17 research outputs found

    Karakteristik Balok Laminasi Dari Batang Kelapa (Cocos Nucifera L.) Dan Kayu Kemiri (Aleurites Moluccana Wild.) (Characteristics of Glued Laminated Beams of Coconut Trunk (Cocos Nucifera L.) and Candlenut Wood (Aleurites Moluccana Wild.)

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    The Utilizing forest as source of wood raw materials is tend to increase, while the supply of wood is limited. As a result it can influenced the sustainable of ecosystem and the forest condition it self. The main objective of this was to find out the substitution of construction board (lumber and plywood). This research concerned to using coconut trunk and kemiri wood as alternative raw material in producing glued laminated beams. It is needed by industrial sector as a raw material because wood has been limited and it may solve environmental problem. In this research, the treatment is number of layer on glued laminated beam (3 layer, 5 layer, and 7 layer). Coconut trunks were used as outer layers and kemiri wood was used as midle layer and bonded by Isocyanate and PVAc by different ratio of 100:15. Evaluation on physical and mechanical properties were measured based on ASTM D 198-05. The results showed: 1). The value of density of gluelam were in the range 0,63–0,68 g/cm3 2). The value of moisture content were in the range 14,14-14,37 % 3). The value of water absorption for 2 and 24 hours were in the range 8,61- 8,74 % and 21,09-21,29 % 4). The value of thickness swelling for 2 and 24 hours were in the range 0,79-0,80 % and 1,57-,59 % 5). Modulus of elasticity (MOE) value were in the range 7519,63-18358,40 kgf/cm2 6). Modulus of rupture (MOR) value were in the range 180,34-364,04 kgf/cm2 7). Internal bond (IB)value were in the range 2,48-3,95 kgf. Layers of glued laminated beams are not significantly influence the value of physical and mechanical properties, except the value of MOR. The best result achieved in this research is the beam prepared from 3 layers

    Karakteristik Balok Laminasi Dari Batang Kelapa (Cocos Nucifera L.) Dan Kayu Kemiri (Aleurites Moluccana Wild.) (Characteristics of Glued Laminated Beams of Coconut Trunk (Cocos Nucifera L.) and Candlenut Wood (Aleurites Moluccana Wild.)

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    The Utilizing forest as source of wood raw materials is tend to increase, while the supply of wood is limited. As a result it can influenced the sustainable of ecosystem and the forest condition it self. The main objective of this was to find out the substitution of construction board (lumber and plywood). This research concerned to using coconut trunk and kemiri wood as alternative raw material in producing glued laminated beams. It is needed by industrial sector as a raw material because wood has been limited and it may solve environmental problem. In this research, the treatment is number of layer on glued laminated beam (3 layer, 5 layer, and 7 layer). Coconut trunks were used as outer layers and kemiri wood was used as midle layer and bonded by Isocyanate and PVAc by different ratio of 100:15. Evaluation on physical and mechanical properties were measured based on ASTM D 198-05. The results showed: 1). The value of density of gluelam were in the range 0,63–0,68 g/cm3 2). The value of moisture content were in the range 14,14-14,37 % 3). The value of water absorption for 2 and 24 hours were in the range 8,61- 8,74 % and 21,09-21,29 % 4). The value of thickness swelling for 2 and 24 hours were in the range 0,79-0,80 % and 1,57-,59 % 5). Modulus of elasticity (MOE) value were in the range 7519,63-18358,40 kgf/cm2 6). Modulus of rupture (MOR) value were in the range 180,34-364,04 kgf/cm2 7). Internal bond (IB)value were in the range 2,48-3,95 kgf. Layers of glued laminated beams are not significantly influence the value of physical and mechanical properties, except the value of MOR. The best result achieved in this research is the beam prepared from 3 layers


