138 research outputs found

    Quironómidos (Diptera, Chironomidae) de alta montaña de la Sierra de Estrela (Portugal) y adiciones a la fauna de Portugal y la Península Ibérica

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    A Chironomidae (Diptera) fauna list for headwater streams of high altitude areas in Serra da Estrela (Portugal) is presented, doubling the previously established species richness for the region. The findings include 17 new records for Portugal, which represent an increase to 219 species for the Continental Portugal Chironomidae fauna. Two new records were detected for the Iberian Peninsula: one species (Tvetenia duodenaria), and one subgenus –Psectrocladius (Mesopsectrocladius)–; and the presence of the genus Natarsia is confirmed. The last two occurrences correspond to monoespecific taxa of the Palearctic region. However, as taxonomic identification has been based on larval material, instead of pupae, pupal exuviae or imagoes, species level assignment is still uncertain.Se presenta una lista de especies de Chironomidae (Diptera) recolectadas en los ríos de cabecera de zonas de alta montaña en la Serra da Estrela (Portugal). Con esta aportación se duplica la riqueza de especies regional conocida hasta el momento y se eleva la fauna de quironómidos del Portugal continental a 219 especies. Se incluyen dos nuevas citas para la Península Ibérica, una especie (Tvetenia duodenaria) y un subgénero –Psectrocladius (Mesopsectrocladius)–, y se confirma la presencia del género Natarsia. En los dos últimos casos se trata de larvas de taxones hasta el momento monoespecíficos en la región paleárctica, pero al no haberse recolectado pupas o adultos no se puede asegurar la identificación específica

    Carbon dioxide emissions of Antarctic tourism

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    The increase of tourism to the Antarctic continent may entail not only local but also global environmental impacts. These latter impacts, which are mainly caused by transport, have been generally ignored. As a result, there is a lack of data on the global impacts of Antarctic tourism in terms of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions. This paper presents and applies a methodology for quantifying CO2 emissions, both for the Antarctic vessel fleet as a whole and per passenger (both per trip and per day). The results indicate that the average tourist trip to Antarctica results in 5.44 t of CO2 emissions per passenger, or 0.49 t per passenger and day. Approximately 70% of these emissions are attributable to cruising and 30% to flying, which highlights the global environmental relevance of local transport for this type of touris

    Developing a novel approach to analyse the regimes of temporary streams and their controls on aquatic biota

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    Temporary streams are those water courses that undergo the recurrent cessation of flow or the complete drying of their channel. The biological communities in temporary stream reaches are strongly dependent on the temporal changes of the aquatic habitats determined by the hydrological conditions. The use of the aquatic fauna structural and functional characteristics to assess the ecological quality of a temporary stream reach can not therefore be made without taking into account the controls imposed by the hydrological regime. This paper develops some methods for analysing temporary streams' aquatic regimes, based on the definition of six aquatic states that summarize the sets of mesohabitats occurring on a given reach at a particular moment, depending on the hydrological conditions: flood, riffles, connected, pools, dry and arid. We used the water discharge records from gauging stations or simulations using rainfall-runoff models to infer the temporal patterns of occurrence of these states using the developed aquatic states frequency graph. The visual analysis of this graph is complemented by the development of two metrics based on the permanence of flow and the seasonal predictability of zero flow periods. Finally, a classification of the aquatic regimes of temporary streams in terms of their influence over the development of aquatic life is put forward, defining Permanent, Temporary-pools, Temporary-dry and Episodic regime types. All these methods were tested with data from eight temporary streams around the Mediterranean from MIRAGE project and its application was a precondition to assess the ecological quality of these streams using the current methods prescribed in the European Water Framework Directive for macroinvertebrate communities

    Rehabilitación energética de edificios : la piel del edificio. Los polígonos de vivienda de los años 70 en Barcelona : la rehabilitación del polígono de Montbau

