83 research outputs found

    An Exploration of Mendeley Reader and Google Scholar Citation for Analysing Indexed Article

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    This paper aims to analyze the number of readers from the published articles of 100 Indonesian researchers in Mendeley reference management software. The list of Indonesian scientists is obtained from the webometrics ranking of scientists. We used the Application Programming Interface (API) of Mendeley to count the number of readers for each article in Mendeley and combine it with Google Scholar citation using the scrap method. We processed ten mostly cited articles that are indexed in the first page of the Google Scholar for each designated scientist. Furthermore, we used the Pearson method to analyze the correlation of the Mendeley readers count and the Google Scholar citation. The results show that they are correlated with a value of 0.266 according to the method of Pearson with N = 1000. Furthermore we found that many online Indonesian journals have no Digital Object Identifier (DOI) yet. Our evaluation of the publication results of 100 Indonesian researchers shows that authors who upload their scientific work on Mendeley, have higher citation number in Google Scholar, because their papers are widely available on the Internet


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    Pasien yang terpasang ventilasi mekanik dan endotrachealtube (ETT) menghambat mekanisme batuk alamiuntuk membantu pasien dalam mengeluarkan sekret perlu di lakukan tindakan suction mempengaruhi tidalvolume maka dalam penelitian ini peneliti melihat open suction terhadap tidal volume.Tujuan :Untuk mengetahui pengaruh Open Suction terhadap tidal volume pada pasien yang menggunakanventilator di ruang ICU RSUD dr. Soedarso Pontianak. Metode :Desain penelitian ini adalah quasi ekperimendengan rancangan penelitian “uji pre dan post tanp kontrol” metode pengambilan sampel yang di gunakandalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dengan instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar observasi.Analisa data yang di lakukan dengan uji-t berpasangan Hasil :analisis uji-t berpasangan menunjukkan adapengaruh terhadap tidal volume pasien di ruang ICU RSUD dr. Soedarso Pontianak dengan nilai p= 0,0001 Kesimpulan :Terdapat pengaruh open suction terhadap perubahan tidal volume sehingga tindakan suctionsebagai upaya membersihkan jalan napas pasien yang dilakukan secara berkala oleh perawat, sesuai denganindikasi pasien. Kata Kunci :Open Suction, Tidal Volume, Ventilato

    Peranan Perpustakaan dalam Mendukung pevasive Learning Environment

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    Makalah ini membahas tentang peranan perpustakaan dalam mendukung Pervasive Learning Environment. Terminologi “Pervasive Lerning Environment” menjadi populer beberapa tahun terakhir ini sejak diperkenalkannya berbagai peralatanelektronik genggam (handheld) yang dapat membantu komunikasi dan komputasi di mana saja dan kapan saja seperti Personal Digital Assisstant (PDA) dan smart phone.Dalam makalah ini dijelaskan tentang implementasi dukungan perpustakaan digital (digital library) dalam mendukung lingkungan belajar yang kaya teknologi berbentuk alat berukuran kecil seperti PDA. Secara ringkas makalah ini juga dijelaskan tentang kemungkinan kedepan maraknya akses ke perpustakaan digital dengan pervasive devices. Disamping itu dalam makalah ini ditampilkan perspektif teknologi baru berupa peralatan elektronik genggam seperti PDA yang dapat mengakses perpustakaan digital yang merupakan pintu yang memberikan kunci untuk memasuki sumber informasi yangtidak gratis. Digital library juga dapat dihubungkan dengan Learning Management System yang sebagian besar mengikuti standar Sharable Courseware Object Reference Model (SCORM). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa perpustakaan dijita yang mendukung akses nirkabel (wireless) akan sangat membantu civitas academica dalam proses belajar mengajar dan riset


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    This paper presents our work on analyzing data of provincial economic differences in Indonesia based on GDP and education. The data were mainly obtained from the website of Indonesia Central Bureau of Statistic( Badan Pusat Statistik/BPS). We performed local change analysis toward education level and GDP of all provinces in Indonesia from 2010 to 2015. We classify the provinces into high GDP per capita and low GDP per capita based on the average GDP per capita. From the analysis we gained the highest correlation value of 0.84 of Junior High School at average education level provinces with low GDP

    Performance Evaluation of LTE Random Access Procedure under Distributed Location Data Mining for Road Traffic Monitoring

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    The widely-used cellular system, such as LTE, has a large potential to serve vehicle-related connectivity which is one of the potential IoT market in the near future. However, the connection-oriented nature of LTE Random Access procedure remains the challenge. The RA procedure in LTE is prone to be overloaded with simultaneous access request from large number of mobile users. This overload condition is likely to happen due to synchronized location reporting for road traffic monitoring in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). This work studies the performance of RA procedure under overload condition in term of probability of successful report delivery and average report delivery delay. Subsequently, two proposals are made to increase the performance: report time spreading and truncated binary exponential decrease backoff mechanism. The two proposals are evaluated and compared with the existing configuration of LTE RA procedure. Our simulation results show that both proposals can increase the probability of successful report delivery and obtain fairly low average report delivery delay, which is necessary for accurate location reporting and road traffic monitoring system

    Initial Phase Proximity for Reachback Firefly Synchronicity in WSNs: Node Clustering

