32 research outputs found

    Augmented Reality Game pada Materi Geometri Berbasis Etnomatematika Keraton Yogyakarta

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    Keterbatasan sumber belajar kontekstual dapat menjadi hambatan dalam mempelajari matematika. Pada kenyataanya matematika telah digunakan dalam kehidupan sejak zaman dahulu, salah satu contohnya adalah penggunaan matematika dalam perancangan dan pembangunan bangunan keraton. Konstruksi geometris dan perhitungan matematis digunakan dalam merancang atap dan bentuk bangunan.  Teknologi Augmented reality memiliki potensi untuk memfasilitasi proses pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran matematika dengan konteks budaya Keraton Yogyakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian  ini adalah untuk mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis augmented reality, serta game untuk memfasilitasi siswa belajar materi geometri dengan konteks etnomatematika keraton. Selanjutnya, penelitian dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu : (1)Studi literatur serious game, augmented reality, Etnomatematika, dan keraton yogyakarta. (2) Studi lapangan keraton Yogyakarta. (3) Pemodelan alur pembelajaran, konten materi, dan learning trajectory berdasarkan silabus. (4) Membuat rancangan aset 2 dimensi dan 3 dimensi sebagai landasan pembuatan game. (5) Membuat rancangan proses pembelajaran yang menerapkan aplikasi serta modul.  (6) evaluasi aplikasi yang dikembangkan. Berdasarkan evaluasi yang telah dilakukan pada aplikasi yang telah dikembangkan diketahui bahwa kemampuan awal dari kedua kelas yang mengikuti uji coba adalah sama, sehingga peningkatan hasil belajar dapat dilakukan melaui posttest. Berdasarkan hasil posttest dikethui bahwa aplikasi yang dikembangkan mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa SMP


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    The study examines the political response to the crime of fisheries law, where criminal offenses prevention fishery does not operate effectively so that the results can only be overcome small fishermen. The research method uses juridical normative and empirical research sites in Lampung Province. The results showed that the politics of law including the formulation of policy or legislation making, policy application and execution or implementation of the legislation and enforcement of criminal law. Legislation on fisheries contained in the Fisheries Act has adequate set of law enforcement against criminal acts fishery, but there are obstacles in the application and execution stages, such as barriers in terms of law enforcement, infrastructure and public awareness

    Politik Hukum Penanggulangan Tindak Pidana Perikanan

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    The study examines the political response to the crime of fisheries law, where criminal offenses prevention fishery does not operate effectively so that the results can only be overcome small fishermen. The research method uses juridical normative and empirical research sites in Lampung Province. The results showed that the politics of law including the formulation of policy or legislation making, policy application and execution or implementation of the legislation and enforcement of criminal law. Legislation on fisheries contained in the Fisheries Act has adequate set of law enforcement against criminal acts fishery, but there are obstacles in the application and execution stages, such as barriers in terms of law enforcement, infrastructure and public awareness


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    Artikel ini disusun bertujuan untuk menganalisis laporan neraca dan laba rugi dari Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) pasca merger dengan menggunakan metode analisis common size untuk melihat adakah peningkatan yang signifikan dari kinerja keuangan BSI pasca merger. Metode penelitian dengan pendekatan kuantitatif ini menggunakan data triwulanan untuk tahun penelitian 2021 dan 2022 sehingga menghasilkan 14 data yang kemudian akan dianalisis. Hasil olah data dengan metode common size menunjukkan bahwa pada tahun 2021 kinerja keuangan BSI berfluktuasi terutama karena ada kenaikan dan penurunan pada sisi kas, piutang, dan pendapatan bagi hasil maupun murabahah. Tahun 2022 kinerja keuangan BSI cukup stabil dengan porsi yang seimbang pada pendapatan murabahah dan pendapatan bagi hasilnya meskipun pada sisi kas dan piutang tetap bersifat fluktuatif.

    The Rights of The Shareholders Minority in a Company: A Critical Analysis

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    In an economic area, the national economy is operated to create prosperity of the society equally. To reach the purpose, it is needed supporting facilities such as “legal order” to encourage, to drive, and to control all development activities in the economic area. Basically, the first law of PT was the Law No. 1of 1995 Concerning Limited Liability Companies. It has been changed to the Law No. 40 of 2007 Concerning Limited Liability Companies. The protection of the rights of the shareholders minority can be found in article 61 (1) (2), article 62 (1) (2), article 138 (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), and article 146 (1), (2), (6) of the Law No. 40 of 2007 on PT, as well as in various regulation. The purpose of it indeed is to protect the shareholders minority from the action of the shareholders majority or the company. The result of the research showed that some variables (indicators) of the rights of the shareholders minority showed that the indicators can been seen in the forms of the rights of the shareholders minority are  the rights of the company’s operating, the rights of accessing information of the company, the rights of a fair price, and the personal rights. Keywords: the Rights of the Shareholders Minority and the Compan

    Preliminary Analysis of Enrichment Media Based on Physics Edupark in Cave Tourism Destination

