347 research outputs found

    Switchable filtering in vivaldi antenna

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    Presented is a new frequency switchable Vivaldi antenna that has a capability to operate in a wideband mode (1-3 GHz) and reconfigure to six different subbands of operations. The reconfiguration is realised by coupling and changing the effective electrical length of ring slots inserted in the structure by means of pin diode switches. To examine antenna performances, simulated and measured results are presented. Good impedance matches and radiation patterns have been achieved. The proposed antenna is suitable for wideband and multimode radio applications

    Assessment of Pesticide Use in Major Vegetables From Farmers\u27 Perception and Knowledge in Dhading District, Nepal

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    A field study was carried out to assess the pesticide use status in major vegetable crops from farmers\u27 perception and knowledge in Dhading, Nepal in 2019. Field study was carried with 100 commercial farmer\u27s using semi-structure questionnaire by face to face interview. This study was analyzed by categorization of farmers into small holder (51) and large holder (49) groups on the basis of mean area of vegetable cultivation (6.48 ropani). The highest amount of pesticides is needed in tomato in both large holders and small holders according to the farmer\u27s experience. Among the study farmer\u27s, 41% of them spray the pesticides by making a cocktail or mixed method and 56%  follow the waiting period of 3-5 days in both of the cases. A significant positive correlation was found at 5% level of significance between the knowledge and practice pattern of waiting period of the pesticides and negative correlation was found between the Personal Protective equipment score and health hazard score. Headache was the major health hazards faced by the farmers which was higher in small holders (66.7%) as compared to the large holders (46.9%). Mask was the most used PPE by the farmer\u27s i.e. by 83% in overall. Fourty three percent of the farmer\u27s throw the pesticide containers in secret place after using of it.The use of PPE was seen lower in small holders as compared to the large holders. This study reveals the necessities of suitable program and policies regarding the knowledge, safe handling and use of pesticide among the farmer\u27s level

    Analisis Cerita Rakyat Kutai Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti Ditinjau dari Fungsi Aspek Mitos dalam Masyarakatnya

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    Hal yang mendukung terbentuknya judul ini, yakni untuk melestarikan cerita Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti. Banyak masyarakat sekarang khususnya muda-mudi saat ini yang tidak mengetahui mitos lama ini. Selain itu untuk menambah wawasan kepada penerus kaum muda-mudi juga melestarikan tradisi suku Kutai, agar cerita ini dapat terus bertahan di era modern. Latar belakang dari penulisan Skripsi ini penulis ingin memperoleh gambaran dengan jelas mengenai Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti Cerita Rakyat Kutai. Penelitian ini dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam penelitian di ajukan beberapa masalah yaitu kondisi cerita rakyat Kutai Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti yang melatar belakangi partisipasi masyarakat untuk terus melestarikannya. Tujuan penelitian persepsi masyarakat terhadap Cerita Rakyat Kutai Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti ialah untuk mengetahui situasi dan kondisi cerita tersebut untuk masa yang akan datang dan sebagai karya ilmiah bagi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sastra yang sering dipakai secara umum untuk meneliti suatu objek. Penelitian sastra juga bisa menggunakan metode kuantitatif maupun kuantitatif. Selain itu peneliti juga menggunakan metode baik metode observasi maupun kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian dari cerita Aji Batara Agung Dewa Sakti Cerita Rakyat Kutai bahwa Cerita tersebut sebagai mitos karena cerita yang terkandung di dalamnya benar-benar terjadi, cerita bersifat mite karena apa yang dijabarkan dalam cerita tersebut bersifat mistis/gaib dan tokoh dalam cerita tersebut anak keturunan dewa-dewa di kahyangan. Juga merupakan sejarah kolektif. Selain itu, cerita juga bersifat siklus artinya cerita haruslah memuat inti cerita berkisar pada suatu tokoh dalam cerita, baik latar belakang kehidupan tokoh, peristiwa yang dialami hingga asal-muasal dari pelaku tokoh terbentuknya suatu cerita dan cerita merupakan berasal dari suatu daerah dan hanya terjadi pada daerah tertentu

    Treatment of visceral leishmaniasis in south-eastern Nepal: decreasing efficacy of sodium stibogluconate and need for a policy to limit further decline