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    Abstract Lubuk Kertang Village has the potential for mangrove ecotourism which is currently being developed as a source of income for the community's economy apart from fishermen and agriculture. Even the mangrove ecosystem in Lubuk Kertang Village has become a tourist icon for Langkat. Apart from mangrove ecotourism, Lubuk Kertang is also unique with its processed mangrove products in the form of foods such as mangrove dodol, jeruju crackers, and mangrove syrup. However, productivity is constrained by the availability of mangrove fruit which depends on the season. Moving on from this, it is necessary to carry out community service activities to provide education about the potential and benefits of mangrove waste in the form of stems, twigs, leaves, and fruit from other aspects. Namely that apart from being processed as food material, mangrove waste can also be processed into other high-value products, one of which is a natural dye. Activities carried out are in the form of socialization and education about the potential and benefits of mangrove waste as a natural coloring agent to the manufacturing process. Furthermore, the natural dyes that have been produced are applied in the coloring process through the ecoprint workshop/training. The media used are cloth/textiles, paper, sheepskin, and ceramics (mugs). The response of the community, represented by women from independent women farmer groups as well as some students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah and the Village Head was very good. Even some mothers from independent women farmer groups routinely continue to make ecoprints in the form of cloth, pashmina, and t-shirts. Their products have also been included in exhibition activities in Lubuk Kertang Village. The Head of Lubuk Kertang Village hopes that there will be sustainability from independent women farmer groups to make ecoprint products to increase income from the Lubuk Kertang community.   Abstrak Desa Lubuk Kertang memiliki potensi ekowisata mangrove yang saat ini terus dikembangkan sebagai salah satu pemasukan sumber pendapatan ekonomi masyarakat selain nelayan dan pertanian. Bahkan ekosistem mangrove di Desa Lubuk Kertang menjadi ikon wisata Langkat. Selain ekowisata mangrove, Lubuk Kertang juga khas dengan produk olahan mangrovenya berupa makanan seperti dodol mangrove, kerupuk jeruju dan sirup dari buah mangrove. Namun produktivitasnya terkendala oleh ketersediaan buah mangrove yang tergantung dengan musim. Beranjak dari hal tersebut maka perlu dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat untuk memberikan edukasi tentang potensi dan manfaat limbah tanaman mangrove baik berupa batang, ranting, daun dan buah dari aspek yang lain. Yaitu bahwa selain dapat diolah sebagai bahan pangan limbah tanaman mangrove juga dapat diolah menjadi produk bernilai tinggi lainnya, salah satunya sebagai pewarna alami. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah dalam bentuk sosialisasi dan edukasi tentang potensi dan manfaat limbah tanaman mangrove sebagai zat pewarna alami hingga proses pembuatannya. Selanjutnya pewarna alami yang telah dihasilkan diaplikasikan dalam proses pewarnaan melalui kegiatan workshop/pelatihan ecoprint. Media yang digunakan adalah kain/tekstil, kertas, kulit domba dan keramik (mug). Respon masyarakat yang diwakili oleh ibu-ibu kelompok tani wanita mandiri serta beberapa siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah dan Kepala Desa sangat baik. Bahkan beberapa ibu-ibu dari kelompok tani wanita mandiri secara rutin terus membuat olahan ecoprint berupa kain, pashmina dan kaos. Hasil produksi mereka juga telah diikutserakan pada kegiatan pameran di Desa Lubuk Kertang. Kepala Desa Lubuk Kertang mengharapkan adanya keberlanjutan dari kelompok tani wanita mandiri untuk membuat produk-produk ecoprint dalam rangka menambah pemasukan dari masyarakat Lubuk Kertang. &nbsp

    The Quality Of Composite Board Made Of Waste Oil Palm Stem (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) And Recycle Polyethylene (Pe)

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    The main objective of this research was to find out the substitution of solid wood and it may solve environmental problem. These researches concerned on using waste of oil palm stem particle form and recycle plastic polyetyhlene (PE) as raw materials for composite board. In this research, 5% Maleic Anhydride (MAH) was added to increase compatibility and 0.75% Dicumyl Peroxide (DCP) was added to initiate the reaction of maleolation. The methods of this research followed JIS A 5908 (2003) with ratio of plastic to particle were 50:50, 60:40 and 70:30, respectively, pressed at 30 kgf/cm2 in 165°C for 15 minutes. Evaluation on physical and mechanical properties based on JIS A 5908 (2003), and the result of physical properties as follow : 1) Density met the standard at 0.77 - 0.99 g/cm, 2) The value of moisture content were below on target and the standard because of the hidrofobicity of PE, the range were 0.79 - 3.06%, 3) Thickness swelling of the board for 24 hours fulfill the standard the value were 0.44 - 2.77%. Unfortunatelly the water absorption were 2.82 - 16.19%. Mechanical properties consist of modulus elasticity (MOE), modulus rupture (MOR) and screw holding strength didn’t meet the criteria of JIS A 5908 (2003), except MOR with plastic: particle 60:40 with particle made of inner stem. Keywords: Composite board, oil palm stem, polyethylene (PE

