72 research outputs found

    Uji teknologi inokulum fungi ektomikoriza dan penambahan asam oksalat untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan Hopea mengarawan

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    Application of ectomycorrhizal fungi on forestry depend on some factors. Inokulum technology is one of the important factor. The aim of this research are to compare the affectivity of two inoculums from two Scleroderma spp., and to find the effect of oxalate acid on ectomycorrhizal colonization. Using cluster randomized design with ectomycorrhiza as the cluster (S. columnare and S. dictyosporum); inoculums (granular and tablet) and oxalate acid (1 times a week; 2 times a month; 4 times a month and none) as the factors. Result showed that granular inokulum can enhance the growth of Hopea mengarawan better than tablet inokulum. Oxalate acid can enhance colonization up to 8 fold

    Uji teknologi inokulum fungi ektomikoriza dan penambahan asam oksalat untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan Hopea mengarawan

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    Application of ectomycorrhizal fungi on forestry depend on some factors. Inokulum technology is one of the important factor. The aim of this research are to compare the affectivity of two inoculums from two Scleroderma spp., and to find the effect of oxalate acid on ectomycorrhizal colonization. Using cluster randomized design with ectomycorrhiza as the cluster (S. columnare and S. dictyosporum); inoculums (granular and tablet) and oxalate acid (1 times a week; 2 times a month; 4 times a month and none) as the factors. Result showed that granular inokulum can enhance the growth of Hopea mengarawan better than tablet inokulum. Oxalate acid can enhance colonization up to 8 fold

    Sebaran Tanaman Bambu Di Blok Pemanfaatan Taman Hutan Raya Wan Abdul Rachman Provinsi Lampung

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    Wan Abdul Rachman Forest Park (Tahura WAR) is one of the forest areas in Lampung Province. Tahura WAR has a fairly high diversity of flora, one of which is the bamboo plant. There is not much data related to the diversity of bamboo plant species found in Tahura WAR, especially in the Utilization Block. As an effort to develop the potential of bamboo, it is necessary to conduct research on the diversity of types and distribution patterns of bamboo plants. The purpose of this study was to analyze the diversity of bamboo plants and their distribution patterns in the Tahura WAR Utilization Block. This research was conducted in May 2020 in the Tahura WAR Utilization Block, using the river transect method along the 720 m length and 4 m width. The results showed that there were four types of bamboo plants in the Tahura WAR Utilization Block, namely Gombong bamboo (Gigantochloa pseudoarundinaceae) and Tali bamboo (Gigantochloa apus), Ater Batu bamboo (Gigantochloa atter) and Betung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper. These four species showed a level of diversity bamboo plants that are categorized as low and the distribution pattern is random

    Status Kesuburan Tanah Pada Dua Tutupan Lahan Di Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Lindung (Kphl) Batutegi Lampung

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    Land cover changing would influence the availability of nutriens and others soil properties. In the forest areas, forest clearing would lead land degradation.  KPHL Batutegi was catchment area for Batutegi dam.    The ilegal logging that still occure in that area raising important question about the soil fertility status in that region.  Its related to soil capability to the plant growth.  The aims of this study was to get information about soil fertility status in two type of land cover, which was secondary forest and one year mixed coffee plantation.  Soil sample was taking by purpose sampling on two type of land cover in KPHL Batutegi.  One year mixed coffee plantation opened by illegal loging with fired.  Intact soil samples were taken using the ring samples, while for the disturbed soil was done by the composite.  Parameters observed were nutrients contain (N, P, and C-organic), pH, CEC, soil thickness, total pores and textur.  The result showed that there no different on nutrient status and chemical soil properties between two land cover type.  It was important from this study obtained that about 10 cm soil lost after one year land clearing from secondary forest to mixed coffee plantation

    In-Tek Biochar Limbah Biomassa Tongkol Jagung dan Alley Cropping pada Pertanaman Jagung di Desa Bangun Sari, Alternatif Perbaikan Kualitas Lahan di Masa Pandemi

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    Pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) Bina Desa di Desa Bangunsari didasari keprihatinan pada kesejahteraan petani akibat rendahnya produktifitas tanaman jagung. Rendahnya produksi disebabkan lahan yang digunakan untuk budidaya jagung didominasi oleh lahan kering masam, dimana tanaman jagung sangat sensitif terhadap kemasaman tanah. Selain itu, lahan yang digunakan secara terus menerus menurun kesuburannya akibat menurunnya bahan organik tanah. Kondisi ini berdampak pada rendahnya produksi jagung, yang merupakan tanaman utama di Desa Bangunsari. Padahal terdapat banyak potensi bahan organik di desa Bangunsari, diantaranya limbah biomassa tongkol jagung yang dengan sedikit sentuhan teknologi dapat diubah menjadi biochar (arang aktif). Potensi lain yang belum termanfaatkan adalah pohon legume, terutama Glyricideae. Glyricideae berpotensi menghasilkan biomassa dengan cepat dengan kandungan unsur N yang tinggi, sehingga dapat dijadikan penambah unsur N bagi tanaman dan sebagai pakan ternak. Pengetahuan petani yang minim mengenai biochar dan Glyricidae dapat ditingkatkan melalui penyuluhan (sosialisai) serta demplot inovasi teknologi (In-Tek) biochar dan integrasi tanaman jagung dan Glyricidae dalam bentuk alley cropping (pertanaman lorong). Sosialisasi dan demplot pemanfaatan limbah tongkol jagung menunjukkan hasil yang positif yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya pengetahuan dan keinginan petani untuk memanfaatkan limbah tongkol tanaman jagung untuk dijadikan biochar dan pemanfaatan Glyricidae sebagai tanaman pagar untuk model pertanaman alley cropping untuk meningkatkan produktifitas pertanaman jagung di Desa Bangunsari

