141 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang signifikan model pembelajaran inquiry training berbantu mind mapping terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi pokok suhu dan kalor. Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas X Semester II SMA Negeri 3 Medan yang terdiri dari 14 kelas. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara cluster random sampling, yaitu kelas X-1 sebagai kelas eksperimen berjumlah 35 orang yang diberi perlakuan model pembelajaran inquiry training berbantu mind mapping dan X-2 sebagai kelas kontrol berjumlah 35 orang yang diberi perlakuan model konvensional. Teknik pengumpulan data hasil belajar siswa menggunakan tes essay dengan jumlah 8 soal. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji kesamaan rata-rata (uji t dua pihak dan uji t satu pihak). Dari hasil uji t dua pihak diperoleh thitung ttabel (2,330 > 1,668) hal ini menyatakan bahwa ada pengaruh hasil belajar siswa akibat model pembelajaran inquiry training berbantu mind mapping terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi pokok suhu dan kalor di kelas X semester II SMAN 3 Medan T.P 2016/2017

    Impacts of ASEAN Agricultural Trade Liberalization on ASEAN-6 Economies and Income Distribution in Indonesia

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    This research paper intends to analyse: (a) the impacts of ASEAN trade liberalization on the macroeconomy variables – gross domestic product (GDP), Terms of Trade (ToT), balance of trade, inflation and real wage – and agricultural industries (output, exports and imports) in the ASEAN 6 countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, and Viet Nam); and (b) the impact of trade liberalization on income distribution in Indonesia. A multi-country and multi-commodity computable general equilibrium (CGE) GTAP model has been used as the main tool of analysis.Trade and Investment, Indonesai, ASEAN, Agricultural

    Indonesian agricultural trade policy at the crossroads

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    Following the global spike in food prices in 2008, there is renewed interest in Indonesia in self-sufficiency as a means of achieving food security. Restrictive trade policies, including specific tariffs on rice and sugar, and quantitative restrictions on imports and exports, have been used in an attempt to meet conflicting objectives of assisting both producers and consumers. Meanwhile, palm oil exports to the European Union are constrained by the importer's concerns about deforestation and its contribution to climate change. Similar constraints may be applied to other commodities as production moves into pristine areas in an attempt to maintain self-sufficiency. On the other hand, more open trade may offer better options to address any agricultural-related costs associated with climate change. A computable general equilibrium model is used to analyze the efficiency and distributional impacts of these agricultural trade policies. The results suggest that removing or reducing tariffs on rice and sugar would increase imports substantially in relative terms but have only a small impact on domestic prices and production. A ban on palm oil exports to the European Union would have a significant impact, although offset somewhat by increased exports elsewhere. In each case the major effects are distributional, involving transfers between producers and consumers. Multiple instruments are necessary to achieve conflicting objectives. For example, social safety nets rather than trade bans should be used to support poor consumers. Support for the agricultural sector should focus on the provision of rural infrastructure, research and development, and the encouragement of private sector investment.agriculture, trade, Indonesia, International Relations/Trade, F13, Q17.,

    Impacts of ASEAN trade liberalization on ASEAN-6 economies and income distribution in Indonesia

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    Impact of a Lower Oil Subsidy on Indonesian Macroeconomic Performance, Agricultural Sector and Poverty Incidences: a Recursive Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Analysis

