8 research outputs found


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    Vocabulary is an important component in teaching English in addition to other components such as structure, pronunciation and intonation. Vocabulary has a very vital role. If a student is weak in the habit of using vocabulary, then the student cannot communicate his thoughts and ideas as accurately as he wants both oral and written. The method of storytelling is a method for developing children's language skills, while the function of storytelling is to help the development of children's language skills, by adding vocabulary vocabulary, saying words, training in composing sentences in accordance with the stage of development.The method of storytelling is a one of method to develop children's language skills, while the function of storytelling is to help the development of students' language skills, by adding vocabulary vocabulary, saying words, training in composing sentences in accordance with the stage of development. The method of storytelling was chosen by the researchers to demonstrate it infront  of RA Sembilan Bintang students, which is locatd in Citayam, West Java


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      In the era of globalization and rapid technological development. To prepare students to face social changes, the world of work and rapid technological advances, student competencies must be improved and prepared to face the demands of the times. and these optimal and relevant skills must be considered in the Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) course. Microteaching in TEFL courses must be adapted to the demands of the times. Therefore, the Delphi Method can be used to form guidelines and predict trends. The five main uses of Delphi in higher education, include: cost effectiveness, cost-benefit analysis, curriculum and campus planning, university education goals and objectives, generalized futuristic education goals and objectives. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach. Keywords in qualitative research, namely, the process of understanding, and humans. both natural phenomena and man-made phenomena. These phenomena can be activities, and the difference between one phenomenon and another. This is indicated by the results of the standard deviation which has reached the optimal level. Based on the results of the priority sequence reference, it can be determined that students are required to record microteaching practices. themselves, and upload it to YouTube and then report it to the lecturer. YouTube\u27s selection policy is based on this platform not limiting the length of the video, so students can be as creative as possible in class

    Sosialisasi Pembelajaran Mendengar dan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Melalui Aplikasi Quizlet bagi Ibu-Ibu PKK Kampung Tengah Jakarta Timur

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    Tujuan diadakannya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan pembelajaran kepada Ibu-Ibu PKK RW 10 sebagai role model untuk anak usia sekolah dasar dan menengah ke depannya. Tim pelaksana memberikan input mengenai penerapan metode pembelajaran yang tepat guna dalam mengajar dan mendampingi anak di rumah, dalam hal ini adalah penerapan metode pembelajaran melalui aplikasi yang ada di smartphone atau metode Mobile Learning terhadap kemampuan mendengar dan berbicara bahasa Inggris Ibu-Ibu PKK. Metode pembelajarannya sendiri adalah Mobile Learning dengan menggunakan aplikasi Quizlet melalui smartphone yang mereka gunakan sebagai alat komunikasi. Dengan menerapkan metode pembelajaran ini para ibu PKK diharapkan dapat berlatih berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris dengan mudah dan mengajarkannya kembali ke anak-anak mereka melalui smartphone. Pemberian input kepada ibu-ibu PKK dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini antara lain bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mendengar dan berbicara bahasa Inggris, melalui penerapan metode Mobile Learning dengan menggunakan aplikasi Quizlet melalui smartphone untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman makna percakapan bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan konteks dan fungsi penggunaan sehari-hari, dan sebagai wadah dalam memberikan pengalaman belajar yang baru kepada para ibu-ibu melalui aplikasi Quizlet, dimana pada akhirnya dapat mentransfer pemahaman materi kepada anak-anak untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris khususnya pembelajaran mendengar (Listening) berbicara (speaking). Dalam hal ini pula, dapat menekan penggunaan gadget dikalangan anak-anak hanya untuk hal yang positif.

    An Analysis Figurative Language Used in Jakarta Post Headline

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    The purpose of this research is going to analyse the types of figurative language in Jakarta Post Headline from November 2016 until January 2017 editions by using Keraf’s theory. This research uses qualitative approach with content analysis. In this study, the writer collected the data by selecting, reading and highlighting the figurative language in Jakarta Post Headline. The types of figurative language included in this research are metonym, eponym, metaphor, synecdoche, personification, and simile.