    Panel products made of oil palm trunk bagasse (OPTB) and MMA (Methyl methacrylate)-styrofoam binder

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    The waste product left over from pressing or extracting oil palm trunk (OPT) for sugar purposes is known as oil palm trunk bagasse (OPTB). This residue contains mainly vascular bundles and small amount of parenchyma. These materials are potentially utilized for making panel products such as particleboard (OPTBparticleboard). Objective of this study was to evaluate physical mechanical properties of OPTB-particleboard. For preserving the durability, this work was intended to apply 15% mixture of methyl methacrylate (MMA) cured with Styrofoam as the binder with a ratio (w/w) of 3:1. OPTB-particleboard was made according to the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS A5908: 2003) with a target density of 0.75 g/cm3 and dimensions of 25 x 25 x 1 cm3. Hot pressing was a condition set at a pressure of 30 kg/cm2 and a temperature of 160 °C for 15 minutes. Physical and mechanical properties were tested according to JIS A 5908:2003 standard. The results showed that physical and mechanical properties of the OPTB-particleboard did not meet the standard. The characteristics of OPTB still easily absorb water even though MMA-Styrofoam should hinder water ingress. Additionally, the poor quality of the OPTB-particleboard was primarily due to the binder's inadequate composition. Optimum values reached when IB, MOR, and MOE were 0.026 MPa, 6.69 MPa, and 892 MPa, respectively. Based on the analysis of variance, it can be concluded that there is no influence on the bottom, middle and upper parts of the origin of the OPTB except for the MOR

    The Quality Of Composite Board Made Of Waste Oil Palm Stem (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq) And Recycle Polyethylene (Pe)

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    The main objective of this research was to find out the substitution of solid wood and it may solve environmental problem. These researches concerned on using waste of oil palm stem particle form and recycle plastic polyetyhlene (PE) as raw materials for composite board. In this research, 5% Maleic Anhydride (MAH) was added to increase compatibility and 0.75% Dicumyl Peroxide (DCP) was added to initiate the reaction of maleolation. The methods of this research followed JIS A 5908 (2003) with ratio of plastic to particle were 50:50, 60:40 and 70:30, respectively, pressed at 30 kgf/cm2 in 165°C for 15 minutes. Evaluation on physical and mechanical properties based on JIS A 5908 (2003), and the result of physical properties as follow : 1) Density met the standard at 0.77 - 0.99 g/cm, 2) The value of moisture content were below on target and the standard because of the hidrofobicity of PE, the range were 0.79 - 3.06%, 3) Thickness swelling of the board for 24 hours fulfill the standard the value were 0.44 - 2.77%. Unfortunatelly the water absorption were 2.82 - 16.19%. Mechanical properties consist of modulus elasticity (MOE), modulus rupture (MOR) and screw holding strength didn’t meet the criteria of JIS A 5908 (2003), except MOR with plastic: particle 60:40 with particle made of inner stem. Keywords: Composite board, oil palm stem, polyethylene (PE

    Kuantifikasi Biomassa Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Di Langkat, Sumatera Utara

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    Quantifying oil palm plantation contribution to global carbon budgets is needed. Biomass variation of oilpalm plantation practices through allolmetric models that can be used to asses oil palm plantation. Theobjectives of this research were to find the biomass variation of oil palm plantation in Langkat, NorthSumatera. The research was done by two steps. Firstly, data collecting was at oil palm plantation. Secondsteps was analys biomass in laboratorium. Measurement of parameters is done by 9 (nine) permanentsample plots (PCP) with line block methode in 5 year, 10 year and 15 year. The size of plots was 20 m x 20m (400 m2) that distanches to another plot was 10 m x 10 m (100 m2) used random sampling. This researchfound that the models of biomass in oil palm plantation was W = 0.00597D1.000Hbp1.142

