456 research outputs found

    LEARN-TEACH: a pilot to boost Ocean Literacy in High Schools

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    Raising the Ocean Literacy of all levels of society is now a policy priority for the European Commission. The long-term objective is better appreciation of the socio-economic benefits and ecosystem services that the marine environment provides, and encourage better stewardship of the seas. One long-term, and potentially self-sustainable, concept is to put sufficient mutual incentives in place so that researchers, teachers and students in high-schools science and mathematics classes accessorize school curricula with the latest marine research results and knowledge. Summary of preliminary teachers consultations at Copenhagen International School suggest that teachers are prepared and willing to include recent marine research, research data and knowledge in high school science classes and carry over the research data to athematics/statistics classes and exercises. However the active participation of researchers is sought to provide guidance and translation of latest research findings, and point toreal data sources

    Glucocorticoids Equally Stimulate Epithelial Na+ Transport in Male and Female Fetal Alveolar Cells

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    Preterm infants frequently suffer from respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), possibly due to lower expression of epithelial Na+ channels (ENaC). RDS incidence is sex-specific, affecting males almost twice as often. Despite the use of antenatal glucocorticoids (GCs), the sex difference persists. It is still controversial whether both sexes benefit equally from GCs. We previously showed that Na+ transport is higher in female compared with male fetal distal lung epithelial (FDLE) cells. Since GCs increase Na+ transport, we hypothesized that their stimulating effect might be sex-specific. We analyzed FDLE cells with Ussing chambers and RT-qPCR in the presence or absence of fetal serum. In serum-free medium, GCs increased the ENaC activity and mRNA expression, independent of sex. In contrast, GCs did not increase the Na+ transport in serum-supplemented media and abolished the otherwise observed sex difference. Inhibition of the GC receptor in the presence of serum did not equalize Na+ transport between male and female cells. The GC-induced surfactant protein mRNA expression was concentration and sex-specific. In conclusion, female and male FDLE cells exhibit no sex difference in response to GCs with regard to Na+ transport, and GR activity does not contribute to the higher Na+ transport in females


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    Satellite images, because they are records of targets with different spectral behavior and spatial arrangements, present textural variations. Topography gives a shadowed effect, causing a reduction in the reflectance values in the shadowed areas. This textural variation, often complex, can be an interesting tool in the compartmentalization of relief. Thus, the main objective of this study is to evaluate and utilize these shadows as a photo-interpretive criteria in the separation of compartments of land in orbital images, in the municipalities of Peruíbe and Itanhaém, located on the southern coast of the state of São Paulo. The techniques employed included utilization of a binary image of the shadowed and the illuminated areas, in association with a digital elevation model and the original image itself to aid in the photo-interpretation, conducted according to conventional criteria. The results point to the viability of applying the conventional model of photo-interpretation together with the application of shadow analysis criteria, with satisfactory and innovative results for the process of land compartmentalization. Key words: Remote Sensing. Photointerpretation. Texture analysis. Shadows. Compartimentalization of land.As imagens de satélite, por serem um registro de alvos com diferentes comportamentos espectrais e diferentes arranjos espaciais, respondem com variações texturais. Uma das regiões que normalmente são prejudicadas por esse mapeamento são as áreas de serras com vertentes abruptas e com cobertura vegetal densa. A topografia no instante da tomada da imagem proporciona o efeito do sombreamento, ocasionando uma redução dos valores de relfectância nas áreas sombreadas. Esta variação textural, muitas vezes complexa, apresenta-se valiosa na interpretação das formas de relevo, drenagem e de padrões da cobertura vegetal e de uso da terra. Acredita-se que, a combinação das técnicas de processamento digital de imagens com critérios fotointerpretativos, subsidiaria a redução do caráter subjetivo da análise textural sendo possível favorecer a discriminação de elementos imageados nas áreas dos municípios de Peruíbe e Itanhaém localizados no litoral sul do Estado de SP. Desta forma, o objetivo principal do trabalho é avaliar as sombras como um critério fotointerpretativo na separação de compartimentos de terreno em imagens orbitais. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o método convencional de fotointerpretação juntamente com a aplicação do critério de análise das sombras, mostrou-se viável de ser aplicado e apresentou resultados satisfatórios e inovadores para o processo de compartimentação do terreno. Palavras-chaves: Sensoriamento Remoto., Fotointerpretação. Análise textural. Sombras. Compartimentação do terreno

