7,364 research outputs found

    Sliding Down a Slippery Slope? The Future Use of Administrative Subpoenas in Criminal Investigations

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    Learning is private activity because we cannot see how other people think as they learn. We have realized that the differences between one student with others already exist. Those differences are not only about shape, body, or face but also about learning styles. Learning style are not abilities; rather, their preference to use their abilities (Santrock, 2001). Students have different interest, abilities, and preferences. Each student should carefully choose the learning style, that is suitable with his study needs. And students are the only ones who can choose learning style for themselves, therefore, they have a great control over how much and how well they learn through the learning style they choose. Various ways of learning are often ignored by teachers. That is why the writer was interested in studying the students’ learning style to know the kinds of learning style and to find the style mostly used by the students in learning English. The research design used in this study was descriptive quantitative research. The population of this study were second grade students of SMU 2 Batu, where 40 students were chosen by using simple random sampling. The instruments used to collect data were Reid’s Perceptual Learning Style Questioner and interview. All data were collected in October 2004. Based on the finding of the research, there were three kinds of learning style: visual learning style, auditory learning style, and kinesthetic learning style. And the style mostly used by the students in learning English was kinesthetic

    Lockdown in Manchester is a Slippery Slope

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    [Excerpt] Liberty. Security. Both are essential to a good life. But of course, neither is absolute, and at times circumstances demand that a society trade some measure of liberty for security. The tricky part is deciding when and how to draw the line

    Hubungan Antara Konsumsi Sianida Makanan dengan Ekskresi Iodium Urin Pada Anak Sd di Daerah Emdemik Gaki

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    Latar belakang: Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Iodium (GAKI) merupakan salah satu masalah gizi di Indonesia yang erat kaitannya dengan perkembangan mental dan kecerdasan yang dapat berpengaruh pada kualitas sumber daya manusia. Besarnya masalah GAKI salah satunya dapat diketahui dengan dilakukan survei pada anak sekolah usia 6-12 tahun dengan pemeriksaan EIU. Laporan dari Dinas Kabupaten Jepara pada tahun 2009 dilakukan pemeriksaan EIU 3,26% anak termasuk GAKI berat, 17,39% GAKI sedang, 31,52% GAKI ringan. Tiosianat merupakan salah satu substansi goitrogenik yang dapat menghambat transpor aktif iodium ke dalam kelenjar tiroid. Penelitian mengenai hubungan asupan tiosianat dengan fungsi tiroid menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi defisiensi iodium dan asupan tiosianat yang tinggi dapat mengakibatkan disfungsi kelenjar tiroid. Tujuan: mengetahui hubungan antara konsumsi tiosianat makanan dengan ekskresi iodium urine pada anak SD di daerah endemik GAKI. Metode: Penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah subjek penelitian 20 anak SD usia 10-12 tahun. Pemilihan subjek penelitian dengan cara simple random sampling. Konsumsi tiosianat makanan diperoleh melalui food recall dan food frequency questionnaire. Kadar iodium urin (UEI) yang diambil dari urin sewaktu dan kadar iodium air diukur dengan metode Acid Digestion dengan larutan ammonium persulfate oleh analis di Laboratorium GAKI UNDIP. Analisis hubungan antara konsumsi tiosianat makanan dengan EIU menggunakan uji Pearson Product Moment. Hasil: kadar iodium urin subjek berkisar antara 61µg/l dan 334µg/l dengan median 111,5µg/l. Rata-rata asupan tiosianat makanan 2,73mg/hari. Tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara konsumsi tiosianat makanan dengan kadar iodium urin (p=0,78) Simpulan: Tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara konsumsi tiosianat makanan dengan kadar iodium urin

    On Firsts, Feminism, and the Future of the Legal Profession

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    Online Fantasy Sports Litigation and the Need for a Federal Right of Publicity Statute

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    The right of publicity is currently a jumble of state common law and state statutes, but the online fantasy sports industry crosses state lines with ease. Having witnessed the great revenue potential of online fantasy sports, professional sports leagues are trying to strong-arm independent fantasy sports providers out of the business by using the right of publicity to assert property interests in the statistics generated by professional players, and used by fantasy sports providers to run their online games. The first such attempt--by Major League Baseball--failed. However, the state law nature of the right of publicity prevents any single court opinion from binding the industry or other jurisdictions. The National Football League is attempting to achieve a more favorable result in a different jurisdiction. If successful, other professional sports leagues will be encouraged to litigate the issue, and Major League Baseball might even attempt to re-litigate its position in other states. This free-for-all could result in different rules for different sports in different states, which would not only be untenable for the online fantasy sports providers, but a violation of the Constitution as well. A cohesive federal right of publicity statute would (1) bring uniformity to the doctrine, (2) give federal courts (where these actions are being brought) a federal law to apply instead of allowing them to continue muddying the application of state laws, (3) directly address First Amendment concerns, and (4) solve the dormant commerce clause violation alluded to above

    A comparison of approaches to estimating confidence intervals for willingness to pay measures

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    This paper describes three approaches to estimating confidence intervals for willingness to pay measures, the delta, Krinsky and Robb and bootstrap methods. The accuracy of the various methods is compared using a number of simulated datasets. In the majority of the scenarios considered all three methods are found to be reasonably accurate as well as yielding similar results. The delta method is the most accurate when the data is well-conditioned, while the bootstrap is more robust to noisy data and misspecification of the model. These conclusions are illustrated by empirical data from a study of willingness to pay for a reduction in waiting time for a general practitioner appointment in which all the methods produce fairly similar confidence intervals.willingness to pay, confidence interval, delta method, boot-strap

    Modelling Heterogeneity in Patients' Preferences for the Attributes of a General Practitioner Appointment

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    This paper examines the distribution of preferences in a sample of patients who responded to a discrete choice experiment on the choice of general practitioner appointments. In addition to standard logit, mixed and latent class logit models are used to analyse the data from the choice experiment. It is found that there is significant preference heterogeneity for all the attributes in the experiment and that both the mixed and latent class models lead to significant improvements in fit compared to the standard logit model. Moreover, the distribution of preferences implied by the preferred mixed and latent class models is similar for many attributes.discrete choice experiment; mixed logit; latent class logit

    Forecasting the demand for an employee Park and Ride service using commuters’ stated choices.

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    This paper uses Stated Choice (SC) data to forecast the demand for an employee Park and Ride service. Since it is well known that SC data contain sources of variation not present in Revealed Preference (RP) data we pay special attention to the scaling of the SC model. The results show that the modal shift away from parking-on site will be small unless the new service is accompanied by measures aimed at making parking on-site less attractive such as introducing parking charges.Travel plan, Stated choice, Forecasting, Scale factor

    Small-sample properties of tests for heteroscedasticity in the conditional logit model

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    This paper compares the small-sample properties of several asymptotically equivalent tests for heteroscedasticity in the conditional logit model. While no test outperforms the others in all of the experiments conducted, the likelihood ratio test and a particular variety of the Wald test are found to have good properties in moderate samples as well as being relatively powerful.
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