11 research outputs found
Neurolinguistik dan Aspek Klinis Bahasa: Sebuah Tinjauan Awal
Bidang ilmu neurolinguistik di Indonesia masih tergolong baru dalam kajian interdisiplin sehingga penelitian yang dilakukan masih sangat terbatas. Padahal, keberadaan ilmu ini sangat penting dalam praktik medis, terutama pada kasus-kasus seperti pasien stroke, afasia, dan gangguan patologi lainnya yang disebabkan oleh kerusakan pada sistem syaraf dan bagian-bagian tertentu di otak manusia yang berkaitan dengan bahasa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan secara komprehensif berkaitan dengan neurolinguistic sebagai sebuah ilmu dan relasinya dengan aspek klinis bahasa. Dalam penelitian ini, metode deskriptif analitis digunakan dengan mengumpulkan data melalui studi pustaka dari beberapa sumber yang membahas neurolinguistik. Neurolinguistik, juga dikenal sebagai neurologi bahasa, adalah bidang kajian dalam linguistik yang mempelajari struktur otak manusia dari segi fungsinya dalam memproses bahasa, serta gangguan yang terjadi dalam pemerolehan bahasa. Dalam kajian neurolinguistik, terdapat pembahasan mengenai hubungan antara otak dan pemrosesan bahasa, serta patologi dan gejala bahasa yang diakibatkan oleh gangguan pada bagian-bagian otak tertentu yang memengaruhi kemampuan bahasa seseorang. Data diambil melalui berbagai referensi terkait yang tersedia
This study aims to provide a discourse on the importance of increasing reading interest in forming a critical and tolerant multicultural society reading culture. These research studies are literature from various sources that discuss reading interest, reading culture, and its relationship with a multicultural society. The study results that have been carried out show that reading activities can broaden the horizons and horizons of human thinking so that they are not left behind by the rapid development of the times. Everyone must be encouraged to have high interest, activity, and reading habits. Low interest, hobbies, activities, and reading habits can be factors for the decline in the level of progress of a nation. Intolerance, feeling the most correct, the best, and not wanting to respect the opinions, behaviors, and cultures can arise because of low insight, intelligence, and thinking horizons. Therefore, to create a multicultural society that is critical, tolerant, open, and pluralistic, it is necessary to have high reading activities, habits, and culture. This needs to be realized because a high reading tradition can support the acceleration of people's intelligence in responding to various life problems in a natio
One of the interesting issues regarding the BIPA learning process is how the similarities and differences of the source and target languages (Indonesian language) are related to students’ understanding of the Indonesian language. This study is related to what is known as a cross-linguistic transfer. This paper reviews theoretically cross-linguistic transfer in learning in BIPA (Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers). This study employed the descriptive-qualitative method. A qualitative method was used to describe the patterns of similarity between Indonesian language as the target language and the learner’s native language in BIPA learning using a cross-linguistic transfer approach. The result of the study revealed that the discussion about cross-linguistic transfer in the process of learning the Indonesian language for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) was not a monolithic matter. The similarities and differences in word forms and word meanings were closely related to how quickly speakers of other languages learned the target language
Kajian Linguistik Kognitif Pada Imbuhan Ber- dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Academic discourse on beR- affixes in Indonesian has been widely studied and analyzed. Generally, the studies only focus on three main valences: form, structure, and meaning. In its development, cognitive linguistics can be another alternative to examine beR- affixes in Indonesian by looking at the symptoms of expanding their meaning. By basing on the theory of categorization of prototype meanings and expansion meanings, cognitive linguistics is felt to be able to answer problems that often arise in the realm of beR- meaning meanings that tend to overlap. The results of this study suggest that cognitive linguistics can be an alternative study to fill the gaps in the study of beR- affixes in Indonesian. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, the meanings present in the beR affix can be said to have expansion symptoms. The categorization analysis can see this of the meaning of the prototype and the meaning of its expansion. The prototype meaning of ¬beR- is mainly "doing something" with five types: holding something, acquiring something, and untransitive, reflexive, and reciprocal deeds. The meaning of the expansion is only identified four types: owning, wearing, state, and number.
