76 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la función cardíaca en los enfermos con cirrosis hepática candidatos a transplante hepático : estudio isotópico y hormonal

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    Los enfermos con cirrosis hepática presentan con frecuencia disfunciones cardíacas, que en el transcurso del trasplante hepático pueden ponerse de manifiesto, aumentando la morbi-mortalidad de estos enfermos. De ahí la importancia de la evaluación cardiológica pretrasplante de estos enfermos. En la actualidad, dicha evaluación se realiza con pruebas invasivas como la ecocardiografía y estudios isotópicos mediante ventriculografía, que en caso de enfermos en largo tiempo en lista de espera para el trasplante, y dada la sobrecarga asistencial, convierten a estas pruebas en difíciles de realizar de forma rutinaria. Nuestro trabajo de investigación plantea la hipótesis de emplear técnicas no invasivas y de fácil realización que permitan predecir enfermos con alto riesgo de desarrollar una disfunción cardíaca durante y tras el trasplante hepático. Nos apoyamos en que estudios recientes han demostrado la utilidad de los péptidos natriuréticos ANP y BNP como marcadores de disfunción cardíaca precoz en población cirrótica. Tras nuestro trabajo de investigación comprobamos que, principalmente el BNP, resultó un buen factor predictivo de la función cardíaca en enfermos cirróticos y que, niveles elevados de este marcador en estos enfermos supondría una contraindicación para el trasplante hepático por el alto riesgo de disfunción cardíaca


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    The aim of this work is to compare two learning experiences carried out in a science research subject, in the first course of Nursing Degree. In particular, this study makes the comparison between the results of a group work developed by students of three different classrooms, who have employed different work methodologies (cooperative or collaborative) and different criteria for choosing the topic of work. The aim of this study is to identify which methodology and criterion for choosing show better short and long term results related to learning of the concepts of scientific method procedures. It seems that familiarity in the choice of subject matter is an influential factor in the final outcome of the work.Este trabajo tiene como objetivo comparar dos experiencias de aprendizaje llevadas a cabo en una asignatura de investigación en ciencias, de primer curso del grado de Enfermería. En concreto, el artículo compara los resultados de un trabajo grupal llevado a cabo por alumnos de tres aulas diferentes, que han seguido diferentes metodologías de trabajo (cooperativa o colaborativa) y diferentes criterios de elección del tema del trabajo. La finalidad del artículo es identificar qué metodología y criterio de elección muestra mejores resultados a corto y a largo plazo en la asimilación de la teoría sobre los procedimientos del método científico. Parece ser que la familiaridad a la hora de elegir el tema de trabajo es un factor influyente en el resultado final del trabajo

    Potential benefits of a cognitive training program in MCI

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    Producción CientíficaBackground - Dementia is a disease that is constantly evolving in older people. Its diverse symptoms appear with varying degrees of severity affecting the daily life of those who suffer from it. The rate in which dementia progresses depends on different aspects of the treatment, chosen to try to control and slow down the development of the illness. Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of cognitive training through a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) and the NeuronUp platform in two age groups whose MMSE is between 18-23 MCI (mild dementia). Method: 32 subjects took part in the study. There were 22 subjects in Group 1 (61-69 years of age) and 10 subjects in Group 2 (70-81 years of age). The criteria for the selection of the groups was to identify the age range with greater improvements due to the training. In order to estimate neuropsychological performance, the subjects were evaluated with the Luria-DNA neuropsychological battery before and after training. This design enables us to evaluate five cognitive areas: visuospatial, spoken language, memory, intellectual processes and attention. Results: Showed that after the training, Group 1 obtained significant improvements in almost all the variables measured when compared with Group 2. This reveals a significant increase in cognitive ability, which degree of enhancement is probably associated with age. Conclusion: All people with mild dementia may delay cognitive impairment with a suitable cognitive training program.This research project was supported in part by “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” and FEDER under project TEC2014-53196-R, by ‘European Commission’ (POCTEP 0378_AD_EEGWA_2_P), and by ‘Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León’ (VA037U16). J. Gomez-Pilar was in receipt of a grant from University of Valladolid. We thank the managers for their support in carrying out this study, and the people for accepting to participate in this research

    New trends on photoelectrocatalysis (PEC):nanomaterials, wastewater treatment and hydrogen generation

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    The need for novel water treatment technologies has been recently recognised as concerning contaminants (organics and pathogens) are resilient to standard technologies. Advanced oxidation processes degrade organics and inactivate microorganisms via generated reactive oxygen species (ROS). Among them, heterogeneous photocatalysis may have reduced efficiency due to, fast electron-hole pair recombination in the photoexcited semiconductor and reduced effective surface area of immobilised photocatalysts. To overcome these, the process can be electrically assisted by using an external bias, an electrically conductive support for the photocatalyst connected to a counter electrode, this is known as photoelectrocatalysis (PEC). Compared to photocatalysis, PEC increases the efficiency of the generation of ROS due to the prevention of charge recombination between photogenerated electron-hole pairs thanks the electrical bias applied. This review presents recent trends, challenges, nanomaterials and different water applications of PEC (degradation of organic pollutants, disinfection and generation of hydrogen from wastewater)