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    Sodium stibogluconate (SSG) is the first-line therapy for visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in south-eastern Nepal. Recent studies from the neighbouring state of Bihar, India, have shown a dramatic fall in cure rates with treatment failure occurring in up to 65% of VL patients treated with SSG. A prospective study was conducted at a tertiary-level hospital located in south-eastern Nepal from July 1999 to January 2001. Parasitologically proven kala-azar patients with no previous history of treatment for VL were treated with SSG 20 mg/kg/d for 30 d which was extended to 40 d in those with persistent positive parasitology. Of the 110 patients who completed SSG therapy and were assessed at 1 and 6 months, definite cure was achieved in 99 patients (90%) and SSG failure occurred in 11 patients (10%). Except for the presence of hepatomegaly and a lower platelet count there was no clinical or laboratory baseline characteristic associated with treatment failure. A significantly lower cure rate (76%, P = 0.03) was observed in patients from the district of Saptari, which borders the antimony-resistant VL areas of Bihar. The efficacy of SSG as a first-line treatment for VL in south-eastern Nepal was still satisfactory, except for the patients living closer to the antimony-resistant VL areas of India. These findings indicate that the spread of resistance to antimonials is already taking place in Nepal and that a policy to control further spread should be urgently implemente

    Participatory policy analysis in health policy and systems research: reflections from a study in Nepal.

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    Background Participatory policy analysis (PPA) as a method in health policy and system research remains underexplored. Using our experiences of conducting PPA workshops in Nepal to explore the impact of the country’s move to federalism on its health system, we reflect on the method’s strengths and challenges. We provide an account of the study context, the design and implementation of the workshops, and our reflections on the approach’s strengths and challenges. Findings on the impact of federalism on the health system are beyond the scope of this manuscript. Main body We conducted PPA workshops with a wide range of health system stakeholders (political, administrative and service-level workforce) at the local and provincial levels in Nepal. The workshops consisted of three activities: river of life, brainstorming and prioritization, and problem-tree analysis. Our experiences show that PPA workshops can be a valuable approach to explore health policy and system issues – especially in a context of widespread systemic change which impacts all stakeholders within the health system. Effective engagement of stakeholders and activities that encourage both individual- and system-level reflections and discussions not only help in generating rich qualitative data, but can also address gaps in participants’ understanding of practical, technical and political aspects of the health system, aid policy dissemination of research findings, and assist in identifying short- and long-term practice and policy issues that need to be addressed for better health system performance and outcomes. Conducting PPA workshops is, however, challenging for a number of reasons, including the influence of gatekeepers and power dynamics between stakeholders/participants. The role and skills of researchers/facilitators in navigating such challenges are vital for success. Although the long-term impact of such workshops needs further research, our study shows the usefulness of PPA workshops for researchers, for participants and for the wider health system. Conclusions PPA workshops can effectively generate and synthesize health policy and system evidence through collaborative engagement of health system stakeholders with varied roles. When designed with careful consideration for context and stakeholders’ needs, it has great potential as a method in health policy and systems research

    Options for Active Case Detection of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Endemic Districts of India, Nepal and Bangladesh, Comparing Yield, Feasibility and Costs

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    For the elimination of any infectious disease (i.e., reduction of the burden of a serious public health problem to a minor problem which can be managed by the general health services) the right mix of public health tools has to be identified for the early detection and successful treatment of new cases as well as effective vector control (in the case of vector borne diseases) at affordable costs. The paper provides a powerful example of evidence building for cost-effective early case detection in the visceral leishmaniasis elimination initiative of Bangladesh, India and Nepal. It compares the camp approach (mobile teams testing in chronic fever camps for spleen enlargement and rapid diagnostic tests) with the index case approach (screening for new cases in the neighbourhood of reported visceral leishmaniasis patients) and the incentive based approach (where basic health workers receive an allowance for detecting a new case) using subsequent house-to-house screening for the identification of the real number of un-detected cases. By applying a mix of different study methods and an itinerate research process to identify the most effective, feasible and affordable case detection method, under different environmental conditions, recommendations could be developed which help governments in shaping their visceral leishmaniasis elimination strategy

    Perceptions of knowledge sharing among small family firm leaders: a structural equation model