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    Budget deficit, exchange rate fluctuation and high fuel world price provides a pressure on budget capacity to stimulate the Indonesian economy. The government has designed several fiscal policies, including reducing the fuel subsidy. The study objective is to analyse the impact of reducing fuel subsidy on macroeconomic variables, agricultural sector, and income distribution. The modification on the basic model, which is a recursive-dynamic CGE model, is made in this study. The data used in the model is of the Indonesian I-O Table 2000, The Indonesian Social Accounting Matrix 2000, National Household Survey data and parameter from some other sources. The results show that the reduction in fuel price subsidy tends to increase prices of industrial outputs that highly depend on fuel, such as transportation and fishery sectors. In contrast, the change in fuel price does not influence the price of paddy. Wage of skilled labor, land rent, and capital rent decline steadily in response to the change in fuel price. Households will lose their income following the reduction in fuel subsidy, which then decreases the welfare of households. Incomes are not evenly distributed within the society (household groups). An increased fuel price at consumer level declines the Indonesian real GDP. The government should give the compensation of reducing the fuel subsidy directly to the poor people. The compensation can also be given directly to the poor people through the development of infrastructure, which may solve some supply side bottlenecks in the economy.Fuel subsidy, income distribution, recursive dynamic CGE


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) Pratama Pekanbaru-Tampan dan difokuskan terhadap penerapan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, khususnya Akuntansi Aset Tetap. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah penerapan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi pada Aset Tetap di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) Pratama Pekanbaru-Tampan telah berjalan dengan baik dan semestinya. Data-data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi dan perpustakaan, selanjutnya data-data yang sudah diperoleh dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif, yaitu dengan membandingkan keadaan yang sebenarnya dengan teori-teori yang relevan, guna memperoleh hasil yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan penerapan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, khususnya Akuntansi Aset Tetap di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) Pratama Pekanbaru-Tampan. Dari analisis data yang penulis lakukan, diketahui bahwa perlakuan aset tetap pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) Pratama Pekanbaru-Tampan telah sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan yang berlaku dengan penerapan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi menggunakan aplikasi sistem Informasi Manajemen dan Akuntansi Barang Milik Negara (SIMAK-BMN) dan telah diterapkan dan dijalankan dengan baik sesuai dengan ketetapan yang berlaku. Kata Kunci : Aset Tetap, Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, SIMAK-B


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tindakan pencegahan terhadap risiko kecelakan kerja, berdasarkan tiga peringkat tertinggi pada pelaksanaan pekerjaan struktur beton bertulang di Proyek Pembangunan Rumah Susun Jakarta Timur. Berdasarkan dari data hasil observasi dan wawancara ketika melakukan studi pendahuluan, pengambilan sampel dilakukan di Proyek Pembangunan Rusun Pulo Jahe dan Proyek Pembangunan Rusun PIK Pulo Gadung Tahap II, akibat terindentifikasi unsafe action dan unsafe condition yang memiliki tingkat risiko kecelakaan kerja tertinggi di antara Proyek Pembangunan Rumah Susun Jakarta Timur lainnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data data yang diambil ialah berdasarkan data hasil observasi, kuesioner, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Responden yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ialah staf aktif yang bertalian langsung dengan pekerja struktur beton bertulang. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan perangkat lunak Microsoft Excel dan SPSS versi 25. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan metode FMEA yang menghasilkan nilai RPN, maka diperoleh tiga tingkatan risko kecelakaan kerja tertinggi di kedua Proyek Pembangunan Rumah Susun Jakarta Timur tersebut, yang terdiri atas terjepit besi saat pekerjaan pembesian, tertusuk paku saat pekerjaan bekisting dan tergores besi saat pekerjaan pembesian. Sehingga terdapat berbagai tindakan pencegahan untuk meminimalisir risiko kecelakaan kerja yang mungkin dapat terjadi atau terulang kembali. Tindakan pencegahan yang dapat dilakukan ketika terdapat unsafe action ialah dengan mempekerjakan pekerja terampil dan kompeten, memastikan pekerja menaati aturan sesuai Standar Operasional Prosedur yang berlaku. Sementara, tindakan pencegahan yang dapat dilakukan ketika terdapat unsafe condition ialah dengan memastikan keamanan kondisi lingkungan kerja, memastikan keamanan dan kelayakan peralatan kerja, serta memastikan kelengkapan ketersediaan ramburambu keselamatan kerja. ***** This study aims to analyze preventive measures against the risk of work accidents, based on the three highest ratings on the implementation of reinforced concrete structure work in the East Jakarta Flats Construction Project. Based on the data from observations and interviews when conducting preliminary studies, sampling was carried out at the Pulo Jahe Flats Construction Project and the PIK Pulo Gadung Flats Construction Project Phase II, due to the identification of unsafe action and unsafe conditions which have the highest level of work accident risk among other East Jakarta Flats Construction Projects. This research uses descriptive quantitative methods. The data collection taken is based on observation data, questionnaires, documentation, and interviews. The respondents used in this study were active staff who were directly related to reinforced concrete structure workers. Data analysis performed using Microsoft Excel software and SPSS version 25. Based on the calculation results of the FMEA method which produces RPN values, the three highest levels of work accident risk are obtained in the two East Jakarta Flats Construction Projects, which consist of being pinched by iron during drilling work, punctured by nails during formwork work and scratched by iron during drilling work. So that there are various preventive measures to minimize the risk of work accidents that may occur or repeat themselves. Preventive measures that can be taken when there is unsafe action are to hire skilled and competent workers, ensuring that workers comply with the rules according to the applicable Standard Operating Procedures. Meanwhile, preventive measures that can be taken when there is an unsafe condition are to ensure the safety of work environment conditions, ensure the safety and feasibility of work equipment, and ensure the completeness of the availability of work safety sign