Wacana akademik tentang imbuhan beR- dalam bahasa Indonesia sejatinya telah banyak dikaji dan dianalisis. Umumnya, kajian yang dilakukan hanya berkutat pada tiga valensi utama, yakni bentuk, struktur, dan makna. Pada perkembangannya, linguistik kognitif bisa menjadi alternatif lain untuk mengkaji imbuhan beR- dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan melihat gejala perluasan maknanya. Linguistik kognitif dengan mendasarkan pada teori kategorisasi makna prototipe dan makna perluasan dirasa mampu menjawab persoalan yang kerap muncul pada ranah makna imbuhan beR- yang cenderung tumpang-tindih. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa linguistik kognitif bisa menjadi alternatif kajian untuk mengisi rumpang kekosongan pada kajian imbuhan beR- dalam bahasa Indonesia. Ditilik dari perspektif linguistik kognitif, makna-makna yang ada pada imbuhan beR- bisa dikatakan mengalami gejala perluasan. Hal ini bisa telihat dengan adanya analisis kategoriasi pada makna prototipe dan makna perluasannya. Makna prototipe imbuhan beR- berdomain utama “melakukan sesuatu” dengan lima jenis, yakni mengadakan sesuatu, memperoleh sesuatu, perbuatan taktransitif, refleksif, dan resiprok. Adapun makna perluasannya hanya teridentifikasi empat jenis, yakni memiliki, memakai, keadaan, dan jumlah
Recovery patterns and a linguistic therapy model of Sundanese-Indonesian bilingual aphasia: A neurolinguistic study
This study observed a 54-year-old patient with Sundanese-Indonesian bilingual aphasia at one brain hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia. He underwent a speech therapy with the treatment given to his second language (Indonesian) during the first 2 weeks of post-onset, and received treatment to his both languages simultaneously for one and a half months post-onset. This research was conducted by using two approaches, namely, a theoretical approach and a methodological approach. In terms of the theory, the approach used in this study is neurolinguistic. In terms of the methodology, the approach is analytic-descriptive with a cohort method. The patient had been diagnosed with having expressive-receptive aphasia in both languages. Three-time evaluations of his competence in his two languages (during the period of one and a half months post-onset) showed an interesting recovery pattern. In the first evaluation result (two weeks post-onset), it was found that the patient showed a nonparallel recovery; Indonesian (the second language) recovered earlier than Sundanese (the first language). However, in the second evaluation result (a month post-onset), it was found that the improvement in proficiency of the languages showed a parallel recovery; the proficiency improvement of Indonesian after having been given treatment in the therapy showed a recovery parallel to that of Sundanese, even though Sundanese had not been given any treatment at all for a month post-onset. The linguistic track record of this patient showed that Indonesian had a higher level of familiarity compared to Sundanese, and this is correlated with the recovery process of both the languages
The Commercialization of Islamophobia: Capitalizing on Apprehension
Islamophobia, the irrational fear, prejudice, or hatred towards Islam and Muslims, has become a pervasive issue in contemporary society. While historical roots of Islamophobia exist, its commercialization has emerged as a distinct phenomenon in recent years. This article explores the commercialization of Islamophobia and its implications, shedding light on how various actors capitalize on apprehension to further their interests. The study employs a literature review approach to analyze and understand the phenomenon, revealing how media, politics, and business exploit and profit from fear, stereotypes, and negative perceptions surrounding Islam and Muslims. The consequences of the commercialization of Islamophobia are profound, perpetuating discrimination, marginalization, and violence against Muslim communities. To counter Islamophobia effectively, collective efforts must be made to dismantle fear-inducing narratives, promote empathy, and foster a comprehensive understanding of Islam and Muslims
Penelitian ini berjudul “Komunikasi Terapeutik dalam Pemulihan Kompetensi Linguistik Pasien Penyandang Afasia Broca”; bertujuan menjelaskan pola-pola komunikasi terapeutik antara terapis dengan pasien penyandang afasia broca di Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data penelitian ini berupa ekspresi verbal para penyandang afasia broca berbahasa Indonesia dan dari proses berlangsungnya terapi wicara antara terapis wicara dengan penyandang afasia. Secara keseluruhan penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional. Sebanyak 3 (tiga) orang responden dijadikan sampel penelitian yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) penyandang afasia broca memiliki problematika lingual yang begitu memperihatikan, yakni mereka memiliki masalah dalam mengungkapkan pikirannya melalui bahasa; (2) dari proses komunikasi terapeutik yang ada di Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional antara terapis wicara dengan klien penyandang afasia broca, terdapat beberapa gejala lingual yakni adanya alih gaya (style shifting)) dan adanya pemberian feedback positif dari terapis wicara kepada klien penyandang afasia broca.