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    Synchronicity is one of the essential basic services to support the main duties of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Synchronicity is the ability to arrange simultaneously collective actions in WSNs. A high-rate data sampling to analyze the seismic structure and volcanic monitoring is the important applications requiring a synchronicity. However, most of the existing synchronicity algorithm is still executed in a flat network, so that it requires a long time to achieve a synchronous condition. To increase the convergence rate, the synchronicity can be executed concurrently through a clustering scheme approach. In this work, the such scheme is called as the Node Clustering based on Initial Phase Proximity for Reachback Firefly Synchronicity (NCIPP-RFS). The NCIPP-RFS solves in three steps: (1) constructing the node clustering, (2) intra-cluster synchronicity, and (3) inter-cluster synchronicity. The NCIPP-RFS method is based on the firefly-inspired algorithm. The fireflies are a species in the natural system, which are able to manage their flashing for synchronicity in a distributed manner. The NCIPP-RFS was implemented in NS-3 and evaluated and compared with Reachback Firefly Algorithm (RFA). The simulation results show a significant increase in the convergence rate. The NCIPP-RFS can reach a convergence time shorter than the RFA. In addition, the NCIPP-RFS was compared in the various numbers of clusters, where the least number of clusters can reach the fastest convergence rate. Finally, it can also contribute significantly to the increase of the convergence rate if the number of nodes is greater than or equal to 50 nodes


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    LoRa technology has received a lot of attention in the last few years. Numerous success stories about using LoRa technology for the Internet of Things in various implementations. Several studies have found that the use of LoRa technology has the opportunity to be implemented in indoor-based applications. LoRa technology is found more stable and is more resilient to environmental changes. Environmental change of the indoor is a major problem to maintain accuracy in position prediction, especially in the use of Received Signal Strength (RSS) fingerprints as a reference database. The variety of approaches to solving accuracy problems continues to improve as the need for indoor localization applications increases. Deep learning approaches as a solution for the use of fingerprints in indoor localization have been carried out in several studies with various novelties offered. Let’s introduce a combination of the use of LoRa technology's excellence with a deep learning method that uses all variations of measurement results of RSS values at each position as a natural feature of the indoor condition as a fingerprint. All of these features are used for training in-deep learning methods. It is DeepFi-LoRaIn which illustrates a new technique for using the fingerprint data of the LoRa device's RSS device on indoor localization using deep learning methods. This method is used to find out how accurate the model produced by the training process is to predict the position in a dynamic environment. The scenario used to evaluate the model is by giving interference to the RSS value received at each anchor node. The model produced through training was found to have good accuracy in predicting the position even in conditions of interference with several anchor nodes. Based on the test results, DeepFi-LoRaIn Technique can be a solution to cope with changing environmental conditions in indoor localizatio

    Systematic Review of Internet of Things Security

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    The Internet of Things has become a new paradigm of current communications technology that requires a deeper overview to map its application domains, advantages, and disadvantages. There have been a number of in-depth research efforts to study various aspects of IoT. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no literature that have discussed specifically and deeply about the security and privacy aspects of IoT. To that end, this paper aims at providing a more comprehensive and systematic review of IoT security based on the survey result of the most recent literature over the past three years (2015 to 2017). We have classified IoT security research based on the research objectives, application domains, vulner-abilities/threats, countermeasures, platforms, proto-cols, and performance measurements. We have also provided some security challenges for further research

    Improving H-index using RA-index to Measure Researchers Impact, Case Study of Indonesian Researchers

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    Advantages in the information technology development provide convenience for researchers to read a paper directly after the publication of the manuscript. The number of citations of a paper can be obtained within one to two years after the paper is published. H-index uses the combination of the number of citation and the number of papers published by a researcher to measure his/her papers impact. H-index has some disadvantages, i.e. the H-index did not accommodate the group of the productive and perfectionist researchers. Since the year 2015, the Indonesian Government provided some incentives for Indonesian researchers in order to improve the number of publications. Most researchers profile is characterized by a large number of papers, with a few citations. This paper proposed an improvement to the H-index method to increase the sensitivity of the H-index calculation. The data source of 8,500 Indonesian researchers is from Scopus. The proposed method is based on Jain's Fairness Index and Lotka’s Law, which we called the RA-index. This improved the RA-index used the weighting method mechanism based on " percent-contribution-indicated " (PCI) and " Equal 8Contribution (EC) method. Combination of the RA-index and the weighting method of author position is called RA-ma Index. It is expected that the proposed RA-ma index method can provide a positive contribution to measure the impact of Indonesian researchers

    New Key Generation and Encryption Algorithms for Privacy Preservation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) get widespread applications along with the evolving technologies. However, MANETs are at risk due to the shortage of security mechanisms. In this paper, we propose new algorithms for key generation and encryption for privacy preservation in MANETs. Our key generation algorithm modified Fibonacci sequence by adding scrambling factors to generate random key sequences with required length but incurred low computational overhead, whereas the encryption/decryption algorithm utilizes the One Time Pad (OTP) system by adding scrambling factors for data confidentiality which satisfies the randomness, diffusion, and confusion tests. Simulation of the proposed algorithms was conducted using Matlab and NS-2. Experiment results showed that the proposed algorithms produced random key sequences and random Ciphertexts. Through several tests i.e. speed, correlation and autocorrelation, diffusion, and confusion tests, the simulation result showed the superiority of our algorithms over the other algorithms. For the proof of concept, the proposed algorithms have been simulated in the network simulator, where the result showed that along with the increase of the number of nodes, the throughput of the network increased, while the delay is relatively constant around 6000 ms for 20 up to 70 nodes