176 research outputs found

    Chandra Observation of the Anomalous X-ray Pulsar 1E 1841-045

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    We present the results from the {\it Chandra} ACIS CC mode observation of an anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP) 1E 1841-045. This is the first observation in which the pulsar spectrum in wide energy range is spatially discriminated from the surrounding SNR, Kes 73. Like other AXPs, the phase-integrated spectrum is fitted well with power-law plus blackbody model. The spectral parameters are Γ=2.0±0.3\Gamma = 2.0 \pm 0.3, kTBB=0.44±0.02kT_{\rm BB} = 0.44 \pm 0.02 keV, and NH=2.540.13+0.15×1022cm2N_H = 2.54^{+0.15}_{-0.13} \times 10^{22} {\rm cm}^{-2}. This photon index is significantly flatter than the other AXPs, and resemble to soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) in the quiescent state. The pulse profile is double-peaked, and we found that the second peak has significantly hard spectrum. The spectra of all phases are consistent with power-law plus blackbody model with constant temperature and photon index. When fitted with two blackbody model, we obtained similarly good fit. These results can be interpreted that there are two emission regions with different energy spectra.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ Letter


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    Caveolin-1 is a major protein of the caveolae structure in vascular endothelial cell membrane. Phosphorylation of caveolin-1 is one of the initial events leading to exacerbation of vascular permeability caused by oxidative stress. Although quercetin is known to be an anti-atherosclerosis factor that acts as a dietary antioxidant, little is known about its role in the regulation of caveolin-1 phosphorylation. In this study, we investigated the inhibitory effect of quercetin on hydrogen peroxide-induced caveolin-1 phosphorylation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Quercetin inhibited caveolin-1 phosphorylation in cells pretreated with quercetin for 24 h and then exposed to hydrogen peroxide. However, quercetin 3-O-β-glucuronide, a conjugated metabolite of quercetin, did not exert this inhibitory effect. Exposure to hydrogen peroxide increased vascular permeability and reduced mRNA expression of the intercellular adhesion protein, vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cadherin). By contrast, pretreatment with quercetin suppressed the increase in vascular permeability and decreased VE-cadherin expression. These results indicate that deconjugated quercetin can play a role in the prevention of altered vascular permeability under oxidative stress by suppressing caveolin-1 phosphorylation. Thus, dietary quercetin may be beneficial for the maintenance of endothelial cell function

    The Trend of “the Special Needs Classroom (Tentative)” Initiative : Towards the Construction and Promotion of the Inclusive Education System

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    本研究は,「障害者の権利に関する条約」が発効した今,インクルーシブ教育システムの構築・推進に寄与すると考えられる「特別支援教室(仮称)」構想の具現化に向けた動向を,文献研究を行うことにより整理し,そこで得られた知見を提示することによって,今後「特別支援教室(仮称)」へ移行することになった場合の基礎的資料とすることを目的とした。「特別支援教室(仮称)」構想をインクルーシブ教育システム構築・推進の視点から考察した結果,①通常の教育と特別支援教育が連携・協働することによって効果的な「特別支援教育チーム」を構築し,児童の教育的ニーズに応じた最善の教育を提供すること,②インクルーシブな学級経営をするために,環境調整や課題改善を導入すること,の2点が障害のある子どもや困難のない子どもも含めた全ての子どもにとって有益な支援をするために重要であることが示唆された。In 2014, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities has come into force so that it was thought to be important to summarize the recent trends and movements of the “special needs classroom (tentative)” initiatives by reviewing the recent research studies and literatures that contribute to the construction and promotion of the inclusive education system. The purpose of the current study was to create the basic material to prepare for the future educational legal reform in special needs education by gathering the findings of the studies and literatures on the“ special needs classroom (tentative)” initiatives. The results, which were discussed from the viewpoint of the inclusive education system construction and promotion, suggested that it was important to give valuable supports for all students, including students who have disabilities 1) to provide the best practices based on students’ educational needs by building effective“ special needs education teams” and promoting collaborations between regular education and special needs education, and 2) to introduce environmental adjustment, accommodations, and modifications for the purpose of managing inclusive classrooms

    An Analysis of Peer Group Relationships of Students with a Combination of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Intellectual Disabilities : Through the Comparison of Social Interactions with Peers and Adults