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    This research is a preliminary research that aims to analyze the needs in developing enrichment media based on edupark physics in cave tourism destinations. The type of research used is the research and development using the Plomp model. This research is only a preliminary research phase which consists of teacher analysis, student analysis, and potential material analysis. The data used in this study were obtained from interviews and questionnaires given to physics teacher and 68 students from class X which is combined from SMAN 1 Lareh Sago Halaban and SMAN 2 Sijunjung students. Based on this preliminary research, the results show that media in video form has advantages for: motivating students to learn, showing physical phenomena as a whole, helping to develop student’s knowledge and skills, and helping students master the physics material. Besides that, cave tourism activities can be used as a physics edupark and as an object in developing physics edupark enrichment media in the form of videos because they have many connections with physics concepts. It can be concluded that multimedia interactive in the form of video is the most suitable learning media to be used as an enrichment media based on physics edupark.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pendahuluan yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan dalam pengembangan media pengayaan berbasis edupark fisika pada destinasi wisata gua. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan dengan menggunakan model Plomp. Penelitian ini hanya merupakan penelitian tahap awal yang terdiri dari analisis guru, analisis siswa, dan analisis potensi materi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan kuesioner yang diberikan kepada guru fisika dan 68 siswa kelas X yang merupakan gabungan dari siswa SMAN 1 Lareh Sago Halaban dan SMAN 2 Sijunjung. Berdasarkan penelitian pendahuluan ini, diperoleh hasil bahwa media dalam bentuk video memiliki manfaat untuk: (a) memotivasi siswa untuk belajar, (b) menampilkan fenomena fisik secara utuh, (c) membantu mengembangkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa, dan (d ) membantu siswa menguasai materi fisika. Selain itu, kegiatan wisata gua dapat dijadikan sebagai edupark fisika dan sebagai objek dalam pengembangan media pengayaan berupa video edupark fisika karena memiliki banyak keterkaitan dengan konsep fisika. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa video merupakan media pembelajaran yang paling cocok digunakan sebagai media pengayaan berbasis edupark fisika

    Diagnosis Kanker Paru-Paru dengan Sistem Fuzzy

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    Kanker paru-paru sulit untuk dideteksi sejak dini, akibatnya banyak pasien yang tidak terselamatkan akibat penyakit ini. Guna mengoptimalkan kinerja petugas medis dalam diagnosis awal kanker paru-paru, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem fuzzy pendiagnosis kanker par-paru. Diagnosis dilakukan menggunakan hasil CT-Scan paru-paru dari pasien. Sejumlah 120 data citra CT-Scan digunakan sebagai data set dalam penelitian ini. Data dikelompokkan menjadi dua yaitu 96 citra untuk data latih dan 24 citra untuk data uji. Citra CT-Scan ditingkatkan kualitasnya menggunakan metode intensity adjustment. Selanjutnya setiap citra diekstraksi dalam sepuluh variabel yaitu kontras, korelasi, energi, homogenitas, rata-rata, variansi, standar deviasi, skewnes, kurtosis dan entropi. Data difuzzifikasi untuk digunakan sebagai input dalam membangun sistem diagnosis kanker paru menggunakan inferensi fuzzy mamdani. Tingkat akurasi yang dihasilkan pada sistem dengan intensity adjustment adalah 83,33% pada data uji. Sementara itu, tingkat akurasi tanpa intensity adjustment pada data latih adalah sebesar 92,708% dan pada data uji sebesar 70,83

    Study of Physics Concepts in Cave Exploration Activities to Develop Physics Edupark Digital Book for Senior High School Students

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    Even though the concept of physics is very important in daily activities, the cave exploration activities (caver and or cave tourists) are not based on of physics concepts. In addition, the teachers do not realize that through caves and it exploration activities can be used to learn the physics concepts. This research aims to study the physics concepts in caving activities where it used to develop of physics edupark digital books for senior high school students. This is preliminary research that part of research and development method by using the Plomp model where the study consists of teacher, student, and material potential analysis. This study has been resulting that many concepts while cave exploration activities. It can be used to lean the physics concepts then developing an Edupark physics digital enrichment book as a demand of the Merdeka’s Curriculum. The learning activities growth from the abilities of students who emphasize contextual learning where the students building meaningful understanding through learning and optimizing technology in learnin

    E-cigarette Use and Risk Behaviors among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Adults: The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Survey

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    Introduction: We studied prevalence of e-cigarette use among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals and its association with risk behaviors. Methods: Using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey, we assessed self-reported sexual orientation, e-cigarette use, cigarettes, marijuana, smokeless tobacco, and high-risk behavior (using non-prescribed drugs, treatment for sexually transmitted disease, or receiving monetary or drug compensation in exchange for sex in the previous year). We used multivariable-adjusted logistic regression models to study the association between LGBT and risk behaviors. Results: Prevalence of e-cigarette use among LGBT adults was 13%, nearly twice that of heterosexual adults. LGBT were more likely [Odds Ratio (95% Confidence Interval)] to report current use of e-cigarettes 1.84 (1.64,2.06), cigarettes 1.61 (1.49,1.73), marijuana 2.37 (1.99,2.82), and high-risk behavior 3.69 (3.40,4.01) compared to heterosexual adults. Results for smokeless tobacco were not significant. Conclusion: There are disparities in e-cigarette and other risk behaviors among LGBT adults, which may increase risk of adverse health effects in this vulnerable population

    The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010-19: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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