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    This paper considers the current status of our planet as well as the particular conditions of the economic crisis in Spain in order to propose an analysis of the efficiency involved in reconditioning the skin of the existing buildings by considering energetic, economic and C02q emission criteria. The skin of a building is the most weather-exposed part of a building and therefore determines the internal demand of energy to make the building comfortable and habitable. The study of the facade, its current status in terms of energetic and economic demands and in terms of C02 emissions will provide data on the results and benefits of reconditioning the skin of buildings in the medium and long term. The neighborhood of Montbau is the subject of this study. lt comprises around 30 buildings, each with several and different characteristics, built in the 1960s and their current features show loss of energy through their facades and demand a high consumption of energy to obtain heating and cooling conditions at the same time that generate C02eq emissions to the atmosphere. In order to analyze and study the conditions and possible affectation on these buildings, this paper worked on a representative sample to obtain data. The sample comprises the following buildings: Duplex Apartment Building A, Building E/F Bloque Lineal, Tower Building Q, and Building UNI 14 as the sample for detached and semi-detached buildings. With the data collected regarding the needs and facade situation of the sample buildings, this paper proposes reconditioning, constructive solutions to improve the internal conditions and comfort of such buildings as well as the reduction of C02eq emissions. To assess the conditions of the sample buildings and, therefore, study their behavior, Desingbuilder-design software- and Energyplus - internal calculation engine- (developed by the US Department of Energy) software was used. Energyplus was used to analyze energy consumption and C02eq emissions to obtain data regarding how buildings were built and which their installations are. A model of the 4 sample buildings was created by using Energyplus, taking into account the physical and architectural features of the sample buildings as well as their facades, woodworks, air leaks, heating and cooling systems, hot water production, and illumination. By using Energy Simulation DesingBuilder, an evaluation of the current demand of energy, C02eq emissions and economic expenditure analysis (pricing energy consumption based on 2012 prices) was conducted. In order to analyze the behavior and the needs in altemative weather conditions and locations, Madrid and Gerona were chosen as sample cities where hypothetical conditions will apply. Likewise, an affectation analysis was conducted based on location differences to extrapolate the analysis and apply it to the sample buildings and therefore obtain global results at neighborhood level. The detailed analysis and evolution of results is shown throughout this paper by using graphs and tables supporting the text. The needs and expenses of the buildings before and after the reconditioning works are showed to prove the improvements. Changes in the woodworks, facades, and insulation works along with constructive solutions are proved in terms of figures showing the benefits and the need of implementing reconditioning works. The relevance of this paper is based on the need to tackle such topics as building reconditioning instead of considering total or partial demolition or construction of new housing developments to contribute to the sustainability of our planet and, at the same time, offer sustainable alternatives that are efficient, effective and optimal. The figures shown herein are astonishing in terms of expenses, costs, energy savings, and C02eq emissions. The graphs and tables used herein offer a wider picture that can be expanded through fuure research and implementation of projects locally and globally.En esta tesis y sobre las condiciones actuales del planeta y las condiciones particulares de una España en crisis económica, se propone un estudio que permiita analizar la eficacia de rehabilitar la piel de los edificios existentes atendiendo a criterios energéticos, económicos y de emisiones de C02 eq. La piel del edificio es la parte más expuesta a las condiciones climáticas exteriores y condiciona la demanda de energía interna para conseguir el confort para hacerlo habitable. El estudio de la envolvente, su situación actual en cuanto a demandas energéticas ,económicas y que emisiones de C02, arrojará los resultados y bondades de una rehabilitación de ésta a mediano y largo plazo. Como objeto de estudio se centró en el barrio de Montbau, conjunto de edificios constituido por unos 30 edificios de diversas características, construido en los años sesenta que acusa en sus condiciones actuales pérdida de energía a través de su envolvente y demanda un alto consumo de esta para su calefacción y refrigeración, generando de emisiones de C02 eq a la atmósfera. Para el análisis y estudio de las condiciones y posibles afectaciones se establecieron los edificios tipo representativos: edificio A dúplex, edificio E/F bloque lineal,edificio Q torre. edificio unifamiliar UNI 14 para las viviendas adosadas. Una vez conocidas las demandas y la situación de la enlvolvente de los edificios tipo, el estudio propone soluciones constructivas para su rehabilitación,a través de las cuales se mejorarían las condiciones interiores, condiciones de confort, así como la necesaria reducción de emisiones de C02 eq a la atmósfera. Para realizar la diagnosis de los edificios y estudiar su comportami ento, se utilizó el programa Desingbuilder y como motor de cálculo interno, el programa Energyplus, programa desarrollado por el Departamento de Energía de los Estados Unidos. Con este se analizó el consumo de energía y emisiones de C02 eq en función de cómo está construido un edificio y cuáles son sus instalaciones. Se realizó un modelo de los 4 edificios tipo con el programa, sus características físicas y arquitectónicas, se definió su envolvente, carpinterías, filtraciones de aire, sistemas de calefacción, producción de agua caliente,,iluminación y mediante el programa DesingBuilder de simulación energética, se hizo una evaluación de la demanda actual de energía, emisiones de C02 eq y gasto económico (poniendo precio a la energía, valores del año 2012). Para analizar el comportami ento y necesidades en climas diferentes y localizaciones alternativas se hizo el análisis hipotético en ciudades con condiciones climáticas diferentes escogiendo Madrid y Gerona como alternativas. Así mismo se realizó el estudio de las afectaciones en cuanto a variación de sus posiciones para con los resultados, extrapolar el estudio al conjunto de edificaciones y obtener los resultados globales a nivel de barrio. A lo largo de estudio se verá el análisis detallado y la evolución de los resultados a través de cuadros y gráficas que acompañan el texto para arrojar las necesidades y gastos de los edificios sin rehabilitar y estos mismos tras la rehabilitación.Las mejoras evidentes con el cambio de las carpinterías ,la intervención de la envolvente y los aislamientos con las soluciones constructivas evidenciarán en cifras las bondades y la necesidad de estas intervenciones. La pertinencia de este estudio radica en la necesidad de enfrentar temas como la rehabilitación de edificios antes de contemplar la demolición o construcción del parque inmobiliario de cara a la sostenibilidad del planeta, para ofrecer una alternativa de futuro sostenible y albergo ycobijo en condiciones óptimas. Las cifras ofrecen resultados contundentes en cuanto a gastos, costes, ahorro de energía yemisiones de gases a la atmósfera,cuyos resultados en las gráficas y cuadros ofrecen una lectura que abre espacio a futuros trabajos de investigación y puesta en marcha de proyectos tanto a nivel local como mundia

