8 research outputs found

    Crítical pedagogies: the challenge of formation rebel subjectivities

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    We share some reflections that came out at the political and pedagogical proposal that we have developed at our teacher practices, of extension and investigation, connected to the popular education tradition and the participative action research, from the Non Formal Education and Sociology of the Education of the Universidad Nacional de Jujuy professorship and another formative spaces along with urbans and peasants popular movements. The reflections highlight the formation of rebellious subjectivities in collective educational spaces, sticking out on the petitions that the critical social theory does to the critical pedagogies. The study of the subjectivities in their rebelliousness condition has enabled the study of aspects connected to the collective will, the organization, the utopia and the social participation. Whatsmore, its location in the social-historical context allows the discussion of its configuration and mediation in the social structure, putting into discussion the production of senses in neoliberalism and postmodernity.Presentamos un conjunto de reflexiones surgidas de la propuesta pedagógica-política que hemos desarrollado en nuestras prácticas docentes, de extensión e investigación, vinculadas a la tradición de la educación popular y la investigación acción participativa, desde las cátedras de Educación No Formal y Sociología de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de Jujuy y desde otros espacios formativos junto a movimientos populares urbanos y campesinos.  Las reflexiones ponen el acento en la formación de subjetividades rebeldes en espacios educativos colectivizados, haciendo hincapié en las demandas que la teoría social crítica le realiza a las pedagogías críticas. El estudio de la subjetividad en su condición de rebeldía, ha posibilitado analizar aspectos vinculados a la voluntad colectiva, la organización, la utopía y la participación social. Además, su localización, en el contexto socio-histórico, permite discutir su configuración y mediación en la estructura social, poniendo en discusión la producción de sentidos en el neoliberalismo y la posmodernidad.Apresentamos um conjunto de reflexões derivadas da proposta político-pedagógica que desenvolvemos em nossas práticas de ensino, extensão e pesquisa, vinculadas à tradição da educação popular e da pesquisa participante, dos componentes de Educação Não Formal e Sociologia da Educação da Universidade Nacional de Jujuy e de otros espaços de formação junto aos movimentos populares urbanos e camponeses. As reflexões enfatizam a formação de subjetividades rebeldes em espaços educativos coletivos, realça as demandas que a teoría social crítica faz às pedagogias críticas. O estudo da subjetividade em sua condição de rebelde, tem possibilitado analizar aspectos vinculados a vontade coletiva, a organização, a utopia e a participação social. Além disso, sua localização, no contexto sócio-histórico, permite discutir sua configuração e mediação na estructura social, colocando em discussão a produção de sentidos no neoliberalismo e na pós-modernidade

    Compte-rendu de la journée d’étude « Qualité de vie et cohésion au travail »

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    Les élèves conservatrices et conservateurs promus DCB30 proposent un retour sur la journée d’étude consacrée à la qualité de vie et cohésion au travail qu’ils ont organisée le 21 mai 2021. Cette journée s’est déclinée autour de deux conférences introductives sur le thème de la qualité de vie au travail, des ateliers pour permettre à de futurs cadres de réfléchir et de mettre en place des actions relatives à ces thèmes et enfin des retours d’expériences

    Patients and Parents’ Experience of Multi-Family Therapy for Anorexia Nervosa: A Pilot Study

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    International audienceBackground: Family therapy is considered as the gold standard in treatment of adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN). Among the different types of family therapy, multi-family therapy (MFT) is increasingly used for treating AN, and shows promising results. In this article, our focus relied on the patients’ and their parents’ perceptions of the effectiveness and the underlying mechanisms of the MFT. Methods: The present pilot exploratory qualitative study included two focus groups conducted using a semi-structured approach: one with the adolescents ( n = 3), and another with one or two of their parents ( n = 4 mothers; n = 2 fathers). The subjects discussed were the changes observed in both AN symptoms and family interactions following therapy, and the mechanisms underlying these changes. We crossed the perspectives of the adolescents and of the parents on these two points. Results: Qualitative analysis revealed that while both adolescents and parents had difficulties relating the changes they observed in the last year to MFT, they were able to say that the group cohesion had several positive effects and that their family dynamics had improved. In the light of analysis the adolescents perceived more improvements related eating disorders symptoms than their parents did, while parents were concerned about a negative effect of MFT on their children. Discussion: While both patients and parents perceived improvements in both AN symptoms and family interactions in the past year, it was not clear if they considered MFT to have led to these improvements. FG also explored the MFT mechanisms underlying changes. Both adolescents and their parents stressed the beneficial effects of identification to others members of the group and shared experience to overcome social isolation. Parents also mentioned the sympathy they felt for each other. The idea that they give a central place to families in the therapy was also described by the families

