32 research outputs found

    Aktivitas antibakteri Pleurotus ostreatus varietas Grey Oyster pada Staphylococcus aureus dan Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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      Oyster mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus varieties Gray oyster is often consumed by the community because it tastes delicious and contains nutrients for health but utilization for medical treatment has not been studied. The aim of this research was to analyze antimicrobial potential compounds in P. ostreatus and to investigate the inhibitory effect on the growth of Staphyllococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This research was experimental type with treatment variation 0.1; 0.25; 0.5; 1; 1.5 and 2% of P. ostreatus extract, with 5 replicates. Antimicrobial potential compounds was analyzed by qualitative phytochemical test while antibacterial activity evaluated by calculating the inhibition zone diameter presented as the bright zone formed in the surroundings paper discs on bacterial cultures using solid medium. Phytochemical analysis obtained positive results for flavonoid, tannin and terpenoid compounds. The effect of mushroom extract on the bacterial growth inhibition were analyzed by One Way Anova test. The result showed that the inhibitory growth diameter for both bacteria was not significantly different. It meant that the difference in concentration variations of P. ostreatus extracts of 0.25 and 0.50 did not cause different inhibitory effects on S. aureus and P aeruginosa bacteria and 0.1% concentration was capable of causing inhibitory effect. &nbsp


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    Pisang Agung Semeru dan Pisang Mas Kirana merupakan salah satu varietas tanaman pisang yang terdapat di Kabupaten Lumajang, dan diduga memiliki kandungan senyawa antimikroba pada ekstrak kulit pisang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa antimikroba pada ekstrak kulit pisang dengan menggunakan uji fitokimia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deksriptif kualitatif dengan mengguakan dua sampel ekstrak yaitu ekstrak kulit Pisang Agung Semeru dan Mas Kirana. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode analisis fitokimia menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak kulit Pisang Mas Kirana mengandung senyawa antimikroba antara lain senyawa fenol, saponin dan terpen, sedangkan pada ekstrak kulit Pisang Agung Semeru mengandung senyawa fenol, terpen, saponin dan alkaloid. Kata kunci: Fitokimia, Pisang Agung Semeru, Pisang Mas Kirana

    System of Leukocytes Respiratory Burst Activity (RBA) in Grouper (Epinephelus coioides)

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    Probiotics are live microbes that can help protect and maintain the health of the host by modifying the microbial community or associating with the host, increasing the response to disease, improving nutrition, and utilizing feed. Probiotics have properties to increase feed efficiency and increase non-specific immunity in fish. Probiotic administration allows fish to achieve optimal growth and increase immunity to disease. Therefore, in this study used probiotics containing bacteria Bacillus subtilis. The purpose of  this study was to determine the effect of probiotic Bacillus subtilis endoprore administration on the respiratory burst activity (RBA) immune system in grouper (Epinephelus coioides). The results of the research showed that the administration of probiotics in the grouper (Epinehelus coioides) feed with the probiotic dose of Bacillus subtilis in Feed B (0.1% Bacillus subtilis) and Feed C (1 % Bacillus subtilis) had a significantly effect on Respiratory Burst Activity (RBA) compared to Feed A (0% Bacillus subtilis). In addition, the administration of probiotic Bacillus subtilis in the grouper feed was also able to increase the total number of bacteria in the rearing media, whereas an increasing in the number of bacteria in the B and C feed treatments indicated a better rearing media for the growth of grouper. The RBA values ​​in Feed B (0.1% Bacillus subtilis) and Feed C (1 % Bacillus subtilis) were significantly different start from 10 days of rearing time. While the best dose for the RBA value is Feed C with an elapsed time 30 days.Probiotik adalah mikroba hidup yang dapat membantu melindungi dan memelihara kesehatan inang dengan cara memodifikasi komunitas mikroba atau berasosiasi dengan inang, meningkatkan respon terhadap penyakit, memperbaiki nutrisi, dan memanfaatkan pakan. Probiotik memiliki khasiat untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pakan dan meningkatkan kekebalan non spesifik pada ikan. Pemberian probiotik memungkinkan ikan mencapai pertumbuhan yang optimal dan meningkatkan kekebalan terhadap penyakit. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini digunakan probiotik yang mengandung bakteri Bacillus subtilis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian probiotik Bacillus subtilis endoprore terhadap sistem imun respiratory burst activity (RBA) pada ikan kerapu (Epinephelus coioides). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian probiotik pada pakan kerapu (Epinehelus coioides) dengan dosis probiotik Bacillus subtilis pada Pakan B (0,1% Bacillus subtilis) dan Pakan C (1% Bacillus subtilis) berpengaruh nyata terhadap Pernafasan Burst Activity (RBA) dibandingkan dengan Pakan A (0% Bacillus subtilis). Selain itu, pemberian probiotik Bacillus subtilis pada pakan kerapu juga mampu meningkatkan jumlah total bakteri pada media pemeliharaan, sedangkan peningkatan jumlah bakteri pada perlakuan pakan B dan C menunjukkan media pemeliharaan yang lebih baik. pertumbuhan ikan kerapu. Nilai RBA pada Pakan B (0,1% Bacillus subtilis) dan Pakan C (1% Bacillus subtilis) berbeda nyata mulai dari 10 hari pemeliharaan. Sedangkan dosis terbaik untuk nilai RBA adalah Pakan C dengan waktu tempuh 30 hari