    Kenaikan Tarif Dasar Listrik dan Respon Kebijakan untuk Meminimisasi Dampak Negatif terhadap Perekonomian

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    Electricity is one of the strategic commodities in Indonesia. The Increasing of electrical price (so called TDL stand for Tarif Dasar Listrik) administered by the government will be negative impact on Indonesian economic performance. Based on this research analysis, a rise of TDL will have negative impact on macro and sectoral economic performance. This study aims to analyze the effects of a rise of TDL and policy responses to minimize its negative impacts on Indonesian economic performance. The data which is used in this research areInput Output Table, Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) and SUSENAS data. Sources of data obtained from Board Central of Statistics. The analysis using Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model is called INDOTDL CGE model. The simulation results show that a rise of TDL will have negative impact oneconomic growth, household consumption, export, employment and sectoral demand. This study also shows that an increase of efficiency in electricity sector by 10 percent is expected to decrease the electrical price. In addition, a rise of TDL which is followed by an increase of efficiency or decrease of value added tax (VAT) policy in all sector have positive impact on macro and sectoral economic performance on Indonesian. The most effective policy to economic improvementis to increase efficiency of electricity sector, so TDL doesn\u27t need to be increased

    Strategic Factor Analysis for Exporter of Robusta Coffee Bean from Lampung, South Sumatra, Indonesia

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    Business of robusta coffee beans in Indonesia has been centralized in Bandar Lampung, the capital of Lampung province in South Sumatra, as the main gate of export from Indonesia. About 75 percent of Indonesia coffee bean export is exported from Bandar Lampung. A local company named PT Asia Makmur (PTAM) has been present since 2008 in Bandar Lampung and would need to develop its business strategy   to preserve and escalate its incomes in the future. Internally the company strengths and weaknesses need to be identified as well as the external opportunities and threats for the company. This research considers the analysis of internal and external factors which to be summarized into Strategic Factor Analysis Summary (SFAS) which shall be divided into short term, medium term and long term strategic plan.  The result of this research was shown that production of special (premium) beans, storage and processing capacity are the main strengths of the company while the company needs to overcome its weaknesses which consist of business communication in English, international trade knowledge and qualified human resource. The company has dominant opportunities as well in its ability to do direct selling to end-users, to produce internationally-certified beans and increasing demand in domestic market. While the main threats for the company are the competition with foreign companies (multinational companies), the dynamic volatility of world coffee exchange and sales competition. Recommended strategy would be based on SFAS analysis result which shall be implemented through forward and backward integration. Keywords: Strategy, Robusta coffee bean, IFAS, EFAS, SFAS
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