215 research outputs found

    Lack of self-medication by fungus infected Lasius platythorax (Formicidae, Formicinae) ants in a multitrophic experiment

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    In laboratory conditions, ants can combat a pathogen infection by means of the medicinal use of reactive oxygen species (ROS). However, it is still unknown where they obtain medicinal compounds in the wild and how they use them. Due to an upregulation of ROS in response to herbivory, aphid-infested plants have been suggested to be a potential source of ROS for ants in the wild. We investigated whether infection would cause Lasius platythorax ants to change their foraging on extrafloral nectar on aphid-infested plants. We found no clear evidence for the ants significantly changing their foraging behaviour in response to the pathogen, nor for the extrafloral nectar to contain ROS. The aphids in our experiment had a relatively high concentration of ROS and future research should determine whether predation on aphids could be a potential source of both protein and ROS needed to combat a disease.Peer reviewe

    Monokalsiumfosfaatti ja ureafosfaatti sekä käsittelemätön olki ja ammoniakilla käsitelty olki mullien ruokinnassa

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    vokMyynti MTT:n kirjasto. Yksikön huom.: Kirjasto Aj-

    Urean, urea-fosforihappo-viherjauho -yhdisteen (UPV) ja soijan vertailu raakavalkuaislähteinä maidontuotantokokeissa lehmillä

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    vokMyynti MTT:n kirjasto. Yksikön huom.: Kirjasto Aj-

    Laitumen sadetuksen ja väkirehujen käytön vaikutus lehmien tuotoksiin

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    vokKirjasto Aj-k. Yksikön huom.: Kirjasto Aj-

    One-year unsupervised individualized exercise training intervention enhances cardiorespiratory fitness but not muscle deoxygenation or glycemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes

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    Adaptations to long-term exercise training in type 1 diabetes are sparsely studied. We examined the effects of a 1-year individualized training intervention on cardiorespiratory fitness, exercise-induced active muscle deoxygenation, and glycemic control in adults with and without type 1 diabetes. Eight men with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and 8 healthy men (CON) matched for age, anthropometry, and peak pulmonary O-2 uptake, completed a 1-year individualized training intervention in an unsupervised real-world setting. Before and after the intervention, the subjects performed a maximal incremental cycling test, during which alveolar gas exchange (volume turbine and mass spectrometry) and relative concentration changes in active leg muscle deoxygenated (Delta[HHb]) and total (Delta[tHb]) hemoglobin (near-infrared spectroscopy) were monitored. Peak O-2 pulse, reflecting peak stroke volume, was calculated (peak pulmonary O-2 uptake/peak heart rate). Glycemic control (glycosylated hemoglobin A(1c) (HbA(1c))) was evaluated. Both T1D and CON averagely performed 1 resistance-training and 3-4 endurance-training sessions per week (similar to 1 h/session at similar to moderate intensity). Training increased peak pulmonary O-2 uptake in T1D (p = 0.004) and CON (p = 0.045) (group x time p = 0.677). Peak O-2 pulse also rose in T1D (p = 0.032) and CON (p = 0.018) (group x time p = 0.880). Training increased leg Delta[HHb] at peak exercise in CON (p = 0.039) but not in T1D (group x time p = 0.052), while no changes in leg Delta[tHb] at any work rate were observed in either group (p > 0.05). HbA(1c) retained unchanged in T1D (from 58 +/- 10 to 59 +/- 11 mmol/mol, p = 0.609). In conclusion, 1-year adherence to exercise training enhanced cardiorespiratory fitness similarly in T1D and CON but had no effect on active muscle deoxygenation or glycemic control in T1D.Peer reviewe

    Diurnal patterns in Scots pine stem oleoresin pressure in a boreal forest

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    Coniferous tree stems contain large amounts of oleoresin under positive pressure in the resin ducts. Studies in North-American pines indicated that the stem oleoresin exudation pressure (OEP) correlates negatively with transpiration rate and soil water content. However, it is not known how the OEP changes affect the emissions of volatile vapours from the trees. We measured the OEP, xylem diameter changes indicating changes in xylem water potential and monoterpene emissions under field conditions in mature Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees in southern Finland. Contrary to earlier reports, the diurnal OEP changes were positively correlated with temperature and transpiration rate. OEP was lowest at the top part of the stem, where water potentials were also more negative, and often closely linked to ambient temperature and stem monoterpene emissions. However, occasionally OEP was affected by sudden changes in vapour pressure deficit (VPD), indicating the importance of xylem water potential on OEP as well. We conclude that the oleoresin storage pools in tree stems are in a dynamic relationship with ambient temperature and xylem water potential, and that the canopy monoterpene emission rates may therefore be also regulated by whole tree processes and not only by the conditions prevailing in the upper canopy.Peer reviewe

    Niuvanniemen nuoriso-osastolle ohjautuneiden potilaiden kotikuntien mielenterveyttä tukevien palvelujen tarjonta ja menot

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    Tutkimuksessa arvioitiin vuosina 2004–2007 Niuvanniemen sairaalan nuoriso-osastolla olleiden (N = 52) potilaiden kotikuntien (N = 34) talouden tunnuslukuja ja palvelujen käyttöä vuosina 1994–2008 vertaamalla niitä samansuuruisten kuntien (n = 34) tunnuslukuihin. Tutkimuksessa verrattiin potilaiden kotikuntien alaikäisten palveluihin käytettyjä menoja/alaikäinen vertailukuntien ja koko Suomen kuntien menoihin. Aineisto kerättiin Tilasto- ja indikaattoripankki SOTKAnetistä. Tilastollisina menetelminä käytettiin keskiarvotestejä. Potilaiden kotikunnissa oli vertailukuntiin verrattuna enemmän sairastavuutta ja mielenterveyssyistä työkyvyttömyyseläkkeellä olevia työikäisiä. Nuoriso-osastolla olleiden potilaiden kotikunnissa oli erityiskorvattaviin lääkkeisiin oikeutettuja alle 16-vuotiaita ja psykiatrian erikoissairaanhoidon laitoshoidon päiviä alle 17-vuotiailla enemmän kuin vertailukunnissa. Alaikäisten suuremmasta sairastavuudesta huolimatta kotikuntien alaikäisten peruspalvelujen käyttö ei eronnut vertailukunnista. Tulosten mukaan erityisen vaikeahoitoisten alaikäisten kotikuntien mielenterveyspalvelujen tarjonta on viime vuosiin saakka painottunut laitoshoitoon avopalvelujen sijaan. Lasten mielenterveyspalveluihin kohdennettujen valtionosuuksien myötä koko Suomessa erikoissairaanhoidon palveluihin käytetyt menot alaikäistä kohden ovat ylittäneet kouluterveydenhuoltoon sekä kasvatus- ja perheneuvolapalveluihin käytetyt menot