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    知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害児の特別支援学級内における友人関係について,学級内の他の知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害児との間で行われる相互交渉を,教師や,自閉症を伴わない知的障害のある児童との間で行われる相互交渉と比較することにより,友人関係行動を明らかにすることを本研究の目的とした。観察の結果,知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害のA児は,同じ知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害のB児やC児に対してかかわりを開始し,相互交渉に至ることは少なかったが,B児とC児間の相互交渉は多く認められた。このように,A児にのみ異なる結果が認められた背景には,A児とB・C児との学年差があることが考えられた。また,対象児が大人に対して相互交渉を開始する頻度は,大人以外の周囲の人とのかかわりと比較して高かった。従来の研究では,知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害児同士のペアよりも知的障害児と知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害児のペアの方が相互交渉を開始する頻度が高いことが明らかになっているが,本研究においては,知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害児から自閉症を伴わない知的障害児に対する相互交渉開始の頻度は,知的障害のある自閉症スペクトラム障害児同士のそれよりも少なかった。The purpose of the present study was to investigate friendship establishment behaviors among students with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities in special needs classrooms by analyzing the differences of social interactions with other students with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities, those with intellectual disabilities, and their teachers. As a result of the observation, Student A, who is a person with a combination of autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, was rarely observed to start friendship establishment behaviors with Students B and C, who also are people with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities, however, those behaviors between Students B and C were frequently observed. This difficulty in the establishment of social interactions occurred in Student A was considered to be the cause of age differences: Student A was older than the other two students. In addition, the frequency of these students’ social interactions with adults was higher than that of their interactions with peers. Previous studies revealed that the frequency of starting social interactions between pairs with children with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities was lower than that of interactions between children with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities and those with intellectual disabilities. However, in the present study, it was found out that the frequency of social interactions from students with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities to those with intellectual disabilities was less than that of interactions from students with a combination of autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities to those with intellectual disabilities

    Unraveling the Nature of Unidentified High Galactic Latitude Fermi/LAT Gamma-ray Sources with Suzaku

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    We report on the results of deep X-ray follow-up observations of four unidentified Fermi/LAT gamma-ray sources at high Galactic latitudes using Suzaku. The studied objects were detected with high significance during the first 3 months of Fermi/LAT operation, and subsequently better localized in the Fermi/LAT 1 year catalog (1FGL). Possible associations with pulsars and active galaxies have subsequently been discussed, and our observations provide an important contribution to this debate. In particular, an X-ray point source was found within the 95% confidence error circle of 1FGL J1231.1-1410. X-ray spectrum is well-fitted by a blackbody with an additional power-law. This supports the recently claimed identification of this source with a millisecond pulsar (MSP) PSR J1231-1411. Concerning 1FGL J1311.7-3429, two X-ray sources were found within the LAT error circle. Even though the X-ray spectral and variability properties were accessed, their nature and relationship with the gamma-ray source remain uncertain. We found several weak X-ray sources in the field of 1FGL J1333.2+5056, one coinciding with CLASS J1333+5057. We argue the available data are consistent with the association between these two objects. Finally, we have detected an X-ray source in the vicinity of 1FGL J2017.3+0603. This object was recently suggested to be associated with a newly discovered MSP PSR J2017+0603, because of the spatial-coincidence and the gamma-ray pulse detection. We have only detected the X-ray counterpart of the CLASS J2017+0603, while we determined an X-ray flux upper limit at the pulsar position. All in all, our studies indicate while a significant fraction of unidentified high Galactic latitude gamma-ray sources is related to the pulsar and blazar phenomena, associations with other classes of astrophysical objects are still valid options.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Efficient depolymerization of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyethylene furanoate by engineered PET hydrolase Cut190

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    The enzymatic recycling of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) can be a promising approach to tackle the problem of plastic waste. The thermostability and activity of PET-hydrolyzing enzymes are still insufficient for practical application. Pretreatment of PET waste is needed for bio-recycling. Here, we analyzed the degradation of PET films, packages, and bottles using the newly engineered cutinase Cut190. Using gel permeation chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography, the degradation of PET films by the Cut190 variant was shown to proceed via a repeating two-step hydrolysis process; initial endo-type scission of a surface polymer chain, followed by exo-type hydrolysis to produce mono/bis(2-hydroxyethyl) terephthalate and terephthalate from the ends of fragmented polymer molecules. Amorphous PET powders were degraded more than twofold higher than amorphous PET film with the same weight. Moreover, homogenization of post-consumer PET products, such as packages and bottles, increased their degradability, indicating the importance of surface area for the enzymatic hydrolysis of PET. In addition, it was required to maintain an alkaline pH to enable continuous enzymatic hydrolysis, by increasing the buffer concentration (HEPES, pH 9.0) depending on the level of the acidic products formed. The cationic surfactant dodecyltrimethylammonium chloride promoted PET degradation via adsorption on the PET surface and binding to the anionic surface of the Cut190 variant. The Cut190 variant also hydrolyzed polyethylene furanoate. Using the best performing Cut190 variant (L136F/Q138A/S226P/R228S/D250C-E296C/Q123H/N202H/K305del/L306del/N307del) and amorphous PET powders, more than 90 mM degradation products were obtained in 3 days and approximately 80 mM in 1 day

    A Comprehensive Study of Short Bursts from SGR 1806-20 and SGR 1900+14 Detected by HETE-2