    Aplikasi Ektomikoriza (Scleroderma sp.) pada Semai Mangium (Acacia mangium Willd.) Menggunakan Media Tailing Pertambangan Emas Skala Kecil (Application of Ectomycorrhiza (Scleroderma sp.) in Mangium (Acacia Mangium Willd.) using Artisanal Small-scale Gold Mining(ASGM) Tailings)

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    Artisanal small-scale gold mining tailings frequently used hazardous toxic materials that could contaminate land, rivers, and lakes which harmful to the environment and health. Phytoremediation is one way to overcome the mining waste. Mangium (Acacia mangium Willd.) is one of plant that often used for mining land phytoremediation. However, it was difficult for mangium to be able to survive on land with such extreme conditions, therefore additional input is needed. Using ectomycorrhiza fungi could be an alternative. This study aimed to measure the adaptation of mangium in gold mining tailings and analyze the function of ectomycorrhiza (Scleroderma sp.) in the growth of mangium. The experimental design used a completely randomized design with six growth media as treatments with five replications. The growth media used were: (1) topsoil with mycorrhiza, (2) topsoil without mycorrhiza, (3) topsoil + tailings with mycorrhiza, (4) soil + tailings without mycorrhiza,(5) tailings with mycorrhiza, and (6) tailings without mycorrhiza. Data were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance followed with a Least Significant Difference test. The results showed that the survival rate of mangium life in tailing media with mycorrhizae was fairly high with a percentage of life reaching 60% even though the growth was less when compared to topsoil media with mycorrhiza that reached 100%. The highest growth rate was achieved by mangium in topsoil media without tailings and mycorrhiza (control). This research showed that ectomycorrhiza did not have any significant effects on mangium growth in gold tailing.Keywords: Acacia mangium, ectomycoriza, gold tailings, phytoremediation, Scleroderma sp.  


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    Indonesia memiliki sumber bahan baku yang melimpah untuk produksi pelet biomassa. Salah satu tumbuhan yang berpotensi untuk dijadikan bahan baku pembuatan wood pellet adalah Kaliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus). Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh suhu torefaksi terhadap perubahan warna dan sifat fisik pelet kaliandra. Torefaksi dilakukan dengan electric furnace selama 50 menit menggunakan suhu 200°C, 220°C, 240°C, 260°C, dan 280°. Parameter yang dievaluasi terdiri dari perubahan warna dan penurunan berat. Parameter warna yang diukur berupa kecerahan (L*), kromatisasi kuning/biru (b*), kromatisasi merah/hijau (a*), dan perubahan warna (∆E*). Evaluasi perubahan warna diukur dengan Colorimeter menggunakan sistem warna CIE-Lab*. Hasil penelitian menunjukan torefaksi mempengaruhi warna pelet kaliandra. Semakin tinggi suhu yang digunakan, maka ∆E* akan meningkat. Perubahan warna secara total terjadi pada suhu 220°C, 240°C, 260°C, dan 280°C ditandai dengan nilai ∆E*>12. Berat pelet kaliandra menurun setelah perlakuan panas. Penurunan terbesar terjadi pada suhu 280°C, hal tersebut dikarenakan kerapatan dan kadar air pada pelet akan menurun seiring dengan meningkatnya suhu torefaks

    Pengaruh Jumlah Ruas Cabang terhadap Pertumbuhan Setek Bambu Hitam (Gigantochloa Atroviolacea)

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    Black bamboo (Gigantochloa atroviolacea) is one of the famous bamboo species used, because it has many functions.The effort to maintain bamboo population is by cultivation. Generative cultivation of bamboo is difficult, so that vegetative cultivation by branch cuttings is carried. The aim of this research were to know the effect of number of internodes on black bamboobranchcuttings and the best influence on percentage of life and growth.The experiment used Completely Randomized Design(CRD) with 3treatmentsand 5replications.The treatmentwerenumber ofblack bamboobranch, which were2, 3,and 4 internodes. Eachbranchesplantedin polybag had filledwith top soil.The growth variablesthat measured were the percentage of life, number of shoots, length of shoot, diameter of shoot, number of leaves andlength of root. Theresults showed that thenumber of black bamboo branchinternodesinfluenced onlength of shoot and number of leaves. Blackbamboobranch with 4 internodeswas thebestresultto growth ofblackbamboobranchcuttings because of highestvalue onlength of shoot (3.84 cm) and number of leaves(4.90 sheet)

    Revegetation of Critical Land with Gaharu (Aquilaria malaccensis) under Various Ameliorants Application

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    Rehabilitation of post-mining limestone soils is often a challenge due to a lack of nutrients and poor soil humus. The research aims to study the effect of various ameliorants on soil chemical properties, growth, and P uptake of gaharu plant (Aquilaria malaccensis) in post-mining limestone soil for revegetation of critical land. The research was conducted in a Completely Randomized Design with three replications. The treatments were P0 (Control, without ameliorant); P1 (Humic Acid, HA, 4 kg ha-1 ); P2 (Phosphate Rocks, PR, 350 kg ha-1 ); P3 (Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, AMF, 500 spores plant-1 ); P4 (HA+AMF); P5 (PR+AMF); and P6 (HA+PR+AMF). Data were analyzed using ANOVA at 95% confidence level and continued with the LSD test. The use of various types of ameliorants (HA, RP, and AMF) significantly increased root length, root volume, wet and dry weight of roots, shoot wet and dry weight, and P uptake of gaharu tree. The best ameliorant in increasing gaharu tree growth was AMF (P3) treatment, and AMF combined with HA (P4) treatment. Thus, for revegetation of critical land, especially post-mining limestone land, using gaharu tree requires HA and AMF inoculation
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