    Utilization Of Agung Semeru Banana Peel Extract As Natural Hand Sanitizer

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    Hand sanitizers generally contain Ethyl Alcohol 62%, softener, moisturizer and anti-bacterial compounds such as tryclosan, glycerol, tannin, saponins and other antimicrobial agents. This study aimed to determine the effect of Agung Semeru banana peel extract as a natural hand sanitizer to inhibit fungal growth of Candida albicans. The antifungal activity test is carried out using the disk diffusion method. The use of this method is shown to measure the diameter of the area of ​​resistance that occurs around paper discs that already contain antifungal in accordance with the concentration in each treatment. The results showed that Agung Semeru banana peel is effective as a natural Hand sanitizer that was indicated by differences in treatment. Utilization of Agung Semeru Banana peel Extract  as a natural basic material hand sanitizer showed that no significant difference between treatments in inhibiting the growth of fungi Candida albicans, but a concentration of 7% (1,315 ± 0.0035c) showed better results compared to a concentration of 1% ( 1.2 ± 0.0a); concentration of 5% (1,208 ± 0,0023b) and 0% (1.2 ± 0,0a)

    System of Leukocytes Respiratory Burst Activity (RBA) in Grouper (Epinephelus coioides)

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    Probiotics are live microbes that can help protect and maintain the health of the host by modifying the microbial community or associating with the host, increasing the response to disease, improving nutrition, and utilizing feed. Probiotics have properties to increase feed efficiency and increase non-specific immunity in fish. Probiotic administration allows fish to achieve optimal growth and increase immunity to disease. Therefore, in this study used probiotics containing bacteria Bacillus subtilis. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of probiotic Bacillus subtilis endoprore administration on the respiratory burst activity (RBA) immune system in grouper (Epinephelus coioides). The results of the research showed that the administration of probiotics in the grouper (Epinehelus coioides) feed with the probiotic dose of Bacillus subtilis in Feed B (0.1% Bacillus subtilis) and Feed C (1 % Bacillus subtilis) had a significantly effect on Respiratory Burst Activity (RBA) compared to Feed A (0% Bacillus subtilis). In addition, the administration of probiotic Bacillus subtilis in the grouper feed was also able to increase the total number of bacteria in the rearing media, whereas an increasing in the number of bacteria in the B and C feed treatments indicated a better rearing media for the growth of grouper. The RBA values ​​in Feed B (0.1% Bacillus subtilis) and Feed C (1 % Bacillus subtilis) were significantly different start from 10 days of rearing time. While the best dose for the RBA value is Feed C with an elapsed time 30 days

    Role of Microbial Consortium on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Accumulation in Leaf of Jackbean (Canavalia ensiformis).

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    The purpose of this research was to know the role of microbial consortium (symbiotic and non symbiotic of N fixing bacteria; solvent P bacteria and microbial decomposers) with different concentrations (0,10,20,30 mL) on nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation in leaf of Jackbean (Censiformis). This research is an experiment was inoculating the microbial consortium in various concentrations to the rhizosphere of the soil which would be used as the medium for the C. ensiformis growth. Data were analyzed using ANOVA adn followed by Dunca's test 5%. Result of this research indicated that no a marked different for the concentration of microbial consortium, except chlorophyll a content(a=0,023). Howevwr giving of microbial consortium at a concentration of 30mL. showed best value for the paremeters leaf area, chlorophyll content a, chlorophyll b content and leaf N content. The microbial consortum showed thet no effect on P content in leaf of C. ensiformis

    Formulation of Herbal Cream of Agung Semeru Banana Peel Extract to Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus

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    Skin cream, is one of the dosage forms, which contain little water content, and is widely used both as a medicinal and cosmetic cream. This study made an herbal cream formulation based on Agung Semeru banana skin of Lumajang variety which was known as an antimicrobial at a concentration of 100% which would then be tested for its ability as an antimicrobial against the growth of Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. The method used in this study is using the paper disk Diffusion method with 6 repetitions, where data in the form of inhibitory zone diameters were analyzed using 1% One Way ANOVA test and continued with Duncan's test at 1%. The results of this study showed that there were significant differences between the treatment groups (α = 0,000), where the cream formulation of the Candida albicans fungi showed a larger inhibition zone diameter (22.50 ± 1.70 mm) than the inhibitory zone diameter in Staphylococcus aureus bacteria (21 , 50 ± 1.68 mm)


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    Staphylococcus aureus merupakan salah satu bakteri Gram positif yang bisa menular pada manusia. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi penyakit menular yang disebabkannya yaitu dengan menggunakan berbagai jenis antibiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas ekstrak kulit pisang agung semeru sebagai agen antimikroba terhadap Staphylococcus aureus. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan True Experimental dengan Postest-Only Control Design yang dilakukan dengan metode Difusi in vitro. Hasil uji menunjukkan aktivitas antibakteri metode penyebaran terbaik DHP pada konsentrasi ekstrak kulit pisang mentah 100 mg/mL adalah 21,66 ± 0,31565 mm. Hasil uji Kruskal-Wallis menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam diameter penghambatan pertumbuhan antara kelompok perlakuan. Hasil uji post LSD dan Duncan post hoc menunjukkan konsentrasi ekstrak 3,1 mg/mL; 50 mg/mL dan 100 mg/mL menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dengan konsentrasi lainnya.                         Kata Kunci : Staphylococcus aureus, Kulit Pisang , Pisang Agung Semer


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    Pythopthora palmivora merupakan salah satu jenis fungi indegenous, yang bersifat patogen pada tanaman kakao (T. cacao L), sehingga perlu dilakukan alternatif untuk mengendalikan pertumbuhan fungi tersebut.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak etanol daun Kakao (T. cacao L) terhadap pertumbuhan Phytopthora palmivora, secara in vitro. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan menggunakan metode difusi agar dengan 4 taraf perlakuan yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak etanol tanaman kakao (konsentrasi 0%, 50%, 75% dan 100%) dan dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak 5 kali. Hasil penelitian ini dianalisis secara statistika dengan menggunakan SPSS 23 dengan menggunakan test Kruskal Wallis dan dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan Duncan's tes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan, pemberian ekstrak daun kakao terhadap diameter zona hambat pertumbuhan fungi patogen Phytopthora Palmivora pada berbagai konsentrasi 0% (0,00 ± 0,000a), 50% (3,00 ± 1,581b), 75% (4,20 ± 2,950b) dan 100% (8,20 ± 1,483c), dengan konsentrasi yang tertinggi yaitu 100%. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu semakin tinggi konsentrasi ekstrak daun kakao yang diberikan maka semakin besar diameter zona hambat yang terbentuk 100% (8,20 ± 1,483c ). Kata Kunci: Phytopthora palmivora, Theobroma cacao L., Indegenou


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    Jamur tiram varietas grey oyster yang sedang dikembangkan di IKIP PGRI Jember merupakan salah satu jamur tiram hibrida yang diperoleh dari rekayasa kultur jaringan dengan persilangan secara fusi protoplasma antara jamur tiram putih (Pleurotus ostreatus) dan jamur tiram cokelat (Pleurotus cystidiosus) dan memiliki prospek kedepan yang sangat baik untuk dikembangkan, dapat memberikan banyak manfaat serta memiliki dampak positif baik bagi IKIP sendiri maupun masyarakat luas. Model usaha jamur tiram putih yang dijalankan oleh Unit IbIKK pada tahun pertama masih bertumpu pada persilangan vareietas jamur tiram, produksi baglog serta difersivikssi produk dari jamur tiram, namun untuk tahun kedua dan ketiga akan lebih bervariasi, yaitu produksi jamur varietas baru hasil persilangan secara masal, penjualan baglog, jasa paket kemitraan investasi usaha tani jamur tiram, dan budidaya jamur tiram dengan sistem kemitraan. Usaha ini juga telah menjadi sarana pembelajaran mahasiswa, dan Dosen di wilayah IKIP PGRI Jember. Keywords— Jamur Tiram varietas Grey Oyster, Kewirausahaan, skil