    This research objective was to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of particleboard made from logging residue from plantation forest, namely akasia (Acacia mangium) and ekaliptus (Eucalyptus sp). Type particle was sawdust and bonded with Urea Formaldehyde (UF)-Isocyanate mix resin with ratio 100:15. Control resin (UF) was also prepared for comparison with resin solid content 52.7%. The target thickness of particleboard was 1 cm, pressed at 25 kg/ cm2 for 15 minutes at 140 °C. Level of resin was 7% based on oven dry particle weight. The boards were evaluated based on JIS A 5908-2003. The results showed:1) Utilization of               UF-isocyanate mix resin improved the moisture content, thickness swelling, and water absorption of particleboard 2) The best particleboard from physical and mechanical properties point of view was particleboard made of akasia bonded with UF-isocyanate mix resin   Keywords :  Physical and mechanical properties, logging residue, particleboard  

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    This research objective was to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of particleboard made from logging residue from plantation forest, namely akasia (Acacia mangium) and ekaliptus (Eucalyptus sp). Type particle was sawdust and bonded with Urea Formaldehyde (UF)-Isocyanate mix resin with ratio 100:15. Control resin (UF) was also prepared for comparison with resin solid content 52.7%. The target thickness of particleboard was 1 cm, pressed at 25 kg/ cm2 for 15 minutes at 140 °C. Level of resin was 7% based on oven dry particle weight. The boards were evaluated based on JIS A 5908-2003. The results showed:1) Utilization of               UF-isocyanate mix resin improved the moisture content, thickness swelling, and water absorption of particleboard 2) The best particleboard from physical and mechanical properties point of view was particleboard made of akasia bonded with UF-isocyanate mix resin   Keywords :  Physical and mechanical properties, logging residue, particleboard


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    The main objective of this research was to find out the substitution of solid wood and it may solve environmental problem. These researches concerned on using waste of oil palm stem particle form and recycle plastic polyetyhlene (PE) as raw materials for composite board. In this research, 5% Maleic Anhydride (MAH) was added to increase compatibility and 0.75% Dicumyl Peroxide (DCP) was added to initiate the reaction of maleolation. The methods of this research followed JIS A 5908 (2003) with ratio of plastic to particle were 50:50, 60:40 and 70:30, respectively, pressed at 30 kgf/cm2 in 165°C for 15 minutes. Evaluation on physical and mechanical properties based on JIS A 5908 (2003), and the result of physical properties as follow : 1) Density met the standard at 0.77 - 0.99 g/cm, 2) The value of moisture content were below on target and the standard because of the hidrofobicity of PE, the range were 0.79 - 3.06%, 3) Thickness swelling of the board for 24 hours fulfill the standard the value were 0.44 - 2.77%. Unfortunatelly the water absorption were 2.82 - 16.19%. Mechanical properties consist of modulus elasticity (MOE), modulus rupture (MOR) and screw holding strength didn’t meet the criteria of JIS A 5908 (2003), except MOR with plastic: particle 60:40 with particle made of inner stem. Keywords: Composite board, oil palm stem, polyethylene (PE


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    The main objective of this research was to find out the substitution of solid wood and it may solve environmental problem. These researches concerned on using waste of oil palm stem particle form and recycle plastic polyetyhlene (PE) as raw materials for composite board. In this research, 5% Maleic Anhydride (MAH) was added to increase compatibility and 0.75% Dicumyl Peroxide (DCP) was added to initiate the reaction of maleolation. The methods of this research followed JIS A 5908 (2003) with ratio of plastic to particle were 50:50, 60:40 and 70:30, respectively, pressed at 30 kgf/cm2 in 165°C for 15 minutes. Evaluation on physical and mechanical properties based on JIS A 5908 (2003), and the result of physical properties as follow : 1) Density met the standard at 0.77 - 0.99 g/cm, 2) The value of moisture content were below on target and the standard because of the hidrofobicity of PE, the range were 0.79 - 3.06%, 3) Thickness swelling of the board for 24 hours fulfill the standard the value were 0.44 - 2.77%. Unfortunatelly the water absorption were 2.82 - 16.19%. Mechanical properties consist of modulus elasticity (MOE), modulus rupture (MOR) and screw holding strength didn’t meet the criteria of JIS A 5908 (2003), except MOR with plastic: particle 60:40 with particle made of inner stem. Keywords: Composite board, oil palm stem, polyethylene (PE