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    The ICCAT Commission, at its meeting on November 2016, approved a multi-annual recovery plan for the Mediterranean swordfish starting in 2017 and continuing through 2031 (ICCAT Rec [2016-05]). Among other provisions, the recovery plan proscribed a minimum landing size (MLS) of 100 cm (lower-jaw fork length- LJFL), which is 10 cm higher than the previously implemented (ICCAT Rec [2013-04]). The aim of this study is to assess the effect of the recently implemented MLS on the swordfish discarding activities by the Spanish surface longline fishery operating in the western Mediterranean for the period 2015-2017. Our results show that: i) as compared to the former MLS (ICCAT Rec [2013-04]), a higher percentage of undersized dead fish is now discarded at sea, with the additional risk that does not be reported and taken into consideration during the assessment of the stock; ii) the amount of fishing effort (number of hooks) for fulfilling the allocated quota has increased; iii) the fishing season must be longer to achieve the allocated quota. Both the increase in fishing effort and the lengthening of the fishing season have an adverse effect on the economic profitability of the surface longline fleet without achieving the intended reduction in the fishing mortality exerted on the juvenile fraction of the Mediterranean swordfish stock

    The importance of having a flexible scope ISO 15189 accreditation and quality specifications based on biological variation – the case of validation of the biochemistry analyzer Dimension Vista

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    Introduction: Technological innovation requires the laboratories to ensure that modifications or incorporations of new techniques do not alter the quality of their results. In an ISO 15189 accredited laboratory, flexible scope accreditation facilitates the inclusion of these changes prior to accreditation body evaluation. A strategy to perform the validation of a biochemistry analyzer in an accredited laboratory having a flexible scope is shown. Materials and methods: A validation procedure including the evaluation of imprecision and bias of two Dimension Vista analysers 1500 was conducted. Comparability of patient results between one of them and the lately replaced Dimension RxL Max was evaluated. All studies followed the respective Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) protocols. 30 chemistry assays were studied. Coefficients of variation, percent bias and total error were calculated for all tests and biological variation was considered as acceptance criteria. Quality control material and patient samples were used as test materials. Interchangeability of the results was established by processing forty patients’ samples in both devices. Results: 27 of the 30 studied parameters met allowable performance criteria. Sodium, chloride and magnesium did not fulfil acceptance criteria. Evidence of interchangeability of patient results was obtained for all parameters except magnesium, NT-proBNP, cTroponin I and C-reactive protein. Conclusions: A laboratory having a well structured and documented validation procedure can opt to get a flexible scope of accreditation. In addition, performing these activities prior to use on patient samples may evidence technical issues which must be corrected to minimize their impact on patient results


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    Standardized relative abundance indices of albacore (Thunnus alalunga Bonnaterre, 1788) caught by the Spanish surface longline (LLALB) in the western Mediterranean Sea were estimated for the period 2009-2019. Yearly standardized CPUE were estimated through Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Models (GLMM) under a negative binomial error distribution assumption. The main factors in the standardization analysis were year and season (quarter). The index shows an increasing trend from the beginning of the series (2009) to a maximum in 2011; following a decrease up to 2013, and a relatively stable trend fluctuating around a level three and a half times lower compared to the maximum abundance for the period 2013-2019.En prens

    DEMERSTEM : WP1 Stock identification Pseudotolithus elongatus Guinea Bissau and Guinea

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    The bobo croacker P. elongatus is assumed by CECAF as one single stock for Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia for assessment purposes. The consideration of one single stock for these 4 countries follows practical reasons and has no any biological basis

    Standardized catch rates for Mediterranean swordfish (Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758) from the Spanish longline fishery. 1988-2017.

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    Standardized relative abundance indices for swordfish (Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758) caught by the Spanish surface longline in the western Mediterranean Sea were estimated for the period 1988-2017. Standardized CPUEs were estimated through a General Linear Mixed Modeling (GLMM) approach under a negative binomial (NB) error distribution assumption. The main factors in the standardization analysis were fishing area and time of the year (quarter). The standardized index showed notable annual fluctuations without any definite trend for the period under study


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    Standardized relative abundance indices for swordfish (Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, 1758) caught by the Spanish surface longline in the western Mediterranean Sea were estimated for the period 1988-2018. Standardized CPUEs in number were estimated through a General Linear Mixed Modeling (GLMM) approach under a negative binomial (NB) error distribution assumption. Standardized CPUEs in biomass were estimated through a General Linear Mixed Modeling (GLMM) approach under a log-normal error distribution assumption. The main factors in the standardization analysis were fishing area and time of the year (quarter). The standardized indices showed notable annual fluctuations without any definite trend for the period under studyEn prens