    Decarbonisation of industrial processes - New DLR institute in Cottbus and Zittau

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    recognized as one of the most difficult challenges for humankind. Despite agreed climate targets, global emissions of Greenhouse gases have actually increased over the last three decades. [1] Especially in the energy-intensive industrial sector, there is still great potential for CO2-reduction, which has not yet been exploited. The Institute of Low-Carbon Industrial Processes dedicates its research efforts to these savings. The present article sheds light on the most recent and upcoming research topics for reducing or eliminating fossil energy sources as well as process-related CO2-emissions caused by industrial production

    Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Infection of the Central Nervous System: Insights Into Proposed Interrelationships With Neurodegenerative Disorders

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    Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is highly prevalent in humans and can reach the brain without evident clinical symptoms. Once in the central nervous system (CNS), the virus can either reside in a quiescent latent state in this tissue, or eventually actively lead to severe acute necrotizing encephalitis, which is characterized by exacerbated neuroinflammation and prolonged neuroimmune activation producing a life-threatening disease. Although HSV-1 encephalitis can be treated with antivirals that limit virus replication, neurological sequelae are common and the virus will nevertheless remain for life in the neural tissue. Importantly, there is accumulating evidence that suggests that HSV-1 infection of the brain both, in symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals could lead to neuronal damage and eventually, neurodegenerative disorders. Here, we review and discuss acute and chronic infection of particular brain regions by HSV-1 and how this may affect neuron and cognitive functions in the host. We review potential cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to neurodegeneration, such as protein aggregation, dysregulation of autophagy, oxidative cell damage and apoptosis, among others. Furthermore, we discuss the impact of HSV-1 infection on brain inflammation and its potential relationship with neurodegenerative diseases

    Establishing a Mental Health Surveillance in Germany: Development of a framework concept and indicator set

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    In the course of the recognition of mental health as an essential component of population health, the Robert Koch Institute has begun developing a Mental Health Surveillance (MHS) system for Germany. MHS aims to continuously report data for relevant mental health indicators, thus creating a basis for evidence-based planning and evaluation of public health measures. In order to develop a set of indicators for the adult population, potential indicators were identified through a systematic literature review and selected in a consensus process by international and national experts and stakeholders. The final set comprises 60 indicators which, together, represent a multidimensional public health framework for mental health across four fields of action. For the fifth field of action ‘Mental health promotion and prevention’ indicators still need to be developed. The methodology piloted proved to be practicable. Strengths and limitations will be discussed regarding the search and definition of indicators, the scope of the indicator set as well as the participatory decision-making process. Next steps in setting up the MHS will be the operationalisation of the single indicators and their extension to also cover children and adolescents. Given assured data availability, the MHS will contribute to broadening our knowledge on population mental health, supporting a targeted promotion of mental health and reducing the disease burden in persons with mental disorders

    miR449 Protects Airway Regeneration by Controlling AURKA/HDAC6-Mediated Ciliary Disassembly