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    The aim of this study is to provide training on the technique of making a business letter in English for teachers of SMK Muhammadiyah Slipi Jakarta. Business letter is a letter that is used by a person, organization or institution that deliver business messages in writing to the other party by using a specific media whether it is sending via postal mail, faksmilie, telephone or the internet. The activity of writing a business letter is seen as simple and easy work, but to do it optimally of course required expertise is needed. To write business letter does not require special skills as a writer of novels, poetry, short stories or other literary works, because essentially a business letter is not a literary work. Nonetheless, to wite a good business letter is often not as simple as people imagine, because there are certain rules and habits that are generally applicable and must be met by each author of the letter. Therefore, the words and sentences in the letter should be prepared effectively and efficiently. The accuracy and detail are needed to ensure the contents of the letter are intended by the sender.  Therefore, the outcomes is that the teachers in SMK Muhammadiyah 4 can teach his or her students SMK Muhammadiyah 4 how to create a business letter in English that is good and right so that later after they graduate it can be applied upon entering the workforce. Keywords: Business letter, Teacher Training, Vocational School

    The Advantages of the Phonics Method for Early Childhood Reading Skills

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    Teaching foreign languages especially reading for early chilhood is more challenging and applying an interesting method is needed to improve their ability. Teachers must have known some of easy and fun methods for early chilhood so that the learning process can run well. One method that can be used is the phonics method. Phonics is a method for teaching reading and writing of the English language by developing the letters of the alphabet and their sounds first for their phonemic awareness and an understanding of the links between these sounds and how to use the letters of the alphabet to represent them. A child learning phonics will see a "p" and know that the sound is "puh." This skill will prove incredibly useful when the child is sounding out unknown words and syllables. The strength of this method is the students are easy to make connections between words and sounds. Besides, they can quickly recognise familiar words and to easily sound out new words they encounter. This paper examines the concept of the phonics teaching method and its effectiveness to develop the reading skill for early chilhood.

    Analysis of Myth Barthes in SGM Milk Formula Advertisement “Aku Anak SGM Explore” Version

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    Advertisement is a medium of communication between producers and consumers. An advertisement can be done through various media such as newspapers, magazines, internet, radio and/or television. In advertisement, producers try to create a sign to make a hidden message (mitos) behind.  Advertisement plays significant role in promoting such products because it spreads wider. Literacy of advertisements, through mass media is very essential in helping audiences to better see and understand how messages in the form of text, verbal and nonverbal are displayed through audio visual. The hidden message is created to convey consumers. So that, they can truly understand the message. Television is as one of the media to represent hidden message contained in an advertisement.This study aims to analyze how the signs contained in the texts displayed in the SGM formula advertisement, version "Aku Anak SGM" on television. The methodology used was qualitative with a semiotic analysis approach. Semiotic approach from Barthes will be used by researchers to reveal the signs in these advertisements, by using signifier and signified to get hidden meaning inside. From this analysis can be revealed signs that are relevant to the message that the producer wants to assure the consumers. The existence of advertisements in audio-visual media with other media certainly has a different effect. Television is a complete media, because it can contain messages in the form of audio and visually. Commercial advertisements will have more selling power if they succeed in taking advantage of the advantages possessed by the media

    The effectiveness of applying suggestopedia method towards reading skill

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    The application of the suggestopedia method is one of the steps to create a learning climate for students’ reading skill. The application of this method is considered successful and suitable to be applied online during a pandemic because of its effectiveness in being able to provide a sense of comfort to students in the learning process in comprehending reading text. By applying quantitative research methods, there are 120 population, having 52 students as sample for being given a treatment and the same amount for being controlled. This research is able to prove that applying suggestopedia method is effective for students’ reading skill. This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the suggestopedia method’ application and the results is T observe 14,25925926 and T table is 1, 6755905025. According to the theory the proven score considered effective in the application of suggestopedia method on students’ reading skill.Keywords: Effect, suggestopedia method, reading skill