Kata Kunci: komunikasi terapeutik, kompetensi linguistik, afasia brocaAbstract
This study aims to explain the therapeutic communication patterns between therapists and patients with broca aphasia at the Jakarta National Brain Center Hospital (RSPON). This research was conducted using qualitative-descriptive methods with a case study approach. The research data were in the forms of verbal expressions of patients with broca aphasia speakers in Indonesia and from the process of ongoing speech therapy between speech therapists with aphasia speaker. Overall, the research was conducted at the National Brain Center Hospital. Three (3) respondents were involved as the research subjects that met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that (1) people with Broca Aphasia are fluent in lingual problems that are so alarming, they have problems expressing their thoughts in language; (2) from the therapeutic communication process at the National Brain Center Hospital between speech therapists and Broca aphasia clients, there are several lingual symptoms, are the style shifting and giving positive feedback from speech therapists to broca aphasia clients.
Keywords: therapeutic communication, linguistic competence, broca aphasi
Ekspresi Verbal-Gramatikal Penyandang Afasia Broca Berbahasa Indonesia: Suatu Kajian Neurolinguistik
This study aims to explain the patterns of construction of verbal expressions in the grammatical aspects of Indonesian Broca’s aphasia persons. People with Broca's aphasia have different verbal-grammatical expressions from normal speakers, so it is necessary to do research to create a pattern of the verbal expression. This pattern can help and facilitate the process of restoring language competence in Indonesian Broca’s aphasia persons, so the speech therapy process can be grounded in that pattern. This study was conducted using qualitative-descriptive methods with a case study approach. The research data were in the forms of verbal expressions. This study was conducted at the National Brain Center Hospital. Three (3) respondents were involved as the research subjects that met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that the overall types of verbal expressions in the grammatical aspect of people with Broca’s aphasia are (a) irregular repetition and elimination of affixation; (b) word categorization; (c) phrases with lect deficits and phrases with imperfect shapes; (d) removal and exchange of syntactic functions, removal of conjunctions. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pola-pola konstruksi ekspresi verbal aspek gramatikal dari penyandang afasia Broca berbahasa Indonesia. Para penyandang afasia broca memiliki ekspresi verbal-gramatikal yang berbeda dengan penutur normal, sehingga perlu untuk dilakukan penelitian untuk membuat pola atas ekspresi verbal tersebut. Pola tersebut pada masa nanti dapat membantu dan memudahkan proses pemulihan kompetensi berbahasa pada penyandang afasia broca berbahasa Indonesia, sehingga proses terapi wicara dapat berpijak pada pola tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan jenis kualitatif-deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data penelitian ini berupa ekspresi verbal para penyandang afasia Broca berbahasa Indonesia. Secara keseluruhan penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional. Sebanyak 3 (tiga) orang informan dijadikan sampel penelitian yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tipe realisasi gramatikal pada luaran wicara pengandang afasia broca adalah (a) penghilangan dan pengulangan afiksasi secara tidak teratur, (b) kategorisasi kata, (c) frasa dengan defisit leksikal dan frasa dengan bentuk yang tidak sempurna, dan (d) penghilangan dan pertukaran fungsi sintaksis, penghilangan konjungsi
Terjadinya kontak budaya antara satu budaya dengan budaya di lingkungan masyarakat Indonesia yang multikultural berlangsung secara alami. Akulturasi budaya berupa perpaduan antara budaya-budaya yang hidup di dalam masyarakat tidak terhindarkan dan hal yang menarik budaya asli masing-masing tetap hidup dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pemilik budaya. Di Desa Wonoharjo Kecamatan Pangandaran Kabupaten Pangandaran komunitas masyarakat Jawa hidup berdampingan dengan masyarakat Sunda. Masyarakat yang hidup dalam komunitas ini tetap memertahankan nilai-nilai dan pranata Jawa yang mereka miliki. Komunikasi sehari-hari yang terjalin antar-penduduk Desa Wonoharjo dilakukan di dalam bahasa Jawa. Saat mereka bekomunikasi dengan masyarakat Sunda mereka menggunakan bahasa Sunda, yang dikenal dengan istilah bahasa Jawa Reang. Di wilayah Pangandaran sendiri pertunjukan ‘Kuda Lumping’, yang sesungguhnya seni yang hidup dalam komunitas masyarakat Jawa di mana pun, dikenal oleh masyarakat Pangandaran pada umumnya salah satunya berasal dari Desa Wonoharjo. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode historis, yang digunakan untuk merekonstruksi masa lalu. Tahapan metode historis terdiri dari heuristik, kritik, interpretasi dan historiografi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merekonstruksi jejak migrasi masyarakat Jawa ke wilayah Pangandaran dan mengkaji kehidupan mereka sehari-hari di dalam lingkungan masyarakat Sunda. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan adanya akulturasi dan asimilasi dalam seni dan bahasa Jawa dengan seni budaya dan bahasa Sunda di Desa Wonoharjo Kecamatan Pangandaran.