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    Small family firms have many unique relational qualities with implications for how knowledge is passed between individuals. Extant literature posits leadership approach as important in explaining differences in knowledge-sharing climate from one firm to another. This study investigates how leadership approaches interact with family influence to inform perceptions of knowledge sharing. We utilize survey data (n = 110) from owner-managers of knowledge-intensive small family firms in Scotland. Our findings present a choice in leadership intention, contrasting organization-focused participation against family-influenced guidance. Insight is offered on the implications of this leadership choice at both organizational and familial level

    WHO collaborative study to assess the suitability of the 1st International Standard and the 1st International Reference Panel for antibodies to Ebola virus

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    A WHO international collaborative study was undertaken to evaluate preparations of Ebola virus disease (EVD) convalescent plasmas for their suitability to serve as the WHO 1st International Standard (IS) and the WHO 1st International Reference Panel (IRP) for Ebola virus antibodies for use in the standardization and control of assays. The study involved participants testing the convalescent plasma sample preparations and additional monoclonal antibody samples in a blinded manner alongside the WHO International Reference Reagent (NIBSC code 15/220) using anti-EBOV assays established in their laboratories. The candidate 1st IS for Ebola virus antibodies (study sample code 92, NIBSC 15/262) consists of ampoules containing the freeze-dried equivalent of 0.5 mL pooled convalescent plasma obtained from six Sierra Leone patients recovered from EVD. The candidate 1st IRP of anti-Ebola virus convalescent plasmas (NIBSC 16/344) consists of freeze-dried preparations of single donations of convalescent plasma obtained from four patients and one healthy blood donor. Each panel member is an ampoule containing the equivalent of 0.25mL plasma. All convalescent plasmas are confirmed PCR-negative for Ebola virus and underwent, along with the negative plasma, solvent detergent (SD) treatment prior to their development into candidate WHO biological reference materials. In this collaborative study, 17 laboratories from 4 countries used a range of live Ebola virus neutralization assays, pseudotyped virus neutralisation assays and enzyme immunoassays to test the collaborative study samples. Surface plasmon resonance and Western blot assessments were also undertaken. The study found that the candidate International Standard has the highest absolute titre among the convalescent plasma samples, although the geometric mean titres of all the convalescent plasmas fall within ~5-fold of each other. The potencies of three of the convalescent samples fall near the detection limit of some assays. This study also demonstrated that the agreement between laboratories for potencies relative to the candidate International Standard represents an improvement compared to the agreement in absolute titres; however, there is poor agreement between relative potencies for some assays. The results obtained from accelerated thermal degradation studies at 1year indicate that the candidate IS is stable and suitable for long-term use. The results of the collaborative study indicate the suitability of the candidates to serve as WHO reference materials and it is proposed that 15/262 is established as the WHO 1st IS for EBOV antibodies with an assigned potency of 1.5 IU/mL when reconstituted as directed in the instructions for use. It is also proposed that 16/344 is established as the WHO 1st IRP of anti-EBOV convalescent plasmas with panel member code 95 (NIBSC 15/280) assigned a unitage of 1.1 IU/mL when reconstituted as directed in the instructions for use. The other panel members have not been assigned a unitage. The implementation and use by laboratories of the proposed WHO reference materials for EBOV antibodies will facilitate the characterization of the factors that contribute to assay variability and standardization of results across assays and laboratorie

    Post-Kala-azar Dermal Leishmaniasis in Nepal: A Retrospective Cohort Study (2000–2010)

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    Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) is a skin disorder seen in patients treated for Leishmania donovani visceral leishmaniasis (VL), a neglected tropical disease that is fatal if left untreated. In the Indian subcontinent, PKDL is seen in 5–10% of all past VL cases and is also reported in some without history of VL. As persons with PKDL do not feel sick, the disease has only cosmetic significance for the individual and treatment is rarely sought. However, PKDL lesions harbour parasites and therefore could represent a source of transmission, through the bite of female sand flies. Our study shows that the occurrence of PKDL in patients with past treated VL is low in Nepal compared to neighboring countries. Treatment of the original VL episode with SSG (sodium stibogluconate), inadequate treatment and treatment on ambulatory basis were significantly associated with PKDL. Though SSG has since been replaced by other drugs, counseling and supervision of adherence to the prescribed VL treatment is of vital importance to reduce risk of treatment failure and relapse as well as later development of PKDL. Policy makers should include surveillance and case management of PKDL in the VL elimination program