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    Airway mucociliary regeneration and function are key players for airway defense and are impaired in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Using transcriptome analysis in COPD-derived bronchial biopsies, we observed a positive correlation between cilia-related genes and microRNA-449 (miR449). In vitro, miR449 was strongly increased during airway epithelial mucociliary differentiation. In vivo, miR449 was upregulated during recovery from chemical or infective insults. miR0449-/- mice (both alleles are deleted) showed impaired ciliated epithelial regeneration after naphthalene and Haemophilus influenzae exposure, accompanied by more intense inflammation and emphysematous manifestations of COPD. The latter occurred spontaneously in aged miR449-/- mice. We identified Aurora kinase A and its effector target HDAC6 as key mediators in miR449-regulated ciliary homeostasis and epithelial regeneration. Aurora kinase A is downregulated upon miR449 overexpression in vitro and upregulated in miR449-/- mouse lungs. Accordingly, imaging studies showed profoundly altered cilia length and morphology accompanied by reduced mucociliary clearance. Pharmacological inhibition of HDAC6 rescued cilia length and coverage in miR449-/- cells, consistent with its tubulin-deacetylating function. Altogether, our study establishes a link between miR449, ciliary dysfunction, and COPD pathogenesis

    miR449 Protects Airway Regeneration by Controlling AURKA/HDAC6-Mediated Ciliary Disassembly

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    Airway mucociliary regeneration and function are key players for airway defense and are impaired in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Using transcriptome analysis in COPD-derived bronchial biopsies, we observed a positive correlation between cilia-related genes and microRNA-449 (miR449). In vitro, miR449 was strongly increased during airway epithelial mucociliary differentiation. In vivo, miR449 was upregulated during recovery from chemical or infective insults. miR0449−/− mice (both alleles are deleted) showed impaired ciliated epithelial regeneration after naphthalene and Haemophilus influenzae exposure, accompanied by more intense inflammation and emphysematous manifestations of COPD. The latter occurred spontaneously in aged miR449−/− mice. We identified Aurora kinase A and its effector target HDAC6 as key mediators in miR449-regulated ciliary homeostasis and epithelial regeneration. Aurora kinase A is downregulated upon miR449 overexpression in vitro and upregulated in miR449−/− mouse lungs. Accordingly, imaging studies showed profoundly altered cilia length and morphology accompanied by reduced mucociliary clearance. Pharmacological inhibition of HDAC6 rescued cilia length and coverage in miR449−/− cells, consistent with its tubulin-deacetylating function. Altogether, our study establishes a link between miR449, ciliary dysfunction, and COPD pathogenesis

    Aufbau einer Mental Health Surveillance in Deutschland: Entwicklung von Rahmenkonzept und Indikatorenset

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    Im Zuge der Anerkennung psychischer Gesundheit als wesentlicher Bestandteil der Bevölkerungsgesundheit wird am Robert Koch-Institut eine Mental Health Surveillance (MHS) für Deutschland aufgebaut. Ziel der MHS ist die kontinuierliche Berichterstattung relevanter Kennwerte zum Zweck einer evidenzbasierten Planung und Evaluation von Public-Health- Maßnahmen. Zur Entwicklung eines Indikatorensets für die erwachsene Bevölkerung wurden potenzielle Indikatoren durch eine systematische Literaturrecherche identifiziert und in einem strukturierten Konsentierungsprozess durch internationale und nationale Expertinnen und Experten beziehungsweise Stakeholder ausgewählt. Das finale Set enthält 60 Indikatoren, die ein mehrdimensionales Public-Health-Rahmenkonzept psychischer Gesundheit in vier Handlungsfeldern abbilden. Im fünften Handlungsfeld „Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention“ besteht Bedarf der Indikatorenentwicklung. Die pilotierte Methodik erwies sich als praktikabel. Diskutiert werden Stärken und Limitationen der Recherche und Definition von Indikatoren, der Umfang des Indikatorensets sowie die partizipative Entscheidungsfindung. Nächste Schritte zur Etablierung der MHS bestehen in der Operationalisierung von Indikatoren und der Erweiterung unter anderem auf das Kindes- und Jugendalter. Bei gesicherter Datenverfügbarkeit wird die MHS zum Wissen über die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung beitragen und die gezielte Förderung psychischer Gesundheit sowie die Verringerung der Krankheitslast psychischer Störungen unterstützen