420 research outputs found


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    Setiap ibu seharusnya mengerti tentang cara penyajian susu formula pada bayi yang tepat namun kenyataanya masih banyak ibu yang kurang baik dalam penyajian susu formula. Penyajian susu formula yang tidak tepat mengakibatkan gangguan beberapa fungsi organ tubuh. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui gambaran cara penyajian susu formula pada bayi usia 6-12 bulan yang mengalami diare di RW 08 Kelurahan Sidotopo Wetan Kecamatan Kenjeran Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain deskriptif. Populasinya adalah semua ibu yang memiliki bayi usia 6-12 bulan yang mengalami diare sebesar 18 orang, sampel yang digunakan adalah total sampel. Variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah cara penyajian susu formula pada bayi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi, data diolah dengan cara editing, scoring, coding, tabulating. Analisa yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan sebagian besar (61,1%) responden dalam penyajian susu formula pada bayi adalah kurang, hampir setengahnya (27,8 %) dari sisa responden cara penyajianya adalah cukup, dan sebagian kecil (11,1%) responden cara penyajiannya adalah baik. Simpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian besar penyajian susu formula pada bayi adalah kurang, diharapkan tempat penelitian memberikan penyuluhan tentang cara penyajian susu formula pada bayi sehingga ibu bisa menyajikan susu formula dengan cara yang benar

    Kant on Radical Evil: A Pragmatic Reading

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    One of the primary concerns of Immanuel Kant in his major works on philosophy of religion is the doctrine of radical evil. He was greatly perplexed by the conundrums of this doctrine. Although Kant claimed it to be a universal trait, he failed to give a formal proof (evidence) supporting it. However, he asserted that the conducts of human beings are enough to demonstrate the nature of radical evil. The complexity of the doctrine is further fuelled by introducing the idea of the need of divine intervention for one to overcome such moral-religious predicament. Critical responses from both Christian and secular scholars reflect interesting take on his ethico-religious discourse. One of the prominent criticisms to Kant’s doctrine of radical evil is its relapse to religious absurdity reflecting the Christian doctrine of the ‘fall of mankind’ as narrated in the first book of the Bible. Consequently, the seriousness of the criticism not only affects the moral maxims but also the portrayal of its strong religious affinity, rendering the doctrine even more allusive and perplexing. The article intends to throw some light on the pragmatic perspective of the doctrine with special focus on the universality of the radical evil nature of human

    An Anthropolological Study towards the Religious Beliefs amongst the Youths in India

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    Religion is among one of the many social institutions which are intrinsic part of a society and it exist in some form or another in almost every known society With the advancement of science and technology some of the theories of religion have been questioned and debated in the past and recent times yet the religious belief remained a corner stone in the mindset of general folk But the youth who feel reluctant to anything which is less descriptive or does not hold any scientific end are asked to share their views about the religious faith The key objectives of the research project were to understand the importance of religion in youth s life to understand how religious practices have impact on their life and to understand the cause and degree of religious belief amongst youths The cause and the degree of belief were recorded and the data analysed to know the psyche of the country s youth and the impact religion is making in their lif

    Nurses' intentions to wear gloves during venipuncture procedures: A behavioral psychology perspective

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    Registered nurses working at a teaching hospital in Kuwait were surveyed to assess the psychosocial variables associated with their intention to comply with glove-wearing recommendations. Perceived consequences and normative beliefs, as well as sex and years of nursing experience, significantly influenced their behavioral intentions, suggesting that improvements in intention to comply are more likely to come from practical demonstrations that show nurses the potential outcomes of both using and not using gloves

    Removal of submicron particles from solid surfaces using surfactants

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    The removal of nano- or submicron particles from solid substrates is of considerable interest in a range of existing industries including cleaning of surfaces inside a spacecraft after evaporation of nanofluids. A method of nanoparticle removal using aqueous surfactant solutions is proposed. The surfactants' cleaning efficiency is investigated for all four combinations of hydrophilic (HL) and hydrophobic (HB) nanoparticles and surfaces, in order to find the most successful cleaning method in each combination. Carbon and silica nanoparticles deposited onto Teflon and glass surfaces were used. Cationic, anionic and non-ionic surfactants with a range of CMCs and HLBs were used in order to identify the best surfactant in each scenario

    Using the fractional interaction law to model the impact dynamics in arbitrary form of multiparticle collisions

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    Using the molecular dynamics method, we examine a discrete deterministic model for the motion of spherical particles in three-dimensional space. The model takes into account multiparticle collisions in arbitrary forms. Using fractional calculus we proposed an expression for the repulsive force, which is the so called fractional interaction law. We then illustrate and discuss how to control (correlate) the energy dissipation and the collisional time for an individual article within multiparticle collisions. In the multiparticle collisions we included the friction mechanism needed for the transition from coupled torsion-sliding friction through rolling friction to static friction. Analysing simple simulations we found that in the strong repulsive state binary collisions dominate. However, within multiparticle collisions weak repulsion is observed to be much stronger. The presented numerical results can be used to realistically model the impact dynamics of an individual particle in a group of colliding particles.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 1 table; In review process of Physical Review

    Pd/Cr Gates for a MIS Type Hydrogen Sensor

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    Instead of the pure Pd gates in MIS type hydrogen sensor, Pd-Cr alloy gates with different composition and structure were used to improve the sensors performance. The use of Pd-Cr alloy not only extended the dynamic range from 100 ppm to 50,000 ppm of hydrogen, but also showed quick response. The dynamic range and sensitivity were related to the nature of metal outer surface and the metal/insulator interface respectively

    Random Sequential Adsorption: From Continuum to Lattice and Pre-Patterned Substrates

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    The random sequential adsorption (RSA) model has served as a paradigm for diverse phenomena in physical chemistry, as well as in other areas such as biology, ecology, and sociology. In the present work, we survey aspects of the RSA model with emphasis on the approach to and properties of jammed states obtained for large times in continuum deposition versus that on lattice substrates, and on pre-patterned surfaces. The latter model has been of recent interest in the context of efforts to use pre-patterning as a tool to improve selfassembly in micro- and nanoscale surface structure engineering

    Performance of a MIS Type Pd-Cr/AlN/Si Hydrogen Sensor

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    An MIS Hydrogen sensor with a Pd0.96Cr0.04/AlN/Si structure was fabricated, exhibiting the dynamic range considerably wider than that of analogous devices with pure Pd gates. A useful response could be obtained for Hydrogen concentrations as large as 50,000 ppm. Although the response amplitude was much reduced at the lower concentrations, satisfactory signal to noise down to 50 ppm could be obtained. The saturating magnitude of the electrical response is in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 V, which is the same as that for the pure Pd gated devices, inspite of the 3 orders of magnitude difference in the saturation hydrogen concentration. This result will be discussed in terms of the response mechanism of these devices
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