3,825 research outputs found

    Serbia's EU Integration Process: The Momentum of 2008

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    After four years of ambivalence, the relationship between the European Union and Serbia is again gaining a new opportunity to flourish. The new Serbian government is formed by parties which are strongly committed to Serbias EU integration and hence ready to carry out reforms and fully cooperate with the International Crime Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. This paper presents the current relationship between Brussels and Belgrade and its main obstacles. It emphasizes both internal and external problems of this relationship and their interdependency. In this regard the author argues that only by a mutual commitment of both Serbia and the EU lasting peace will be achieved in the Western Balkans and the region stabilized.Serbia, European Union, EU Integration

    Serbian Identity and the Concept of Europeanness

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    Serbia is considered as "an unfinished state" with a rather "undefined nation and as such approaching the European Union. This raises the question to what extent these circumstances will influence the success of Serbias EU-integration process, since nation identity and statehood are in this article seen as constitutional parts of the concept of Europeanness. Thus this paper focuses on Europeanness and the identity behind it. It further gives an overview of the Serbian identity, first by presenting its dichotomy and then by highlighting the main factors, which have primarily shaped the identity of Serbia. Finally this paper shows why a clearly defined national identity would facilitate Serbias access to the EU.Identity, Europeanness, Nation state, Serbian identity

    Spatially Resolved Luminescence Spectroscopy of Single GaN/(Al,Ga)N Quantum Disks

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    The dependence of the optical transition energy Et of GaN quantum disks (Qdisks) embedded within (Al,Ga)N nanocolumns grown on a (111) Si substrate on disk thickness, disk diameter, barrier thickness, and barrier composition has been investigated by both spatially resolved cathodoluminescence spectroscopy and applying a theoretical model. Results of Et on the disk and barrier thickness, as well as barrier composition resemble those of corresponding quantum wells, whereas results on the disk diameter are essentially determined by the lateral strain distribution of the Qdisks

    Electrokinetic Phenomena of Cationised Cotton and its Dyeability with Reactive Dyes

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    Interface phenomena have a significant role in the wet finishing processes. Therefore in this paper the electrokinetic phenomena of cotton fabric cationised with a commercial cationic compound were researched. After cationisation, characterisation of the surface and chemical composition was performed by FTIR-ATR. Electokinetic phenomena - Zeta potential, Isoelectric point (IEP) and Point of zero charge (PZC), were determined according to the streaming current/streaming potential method and a specific amount of surface charge according to the back-titration method. The affinity of such modified cotton to reactive dyestuff of different functional groups was investigated through the K/S values. The influence of electrolyte addition to the dye bath was investigated as well

    Grammatical-communicative status of particles in the Serbian language

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    Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań widać, że partykuły w języku serbskim tworzą jedyny w swym rodzaju system na planie leksykalno-semantycznym i gramatycznym, a także komunikatywnym. Partykuły bowiem organizują spójność tekstu typu modyfikacyjnego, zarówno w zdaniu/wypowiedzeniu, jak i w tekście/dyskursie.На основании наших прежных иследований, опираясь на теоретический подход, в ста- тье показывается что в сербском языке частицы составляют единственную систему не толь- ко в лексическо-семантическом и грамматическом, но и в коммуникативном плане. Именно, частицы являются в функции семантической кохезии типа модификации, несмотря на это реализируют ли они эту функцию в предложении/высказывании или в тексте/дискурсе

    Supravodljivost i temperaturni koeficijent električnog otpora na sobnoj temperaturi u Zr-3d staklastim slitinama

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    The measurements of the superconducting transition temperatures Tc and the resistivity variation, Including the room temperature coefficient of resistivity α = (d ln ρ/dT)273, have been made for three binary Zr-3d (3d=Co, Ni or Cu) amorphous alloy systems and a number of ternary Zr2(Ni100−xMx)1 amorphous alloys (M=Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co or Cu). In binary alloys, Tc decreases with decreasing Zr-content in agreement with the results of the photoemission studies and heat capacity measurements. However, the proportionality between the electron-phonon coupling constant λ (deduced from Tc) and dρ/dT predicted by the Ziman model is not generally valid. The variation of Tc and α in ternary alloys are strongly affected by the magnetic correlations for M = Cr and Mn. The observed α < 0 for all alloys can be qualitatively explained in terms of incipient electron localization.Mjereni su temperatura supravodljivog prijelaza Tc i promjena električnog otpora s temperaturom kao i temperaturni koeficijent električnog otpora na sobnoj temperaturi α = (d ln ρ/dT)273 za tri binarna Zr-3d (3d = Co, Ni ili Cu) staklasta sistema i za niz Zr2(Ni100−xMx)1 staklastih slitina (M = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co ili Cu). U binarnim se slitinama Tc smanjuje sa smanjenjem Zr i to je potpuno u skladu s rezultatima eksperimenata fotoemisije i mjerenja toplinskog kapaciteta dobivenim na sličnim slitinama, koji pokazuju da se elektronska gustoća stanja na Fermijevoj razini smanjuje sa smanjenjem količine Zr. Proporcionalnost između konstante elektron–fonon interakcije λ (izračunate iz Tc) i dρ/dT, kako to predviđa Zimanov model, općenito ne vrijedi. Promjene Tc i α u ternarnim slitinama za slitine s M = Cr i Mn pod jakim su utjecajem magnetskih efekata. Uočene α < 0 za sve slitine mogu se kvalitativno objasniti efektom početne lokalizacije elektrona

    Električni transport u staklastim Zr-3d slitinama

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    Superconducting transition temperature, magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity of Zr-3d glassy alloy systems has been measured. The above properties are closely connected with the electronic structure of these alloys. Almost linear decrease of the magnetic susceptibility, temperature of the superconducting transition and the constant of the electron-photon interaction l with the concentration of 3d element show that the electronic density of states at the Fermi level is dominated with Zr d-states.These results are simply explained with the dilution effect due to increase of the concentration of 3d element. This claim has been verified with the results of the UPS experiments performed on Zr-3d alloys, and is also supported with the analysis of temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity. The calculation has shown that the electrical resistivity of glassy Zr-3d alloys can not be explained within the framework of the classical extended Ziman theory only.Mjerene su temperature supravodljivog prijelaza, magnetska susceptibilnost kao i električni otpor za niz Zr-3d slitina. Navedena mjerenja su usko povezana s elektronskom strukturom danih slitina. Gotovo linearno smanjenje magnetske susceptibilnosti, temperature supravodljivog prijelaza i konstante λ elektron-fonon interakcije s koncentracijom 3d elementa pokazuju da je gustoća elektronskih stanja na Fermijevom nivou u tim slitinama dominirana Zr d-stanjima. Rezultati se jednostavno mogu objasniti efektom razređenja s povećanjem koncentracije 3d elementa. Tvrdnju potvrđuje i analiza temperaturne ovisnosti električne vodljivosti kao i rezultati dobiveni eksperimentima UPS fotoemisije na danim slitinama. Proračuni pokazuju da električni otpor staklastih Zr-3d slitina nije moguće objasniti u okviru klasične proširene Zimanove teorije

    Rare-earth–activated glass ceramics for use as solar-cell down-converter layers

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    The efficiency of a solar cell can be increased by using photon management to make better use of the solar spectrum. In particular the downconversion process which permits us to obtain two low-energy (980 nm) photons from one high-energy photon. In particular we present a system consisting of a 70 SiO2-30 HfO2 glass ceramic waveguide co-doped with Tb3+ and Yb3+ ions. We present the assesment of the energy transfer efficiency from an excited Tb3+ ion to two Yb3+ ions in its vicinity