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    We present the results of temporal and spectral studies of the short burst (less than a few hundred milliseconds) from the soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) 1806-20 and 1900+14 using the HETE-2 samples. In five years from 2001 to 2005, HETE-2 detected 50 bursts which were localized to SGR 1806-20 and 5 bursts which were localized to SGR 1900+14. Especially SGR 1806-20 was active in 2004, and HETE-2 localized 33 bursts in that year. The cumulative number-intensity distribution of SGR 1806-20 in 2004 is well described by a power law model with an index of -1.1+/-0.6. It is consistent with previous studies but burst data taken in other years clearly give a steeper distribution. This may suggest that more energetic bursts could occur more frequently in periods of greater activity. A power law cumulative number-intensity distribution is also known for earthquakes and solar flares. It may imply analogous triggering mechanisms. Although spectral evolution during bursts with a time scale of > 20 ms is not common in the HETE-2 sample, spectral softening due to the very rapid (< a few milliseconds) energy reinjection and cooling may not be excluded. The spectra of all short bursts are well reproduced by a two blackbody function (2BB) with temperatures ~4 and ~11 keV. From the timing analysis of the SGR 1806-20 data, a time lag of 2.2+/-0.4 ms is found between the 30-100 keV and 2-10 keV radiation bands. This may imply (1) a very rapid spectral softening and energy reinjection, (2) diffused (elongated) emission plasma along the magnetic field lines in pseudo equilibrium with multi-temperatures, or (3) a separate (located at < 700 km) emission region of softer component (say, ~4 keV) which could be reprocessed X-rays by higher energy (> 11 keV) photons from an emission region near the stellar surface.Comment: 50 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Dietary Supplementation with Monosodium Glutamate Suppresses Chemotherapy-Induced Downregulation of the T1R3 Taste Receptor Subunit in Head and Neck Cancer Patients

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    (Background) We investigated the effect of dietary supplementation with monosodium glutamate (MSG) on chemotherapy-induced downregulation of the T1R3 taste receptor subunit expression in the tongue of patients with advanced head and neck cancer. (Methods) Patients undergoing two rounds of chemoradiotherapy were randomly allocated to a control or intervention group (dietary supplementation with MSG at 2.7 g/day during the second round of chemotherapy). The relative expression of T1R3, a subunit of both umami and sweet taste receptors, in the tongue was assessed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction analysis. Dysgeusia was assessed with a visual analog scale and daily energy intake was evaluated. (Results) T1R3 expression levels in the tongue, taste sensitivity, and daily energy intake were significantly reduced after the first round of chemotherapy compared with before treatment. Furthermore, these parameters significantly decreased after the second round of chemotherapy, but the extent of decrease was significantly attenuated in the MSG group compared with the control group. (Conclusions) MSG supplementation suppresses chemotherapy-induced dysgeusia, possibly due to the inhibition of the T1R3-containing taste receptor downregulation in the tongue, thereby increasing energy intake in patients with advanced head and neck cancer

    An unnatural base pair system for efficient PCR amplification and functionalization of DNA molecules

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    Toward the expansion of the genetic alphabet, we present an unnatural base pair system for efficient PCR amplification, enabling the site-specific incorporation of extra functional components into DNA. This system can be applied to conventional PCR protocols employing DNA templates containing unnatural bases, natural and unnatural base triphosphates, and a 3′→5′ exonuclease-proficient DNA polymerase. For highly faithful and efficient PCR amplification involving the unnatural base pairing, we identified the natural-base sequences surrounding the unnatural bases in DNA templates by an in vitro selection technique, using a DNA library containing the unnatural base. The system facilitates the site-specific incorporation of a variety of modified unnatural bases, linked with functional groups of interest, into amplified DNA. DNA fragments (0.15 amol) containing the unnatural base pair can be amplified 107-fold by 30 cycles of PCR, with <1% total mutation rate of the unnatural base pair site. Using the system, we demonstrated efficient PCR amplification and functionalization of DNA fragments for the extremely sensitive detection of zeptomol-scale target DNA molecules from mixtures with excess amounts (pmol scale) of foreign DNA species. This unnatural base pair system will be applicable to a wide range of DNA/RNA-based technologies

    An Optically Dark GRB Observed by HETE-2: GRB 051022

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    GRB 051022 was detected at 13:07:58 on 22 October 2005 by HETE-2. The location of GRB 051022 was determined immediately by the flight localization system. This burst contains multiple pulses and has a rather long duration of about 190 seconds. The detections of candidate X-ray and radio afterglows were reported, whereas no optical afterglow was found. The optical spectroscopic observations of the host galaxy revealed the redshift z = 0.8. Using the data derived by HETE-2 observation of the prompt emission, we found the absorption N_H = 8.8 -2.9/+3.1 x 10^22 cm^-2 and the visual extinction A_V = 49 -16/+17 mag in the host galaxy. If this is the case, no detection of any optical transient would be quite reasonable. The absorption derived by the Swift XRT observations of the afterglow is fully consistent with those obtained from the early HETE-2 observation of the prompt emission. Our analysis implies an interpretation that the absorbing medium could be outside external shock at R ~ 10^16 cm, which may be a dusty molecular cloud.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ lette