtained by direct and indirect methods during a tidal cycle at a fixed station near the mouth of the Jamor creek and based in oceanographic and sedimentological and calcareous nannoplankton data. The three components were analysed in the water column and bottom sediments (in the level 0-2 cm and level 2-4 cm) which made possible to characterize the dynamics of the local. To characterize the water column were analysed several physical parameters: (i) current velocity, turbidity, salinity and temperature near the bottom obtained by RCM9; (ii) current magnitude, tidal height acquired by the ADCP; (iii) temperature, particle concentration, D50 and particle size were obtained by LISST in the middle of the water column and near to the bottom. The content of calcareous nannoplankton in the filters and bottom sediments collected during the campaign was also analysed. In the water column, it was observed that the higher values of the physical parameters listed above coincided with the tidal ebb phase. The increase of the maximum values in ebb phase was related to the fact of ebb was persistently shorter than the flood phase. The particles in suspension were mostly phyllosilicates and it was not detected if flocculation was present or not. It was confirmed the existence of two distinct associations of calcareous nannoplankton one belonging to the ocean subdomain and the other to the neritic subdomain. This showed the existence of a discrepancy on the maximum concentration of cocoliths. The results of the oceanic subdomain were first detected in the fixed station when in fact they are further away from the coastline. To explain this discrepancy a hypothesis was proposed based on data of the estuarine circulation using MOHID model (MARETEC). The model (cocco) liths vs. (cocco) spheres reinforced the dynamic behaviour of the estuary and the different behaviours of the identified species. In the bottom sediments at levels 0-2 cm and 2-4 cm was observed present and fossil species of calcareous nanoplankton. The present species represents approximately 70% of the observed calcareous nannoplankton. From the textural point of view, it was observed that the collected samples were constituted mainly by poorly calibrated sands and silt. Initially we suspected that there was a spatial variation, related to the 150 m displacement between the two groups of samples some presented evidence of bioturbation and others were stratified. However, in the samples possible we faced a temporal variation due to the considered sedimentation rates (between 0,7 cm / year and 2,2 cm / year). The 4 cm corresponds to 2 or 6 years which was remobilized by bioturbation in some samples. The correlation between calcareous nannoplankton data the water column and background sediment data showed that just one tidal cycle has no direct influence in what was deposited. The specie G. oceanica was the most abundant calcareous nannoplankton in the water column and sediments. Finally, the suspended particle near the bottom and the bottom sediments (0-2 cm) showing the existence of a local resuspension of fine sands accentuated in the ebb phase. During the transition of flood to the ebb phase the data suggested the deposition of some material that was in suspension. In the ebb phase this material was resuspended again. It should be noted that in the ebb phase the signal of suspended particles showed a transport of the particles from an upstream zone, reinforcing the fact that was a complex and dynamic local