    The ecodesign and planning of sustainable neighbourhoods : the Vallbona case study (Barcelona)

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    Global sustainability is increasingly an issue of urban sustainability, being essential to encourage more benign trajectories of urbanisation. For this, there is need for a framework that could aid in the process of designing and redesigning (retrofitting) cities. The aim of this paper is to present and describe the methodology of urban ecodesign, which is characterized by a systematic incorporation of environmental life cycle considerations into the design of urban systems. The paper presents a case study of neighbourhood ecodesign from the city of Barcelona (Vallbona neighbourhood). This practical experience shows that the inclusion of sustainability criteria at an early stage of the design and planning of urban systems is the best strategy for environmental protection.In addition; a methodological framework is described in order to provide planners with a structured way of designing urban settlements so as to move towards sustainable urban environments.La sostenibilidad global es cada vez más un tema de sostenibilidad urbana. Por este motivo, es necesario un marco de trabajo que pueda ayudar en el proceso de diseño y rediseño (rehabilitación) de nuestras ciudades. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar y describir la metodología de ecodiseño adaptada a los entornos urbanos, la cual se caracteriza por la incorporación sistemática de las consideraciones ambientales a lo largo de su ciclo de vida. El documento presenta un caso de estudio de ecodiseño del barrio de Vallbona (Barcelona). Esta experiencia demuestra que la inclusión de criterios de sostenibilidad en las etapas iniciales de diseño y planificación de los sistemas urbanos es la mejor estrategia para la prevención ambiental. Además, se presenta un marco metodológico con el fin de proporcionar a los planificadores una forma estructurada de diseño de los asentamientos urbanos que les permita avanzar hacia entornos urbanos más sostenibles

    Environmental assessment of a new building envelope material derived from urban agriculture wastes: the case of the tomato plants stems