    High-Dose Dexamethasone and Oxygen Support Strategies in Intensive Care Unit Patients With Severe COVID-19 Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure

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    Effect of Tocilizumab vs Usual Care in Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19 and Moderate or Severe Pneumonia

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    International audienceImportance Severe pneumonia with hyperinflammation and elevated interleukin-6 is a common presentation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).Objective To determine whether tocilizumab (TCZ) improves outcomes of patients hospitalized with moderate-to-severe COVID-19 pneumonia.Design, Setting, and Particpants This cohort-embedded, investigator-initiated, multicenter, open-label, bayesian randomized clinical trial investigating patients with COVID-19 and moderate or severe pneumonia requiring at least 3 L/min of oxygen but without ventilation or admission to the intensive care unit was conducted between March 31, 2020, to April 18, 2020, with follow-up through 28 days. Patients were recruited from 9 university hospitals in France. Analyses were performed on an intention-to-treat basis with no correction for multiplicity for secondary outcomes.Interventions Patients were randomly assigned to receive TCZ, 8 mg/kg, intravenously plus usual care on day 1 and on day 3 if clinically indicated (TCZ group) or to receive usual care alone (UC group). Usual care included antibiotic agents, antiviral agents, corticosteroids, vasopressor support, and anticoagulants.Main Outcomes and Measures Primary outcomes were scores higher than 5 on the World Health Organization 10-point Clinical Progression Scale (WHO-CPS) on day 4 and survival without need of ventilation (including noninvasive ventilation) at day 14. Secondary outcomes were clinical status assessed with the WHO-CPS scores at day 7 and day 14, overall survival, time to discharge, time to oxygen supply independency, biological factors such as C-reactive protein level, and adverse events.Results Of 131 patients, 64 patients were randomly assigned to the TCZ group and 67 to UC group; 1 patient in the TCZ group withdrew consent and was not included in the analysis. Of the 130 patients, 42 were women (32%), and median (interquartile range) age was 64 (57.1-74.3) years. In the TCZ group, 12 patients had a WHO-CPS score greater than 5 at day 4 vs 19 in the UC group (median posterior absolute risk difference [ARD] −9.0%; 90% credible interval [CrI], −21.0 to 3.1), with a posterior probability of negative ARD of 89.0% not achieving the 95% predefined efficacy threshold. At day 14, 12% (95% CI −28% to 4%) fewer patients needed noninvasive ventilation (NIV) or mechanical ventilation (MV) or died in the TCZ group than in the UC group (24% vs 36%, median posterior hazard ratio [HR] 0.58; 90% CrI, 0.33-1.00), with a posterior probability of HR less than 1 of 95.0%, achieving the predefined efficacy threshold. The HR for MV or death was 0.58 (90% CrI, 0.30 to 1.09). At day 28, 7 patients had died in the TCZ group and 8 in the UC group (adjusted HR, 0.92; 95% CI 0.33-2.53). Serious adverse events occurred in 20 (32%) patients in the TCZ group and 29 (43%) in the UC group (P = .21).Conclusions and Relevance In this randomized clinical trial of patients with COVID-19 and pneumonia requiring oxygen support but not admitted to the intensive care unit, TCZ did not reduce WHO-CPS scores lower than 5 at day 4 but might have reduced the risk of NIV, MV, or death by day 14. No difference on day 28 mortality was found. Further studies are necessary for confirming these preliminary results.Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT0433180

    Effect of anakinra versus usual care in adults in hospital with COVID-19 and mild-to-moderate pneumonia (CORIMUNO-ANA-1): a randomised controlled trial

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    Sarilumab in adults hospitalised with moderate-to-severe COVID-19 pneumonia (CORIMUNO-SARI-1): An open-label randomised controlled trial

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