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    Purpose: Decarbonizing cities is one of today biggest challenges. In this regard, particular attention has been paid on improving the environmental performance of buildings. In this framework, this work consists in assessing the environmental impact of an innovative building envelope component derived from urban agriculture (UA) wastes. In fact, rooftop UA seems to be a possible solution to the rising food demand due to increasing urban demographic growth. Consequently, rooftop UA wastes need to be treated in sustainable ways. Methods: This study aims to determine the carbon footprint and embodied energy of a new infill wall material, derived from UA wastes produced by a building rooftop greenhouse tomato crop, and evaluate the potential biogenic carbon that such by-product could fix temporally until its end of life. After an initial description of the manufacturing process of the new material, its carbon footprint and embodied energy have been calculated by means of the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology according to the ISO 14044 and the ISO 14067 guidelines adapted to the analyzed context. In particular, the inventory analysis is based on data collected from the production of samples of the new material at the laboratory scale. Results and discussion: The results of the LCA indicate that, when the biogenic carbon fixed in the UA wastes is considered, a negative carbon footprint of -0.2 kg CO2 eq. per kg of material can be obtained. Hence, it can be assumed that from a life cycle perspective the material is able to fix carbon emissions instead of emitting them. Specifically, for the considered scenario, approximately 0.42 kg CO2 eq./m2 per year could be sequestered. However, the crop area required to produce enough waste to manufacture a unit of material is quite high. Therefore, future studies should focus on individuate solutions to reduce the density of the new component, and also different urban crops with higher waste production rates. Conclusions: The outcomes of the study put in evidence the potential of the new proposed infill wall component in fixing carbon emissions from UA, allowing to also compensate those relating to the production and transportation stages of the component life cycle. Moreover, producing by-products with UA wastes, hence temporally storing the carbon fixed by crops, may contribute to reduce the carbon cycles speed conversely to traditional waste management solutions, other than lower new raw materials depletion

    La recollida d'oli de cuina, analitzada

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    Què fer amb l'oli de cuina, com recollir-lo després de l'ús a les cuines domèstiques és un problema que encara no té una solució clara. Un estudi realitzat a l'ICTA i a Inèdit, spin off del Parc de Recerca de la UAB, ha utilitzat una metodologia quantitativa de l'Avaluació de la Sostenibilitat del Cicle de Vida (LCSA) per analitzar els diferents mètodes utilitzats fins ara per a la recollida d'oli de cuina usat: les deixalleries urbanes, el porta a porta i la recollida a les escoles. Aquest treball ha arribat a la conclusió que la utilització de les deixalleries urbanes, que recullen altres residus a més de l'oli, és el mètode més sostenible, encara que genera menys benefici social que d'altres sistemes de recollida. Els altres dos sistemes serien menys sostenibles però disposarien de més beneficis socials.Qué hacer con el aceite de cocina, cómo recogerlo después del uso en las cocinas domésticas es un problema que aún no tiene una solución clara. Un estudio realizado en el ICTA y en Inèdit, spin off del Parc de Recerca de la UAB, ha utilizado una metodología cuantitativa de la Evaluación de la Sostenibilidad del Ciclo de Vida (LCSA) para analizar los diferentes métodos utilizados hasta el momento para la recogida de aceite de cocina usado: los centros de recogida urbanos, el puerta a puerta y la recogida en las escuelas. Este trabajo ha llegado a la conclusión de que la utilización de los centros de recogida urbanos, que recogen otros residuos además del aceite, es el método más sostenible, aunque genera menos beneficio social que otros sistemas de recogida. Los otros dos sistemas serían menos sostenibles pero dispondrían de más beneficios sociales

    Distribution, Abundance and Molecular Analysis of Genus Barbadocladius Cranston & Krosch (Diptera, Chironomidae) in Tropical, High Altitude Andean Streams and Rivers

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    The distribution of the genus Barbadocladius Cranston & Krosch (Diptera: Chironomidae), previously reported from Chile to Bolivia, has extended northwards. Larvae, pupae and pupal exuviae of this genus have been found in the high mountain tropical streams of Peru to 9°22′56″, but are restricted to very high altitude streams (altitudes over 3,278 m asl) compared to the lower altitude streams (below 1,100 m asl) in which the genus is reported in Chile and Argentina. Based on morphological studies, both described species in the genus, Barbadocladius andinus Cranston & Krosch and Barbadocladius limay Cranston & Krosch, have been found in Peru as pupae or pupal exuviae. Morphological analysis of the larvae and pupae revealed no differences between the two described species from Patagonia and Peru, which are of similar size and with a similar armament of hooklets and spines in pupal tergites and sternites. However, molecular analysis of larvae and pupae revealed that in Peru, there are at least two different evolutionary lines, one distributed widely and another restricted to one site. Phylogenetic analysis (using cox1 mitochondrial sequences) of all available sequences of Barbadocladius shows that the Chilean and Argentinean material differs from that of Peru. Therefore, a total of four molecular segregates are identified, although morphologically, neither larvae nor the pupae may be differentiated